Copyright | Will Thompson Iñaki García Etxebarria and Jonas Platte |
License | LGPL-2.1 |
Maintainer | Iñaki García Etxebarria ( |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Alignment
- data AttrType
- = AttrTypeInvalid
- | AttrTypeLanguage
- | AttrTypeFamily
- | AttrTypeStyle
- | AttrTypeWeight
- | AttrTypeVariant
- | AttrTypeStretch
- | AttrTypeSize
- | AttrTypeFontDesc
- | AttrTypeForeground
- | AttrTypeBackground
- | AttrTypeUnderline
- | AttrTypeStrikethrough
- | AttrTypeRise
- | AttrTypeShape
- | AttrTypeScale
- | AttrTypeFallback
- | AttrTypeLetterSpacing
- | AttrTypeUnderlineColor
- | AttrTypeStrikethroughColor
- | AttrTypeAbsoluteSize
- | AttrTypeGravity
- | AttrTypeGravityHint
- | AttrTypeFontFeatures
- | AttrTypeForegroundAlpha
- | AttrTypeBackgroundAlpha
- | AnotherAttrType Int
- data BidiType
- data CoverageLevel
- data Direction
- data EllipsizeMode
- data Gravity
- data GravityHint
- data RenderPart
- data Script
- = ScriptInvalidCode
- | ScriptCommon
- | ScriptInherited
- | ScriptArabic
- | ScriptArmenian
- | ScriptBengali
- | ScriptBopomofo
- | ScriptCherokee
- | ScriptCoptic
- | ScriptCyrillic
- | ScriptDeseret
- | ScriptDevanagari
- | ScriptEthiopic
- | ScriptGeorgian
- | ScriptGothic
- | ScriptGreek
- | ScriptGujarati
- | ScriptGurmukhi
- | ScriptHan
- | ScriptHangul
- | ScriptHebrew
- | ScriptHiragana
- | ScriptKannada
- | ScriptKatakana
- | ScriptKhmer
- | ScriptLao
- | ScriptLatin
- | ScriptMalayalam
- | ScriptMongolian
- | ScriptMyanmar
- | ScriptOgham
- | ScriptOldItalic
- | ScriptOriya
- | ScriptRunic
- | ScriptSinhala
- | ScriptSyriac
- | ScriptTamil
- | ScriptTelugu
- | ScriptThaana
- | ScriptThai
- | ScriptTibetan
- | ScriptCanadianAboriginal
- | ScriptYi
- | ScriptTagalog
- | ScriptHanunoo
- | ScriptBuhid
- | ScriptTagbanwa
- | ScriptBraille
- | ScriptCypriot
- | ScriptLimbu
- | ScriptOsmanya
- | ScriptShavian
- | ScriptLinearB
- | ScriptTaiLe
- | ScriptUgaritic
- | ScriptNewTaiLue
- | ScriptBuginese
- | ScriptGlagolitic
- | ScriptTifinagh
- | ScriptSylotiNagri
- | ScriptOldPersian
- | ScriptKharoshthi
- | ScriptUnknown
- | ScriptBalinese
- | ScriptCuneiform
- | ScriptPhoenician
- | ScriptPhagsPa
- | ScriptNko
- | ScriptKayahLi
- | ScriptLepcha
- | ScriptRejang
- | ScriptSundanese
- | ScriptSaurashtra
- | ScriptCham
- | ScriptOlChiki
- | ScriptVai
- | ScriptCarian
- | ScriptLycian
- | ScriptLydian
- | ScriptBatak
- | ScriptBrahmi
- | ScriptMandaic
- | ScriptChakma
- | ScriptMeroiticCursive
- | ScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs
- | ScriptMiao
- | ScriptSharada
- | ScriptSoraSompeng
- | ScriptTakri
- | ScriptBassaVah
- | ScriptCaucasianAlbanian
- | ScriptDuployan
- | ScriptElbasan
- | ScriptGrantha
- | ScriptKhojki
- | ScriptKhudawadi
- | ScriptLinearA
- | ScriptMahajani
- | ScriptManichaean
- | ScriptMendeKikakui
- | ScriptModi
- | ScriptMro
- | ScriptNabataean
- | ScriptOldNorthArabian
- | ScriptOldPermic
- | ScriptPahawhHmong
- | ScriptPalmyrene
- | ScriptPauCinHau
- | ScriptPsalterPahlavi
- | ScriptSiddham
- | ScriptTirhuta
- | ScriptWarangCiti
- | ScriptAhom
- | ScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs
- | ScriptHatran
- | ScriptMultani
- | ScriptOldHungarian
- | ScriptSignwriting
- | AnotherScript Int
- data Stretch
- data Style
- data TabAlign
- data Underline
- data Variant
- data Weight
- data WrapMode
A Alignment
describes how to align the lines of a Layout
within the
available space. If the Layout
is set to justify
using layoutSetJustify
, this only has effect for partial lines.
