{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, DefaultSignatures, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables,
             TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Text.Grampa.Class (MultiParsing(..), AmbiguousParsing(..), GrammarParsing(..), MonoidParsing(..), Lexical(..),
                          ParseResults, ParseFailure(..), Ambiguous(..), completeParser) where

import Control.Applicative (Alternative(empty), liftA2, (<|>))
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isSpace)
import Data.Functor.Classes (Show1(..))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty, mappend))
import Data.Monoid.Cancellative (LeftReductiveMonoid)
import qualified Data.Monoid.Null as Null
import Data.Monoid.Null (MonoidNull)
import Data.Monoid.Factorial (FactorialMonoid)
import Data.Monoid.Textual (TextualMonoid)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>)))
import Text.Parser.Combinators (Parsing(notFollowedBy, (<?>)), skipMany)
import Text.Parser.Char (CharParsing(char))
import Text.Parser.Token (TokenParsing)
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

import qualified Rank2

type ParseResults = Either ParseFailure

-- | A 'ParseFailure' contains the offset of the parse failure and the list of things expected at that offset. 
data ParseFailure = ParseFailure Int [String] deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | An 'Ambiguous' parse result, produced by the 'ambiguous' combinator, contains a 'NonEmpty' list of alternative
-- results.
newtype Ambiguous a = Ambiguous (NonEmpty a) deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance Show1 Ambiguous where
   liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Ambiguous (h :| l)) t
      | d > 5 = "(Ambiguous $ " <> sp 0 h (" :| " <> sl l (')' : t))
      | otherwise = "Ambiguous (" <> sp 0 h (" :| " <> sl l (')' : t))

instance Functor Ambiguous where
   fmap f (Ambiguous a) = Ambiguous (fmap f a)

instance Applicative Ambiguous where
   pure a = Ambiguous (pure a)
   Ambiguous f <*> Ambiguous a = Ambiguous (f <*> a)

instance Foldable Ambiguous where
   foldMap f (Ambiguous a) = foldMap f a

instance Traversable Ambiguous where
   traverse f (Ambiguous a) = Ambiguous <$> traverse f a

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Ambiguous a) where
   Ambiguous xs <> Ambiguous ys = Ambiguous (liftA2 (<>) xs ys)

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Ambiguous a) where
   mempty = Ambiguous (mempty :| [])
   Ambiguous xs `mappend` Ambiguous ys = Ambiguous (liftA2 mappend xs ys)

completeParser :: MonoidNull s => Compose ParseResults (Compose [] ((,) s)) r -> Compose ParseResults [] r
completeParser (Compose (Left failure)) = Compose (Left failure)
completeParser (Compose (Right (Compose results))) =
   case filter (Null.null . fst) results
   of [] -> Compose (Left $ ParseFailure 0 ["complete parse"])
      completeResults -> Compose (Right $ snd <$> completeResults)

-- | Choose one of the instances of this class to parse with.
class MultiParsing m where
   -- | Some parser types produce a single result, others a list of results.
   type ResultFunctor m :: * -> *
   type GrammarConstraint m (g :: (* -> *) -> *) :: Constraint
   type GrammarConstraint m g = Rank2.Functor g
   -- | Given a rank-2 record of parsers and input, produce a record of parses of the complete input.
   parseComplete :: (GrammarConstraint m g, FactorialMonoid s) => g (m g s) -> s -> g (ResultFunctor m)
   -- | Given a rank-2 record of parsers and input, produce a record of prefix parses paired with the remaining input
   -- suffix.
   parsePrefix :: (GrammarConstraint m g, FactorialMonoid s) =>
                  g (m g s) -> s -> g (Compose (ResultFunctor m) ((,) s))

