{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Graphula.Dependencies.Generic
( GHasDependencies (..)
) where
import Data.Kind (Type)
import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage (..), TypeError)
import Generics.Eot (Proxy (..), Void)
data Match t
= NoMatch t
| Match t
type family DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy where
DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy =
'Text "‘type Dependencies "
':<>: 'ShowType nodeTy
':<>: 'Text " = "
':<>: 'ShowType depsTy
':<>: 'Text "’"
type family FindMatches nodeTy depsTy as ds :: [Match Type] where
FindMatches nodeTy depsTy () (d, _ds) =
( 'Text "Excess dependency ‘"
':<>: 'ShowType d
':<>: 'Text "’ in "
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
':$$: 'Text
"Ordering of dependencies must match their occurrence in the target type ‘"
':<>: 'ShowType nodeTy
':<>: 'Text "’"
FindMatches _nodeTy _depsTy () () = '[]
FindMatches nodeTy depsTy (a, as) () =
'NoMatch a ': FindMatches nodeTy depsTy as ()
FindMatches nodeTy depsTy (a, as) (a, ds) =
'Match a ': FindMatches nodeTy depsTy as ds
FindMatches nodeTy depsTy (a, as) (d, ds) =
'NoMatch a ': FindMatches nodeTy depsTy as (d, ds)
class GHasDependencies nodeTyProxy depsTyProxy node deps where
genericDependsOn :: nodeTyProxy -> depsTyProxy -> node -> deps -> node
class GHasDependenciesRecursive fieldsProxy node deps where
genericDependsOnRecursive :: fieldsProxy -> node -> deps -> node
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GHasDependencies (Proxy nodeTy) (Proxy depsTy) Void (Either () Void) where
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy -> Proxy depsTy -> Void -> Either () Void -> Void
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Void
node Either () Void
_ = Void
( 'Text "A datatype with no constructors can't use the dependencies in"
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
=> GHasDependencies (Proxy nodeTy) (Proxy depsTy) Void (Either deps rest)
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy -> Proxy depsTy -> Void -> Either deps rest -> Void
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Void
_ Either deps rest
_ = [Char] -> Void
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( FindMatches nodeTy depsTy node deps ~ fields
, GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy fields) node deps
=> GHasDependencies
(Proxy nodeTy)
(Proxy depsTy)
(Either node Void)
(Either deps Void)
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy
-> Proxy depsTy
-> Either node Void
-> Either deps Void
-> Either node Void
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ (Left node
node) (Left deps
deps) =
node -> Either node Void
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (Proxy fields -> node -> deps -> node
forall fieldsProxy node deps.
GHasDependenciesRecursive fieldsProxy node deps =>
fieldsProxy -> node -> deps -> node
genericDependsOnRecursive (Proxy fields
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy fields) node
node deps
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Either node Void
_ Either deps Void
_ = [Char] -> Either node Void
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( 'Text "Cannot automatically find dependencies for sum type in"
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
=> GHasDependencies
(Proxy nodeTy)
(Proxy depsTy)
(Either left (Either right rest))
(Either deps Void)
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy
-> Proxy depsTy
-> Either left (Either right rest)
-> Either deps Void
-> Either left (Either right rest)
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Either left (Either right rest)
_ Either deps Void
_ = [Char] -> Either left (Either right rest)
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( 'Text "Cannot automatically use a sum type as dependencies in"
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
=> GHasDependencies
(Proxy nodeTy)
(Proxy depsTy)
(Either node Void)
(Either left (Either right rest))
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy
-> Proxy depsTy
-> Either node Void
-> Either left (Either right rest)
-> Either node Void
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Either node Void
_ Either left (Either right rest)
_ = [Char] -> Either node Void
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( 'Text
"Cannot automatically find dependencies for sum type or use a sum type as a dependency in"
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
=> GHasDependencies
(Proxy nodeTy)
(Proxy depsTy)
(Either left1 (Either right1 rest1))
(Either left2 (Either right2 rest2))
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy
-> Proxy depsTy
-> Either left1 (Either right1 rest1)
-> Either left2 (Either right2 rest2)
-> Either left1 (Either right1 rest1)
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ Either left1 (Either right1 rest1)
_ Either left2 (Either right2 rest2)
_ = [Char] -> Either left1 (Either right1 rest1)
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( 'Text "Use ‘()’ instead of ‘Void’ for datatypes with no dependencies in"
':$$: DependenciesTypeInstance nodeTy depsTy
=> GHasDependencies (Proxy nodeTy) (Proxy depsTy) node Void
genericDependsOn :: Proxy nodeTy -> Proxy depsTy -> node -> Void -> node
genericDependsOn Proxy nodeTy
_ Proxy depsTy
_ node
_ Void
_ = [Char] -> node
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
( a ~ dep
, GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy fields) as deps
=> GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy ('Match a ': fields)) (a, as) (dep, deps)
genericDependsOnRecursive :: Proxy ('Match a : fields) -> (a, as) -> (dep, deps) -> (a, as)
genericDependsOnRecursive Proxy ('Match a : fields)
_ (a
_, as
as) (dep
dep, deps
deps) =
dep, Proxy fields -> as -> deps -> as
forall fieldsProxy node deps.
GHasDependenciesRecursive fieldsProxy node deps =>
fieldsProxy -> node -> deps -> node
genericDependsOnRecursive (Proxy fields
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy fields) as
as deps
GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy fields) as deps
=> GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy ('NoMatch a ': fields)) (a, as) deps
genericDependsOnRecursive :: Proxy ('NoMatch a : fields) -> (a, as) -> deps -> (a, as)
genericDependsOnRecursive Proxy ('NoMatch a : fields)
_ (a
a, as
as) deps
deps =
a, Proxy fields -> as -> deps -> as
forall fieldsProxy node deps.
GHasDependenciesRecursive fieldsProxy node deps =>
fieldsProxy -> node -> deps -> node
genericDependsOnRecursive (Proxy fields
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy fields) as
as deps
instance GHasDependenciesRecursive (Proxy ('[] :: [Match Type])) () () where
genericDependsOnRecursive :: Proxy '[] -> () -> () -> ()
genericDependsOnRecursive Proxy '[]
_ ()
_ ()
_ = ()