{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Network.Gitit.Handlers (
, debugHandler
, randomPage
, discussPage
, createPage
, showActivity
, goToPage
, searchResults
, uploadForm
, uploadFile
, indexPage
, categoryPage
, categoryListPage
, preview
, showRawPage
, showFileAsText
, showPageHistory
, showFileHistory
, showPage
, showPageDiff
, showFileDiff
, exportPage
, updatePage
, editPage
, deletePage
, confirmDelete
, showHighlightedSource
, expireCache
, feedHandler
import Safe
import Network.Gitit.Server
import Network.Gitit.Framework
import Network.Gitit.Layout
import Network.Gitit.Types
import Network.Gitit.Feed (filestoreToXmlFeed, FeedConfig(..))
import Network.Gitit.Util (orIfNull)
import Network.Gitit.Cache (expireCachedFile, lookupCache, cacheContents)
import Network.Gitit.ContentTransformer (showRawPage, showFileAsText, showPage,
exportPage, showHighlightedSource, preview, applyPreCommitPlugins)
import Network.Gitit.Page (readCategories)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import System.FilePath
import Network.Gitit.State
import Text.XHtml hiding ( (</>), dir, method, password, rev )
import qualified Text.XHtml as X ( method )
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, delete, nub, sortBy, find, isPrefixOf, inits, sort, (\\))
import Data.List.Split (wordsBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Char (toLower, isSpace)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Network.HTTP (urlEncodeVars)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, UTCTime(..))
import Data.FileStore
import System.Log.Logger (logM, Priority(..))
handleAny :: Handler
handleAny = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> uriRest $ \uri ->
let path' = uriPath uri
in do fs <- getFileStore
let rev = pRevision params
mimetype <- getMimeTypeForExtension
(takeExtension path')
res <- liftIO $ E.try
(retrieve fs path' rev :: IO B.ByteString)
case res of
Right contents -> ignoreFilters >>
(ok $ setContentType mimetype $
(toResponse noHtml) {rsBody = contents})
Left NotFound -> mzero
Left e -> error (show e)
debugHandler :: Handler
debugHandler = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
req <- askRq
liftIO $ logM "gitit" DEBUG (show req)
page <- getPage
liftIO $ logM "gitit" DEBUG $ "Page = '" ++ page ++ "'\n" ++
show params
randomPage :: Handler
randomPage = do
fs <- getFileStore
base' <- getWikiBase
prunedFiles <- liftIO (index fs) >>= filterM isPageFile >>= filterM isNotDiscussPageFile
let pages = map dropExtension prunedFiles
if null pages
then error "No pages found!"
else do
secs <- liftIO (fmap utctDayTime getCurrentTime)
let newPage = pages !!
(truncate (secs * 1000000) `mod` length pages)
seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage newPage) $ toResponse $
p << "Redirecting to a random page"
discussPage :: Handler
discussPage = do
page <- getPage
base' <- getWikiBase
seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage (if isDiscussPage page then page else ('@':page))) $
toResponse "Redirecting to discussion page"
createPage :: Handler
createPage = do
page <- getPage
base' <- getWikiBase
case page of
('_':_) -> mzero
_ -> formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = page
, pgTabs = []
, pgTitle = "Create " ++ page ++ "?"
} $
(p << stringToHtml
("There is no page named '" ++ page ++ "'. You can:"))
(unordList $
[ anchor !
[href $ base' ++ "/_edit" ++ urlForPage page] <<
("Create the page '" ++ page ++ "'")
, anchor !
