Copyright | Will Thompson and Iñaki García Etxebarria |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Flags
- AccelFlags
- ApplicationInhibitFlags
- AttachOptions
- CalendarDisplayOptions
- CellRendererState
- DebugFlag
- DestDefaults
- DialogFlags
- EventControllerScrollFlags
- FileFilterFlags
- FontChooserLevel
- IconLookupFlags
- InputHints
- JunctionSides
- PlacesOpenFlags
- RcFlags
- RecentFilterFlags
- RegionFlags
- StateFlags
- StyleContextPrintFlags
- TargetFlags
- TextSearchFlags
- ToolPaletteDragTargets
- TreeModelFlags
- UIManagerItemType
- data AccelFlags
- data ApplicationInhibitFlags
- data AttachOptions
- data CalendarDisplayOptions
- data CellRendererState
- data DebugFlag
- = DebugFlagMisc
- | DebugFlagPlugsocket
- | DebugFlagText
- | DebugFlagTree
- | DebugFlagUpdates
- | DebugFlagKeybindings
- | DebugFlagMultihead
- | DebugFlagModules
- | DebugFlagGeometry
- | DebugFlagIcontheme
- | DebugFlagPrinting
- | DebugFlagBuilder
- | DebugFlagSizeRequest
- | DebugFlagNoCssCache
- | DebugFlagBaselines
- | DebugFlagPixelCache
- | DebugFlagNoPixelCache
- | DebugFlagInteractive
- | DebugFlagTouchscreen
- | DebugFlagActions
- | DebugFlagResize
- | DebugFlagLayout
- | AnotherDebugFlag Int
- data DestDefaults
- data DialogFlags
- data EventControllerScrollFlags
- data FileFilterFlags
- data FontChooserLevel
- data IconLookupFlags
- data InputHints
- data JunctionSides
- data PlacesOpenFlags
- data RcFlags
- data RecentFilterFlags
- data RegionFlags
- data StateFlags
- data StyleContextPrintFlags
- data TargetFlags
- data TextSearchFlags
- data ToolPaletteDragTargets
- data TreeModelFlags
- data UIManagerItemType
- = UIManagerItemTypeAuto
- | UIManagerItemTypeMenubar
- | UIManagerItemTypeMenu
- | UIManagerItemTypeToolbar
- | UIManagerItemTypePlaceholder
- | UIManagerItemTypePopup
- | UIManagerItemTypeMenuitem
- | UIManagerItemTypeToolitem
- | UIManagerItemTypeSeparator
- | UIManagerItemTypeAccelerator
- | UIManagerItemTypePopupWithAccels
- | AnotherUIManagerItemType Int
data AccelFlags Source #
Accelerator flags used with accelGroupConnect
AccelFlagsVisible | Accelerator is visible |
AccelFlagsLocked | Accelerator not removable |
AccelFlagsMask | Mask |
AnotherAccelFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ApplicationInhibitFlags Source #
Types of user actions that may be blocked by applicationInhibit
Since: 3.4
ApplicationInhibitFlagsLogout | Inhibit ending the user session by logging out or by shutting down the computer |
ApplicationInhibitFlagsSwitch | Inhibit user switching |
ApplicationInhibitFlagsSuspend | Inhibit suspending the session or computer |
ApplicationInhibitFlagsIdle | Inhibit the session being marked as idle (and possibly locked) |
AnotherApplicationInhibitFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data AttachOptions Source #
Denotes the expansion properties that a widget will have when it (or its parent) is resized.
AttachOptionsExpand | the widget should expand to take up any extra space in its container that has been allocated. |
AttachOptionsShrink | the widget should shrink as and when possible. |
AttachOptionsFill | the widget should fill the space allocated to it. |
AnotherAttachOptions Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CalendarDisplayOptions Source #
These options can be used to influence the display and behaviour of a Calendar
CalendarDisplayOptionsShowHeading | Specifies that the month and year should be displayed. |
CalendarDisplayOptionsShowDayNames | Specifies that three letter day descriptions should be present. |
CalendarDisplayOptionsNoMonthChange | Prevents the user from switching months with the calendar. |
CalendarDisplayOptionsShowWeekNumbers | Displays each week numbers of the current year, down the left side of the calendar. |
CalendarDisplayOptionsShowDetails | Just show an indicator, not the full details
text when details are provided. See |
AnotherCalendarDisplayOptions Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data CellRendererState Source #
Tells how a cell is to be rendered.