-- | Parsers that belong to this class can memoize the parse results to avoid exponential performance complexity.
class MultiParsing m => GrammarParsing m where
   type GrammarFunctor m :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> * -> * -> *
   -- | Used to reference a grammar production, only necessary from outside the grammar itself
   nonTerminal :: GrammarConstraint m g => (g (GrammarFunctor m g s) -> GrammarFunctor m g s a) -> m g s a
   -- | Construct a grammar whose every production refers to itself.
   selfReferring :: (GrammarConstraint m g, Rank2.Distributive g) => g (m g s)
   -- | Convert a self-referring grammar function to a grammar.
   fixGrammar :: forall g s. (GrammarConstraint m g, Rank2.Distributive g) => (g (m g s) -> g (m g s)) -> g (m g s)
   -- | Mark a parser that relies on primitive recursion to prevent an infinite loop in 'fixGrammar'.
   recursive :: m g s a -> m g s a

   selfReferring = Rank2.cotraverse nonTerminal id
   fixGrammar = ($ selfReferring)
   recursive = id

-- | Methods for parsing monoidal inputs
class MonoidParsing m where
   -- | A parser that fails on any input and succeeds at its end.
   endOfInput :: FactorialMonoid s => m s ()
   -- | Always sucessful parser that returns the remaining input without consuming it.
   getInput :: FactorialMonoid s => m s s

   -- | A parser that accepts any single input atom.
   anyToken :: FactorialMonoid s => m s s
   -- | A parser that accepts an input atom only if it satisfies the given predicate.
   satisfy :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | Specialization of 'satisfy' on 'TextualMonoid' inputs, accepting and returning an input character only if it
   -- satisfies the given predicate.
   satisfyChar :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> m s Char
   -- | Specialization of 'satisfy' on 'TextualMonoid' inputs, accepting an input character only if it satisfies the
   -- given predicate, and returning the input atom that represents the character. A faster version of @singleton <$>
   -- satisfyChar p@ and of @satisfy (fromMaybe False p . characterPrefix)@.
   satisfyCharInput :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | A parser that succeeds exactly when satisfy doesn't, equivalent to @notFollowedBy . satisfy@
   notSatisfy :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> m s ()
   -- | A parser that succeeds exactly when satisfyChar doesn't, equivalent to @notFollowedBy . satisfyChar@
   notSatisfyChar :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> m s ()

   -- | A stateful scanner. The predicate modifies a state argument, and each transformed state is passed to successive
   -- invocations of the predicate on each token of the input until one returns 'Nothing' or the input ends.
   -- This parser does not fail.  It will return an empty string if the predicate returns 'Nothing' on the first
   -- character.
   -- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with combinators such as 'many', because such parsers
   -- loop until a failure occurs.  Careless use will thus result in an infinite loop.
   scan :: FactorialMonoid t => s -> (s -> t -> Maybe s) -> m t t
   -- | Stateful scanner like `scanChars`, but specialized for 'TextualMonoid' inputs.
   scanChars :: TextualMonoid t => s -> (s -> Char -> Maybe s) -> m t t
   -- | A parser that consumes and returns the given prefix of the input.
   string :: (FactorialMonoid s, LeftReductiveMonoid s, Show s) => s -> m s s

   -- | A parser accepting the longest sequence of input atoms that match the given predicate; an optimized version of
   -- 'concatMany . satisfy'.
   -- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with combinators such as 'many', because such parsers
   -- loop until a failure occurs.  Careless use will thus result in an infinite loop.
   takeWhile :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | A parser accepting the longest non-empty sequence of input atoms that match the given predicate; an optimized
   -- version of 'concatSome . satisfy'.
   takeWhile1 :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | Specialization of 'takeWhile' on 'TextualMonoid' inputs, accepting the longest sequence of input characters that
   -- match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'fmap fromString  . many . satisfyChar'.
   -- /Note/: Because this parser does not fail, do not use it with combinators such as 'many', because such parsers
   -- loop until a failure occurs.  Careless use will thus result in an infinite loop.
   takeCharsWhile :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | Specialization of 'takeWhile1' on 'TextualMonoid' inputs, accepting the longest sequence of input characters
   -- that match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'fmap fromString  . some . satisfyChar'.
   takeCharsWhile1 :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> m s s
   -- | Zero or more argument occurrences like 'many', with concatenated monoidal results.
   concatMany :: Monoid a => m s a -> m s a
   default concatMany :: (Monoid a, Alternative (m s)) => m s a -> m s a
   concatMany p = go
      where go = mappend <$> p <*> go <|> pure mempty

