{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend.GLUT
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent
import Graphics.UI.GLUT (get,($=))
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLUT as GLUT
import qualified System.Exit as System
import Graphics.Gloss.Internals.Interface.Backend.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe
glutInitialized :: IORef Bool
{-# NOINLINE glutInitialized #-}
glutInitialized = unsafePerformIO $ do newIORef False
data GLUTState
= GLUTState
glutStateFrameCount :: !Int
, glutStateHasTimeout :: Bool
, glutStateHasIdle :: Bool }
deriving Show
glutStateInit :: GLUTState
= GLUTState
{ glutStateFrameCount = 0
, glutStateHasTimeout = False
, glutStateHasIdle = False }
instance Backend GLUTState where
initBackendState = glutStateInit
initializeBackend = initializeGLUT
exitBackend = (\_ -> System.exitWith System.ExitSuccess)
openWindow = openWindowGLUT
dumpBackendState = dumpStateGLUT
installDisplayCallback = installDisplayCallbackGLUT
installWindowCloseCallback = (\_ -> return ())
installReshapeCallback = installReshapeCallbackGLUT
installKeyMouseCallback = installKeyMouseCallbackGLUT
installMotionCallback = installMotionCallbackGLUT
installIdleCallback = installIdleCallbackGLUT
runMainLoop _
= GLUT.mainLoop
postRedisplay _
= GLUT.postRedisplay Nothing
getWindowDimensions _
= do GL.Size sizeX sizeY <- get GLUT.windowSize
return (fromEnum sizeX,fromEnum sizeY)
elapsedTime _
= do t <- get GLUT.elapsedTime
return $ (fromIntegral t) / 1000
sleep _ sec
= do threadDelay (round $ sec * 1000000)
:: IORef GLUTState
-> Bool
-> IO ()
initializeGLUT _ debug
= do initialized <- readIORef glutInitialized
if not initialized
then do (_progName, _args) <- GLUT.getArgsAndInitialize
glutVersion <- get GLUT.glutVersion
when debug
$ putStr $ " glutVersion = " ++ show glutVersion ++ "\n"
$= [ GLUT.RGBMode
, GLUT.DoubleBuffered]
writeIORef glutInitialized True
displayMode <- get GLUT.initialDisplayMode
displayModePossible <- get GLUT.displayModePossible
when debug
$ do putStr $ " displayMode = " ++ show displayMode ++ "\n"
++ " possible = " ++ show displayModePossible ++ "\n"
++ "\n"
else when debug (putStrLn "Already initialized")
:: IORef GLUTState
-> Display
-> IO ()
openWindowGLUT _ display
= do
case display of
InWindow windowName (sizeX, sizeY) (posX, posY) ->
do GLUT.initialWindowSize
$= GL.Size
(fromIntegral sizeX)
(fromIntegral sizeY)
$= GL.Position
(fromIntegral posX)
(fromIntegral posY)
_ <- GLUT.createWindow windowName
$= GL.Size
(fromIntegral sizeX)
(fromIntegral sizeY)
FullScreen ->
do size <- get GLUT.screenSize
GLUT.initialWindowSize $= size
_ <- GLUT.createWindow "Gloss Application"
GLUT.perWindowKeyRepeat $= GLUT.PerWindowKeyRepeatOff
:: IORef GLUTState
-> IO ()
dumpStateGLUT _
= do
wbw <- get GLUT.windowBorderWidth
whh <- get GLUT.windowHeaderHeight
rgba <- get GLUT.rgba
rgbaBD <- get GLUT.rgbaBufferDepths
colorBD <- get GLUT.colorBufferDepth
depthBD <- get GLUT.depthBufferDepth
accumBD <- get GLUT.accumBufferDepths
stencilBD <- get GLUT.stencilBufferDepth
doubleBuffered <- get GLUT.doubleBuffered
colorMask <- get GLUT.colorMask
depthMask <- get GLUT.depthMask
putStr $ "* dumpGlutState\n"
++ " windowBorderWidth = " ++ show wbw ++ "\n"
++ " windowHeaderHeight = " ++ show whh ++ "\n"
++ " rgba = " ++ show rgba ++ "\n"
++ " depth rgba = " ++ show rgbaBD ++ "\n"
++ " color = " ++ show colorBD ++ "\n"
++ " depth = " ++ show depthBD ++ "\n"
++ " accum = " ++ show accumBD ++ "\n"
++ " stencil = " ++ show stencilBD ++ "\n"
++ " doubleBuffered = " ++ show doubleBuffered ++ "\n"
++ " mask color = " ++ show colorMask ++ "\n"
++ " depth = " ++ show depthMask ++ "\n"
++ "\n"
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
installDisplayCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
= GLUT.displayCallback $= callbackDisplay ref callbacks
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
callbackDisplay refState callbacks
= do
GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
GL.color $ GL.Color4 0 0 0 (1 :: GL.GLfloat)
let funs = [f refState | (Display f) <- callbacks]
sequence_ funs
state <- readIORef refState
when ( (not $ glutStateHasTimeout state)
&& (not $ glutStateHasIdle state))
$ do
let msecHeartbeat = 1000
GLUT.addTimerCallback msecHeartbeat
$ timerCallback msecHeartbeat
atomicModifyIORef' refState
$ \s -> (s { glutStateHasTimeout = True }, ())
atomicModifyIORef' refState
$ \s -> ( s { glutStateFrameCount = glutStateFrameCount s + 1 }
, ())
return ()
timerCallback :: Int -> IO ()
timerCallback msec
= do GLUT.addTimerCallback msec
$ do timerCallback msec
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
installReshapeCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
= GLUT.reshapeCallback $= Just (callbackReshape ref callbacks)
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> GLUT.Size
-> IO ()
callbackReshape ref callbacks (GLUT.Size sizeX sizeY)
= sequence_
$ map (\f -> f (fromEnum sizeX, fromEnum sizeY))
[f ref | Reshape f <- callbacks]