AlignmentLeft | Put all available space on the right |
AlignmentCenter | Center the line within the available space |
AlignmentRight | Put all available space on the left |
AnotherAlignment Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Alignment Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods succ :: Alignment -> Alignment # pred :: Alignment -> Alignment # fromEnum :: Alignment -> Int # enumFrom :: Alignment -> [Alignment] # enumFromThen :: Alignment -> Alignment -> [Alignment] # enumFromTo :: Alignment -> Alignment -> [Alignment] # enumFromThenTo :: Alignment -> Alignment -> Alignment -> [Alignment] # | |
Eq Alignment Source # | |
Ord Alignment Source # | |
Show Alignment Source # | |
BoxedEnum Alignment Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Alignment -> IO GType # |
The AttrType
distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the
predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values
for custom attributes using attrTypeRegister
. The predefined
values are given below. The type of structure used to store the
attribute is listed in parentheses after the description.
Enum AttrType Source # | |
Eq AttrType Source # | |
Ord AttrType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums | |
Show AttrType Source # | |
BoxedEnum AttrType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: AttrType -> IO GType # |
Deprecated: (Since version 1.44)Use fribidi for this information
The BidiType
type represents the bidirectional character
type of a Unicode character as specified by the
<ulink url="">Unicode bidirectional algorithm</ulink>.
Since: 1.22
BidiTypeL | Left-to-Right |
BidiTypeLre | Left-to-Right Embedding |
BidiTypeLro | Left-to-Right Override |
BidiTypeR | Right-to-Left |
BidiTypeAl | Right-to-Left Arabic |
BidiTypeRle | Right-to-Left Embedding |
BidiTypeRlo | Right-to-Left Override |
BidiTypePdf | Pop Directional Format |
BidiTypeEn | European Number |
BidiTypeEs | European Number Separator |
BidiTypeEt | European Number Terminator |
BidiTypeAn | Arabic Number |
BidiTypeCs | Common Number Separator |
BidiTypeNsm | Nonspacing Mark |
BidiTypeBn | Boundary Neutral |
BidiTypeB | Paragraph Separator |
BidiTypeS | Segment Separator |
BidiTypeWs | Whitespace |
BidiTypeOn | Other Neutrals |
AnotherBidiType Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum BidiType Source # | |
Eq BidiType Source # | |
Ord BidiType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums | |
Show BidiType Source # | |
BoxedEnum BidiType Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: BidiType -> IO GType # |
data CoverageLevel Source #
Used to indicate how well a font can represent a particular Unicode character point for a particular script.
CoverageLevelNone | The character is not representable with the font. |
CoverageLevelFallback | The character is represented in a way that may be comprehensible but is not the correct graphical form. For instance, a Hangul character represented as a a sequence of Jamos, or a Latin transliteration of a Cyrillic word. |
CoverageLevelApproximate | The character is represented as basically the correct graphical form, but with a stylistic variant inappropriate for the current script. |
CoverageLevelExact | The character is represented as the correct graphical form. |
AnotherCoverageLevel Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The Direction
type represents a direction in the
Unicode bidirectional algorithm; not every value in this
enumeration makes sense for every usage of Direction
for example, the return value of unicharDirection
and findBaseDir
cannot be DirectionWeakLtr
or DirectionWeakRtl
, since every character is either
neutral or has a strong direction; on the other hand
doesn't make sense to pass
to itemizeWithBaseDir
The DirectionTtbLtr
, DirectionTtbRtl
values come from an earlier interpretation of this
enumeration as the writing direction of a block of
text and are no longer used; See Gravity
for how
vertical text is handled in Pango.