CellRendererStateSelected | The cell is currently selected, and probably has a selection colored background to render to. |
CellRendererStatePrelit | The mouse is hovering over the cell. |
CellRendererStateInsensitive | The cell is drawn in an insensitive manner |
CellRendererStateSorted | The cell is in a sorted row |
CellRendererStateFocused | The cell is in the focus row. |
CellRendererStateExpandable | The cell is in a row that can be expanded. Since 3.4 |
CellRendererStateExpanded | The cell is in a row that is expanded. Since 3.4 |
AnotherCellRendererState Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
No description available in the introspection data.
DebugFlagMisc | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagPlugsocket | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagText | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagTree | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagUpdates | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagKeybindings | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagMultihead | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagModules | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagGeometry | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagIcontheme | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagPrinting | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagBuilder | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagSizeRequest | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagNoCssCache | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagBaselines | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagPixelCache | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagNoPixelCache | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagInteractive | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagTouchscreen | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagActions | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagResize | No description available in the introspection data. |
DebugFlagLayout | No description available in the introspection data. |
AnotherDebugFlag Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags Methods succ :: DebugFlag -> DebugFlag # pred :: DebugFlag -> DebugFlag # fromEnum :: DebugFlag -> Int # enumFrom :: DebugFlag -> [DebugFlag] # enumFromThen :: DebugFlag -> DebugFlag -> [DebugFlag] # enumFromTo :: DebugFlag -> DebugFlag -> [DebugFlag] # enumFromThenTo :: DebugFlag -> DebugFlag -> DebugFlag -> [DebugFlag] # | |
Show DebugFlag Source # | |
Eq DebugFlag Source # | |
Ord DebugFlag Source # | |
BoxedFlags DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
IsGFlag DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
TypedObject DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
HasParentTypes DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
type ParentTypes DebugFlag Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags |
data DestDefaults Source #
The DestDefaults
enumeration specifies the various
types of action that will be taken on behalf
of the user for a drag destination site.
DestDefaultsMotion | If set for a widget, GTK+, during a drag over this
widget will check if the drag matches this widget’s list of possible targets
and actions.
GTK+ will then call |
DestDefaultsHighlight | If set for a widget, GTK+ will draw a highlight on this widget as long as a drag is over this widget and the widget drag format and action are acceptable. |
DestDefaultsDrop | If set for a widget, when a drop occurs, GTK+ will
will check if the drag matches this widget’s list of possible targets and
actions. If so, GTK+ will call |
DestDefaultsAll | If set, specifies that all default actions should be taken. |
AnotherDestDefaults Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data DialogFlags Source #
Flags used to influence dialog construction.
DialogFlagsModal | Make the constructed dialog modal,
see |
DialogFlagsDestroyWithParent | Destroy the dialog when its
parent is destroyed, see |
DialogFlagsUseHeaderBar | Create dialog with actions in header bar instead of action area. Since 3.12. |
AnotherDialogFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data EventControllerScrollFlags Source #
Describes the behavior of a EventControllerScroll
Since: 3.24
EventControllerScrollFlagsNone | Don't emit scroll. |
EventControllerScrollFlagsVertical | Emit scroll with vertical deltas. |
EventControllerScrollFlagsHorizontal | Emit scroll with horizontal deltas. |
EventControllerScrollFlagsDiscrete | Only emit deltas that are multiples of 1. |
EventControllerScrollFlagsKinetic | Emit EventControllerScroll::decelerate after continuous scroll finishes. |
EventControllerScrollFlagsBothAxes | Emit scroll on both axes. |
AnotherEventControllerScrollFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FileFilterFlags Source #
These flags indicate what parts of a FileFilterInfo
are filled or need to be filled.
FileFilterFlagsFilename | the filename of the file being tested |
FileFilterFlagsUri | the URI for the file being tested |
FileFilterFlagsDisplayName | the string that will be used to display the file in the file chooser |
FileFilterFlagsMimeType | the mime type of the file |
AnotherFileFilterFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data FontChooserLevel Source #
This enumeration specifies the granularity of font selection that is desired in a font chooser.
This enumeration may be extended in the future; applications should ignore unknown values.
FontChooserLevelFamily | Allow selecting a font family |
FontChooserLevelStyle | Allow selecting a specific font face |
FontChooserLevelSize | Allow selecting a specific font size |
FontChooserLevelVariations | No description available in the introspection data. |
FontChooserLevelFeatures | Allow selecting specific OpenType font features |
AnotherFontChooserLevel Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data IconLookupFlags Source #
Used to specify options for iconThemeLookupIcon
IconLookupFlagsNoSvg | Never get SVG icons, even if gdk-pixbuf
supports them. Cannot be used together with |
IconLookupFlagsForceSvg | Get SVG icons, even if gdk-pixbuf
doesn’t support them.