-- | Parsers that can produce alternative parses and collect them into an 'Ambiguous' node
class AmbiguousParsing m where
   -- | Collect all alternative parses of the same length into a 'NonEmpty' list of results.
   ambiguous :: m a -> m (Ambiguous a)

-- | If a grammar is 'Lexical', its parsers can instantiate the 'TokenParsing' class.
class Lexical (g :: (* -> *) -> *) where
   type LexicalConstraint (m :: ((* -> *) -> *) -> * -> * -> *) g s :: Constraint
   -- | Always succeeds, consuming all white space and comments
   lexicalWhiteSpace :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s ()
   -- | Consumes all whitespace and comments, failing if there are none
   someLexicalSpace :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s ()
   -- | Consumes a single comment, defaults to 'empty'
   lexicalComment :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s ()
   -- | Consumes a single semicolon and any trailing whitespace, returning the character |';'|. The method can be
   -- overridden for automatic semicolon insertion, but if it succeeds on semicolon or white space input it must
   -- consume it.
   lexicalSemicolon :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s Char
   -- | Applies the argument parser and consumes the trailing 'lexicalWhitespace'
   lexicalToken :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s a -> m g s a
   -- | Applies the argument parser, determines whether its result is a legal identifier, and consumes the trailing
   -- 'lexicalWhitespace'
   identifierToken :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s s -> m g s s
   -- | Determines whether the given character can start an identifier token, allows only a letter or underscore by
   -- default
   isIdentifierStartChar :: Char -> Bool
   -- | Determines whether the given character can be any part of an identifier token, also allows numbers
   isIdentifierFollowChar :: Char -> Bool
   -- | Parses a valid identifier and consumes the trailing 'lexicalWhitespace'
   identifier :: LexicalConstraint m g s => m g s s
   -- | Parses the argument word whole, not followed by any identifier character, and consumes the trailing
   -- 'lexicalWhitespace'
   keyword :: LexicalConstraint m g s => s -> m g s ()

   type instance LexicalConstraint m g s = (Applicative (m g ()), Monad (m g s),
                                            CharParsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g),
                                            Show s, TextualMonoid s)
   default lexicalComment :: Alternative (m g s) => m g s ()
   default lexicalWhiteSpace :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s)
                             => m g s ()
   default someLexicalSpace :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s)
                            => m g s ()
   default lexicalSemicolon :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, CharParsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s)
                            => m g s Char
   default lexicalToken :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s)
                        => m g s a -> m g s a
   default identifierToken :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s)
                           => m g s s -> m g s s
   default identifier :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Monad (m g s), Alternative (m g s),
                          Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), TextualMonoid s) => m g s s
   default keyword :: (LexicalConstraint m g s, Parsing (m g s), MonoidParsing (m g), Show s, TextualMonoid s)
                   => s -> m g s ()
   lexicalWhiteSpace = takeCharsWhile isSpace *> skipMany (lexicalComment *> takeCharsWhile isSpace)
   someLexicalSpace = takeCharsWhile1 isSpace *> skipMany (lexicalComment *> takeCharsWhile isSpace)
                      <|> lexicalComment *> skipMany (takeCharsWhile isSpace *> lexicalComment)
   lexicalComment = empty
   lexicalSemicolon = lexicalToken (char ';')
   lexicalToken p = p <* lexicalWhiteSpace
   isIdentifierStartChar c = isLetter c || c == '_'
   isIdentifierFollowChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_'
   identifier = identifierToken (liftA2 mappend (satisfyCharInput (isIdentifierStartChar @g))
                                                (takeCharsWhile (isIdentifierFollowChar @g))) <?> "an identifier"
   identifierToken = lexicalToken
   keyword s = lexicalToken (string s *> notSatisfyChar (isIdentifierFollowChar @g)) <?> ("keyword " <> show s)