If you are interested in text direction, you should really use fribidi directly. PangoDirection is only retained because it is used in some public apis.
DirectionLtr | A strong left-to-right direction |
DirectionRtl | A strong right-to-left direction |
DirectionTtbLtr | Deprecated value; treated the
same as |
DirectionTtbRtl | Deprecated value; treated the
same as |
DirectionWeakLtr | A weak left-to-right direction |
DirectionWeakRtl | A weak right-to-left direction |
DirectionNeutral | No direction specified |
AnotherDirection Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Direction Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods succ :: Direction -> Direction # pred :: Direction -> Direction # fromEnum :: Direction -> Int # enumFrom :: Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromThen :: Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromTo :: Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # enumFromThenTo :: Direction -> Direction -> Direction -> [Direction] # | |
Eq Direction Source # | |
Ord Direction Source # | |
Show Direction Source # | |
BoxedEnum Direction Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Direction -> IO GType # |
data EllipsizeMode Source #
The EllipsizeMode
type describes what sort of (if any)
ellipsization should be applied to a line of text. In
the ellipsization process characters are removed from the
text in order to make it fit to a given width and replaced
with an ellipsis.
EllipsizeModeNone | No ellipsization |
EllipsizeModeStart | Omit characters at the start of the text |
EllipsizeModeMiddle | Omit characters in the middle of the text |
EllipsizeModeEnd | Omit characters at the end of the text |
AnotherEllipsizeMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The Gravity
type represents the orientation of glyphs in a segment
of text. This is useful when rendering vertical text layouts. In
those situations, the layout is rotated using a non-identity PangoMatrix,
and then glyph orientation is controlled using Gravity
Not every value in this enumeration makes sense for every usage of
; for example, GravityAuto
only can be passed to
and can only be returned by
See also: GravityHint
Since: 1.16
GravitySouth | Glyphs stand upright (default) |
GravityEast | Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees clockwise |
GravityNorth | Glyphs are upside-down |
GravityWest | Glyphs are rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise |
GravityAuto | Gravity is resolved from the context matrix |
AnotherGravity Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Gravity Source # | |
Eq Gravity Source # | |
Ord Gravity Source # | |
Show Gravity Source # | |
BoxedEnum Gravity Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Gravity -> IO GType # |
data GravityHint Source #
The GravityHint
defines how horizontal scripts should behave in a
vertical context. That is, English excerpt in a vertical paragraph for
See Gravity
Since: 1.16
GravityHintNatural | scripts will take their natural gravity based on the base gravity and the script. This is the default. |
GravityHintStrong | always use the base gravity set, regardless of the script. |
GravityHintLine | for scripts not in their natural direction (eg. Latin in East gravity), choose per-script gravity such that every script respects the line progression. This means, Latin and Arabic will take opposite gravities and both flow top-to-bottom for example. |
AnotherGravityHint Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
data RenderPart Source #
defines different items to render for such
purposes as setting colors.
Since: 1.8
RenderPartForeground | the text itself |
RenderPartBackground | the area behind the text |
RenderPartUnderline | underlines |
RenderPartStrikethrough | strikethrough lines |
AnotherRenderPart Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
The Script
enumeration identifies different writing
systems. The values correspond to the names as defined in the
Unicode standard.
Note that new types may be added in the future. Applications should be ready
to handle unknown values. This enumeration is interchangeable with
. See <ulink
url="">Unicode Standard Annex
: Script names</ulink>.
