{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
Module      : Client.Image
Description : UI renderer
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module provides the renderer for the client's UI.

module Client.Image (clientPicture) where

import           Client.Image.Layout
import           Client.State
import           Control.Lens
import           Graphics.Vty            (Background (..), Cursor (..),
                                          Picture (..))
import           Graphics.Vty.Image

-- | Generate a 'Picture' for the current client state. The resulting
-- client state is updated for render specific information like scrolling.
clientPicture :: ClientState -> (Picture, ClientState)
clientPicture st = (pic, st')
      (pos, img, st') = clientImage st
      pic = Picture
              { picCursor     = AbsoluteCursor pos (view clientHeight st - 1)
              , picBackground = ClearBackground
              , picLayers     = [img]

-- | Primary UI render logic
clientImage ::
  ClientState               {- ^ client state -} ->
  (Int, Image, ClientState) {- ^ text box cursor position, image, updated state -}
clientImage st = (pos, img, st')
    -- update client state for scroll clamp
    !st' = set clientTextBoxOffset nextOffset
         $ over clientScroll (max 0 . subtract overscroll) st

    (overscroll, pos, nextOffset, img) = drawLayout st