[href $ base' ++ "/_search?" ++
(urlEncodeVars [("patterns", page)])] <<
("Search for pages containing the text '" ++
page ++ "'")])
uploadForm :: Handler
uploadForm = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
let origPath = pFilename params
let wikiname = pWikiname params `orIfNull` takeFileName origPath
let logMsg = pLogMsg params
let upForm = form ! [X.method "post", enctype "multipart/form-data"] <<
fieldset <<
[ p << [label ! [thefor "file"] << "File to upload:"
, br
, afile "file" ! [value origPath] ]
, p << [ label ! [thefor "wikiname"] << "Name on wiki, including extension"
, noscript << " (leave blank to use the same filename)"
, stringToHtml ":"
, br
, textfield "wikiname" ! [value wikiname]
, primHtmlChar "nbsp"
, checkbox "overwrite" "yes"
, label ! [thefor "overwrite"] << "Overwrite existing file" ]
, p << [ label ! [thefor "logMsg"] << "Description of content or changes:"
, br
, textfield "logMsg" ! [size "60", value logMsg]
, submit "upload" "Upload" ]
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgScripts = ["uploadForm.js"],
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgTitle = "Upload a file"} upForm
uploadFile :: Handler
uploadFile = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
let origPath = pFilename params
let filePath = pFilePath params
let wikiname = normalise
$ dropWhile (=='/')
$ pWikiname params `orIfNull` takeFileName origPath
let logMsg = pLogMsg params
cfg <- getConfig
wPF <- isPageFile wikiname
mbUser <- getLoggedInUser
(user, email) <- case mbUser of
Nothing -> return ("Anonymous", "")
Just u -> return (uUsername u, uEmail u)
let overwrite = pOverwrite params
fs <- getFileStore
exists <- liftIO $ E.catch (latest fs wikiname >> return True) $ \e ->
if e == NotFound
then return False
else E.throwIO e >> return True
let inStaticDir = staticDir cfg `isPrefixOf` (repositoryPath cfg </> wikiname)
let inTemplatesDir = templatesDir cfg `isPrefixOf` (repositoryPath cfg </> wikiname)
let dirs' = splitDirectories $ takeDirectory wikiname
let imageExtensions = [".png", ".jpg", ".gif"]
let errors = validate
[ (null . filter (not . isSpace) $ logMsg,
"Description cannot be empty.")
, (".." `elem` dirs', "Wikiname cannot contain '..'")
, (null origPath, "File not found.")
, (inStaticDir, "Destination is inside static directory.")
, (inTemplatesDir, "Destination is inside templates directory.")
, (not overwrite && exists, "A file named '" ++ wikiname ++
"' already exists in the repository: choose a new name " ++
"or check the box to overwrite the existing file.")
, (wPF,
"This file extension is reserved for wiki pages.")
if null errors
then do
expireCachedFile wikiname `mplus` return ()
fileContents <- liftIO $ B.readFile filePath
let len = B.length fileContents
liftIO $ save fs wikiname (Author user email) logMsg fileContents
let contents = thediv <<
[ h2 << ("Uploaded " ++ show len ++ " bytes")
, if takeExtension wikiname `elem` imageExtensions
then p << "To add this image to a page, use:" +++
pre << ("")
else p << "To link to this resource from a page, use:" +++
pre << ("[link label](/" ++ wikiname ++ ")") ]
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgTitle = "Upload successful"}
else withMessages errors uploadForm
goToPage :: Handler
goToPage = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
let gotopage = pGotoPage params
fs <- getFileStore
pruned_files <- liftIO (index fs) >>= filterM isPageFile
let allPageNames = map dropExtension pruned_files
let findPage f = find f allPageNames
let exactMatch f = gotopage == f
let insensitiveMatch f = (map toLower gotopage) == (map toLower f)
let prefixMatch f = (map toLower gotopage) `isPrefixOf` (map toLower f)
base' <- getWikiBase
case findPage exactMatch of
Just m -> seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage m) $ toResponse
"Redirecting to exact match"
Nothing -> case findPage insensitiveMatch of
Just m -> seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage m) $ toResponse
"Redirecting to case-insensitive match"
Nothing -> case findPage prefixMatch of