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
installKeyMouseCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
= GLUT.keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (callbackKeyMouse ref callbacks)
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> GLUT.Key
-> GLUT.KeyState
-> GLUT.Modifiers
-> GLUT.Position
-> IO ()
callbackKeyMouse ref callbacks key keystate modifiers (GLUT.Position posX posY)
= sequence_
$ map (\f -> f key' keyState' modifiers' pos)
[f ref | KeyMouse f <- callbacks]
key' = glutKeyToKey key
keyState' = glutKeyStateToKeyState keystate
modifiers' = glutModifiersToModifiers modifiers
pos = (fromEnum posX, fromEnum posY)
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
installMotionCallbackGLUT ref callbacks
= do GLUT.motionCallback $= Just (callbackMotion ref callbacks)
GLUT.passiveMotionCallback $= Just (callbackMotion ref callbacks)
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> GLUT.Position
-> IO ()
callbackMotion ref callbacks (GLUT.Position posX posY)
= do let pos = (fromEnum posX, fromEnum posY)
$ map (\f -> f pos)
[f ref | Motion f <- callbacks]
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
installIdleCallbackGLUT refState callbacks
| any isIdleCallback callbacks
= do GLUT.idleCallback $= Just (callbackIdle refState callbacks)
atomicModifyIORef' refState
$ \state -> (state { glutStateHasIdle = True }, ())
| otherwise
= return ()
:: IORef GLUTState -> [Callback]
-> IO ()
callbackIdle ref callbacks
= sequence_
$ [f ref | Idle f <- callbacks]
glutKeyToKey :: GLUT.Key -> Key
glutKeyToKey key
= case key of
GLUT.Char '\32' -> SpecialKey KeySpace
GLUT.Char '\13' -> SpecialKey KeyEnter
GLUT.Char '\9' -> SpecialKey KeyTab
GLUT.Char '\ESC' -> SpecialKey KeyEsc
GLUT.Char '\DEL' -> SpecialKey KeyDelete
GLUT.Char c -> Char c
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF1 -> SpecialKey KeyF1
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF2 -> SpecialKey KeyF2
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF3 -> SpecialKey KeyF3
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF4 -> SpecialKey KeyF4
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF5 -> SpecialKey KeyF5
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF6 -> SpecialKey KeyF6
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF7 -> SpecialKey KeyF7
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF8 -> SpecialKey KeyF8
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF9 -> SpecialKey KeyF9
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF10 -> SpecialKey KeyF10
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF11 -> SpecialKey KeyF11
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyF12 -> SpecialKey KeyF12
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyLeft -> SpecialKey KeyLeft
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyUp -> SpecialKey KeyUp
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyRight -> SpecialKey KeyRight
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyDown -> SpecialKey KeyDown
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyPageUp -> SpecialKey KeyPageUp
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyPageDown -> SpecialKey KeyPageDown
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyHome -> SpecialKey KeyHome
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyEnd -> SpecialKey KeyEnd
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyInsert -> SpecialKey KeyInsert
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyNumLock -> SpecialKey KeyNumLock
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyBegin -> SpecialKey KeyBegin
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyDelete -> SpecialKey KeyDelete
GLUT.SpecialKey (GLUT.KeyUnknown _) -> SpecialKey KeyUnknown
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyShiftL -> SpecialKey KeyShiftL
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyShiftR -> SpecialKey KeyShiftR
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyCtrlL -> SpecialKey KeyCtrlL
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyCtrlR -> SpecialKey KeyCtrlR
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyAltL -> SpecialKey KeyAltL
GLUT.SpecialKey GLUT.KeyAltR -> SpecialKey KeyAltR
GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.LeftButton -> MouseButton LeftButton
GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.MiddleButton -> MouseButton MiddleButton
GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.RightButton -> MouseButton RightButton
GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.WheelUp -> MouseButton WheelUp
GLUT.MouseButton GLUT.WheelDown -> MouseButton WheelDown
GLUT.MouseButton (GLUT.AdditionalButton i) -> MouseButton (AdditionalButton i)
glutKeyStateToKeyState :: GLUT.KeyState -> KeyState
glutKeyStateToKeyState state
= case state of
GLUT.Down -> Down
GLUT.Up -> Up
:: GLUT.Modifiers
-> Modifiers
glutModifiersToModifiers (GLUT.Modifiers a b c)
= Modifiers (glutKeyStateToKeyState a)
(glutKeyStateToKeyState b)
(glutKeyStateToKeyState c)