Cannot be used together with |
IconLookupFlagsUseBuiltin | When passed to
IconLookupFlagsGenericFallback | Try to shorten icon name at '-'
characters before looking at inherited themes. This flag is only
supported in functions that take a single icon name. For more general
fallback, see |
IconLookupFlagsForceSize | Always get the icon scaled to the requested size. Since 2.14. |
IconLookupFlagsForceRegular | Try to always load regular icons, even when symbolic icon names are given. Since 3.14. |
IconLookupFlagsForceSymbolic | Try to always load symbolic icons, even when regular icon names are given. Since 3.14. |
IconLookupFlagsDirLtr | Try to load a variant of the icon for left-to-right text direction. Since 3.14. |
IconLookupFlagsDirRtl | Try to load a variant of the icon for right-to-left text direction. Since 3.14. |
AnotherIconLookupFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data InputHints Source #
Describes hints that might be taken into account by input methods
or applications. Note that input methods may already tailor their
behaviour according to the InputPurpose
of the entry.
Some common sense is expected when using these flags - mixing
with any of the uppercase hints makes no sense.
This enumeration may be extended in the future; input methods should ignore unknown values.
Since: 3.6
InputHintsNone | No special behaviour suggested |
InputHintsSpellcheck | Suggest checking for typos |
InputHintsNoSpellcheck | Suggest not checking for typos |
InputHintsWordCompletion | Suggest word completion |
InputHintsLowercase | Suggest to convert all text to lowercase |
InputHintsUppercaseChars | Suggest to capitalize all text |
InputHintsUppercaseWords | Suggest to capitalize the first character of each word |
InputHintsUppercaseSentences | Suggest to capitalize the first word of each sentence |
InputHintsInhibitOsk | Suggest to not show an onscreen keyboard (e.g for a calculator that already has all the keys). |
InputHintsVerticalWriting | The text is vertical. Since 3.18 |
InputHintsEmoji | Suggest offering Emoji support. Since 3.22.20 |
InputHintsNoEmoji | Suggest not offering Emoji support. Since 3.22.20 |
AnotherInputHints Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data JunctionSides Source #
Describes how a rendered element connects to adjacent elements.
JunctionSidesNone | No junctions. |
JunctionSidesCornerTopleft | Element connects on the top-left corner. |
JunctionSidesCornerTopright | Element connects on the top-right corner. |
JunctionSidesCornerBottomleft | Element connects on the bottom-left corner. |
JunctionSidesCornerBottomright | Element connects on the bottom-right corner. |
JunctionSidesTop | Element connects on the top side. |
JunctionSidesBottom | Element connects on the bottom side. |
JunctionSidesLeft | Element connects on the left side. |
JunctionSidesRight | Element connects on the right side. |
AnotherJunctionSides Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data PlacesOpenFlags Source #
These flags serve two purposes. First, the application can call placesSidebarSetOpenFlags
using these flags as a bitmask. This tells the sidebar that the application is able to open
folders selected from the sidebar in various ways, for example, in new tabs or in new windows in
addition to the normal mode.
Second, when one of these values gets passed back to the application in the PlacesSidebar::openLocation signal, it means that the application should open the selected location in the normal way, in a new tab, or in a new window. The sidebar takes care of determining the desired way to open the location, based on the modifier keys that the user is pressing at the time the selection is made.
If the application never calls placesSidebarSetOpenFlags
, then the sidebar will only
in the PlacesSidebar::openLocation signal. This is the
default mode of operation.
PlacesOpenFlagsNormal | This is the default mode that |
PlacesOpenFlagsNewTab | When passed to |
PlacesOpenFlagsNewWindow | Similar to |
AnotherPlacesOpenFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
RcFlagsFg | Deprecated |
RcFlagsBg | Deprecated |
RcFlagsText | Deprecated |
RcFlagsBase | Deprecated |
AnotherRcFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum RcFlags Source # | |
Show RcFlags Source # | |
Eq RcFlags Source # | |
Ord RcFlags Source # | |
BoxedFlags RcFlags Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
IsGFlag RcFlags Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
TypedObject RcFlags Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
HasParentTypes RcFlags Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags | |
type ParentTypes RcFlags Source # | |
Defined in GI.Gtk.Flags |
data RecentFilterFlags Source #
These flags indicate what parts of a RecentFilterInfo
are filled or need to be filled.
RecentFilterFlagsUri | the URI of the file being tested |
RecentFilterFlagsDisplayName | the string that will be used to display the file in the recent chooser |
RecentFilterFlagsMimeType | the mime type of the file |
RecentFilterFlagsApplication | the list of applications that have registered the file |
RecentFilterFlagsGroup | the groups to which the file belongs to |
RecentFilterFlagsAge | the number of days elapsed since the file has been registered |
AnotherRecentFilterFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data RegionFlags Source #
Describes a region within a widget.