Just m -> seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage m) $
toResponse $ "Redirecting" ++
" to partial match"
Nothing -> searchResults
searchResults :: Handler
searchResults = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
let patterns = pPatterns params `orIfNull` [pGotoPage params]
fs <- getFileStore
matchLines <- if null patterns
then return []
else liftIO $ E.catch (search fs SearchQuery{
queryPatterns = patterns
, queryWholeWords = True
, queryMatchAll = True
, queryIgnoreCase = True })
(\(_ :: FileStoreError) -> return [])
let contentMatches = map matchResourceName matchLines
allPages <- liftIO (index fs) >>= filterM isPageFile
let slashToSpace = map (\c -> if c == '/' then ' ' else c)
let inPageName pageName' x = x `elem` (words $ slashToSpace $ dropExtension pageName')
let matchesPatterns pageName' = not (null patterns) &&
all (inPageName (map toLower pageName')) (map (map toLower) patterns)
let pageNameMatches = filter matchesPatterns allPages
prunedFiles <- filterM isPageFile (contentMatches ++ pageNameMatches)
let allMatchedFiles = nub $ prunedFiles
let matchesInFile f = mapMaybe (\x -> if matchResourceName x == f
then Just (matchLine x)
else Nothing) matchLines
let matches = map (\f -> (f, matchesInFile f)) allMatchedFiles
let relevance (f, ms) = length ms + if f `elem` pageNameMatches
then 100
else 0
let preamble = if null patterns
then h3 << ["Please enter a search term."]
else h3 << [ stringToHtml (show (length matches) ++ " matches found for ")
, thespan ! [identifier "pattern"] << unwords patterns]
base' <- getWikiBase
let toMatchListItem (file, contents) = li <<
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage (dropExtension file)] << dropExtension file
, stringToHtml (" (" ++ show (length contents) ++ " matching lines)")
, stringToHtml " "
, anchor ! [href "#", theclass "showmatch",
thestyle "display: none;"] << if length contents > 0
then "[show matches]"
else ""
, pre ! [theclass "matches"] << unlines contents]
let htmlMatches = preamble +++
olist << map toMatchListItem
(reverse $ sortBy (comparing relevance) matches)
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgScripts = ["search.js"],
pgTitle = "Search results"}
showPageHistory :: Handler
showPageHistory = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
showHistory (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg) page params
showFileHistory :: Handler
showFileHistory = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
file <- getPage
showHistory file file params
showHistory :: String -> String -> Params -> Handler
showHistory file page params = do
fs <- getFileStore
hist <- liftIO $ history fs [file] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing)
(Just $ pLimit params)
base' <- getWikiBase
let versionToHtml rev pos = li ! [theclass "difflink", intAttr "order" pos,
strAttr "revision" (revId rev),
strAttr "diffurl" (base' ++ "/_diff/" ++ page)] <<
[ thespan ! [theclass "date"] << (show $ revDateTime rev)
, stringToHtml " ("
, thespan ! [theclass "author"] << anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_activity?" ++
urlEncodeVars [("forUser", authorName $ revAuthor rev)]] <<
(authorName $ revAuthor rev)
, stringToHtml "): "
, anchor ! [href (base' ++ urlForPage page ++ "?revision=" ++ revId rev)] <<
thespan ! [theclass "subject"] << revDescription rev
, noscript <<
([ stringToHtml " [compare with "
, anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_diff" ++ urlForPage page ++ "?to=" ++ revId rev] <<
"previous" ] ++
(if pos /= 1
then [ primHtmlChar "nbsp"
, primHtmlChar "bull"
, primHtmlChar "nbsp"
, anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_diff" ++ urlForPage page ++ "?from=" ++
revId rev] << "current"
else []) ++
[stringToHtml "]"])
let contents = if null hist
then noHtml
else ulist ! [theclass "history"] <<
zipWith versionToHtml hist
[length hist, (length hist - 1)..1]
let more = if length hist == pLimit params
then anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_history" ++ urlForPage page
++ "?limit=" ++ show (pLimit params + 100)] <<
"Show more..."
else noHtml
let tabs = if file == page
then [ViewTab,HistoryTab]
else pgTabs defaultPageLayout
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = page,
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgScripts = ["dragdiff.js"],
pgTabs = tabs,
pgSelectedTab = HistoryTab,
pgTitle = ("Changes to " ++ page)
} $ contents +++ more
showActivity :: Handler
showActivity = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
cfg <- getConfig
currTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let defaultDaysAgo = fromIntegral (recentActivityDays cfg)
let daysAgo = addUTCTime (defaultDaysAgo * (-60) * 60 * 24) currTime
let since = case pSince params of
Nothing -> Just daysAgo
Just t -> Just t
let forUser = pForUser params
fs <- getFileStore
hist <- liftIO $ history fs [] (TimeRange since Nothing)
(Just $ pLimit params)
let hist' = case forUser of
Nothing -> hist
Just u -> filter (\r -> authorName (revAuthor r) == u) hist
let fileFromChange (Added f) = f
fileFromChange (Modified f) = f
fileFromChange (Deleted f) = f
base' <- getWikiBase
let fileAnchor revis file = if takeExtension file == "." ++ (defaultExtension cfg)
then anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_diff" ++ urlForPage (dropExtension file) ++ "?to=" ++ revis] << dropExtension file
else anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage file ++ "?revision=" ++ revis] << file
let filesFor changes revis = intersperse (stringToHtml " ") $
map (fileAnchor revis . fileFromChange) changes
let heading = h1 << ("Recent changes by " ++ fromMaybe "all users" forUser)
let revToListItem rev = li <<
[ thespan ! [theclass "date"] << (show $ revDateTime rev)
, stringToHtml " ("
, thespan ! [theclass "author"] <<
anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_activity?" ++
urlEncodeVars [("forUser", authorName $ revAuthor rev)]] <<
(authorName $ revAuthor rev)
, stringToHtml "): "
, thespan ! [theclass "subject"] << revDescription rev
, stringToHtml " ("
, thespan ! [theclass "files"] << filesFor (revChanges rev) (revId rev)
, stringToHtml ")"
let contents = ulist ! [theclass "history"] << map revToListItem hist'
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgTitle = "Recent changes"
} (heading +++ contents)
showPageDiff :: Handler
showPageDiff = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
showDiff (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg) page params
showFileDiff :: Handler
showFileDiff = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
page <- getPage
showDiff page page params
showDiff :: String -> String -> Params -> Handler
showDiff file page params = do
let from = pFrom params
let to = pTo params
when (from == Nothing && to == Nothing) mzero
fs <- getFileStore
from' <- case (from, to) of
(Just _, _) -> return from
(Nothing, Nothing) -> return from
(Nothing, Just t) -> do
pageHist <- liftIO $ history fs [file]
(TimeRange Nothing Nothing)
let (_, upto) = break (\r -> idsMatch fs (revId r) t)
return $ if length upto >= 2
then Just $ revId $ upto !! 1
else Nothing
result' <- liftIO $ E.try $ getDiff fs file from' to
case result' of
Left NotFound -> mzero
Left e -> liftIO $ E.throwIO e
Right htmlDiff -> formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = page,
pgRevision = from' `mplus` to,
pgMessages = pMessages params,
pgTabs = DiffTab :
pgTabs defaultPageLayout,
pgSelectedTab = DiffTab,
pgTitle = page
