{-# Language QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
Module      : Client.Hook.FreRelay
Description : Hook for interpreting FreFrelay messages
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens 2019
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

The #dronebl channel uses the FreRelay bot to relay messages from
other networks. This hook integrates those messages into the native

module Client.Hook.FreRelay
  ( freRelayHook
  ) where

import           Data.List (uncons)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Foldable (asum)

import           Text.Regex.TDFA (match, defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt, Regex)
import           Text.Regex.TDFA.String (compile)

import           Client.Hook (MessageHook(..), MessageResult(..))
import           Irc.Message
import           Irc.Identifier (mkId, Identifier)
import           Irc.UserInfo (UserInfo(..))
import           StrQuote (str)

-- | Hook for mapping frerelay messages in #dronebl on freenode
-- to appear like native messages.
freRelayHook :: [Text] -> Maybe MessageHook
freRelayHook args = Just (MessageHook "frerelay" False (remap (map mkId args)))

-- | Remap messages from frerelay on #dronebl that match one of the
-- rewrite rules.
remap :: [Identifier] -> IrcMsg -> MessageResult
remap nicks (Privmsg (UserInfo nick _ _) chan@"#dronebl" msg)
  | nick `elem` nicks
  , Just sub <- rules chan msg = RemapMessage sub
remap _ _ = PassMessage

-- | Generate a replacement message for a chat message from frerelay
-- when the message matches one of the replacement rules.
rules ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel -} ->
  Text       {- ^ message -} ->
  Maybe IrcMsg
rules chan msg =
    [ rule (chatMsg chan) chatRe msg
    , rule (actionMsg chan) actionRe msg
    , rule (joinMsg chan) joinRe msg
    , rule (partMsg chan) partRe msg
    , rule quitMsg quitRe msg
    , rule nickMsg nickRe msg
    , rule (kickMsg chan) kickRe msg
    , rule (modeMsg chan) modeRe msg

-- | Match the message against the regular expression and use the given
-- consume to consume all of the captured groups.
rule ::
  Rule r =>
  r     {- ^ capture consumer   -} ->
  Regex {- ^ regular expression -} ->
  Text  {- ^ message            -} ->
  Maybe IrcMsg
rule mk re s =
  case map (map Text.pack) (match re (Text.unpack s)) of
    [_:xs] -> matchRule xs mk
    _      -> Nothing

chatRe, actionRe, joinRe, quitRe, nickRe, partRe, kickRe, modeRe :: Regex
Right chatRe   = compRe [str|^<([^>]+)> (.*)$|]
Right actionRe = compRe [str|^\* ([^ ]+) (.*)$|]
Right joinRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) \(([^@]+)@([^)]+)\) has joined the channel$|]
Right quitRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) has signed off \((.*)\)$|]
Right nickRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) changed nick to ([^ ]+)$|]
Right partRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) has left the channel( \((.*)\))?$|]
Right kickRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) has been kicked by ([^ ]+) \((.*)\)$|]
Right modeRe   = compRe [str|^\*\*\* \[([^]]+)\] ([^ ]+) sets mode (.*)$|]

-- | Compile a regular expression for using in message matching.
compRe ::
  Text                {- ^ regular expression           -} ->
  Either String Regex {- ^ error or compiled expression -}
compRe = compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt . Text.unpack


chatMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel  -} ->
  Text       {- ^ nickname -} ->
  Text       {- ^ message  -} ->
chatMsg chan nick msg =
    (userInfo nick)

actionMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel  -} ->
  Text       {- ^ nickname -} ->
  Text       {- ^ message  -} ->
actionMsg chan nick msg =
    (userInfo nick)

joinMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel  -} ->
  Text       {- ^ server   -} ->
  Text       {- ^ nickname -} ->
  Text       {- ^ username -} ->
  Text       {- ^ hostname -} ->
joinMsg chan srv nick user host =
    (UserInfo (mkId (nick <> "@" <> srv)) user host)
    "" -- account

partMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel        -} ->
  Text       {- ^ server         -} ->
  Text       {- ^ nickname       -} ->
  Text       {- ^ reason wrapper -} ->
  Text       {- ^ reason         -} ->
partMsg chan srv nick msg_outer msg =
    (userInfo (nick <> "@" <> srv))
    (if Text.null msg_outer then Nothing else Just msg)

quitMsg ::
  Text {- ^ server       -} ->
  Text {- ^ nickname     -} ->
  Text {- ^ quit message -} ->
quitMsg srv nick msg =
    (userInfo (nick <> "@" <> srv))
    (Just msg)

nickMsg ::
  Text {- ^ server   -} ->
  Text {- ^ old nick -} ->
  Text {- ^ new nick -} ->
nickMsg srv old new =
    (userInfo (old <> "@" <> srv))
    (mkId (new <> "@" <> srv))

kickMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel     -} ->
  Text       {- ^ server      -} ->
  Text       {- ^ kickee nick -} ->
  Text       {- ^ kicker nick -} ->
  Text       {- ^ reason      -} ->
kickMsg chan srv kickee kicker reason =
    (userInfo (kicker <> "@" <> srv))
    (mkId (kickee <> "@" <> srv))

modeMsg ::
  Identifier {- ^ channel     -} ->
  Text       {- ^ server      -} ->
  Text       {- ^ nickname    -} ->
  Text       {- ^ modes       -} ->
modeMsg chan srv nick modes =
    (userInfo (nick <> "@" <> srv))
    (Text.words modes)

-- | Construct dummy user info when we don't know the user or host part.
userInfo ::
  Text {- ^ nickname -} ->
userInfo nick = UserInfo (mkId nick) "*" "*"


-- | The class allows n-ary functions of the form
-- `Text -> Text -> ... -> IrcMsg` to be used to exhaustively consume the
-- matched elements of a regular expression.
class Rule a where
  matchRule :: [Text] -> a -> Maybe IrcMsg

instance (RuleArg a, Rule b) => Rule (a -> b) where
  matchRule tts f =
    do (t,ts) <- uncons tts
       a      <- matchArg t
       matchRule ts (f a)

instance Rule IrcMsg where
  matchRule args ircMsg
    | null args = Just ircMsg
    | otherwise = Nothing

class    RuleArg a    where matchArg :: Text -> Maybe a
instance RuleArg Text where matchArg = Just