ScriptInvalidCode | a value never returned from |
ScriptCommon | a character used by multiple different scripts |
ScriptInherited | a mark glyph that takes its script from the base glyph to which it is attached |
ScriptArabic | Arabic |
ScriptArmenian | Armenian |
ScriptBengali | Bengali |
ScriptBopomofo | Bopomofo |
ScriptCherokee | Cherokee |
ScriptCoptic | Coptic |
ScriptCyrillic | Cyrillic |
ScriptDeseret | Deseret |
ScriptDevanagari | Devanagari |
ScriptEthiopic | Ethiopic |
ScriptGeorgian | Georgian |
ScriptGothic | Gothic |
ScriptGreek | Greek |
ScriptGujarati | Gujarati |
ScriptGurmukhi | Gurmukhi |
ScriptHan | Han |
ScriptHangul | Hangul |
ScriptHebrew | Hebrew |
ScriptHiragana | Hiragana |
ScriptKannada | Kannada |
ScriptKatakana | Katakana |
ScriptKhmer | Khmer |
ScriptLao | Lao |
ScriptLatin | Latin |
ScriptMalayalam | Malayalam |
ScriptMongolian | Mongolian |
ScriptMyanmar | Myanmar |
ScriptOgham | Ogham |
ScriptOldItalic | Old Italic |
ScriptOriya | Oriya |
ScriptRunic | Runic |
ScriptSinhala | Sinhala |
ScriptSyriac | Syriac |
ScriptTamil | Tamil |
ScriptTelugu | Telugu |
ScriptThaana | Thaana |
ScriptThai | Thai |
ScriptTibetan | Tibetan |
ScriptCanadianAboriginal | Canadian Aboriginal |
ScriptYi | Yi |
ScriptTagalog | Tagalog |
ScriptHanunoo | Hanunoo |
ScriptBuhid | Buhid |
ScriptTagbanwa | Tagbanwa |
ScriptBraille | Braille |
ScriptCypriot | Cypriot |
ScriptLimbu | Limbu |
ScriptOsmanya | Osmanya |
ScriptShavian | Shavian |
ScriptLinearB | Linear B |
ScriptTaiLe | Tai Le |
ScriptUgaritic | Ugaritic |
ScriptNewTaiLue | New Tai Lue. Since 1.10 |
ScriptBuginese | Buginese. Since 1.10 |
ScriptGlagolitic | Glagolitic. Since 1.10 |
ScriptTifinagh | Tifinagh. Since 1.10 |
ScriptSylotiNagri | Syloti Nagri. Since 1.10 |
ScriptOldPersian | Old Persian. Since 1.10 |
ScriptKharoshthi | Kharoshthi. Since 1.10 |
ScriptUnknown | an unassigned code point. Since 1.14 |
ScriptBalinese | Balinese. Since 1.14 |
ScriptCuneiform | Cuneiform. Since 1.14 |
ScriptPhoenician | Phoenician. Since 1.14 |
ScriptPhagsPa | Phags-pa. Since 1.14 |
ScriptNko | N'Ko. Since 1.14 |
ScriptKayahLi | Kayah Li. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptLepcha | Lepcha. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptRejang | Rejang. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptSundanese | Sundanese. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptSaurashtra | Saurashtra. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptCham | Cham. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptOlChiki | Ol Chiki. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptVai | Vai. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptCarian | Carian. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptLycian | Lycian. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptLydian | Lydian. Since 1.20.1 |
ScriptBatak | Batak. Since 1.32 |
ScriptBrahmi | Brahmi. Since 1.32 |
ScriptMandaic | Mandaic. Since 1.32 |
ScriptChakma | Chakma. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptMeroiticCursive | Meroitic Cursive. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptMeroiticHieroglyphs | Meroitic Hieroglyphs. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptMiao | Miao. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptSharada | Sharada. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptSoraSompeng | Sora Sompeng. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptTakri | Takri. Since: 1.32 |
ScriptBassaVah | Bassa. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptCaucasianAlbanian | Caucasian Albanian. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptDuployan | Duployan. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptElbasan | Elbasan. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptGrantha | Grantha. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptKhojki | Kjohki. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptKhudawadi | Khudawadi, Sindhi. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptLinearA | Linear A. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptMahajani | Mahajani. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptManichaean | Manichaean. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptMendeKikakui | Mende Kikakui. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptModi | Modi. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptMro | Mro. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptNabataean | Nabataean. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptOldNorthArabian | Old North Arabian. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptOldPermic | Old Permic. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptPahawhHmong | Pahawh Hmong. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptPalmyrene | Palmyrene. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptPauCinHau | Pau Cin Hau. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptPsalterPahlavi | Psalter Pahlavi. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptSiddham | Siddham. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptTirhuta | Tirhuta. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptWarangCiti | Warang Citi. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptAhom | Ahom. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptAnatolianHieroglyphs | Anatolian Hieroglyphs. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptHatran | Hatran. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptMultani | Multani. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptOldHungarian | Old Hungarian. Since: 1.40 |
ScriptSignwriting | Signwriting. Since: 1.40 |
AnotherScript Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
An enumeration specifying the width of the font relative to other designs within a family.
StretchUltraCondensed | ultra condensed width |
StretchExtraCondensed | extra condensed width |
StretchCondensed | condensed width |
StretchSemiCondensed | semi condensed width |
StretchNormal | the normal width |
StretchSemiExpanded | semi expanded width |
StretchExpanded | expanded width |
StretchExtraExpanded | extra expanded width |
StretchUltraExpanded | ultra expanded width |
AnotherStretch Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Stretch Source # | |
Eq Stretch Source # | |
Ord Stretch Source # | |
Show Stretch Source # | |
BoxedEnum Stretch Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Stretch -> IO GType # |
An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font.
StyleNormal | the font is upright. |
StyleOblique | the font is slanted, but in a roman style. |
StyleItalic | the font is slanted in an italic style. |
AnotherStyle Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
A TabAlign
specifies where a tab stop appears relative to the text.
TabAlignLeft | the tab stop appears to the left of the text. |
AnotherTabAlign Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum TabAlign Source # | |
Eq TabAlign Source # | |
Ord TabAlign Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums | |
Show TabAlign Source # | |
BoxedEnum TabAlign Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: TabAlign -> IO GType # |
The Underline
enumeration is used to specify
whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type
of underlining.
UnderlineNone | no underline should be drawn |
UnderlineSingle | a single underline should be drawn |
UnderlineDouble | a double underline should be drawn |
UnderlineLow | a single underline should be drawn at a position
beneath the ink extents of the text being
underlined. This should be used only for underlining
single characters, such as for keyboard
accelerators. |
UnderlineError | a wavy underline should be drawn below. This underline is typically used to indicate an error such as a possilble mispelling; in some cases a contrasting color may automatically be used. This type of underlining is available since Pango 1.4. |
AnotherUnderline Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Underline Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods succ :: Underline -> Underline # pred :: Underline -> Underline # fromEnum :: Underline -> Int # enumFrom :: Underline -> [Underline] # enumFromThen :: Underline -> Underline -> [Underline] # enumFromTo :: Underline -> Underline -> [Underline] # enumFromThenTo :: Underline -> Underline -> Underline -> [Underline] # | |
Eq Underline Source # | |
Ord Underline Source # | |
Show Underline Source # | |
BoxedEnum Underline Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Underline -> IO GType # |
An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font.
VariantNormal | A normal font. |
VariantSmallCaps | A font with the lower case characters replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. |
AnotherVariant Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum Variant Source # | |
Eq Variant Source # | |
Ord Variant Source # | |
Show Variant Source # | |
BoxedEnum Variant Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: Variant -> IO GType # |
An enumeration specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 1000, but there are some predefined values:
WeightThin | the thin weight (= 100; Since: 1.24) |
WeightUltralight | the ultralight weight (= 200) |
WeightLight | the light weight (= 300) |
WeightSemilight | the semilight weight (= 350; Since: 1.36.7) |
WeightBook | the book weight (= 380; Since: 1.24) |
WeightNormal | the default weight (= 400) |
WeightMedium | the normal weight (= 500; Since: 1.24) |
WeightSemibold | the semibold weight (= 600) |
WeightBold | the bold weight (= 700) |
WeightUltrabold | the ultrabold weight (= 800) |
WeightHeavy | the heavy weight (= 900) |
WeightUltraheavy | the ultraheavy weight (= 1000; Since: 1.24) |
AnotherWeight Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
WrapModeWord | wrap lines at word boundaries. |
WrapModeChar | wrap lines at character boundaries. |
WrapModeWordChar | wrap lines at word boundaries, but fall back to character boundaries if there is not enough space for a full word. |
AnotherWrapMode Int | Catch-all for unknown values |
Enum WrapMode Source # | |
Eq WrapMode Source # | |
Ord WrapMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums | |
Show WrapMode Source # | |
BoxedEnum WrapMode Source # | |
Defined in GI.Pango.Enums Methods boxedEnumType :: WrapMode -> IO GType # |