getDiff :: FileStore -> FilePath -> Maybe RevisionId -> Maybe RevisionId
-> IO Html
getDiff fs file from to = do
rawDiff <- diff fs file from to
let diffLineToHtml (Both xs _) = thespan << unlines xs
diffLineToHtml (First xs) = thespan ! [theclass "deleted"] << unlines xs
diffLineToHtml (Second xs) = thespan ! [theclass "added"] << unlines xs
return $ h2 ! [theclass "revision"] <<
("Changes from " ++ fromMaybe "beginning" from ++
" to " ++ fromMaybe "current" to) +++
pre ! [theclass "diff"] << map diffLineToHtml rawDiff
editPage :: Handler
editPage = withData editPage'
editPage' :: Params -> Handler
editPage' params = do
let rev = pRevision params
fs <- getFileStore
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
let getRevisionAndText = E.catch
(do c <- liftIO $ retrieve fs (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg) rev
r <- liftIO $ latest fs (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg) >>= revision fs
return (Just $ revId r, c))
(\e -> if e == NotFound
then return (Nothing, "")
else E.throwIO e)
(mbRev, raw) <- case pEditedText params of
Nothing -> liftIO getRevisionAndText
Just t -> let r = if null (pSHA1 params)
then Nothing
else Just (pSHA1 params)
in return (r, t)
let messages = pMessages params
let logMsg = pLogMsg params
let sha1Box = case mbRev of
Just r -> textfield "sha1" ! [thestyle "display: none",
value r]
Nothing -> noHtml
let readonly = if isJust (pRevision params)
then [strAttr "readonly" "yes",
strAttr "style" "color: gray"]
else []
base' <- getWikiBase
let editForm = gui (base' ++ urlForPage page) ! [identifier "editform"] <<
[ sha1Box
, textarea ! (readonly ++ [cols "80", name "editedText",
identifier "editedText"]) << raw
, br
, label ! [thefor "logMsg"] << "Description of changes:"
, br
, textfield "logMsg" ! (readonly ++ [value (logMsg `orIfNull` defaultSummary cfg) ])
, submit "update" "Save"
, primHtmlChar "nbsp"
, submit "cancel" "Discard"
, primHtmlChar "nbsp"
, input ! [thetype "button", theclass "editButton",
identifier "previewButton",
strAttr "onClick" "updatePreviewPane();",
strAttr "style" "display: none;",
value "Preview" ]
, thediv ! [ identifier "previewpane" ] << noHtml
let pgScripts' = ["preview.js"]
let pgScripts'' = case mathMethod cfg of
MathML -> "MathMLinHTML.js" : pgScripts'
MathJax url -> url : pgScripts'
_ -> pgScripts'
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = page,
pgMessages = messages,
pgRevision = rev,
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgShowSiteNav = False,
pgMarkupHelp = Just $ markupHelp cfg,
pgSelectedTab = EditTab,
pgScripts = pgScripts'',
pgTitle = ("Editing " ++ page)
} editForm
confirmDelete :: Handler
confirmDelete = do
page <- getPage
fs <- getFileStore
cfg <- getConfig
pageTest <- liftIO $ E.try $ latest fs (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg)
fileToDelete <- case pageTest of
Right _ -> return $ pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg
Left NotFound -> do
fileTest <- liftIO $ E.try $ latest fs page
case fileTest of
Right _ -> return page
Left NotFound -> return ""
Left e -> fail (show e)
Left e -> fail (show e)
let confirmForm = gui "" <<
[ p << "Are you sure you want to delete this page?"
, input ! [thetype "text", name "filetodelete",
strAttr "style" "display: none;", value fileToDelete]
, submit "confirm" "Yes, delete it!"
, stringToHtml " "
, submit "cancel" "No, keep it!"
, br ]
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{ pgTitle = "Delete " ++ page ++ "?" } $
if null fileToDelete
then ulist ! [theclass "messages"] << li <<
"There is no file or page by that name."
else confirmForm
deletePage :: Handler
deletePage = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
let file = pFileToDelete params
mbUser <- getLoggedInUser
(user, email) <- case mbUser of
Nothing -> return ("Anonymous", "")
Just u -> return (uUsername u, uEmail u)
let author = Author user email
let descrip = deleteSummary cfg
base' <- getWikiBase
if pConfirm params && (file == page || file == page <.> (defaultExtension cfg))
then do
fs <- getFileStore
liftIO $ Data.FileStore.delete fs file author descrip
seeOther (base' ++ "/") $ toResponse $ p << "File deleted"
else seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage page) $ toResponse $ p << "Not deleted"
updatePage :: Handler
updatePage = withData $ \(params :: Params) -> do
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
mbUser <- getLoggedInUser
(user, email) <- case mbUser of
Nothing -> return ("Anonymous", "")
Just u -> return (uUsername u, uEmail u)
editedText <- case pEditedText params of
Nothing -> error "No body text in POST request"
Just b -> applyPreCommitPlugins b
let logMsg = pLogMsg params `orIfNull` defaultSummary cfg
let oldSHA1 = pSHA1 params
fs <- getFileStore
base' <- getWikiBase
if null . filter (not . isSpace) $ logMsg
then withMessages ["Description cannot be empty."] editPage
else do
when (length editedText > fromIntegral (maxPageSize cfg)) $
error "Page exceeds maximum size."
modifyRes <- if null oldSHA1
then liftIO $ create fs (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg)
(Author user email) logMsg editedText >>
return (Right ())
else do
expireCachedFile (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg) `mplus` return ()
liftIO $ E.catch (modify fs (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg)
oldSHA1 (Author user email) logMsg
(\e -> if e == Unchanged
then return (Right ())
else E.throwIO e)
case modifyRes of
Right () -> seeOther (base' ++ urlForPage page) $ toResponse $ p << "Page updated"
Left (MergeInfo mergedWithRev conflicts mergedText) -> do
let mergeMsg = "The page has been edited since you checked it out. " ++
"Changes from revision " ++ revId mergedWithRev ++
" have been merged into your edits below. " ++
if conflicts
then "Please resolve conflicts and Save."
else "Please review and Save."
editPage' $
params{ pEditedText = Just mergedText,
pSHA1 = revId mergedWithRev,
pMessages = [mergeMsg] }
indexPage :: Handler
indexPage = do
path' <- getPath
base' <- getWikiBase
cfg <- getConfig
let ext = defaultExtension cfg
let prefix' = if null path' then "" else path' ++ "/"
fs <- getFileStore
listing <- liftIO $ directory fs prefix'
let isNotDiscussionPage (FSFile f) = isNotDiscussPageFile f
isNotDiscussionPage (FSDirectory _) = return True
prunedListing <- filterM isNotDiscussionPage listing
let htmlIndex = fileListToHtml base' prefix' ext prunedListing
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = prefix',
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgScripts = [],
pgTitle = "Contents"} htmlIndex
fileListToHtml :: String -> String -> String -> [Resource] -> Html
fileListToHtml base' prefix ext files =
let fileLink (FSFile f) | takeExtension f == "." ++ ext =
li ! [theclass "page" ] <<
anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage (prefix ++ dropExtension f)] <<
dropExtension f
fileLink (FSFile f) = li ! [theclass "upload"] << concatHtml
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage (prefix ++ f)] << f
, anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "_delete" ++ urlForPage (prefix ++ f)] << "(delete)"
fileLink (FSDirectory f) =
li ! [theclass "folder"] <<
anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage (prefix ++ f) ++ "/"] << f
updirs = drop 1 $ inits $ splitPath $ '/' : prefix
uplink = foldr (\d accum ->
concatHtml [ anchor ! [theclass "updir",
href $ if length d <= 1
then base' ++ "/_index"
else base' ++
urlForPage (joinPath $ drop 1 d)] <<
lastNote "fileListToHtml" d, accum]) noHtml updirs
in uplink +++ ulist ! [theclass "index"] << map fileLink files
categoryPage :: Handler
categoryPage = do
path' <- getPath
cfg <- getConfig
let pcategories = wordsBy (==',') path'
let repoPath = repositoryPath cfg
let categoryDescription = "Category: " ++ (intercalate " + " pcategories)
fs <- getFileStore
pages <- liftIO (index fs) >>= filterM isPageFile >>= filterM isNotDiscussPageFile
matches <- liftM catMaybes $
forM pages $ \f -> do
categories <- liftIO $ readCategories $ repoPath </> f
return $ if all ( `elem` categories) pcategories
then Just (f, categories \\ pcategories)
else Nothing
base' <- getWikiBase
let toMatchListItem file = li <<
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++ urlForPage (dropExtension file)] << dropExtension file ]
let toRemoveListItem cat = li <<
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++
(if null (tail pcategories)
then "/_categories"
else "/_category" ++ urlForPage (intercalate "," $ Data.List.delete cat pcategories)) ]
<< ("-" ++ cat) ]
let toAddListItem cat = li <<
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++
"/_category" ++ urlForPage (path' ++ "," ++ cat) ]
<< ("+" ++ cat) ]
let matchList = ulist << map toMatchListItem (fst $ unzip matches) +++
thediv ! [ identifier "categoryList" ] <<
ulist << (++) (map toAddListItem (nub $ concat $ snd $ unzip matches))
(map toRemoveListItem pcategories)
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = categoryDescription,
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgScripts = ["search.js"],
pgTitle = categoryDescription }
categoryListPage :: Handler
categoryListPage = do
cfg <- getConfig
let repoPath = repositoryPath cfg
fs <- getFileStore
pages <- liftIO (index fs) >>= filterM isPageFile >>= filterM isNotDiscussPageFile
categories <- liftIO $ liftM (nub . sort . concat) $ forM pages $ \f ->
readCategories (repoPath </> f)
base' <- getWikiBase
let toCatLink ctg = li <<
[ anchor ! [href $ base' ++ "/_category" ++ urlForPage ctg] << ctg ]
let htmlMatches = ulist << map toCatLink categories
formattedPage defaultPageLayout{
pgPageName = "Categories",
pgShowPageTools = False,
pgTabs = [],
pgScripts = ["search.js"],
pgTitle = "Categories" } htmlMatches
expireCache :: Handler
expireCache = do
page <- getPage
cfg <- getConfig
expireCachedFile (pathForPage page $ defaultExtension cfg)
expireCachedFile page
ok $ toResponse ()
feedHandler :: Handler
feedHandler = do
cfg <- getConfig
when (not $ useFeed cfg) mzero
base' <- getWikiBase
feedBase <- if null (baseUrl cfg)
then do
mbHost <- getHost
case mbHost of
Nothing -> error "Could not determine base URL"
Just hn -> return $ "http://" ++ hn ++ base'
else case baseUrl cfg ++ base' of
w@('h':'t':'t':'p':'s':':':'/':'/':_) -> return w
x@('h':'t':'t':'p':':':'/':'/':_) -> return x
y -> return $ "http://" ++ y
let fc = FeedConfig{
fcTitle = wikiTitle cfg
, fcBaseUrl = feedBase
, fcFeedDays = feedDays cfg }
path' <- getPath
let file = (path' `orIfNull` "_site") <.> "feed"
let mbPath = if null path' then Nothing else Just path'
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let isRecentEnough t = truncate (diffUTCTime now t) < 60 * feedRefreshTime cfg
mbCached <- lookupCache file
case mbCached of
Just (modtime, contents) | isRecentEnough modtime -> do
let emptyResponse = setContentType "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8" . toResponse $ ()
ok $ emptyResponse{rsBody = B.fromChunks [contents]}
_ -> do
fs <- getFileStore
resp' <- liftM toResponse $ liftIO (filestoreToXmlFeed fc fs mbPath)
cacheContents file $ S.concat $ B.toChunks $ rsBody resp'
ok . setContentType "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8" $ resp'