RegionFlagsEven | Region has an even number within a set. |
RegionFlagsOdd | Region has an odd number within a set. |
RegionFlagsFirst | Region is the first one within a set. |
RegionFlagsLast | Region is the last one within a set. |
RegionFlagsOnly | Region is the only one within a set. |
RegionFlagsSorted | Region is part of a sorted area. |
AnotherRegionFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data StateFlags Source #
Describes a widget state. Widget states are used to match the widget against CSS pseudo-classes. Note that GTK extends the regular CSS classes and sometimes uses different names.
StateFlagsNormal | State during normal operation. |
StateFlagsActive | Widget is active. |
StateFlagsPrelight | Widget has a mouse pointer over it. |
StateFlagsSelected | Widget is selected. |
StateFlagsInsensitive | Widget is insensitive. |
StateFlagsInconsistent | Widget is inconsistent. |
StateFlagsFocused | Widget has the keyboard focus. |
StateFlagsBackdrop | Widget is in a background toplevel window. |
StateFlagsDirLtr | Widget is in left-to-right text direction. Since 3.8 |
StateFlagsDirRtl | Widget is in right-to-left text direction. Since 3.8 |
StateFlagsLink | Widget is a link. Since 3.12 |
StateFlagsVisited | The location the widget points to has already been visited. Since 3.12 |
StateFlagsChecked | Widget is checked. Since 3.14 |
StateFlagsDropActive | Widget is highlighted as a drop target for DND. Since 3.20 |
AnotherStateFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data StyleContextPrintFlags Source #
Flags that modify the behavior of styleContextToString
New values may be added to this enumeration.
StyleContextPrintFlagsNone | No description available in the introspection data. |
StyleContextPrintFlagsRecurse | Print the entire tree of CSS nodes starting at the style context's node |
StyleContextPrintFlagsShowStyle | Show the values of the CSS properties for each node |
AnotherStyleContextPrintFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TargetFlags Source #
The TargetFlags
enumeration is used to specify
constraints on a TargetEntry
TargetFlagsSameApp | If this is set, the target will only be selected for drags within a single application. |
TargetFlagsSameWidget | If this is set, the target will only be selected for drags within a single widget. |
TargetFlagsOtherApp | If this is set, the target will not be selected for drags within a single application. |
TargetFlagsOtherWidget | If this is set, the target will not be selected for drags withing a single widget. |
AnotherTargetFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TextSearchFlags Source #
Flags affecting how a search is done.
enabled, the match must be exact; the special 0xFFFC character will match
embedded pixbufs or child widgets.
TextSearchFlagsVisibleOnly | Search only visible data. A search match may have invisible text interspersed. |
TextSearchFlagsTextOnly | Search only text. A match may have pixbufs or child widgets mixed inside the matched range. |
TextSearchFlagsCaseInsensitive | The text will be matched regardless of what case it is in. |
AnotherTextSearchFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data ToolPaletteDragTargets Source #
Flags used to specify the supported drag targets.
ToolPaletteDragTargetsItems | Support drag of items. |
ToolPaletteDragTargetsGroups | Support drag of groups. |
AnotherToolPaletteDragTargets Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data TreeModelFlags Source #
These flags indicate various properties of a TreeModel
They are returned by treeModelGetFlags
, and must be
static for the lifetime of the object. A more complete description
can be found in the overview of
this section.
TreeModelFlagsItersPersist | iterators survive all signals emitted by the tree |
TreeModelFlagsListOnly | the model is a list only, and never has children |
AnotherTreeModelFlags Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data UIManagerItemType Source #
Deprecated: (Since version 3.10)
These enumeration values are used by uIManagerAddUi
to determine
what UI element to create.
UIManagerItemTypeAuto | Pick the type of the UI element according to context. |
UIManagerItemTypeMenubar | Create a menubar. |
UIManagerItemTypeMenu | Create a menu. |
UIManagerItemTypeToolbar | Create a toolbar. |
UIManagerItemTypePlaceholder | Insert a placeholder. |
UIManagerItemTypePopup | Create a popup menu. |
UIManagerItemTypeMenuitem | Create a menuitem. |
UIManagerItemTypeToolitem | Create a toolitem. |
UIManagerItemTypeSeparator | Create a separator. |
UIManagerItemTypeAccelerator | Install an accelerator. |
UIManagerItemTypePopupWithAccels | Same as |
AnotherUIManagerItemType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |