{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values where
import qualified Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML as Html
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Internal
import Data.GraphViz.Internal.State (getLayerListSep,
import Data.GraphViz.Internal.Util (bool, stringToInt)
import Data.GraphViz.Parsing
import Data.GraphViz.Printing
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import Data.Word (Word16)
import System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator, splitSearchPath)
type EscString = Text
data Rect = Rect Point Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Rect where
unqtDot (Rect p1 p2) = printPoint2DUnqt p1 <> comma <> printPoint2DUnqt p2
toDot = dquotes . unqtDot
unqtListToDot = hsep . mapM unqtDot
instance ParseDot Rect where
parseUnqt = uncurry Rect <$> commaSep' parsePoint2D parsePoint2D
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt whitespace1
data ClusterMode = Local
| Global
| NoCluster
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ClusterMode where
unqtDot Local = text "local"
unqtDot Global = text "global"
unqtDot NoCluster = text "none"
instance ParseDot ClusterMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Local "local"
, stringRep Global "global"
, stringRep NoCluster "none"
data DirType = Forward
| Back
| Both
| NoDir
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DirType where
unqtDot Forward = text "forward"
unqtDot Back = text "back"
unqtDot Both = text "both"
unqtDot NoDir = text "none"
instance ParseDot DirType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Forward "forward"
, stringRep Back "back"
, stringRep Both "both"
, stringRep NoDir "none"
data DEConstraints = EdgeConstraints
| NoConstraints
| HierConstraints
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DEConstraints where
unqtDot EdgeConstraints = unqtDot True
unqtDot NoConstraints = unqtDot False
unqtDot HierConstraints = text "hier"
instance ParseDot DEConstraints where
parseUnqt = fmap (bool NoConstraints EdgeConstraints) parse
stringRep HierConstraints "hier"
data DPoint = DVal Double
| PVal Point
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot DPoint where
unqtDot (DVal d) = unqtDot d
unqtDot (PVal p) = printPoint2DUnqt p
toDot (DVal d) = toDot d
toDot (PVal p) = printPoint2D p
instance ParseDot DPoint where
parseUnqt = optional (character '+')
*> oneOf [ PVal <$> parsePoint2D
, DVal <$> parseUnqt
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
fmap DVal (parseSignedFloat False)
data SVGFontNames = SvgNames
| PostScriptNames
| FontConfigNames
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot SVGFontNames where
unqtDot SvgNames = text "svg"
unqtDot PostScriptNames = text "ps"
unqtDot FontConfigNames = text "gd"
instance ParseDot SVGFontNames where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep SvgNames "svg"
, stringRep PostScriptNames "ps"
, stringRep FontConfigNames "gd"
parse = stringRep SvgNames "\"\""
optionalQuoted parseUnqt
data GraphSize = GSize { width :: Double
, height :: Maybe Double
, desiredSize :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot GraphSize where
unqtDot (GSize w mh ds) = bool id (<> char '!') ds
. maybe id (\h -> (<> unqtDot h) . (<> comma)) mh
$ unqtDot w
toDot (GSize w Nothing False) = toDot w
toDot gs = dquotes $ unqtDot gs
instance ParseDot GraphSize where
parseUnqt = GSize <$> parseUnqt
<*> optional (parseComma *> whitespace *> parseUnqt)
<*> (isJust <$> optional (character '!'))
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
fmap (\ w -> GSize w Nothing False) (parseSignedFloat False)
data ModeType = Major
| KK
| Hier
| IpSep
| SpringMode
| MaxEnt
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ModeType where
unqtDot Major = text "major"
unqtDot KK = text "KK"
unqtDot Hier = text "hier"
unqtDot IpSep = text "ipsep"
unqtDot SpringMode = text "spring"
unqtDot MaxEnt = text "maxent"
instance ParseDot ModeType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep Major "major"
, stringRep KK "KK"
, stringRep Hier "hier"
, stringRep IpSep "ipsep"
, stringRep SpringMode "spring"
, stringRep MaxEnt "maxent"
data Model = ShortPath
| SubSet
| Circuit
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Model where
unqtDot ShortPath = text "shortpath"
unqtDot SubSet = text "subset"
unqtDot Circuit = text "circuit"
unqtDot MDS = text "mds"
instance ParseDot Model where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep ShortPath "shortpath"
, stringRep SubSet "subset"
, stringRep Circuit "circuit"
, stringRep MDS "mds"
data Label = StrLabel EscString
| HtmlLabel Html.Label
| RecordLabel RecordFields
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Label where
unqtDot (StrLabel s) = unqtDot s
unqtDot (HtmlLabel h) = angled $ unqtDot h
unqtDot (RecordLabel fs) = unqtDot fs
toDot (StrLabel s) = toDot s
toDot h@HtmlLabel{} = unqtDot h
toDot (RecordLabel fs) = toDot fs
instance ParseDot Label where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ HtmlLabel <$> parseAngled parseUnqt
, RecordLabel <$> parseUnqt
, StrLabel <$> parseUnqt
parse = oneOf [ HtmlLabel <$> parseAngled parse
, RecordLabel <$> parse
, StrLabel <$> parse
type RecordFields = [RecordField]
data RecordField = LabelledTarget PortName EscString
| PortName PortName
| FieldLabel EscString
| FlipFields RecordFields
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot RecordField where
unqtDot (LabelledTarget t s) = printPortName t <+> unqtRecordString s
unqtDot (PortName t) = printPortName t
unqtDot (FieldLabel s) = unqtRecordString s
unqtDot (FlipFields rs) = braces $ unqtDot rs
toDot (FieldLabel s) = printEscaped recordEscChars s
toDot rf = dquotes $ unqtDot rf
unqtListToDot [f] = unqtDot f
unqtListToDot fs = hcat . punctuate (char '|') $ mapM unqtDot fs
listToDot [f] = toDot f
listToDot fs = dquotes $ unqtListToDot fs
instance ParseDot RecordField where
parseUnqt = (liftA2 maybe PortName LabelledTarget
<$> (PN <$> parseAngled parseRecord)
<*> optional (whitespace1 *> parseRecord)
fmap FieldLabel parseRecord
fmap FlipFields (parseBraced parseUnqt)
fail "Unable to parse RecordField"
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = wrapWhitespace $ sepBy1 parseUnqt (wrapWhitespace $ character '|')
parseList = do rfs <- quotedParse parseUnqtList
if validRFs rfs
then return rfs
else fail "This is a StrLabel, not a RecordLabel"
validRFs [FieldLabel str] = T.any (`elem` recordEscChars) str
validRFs _ = True
printPortName :: PortName -> DotCode
printPortName = angled . unqtRecordString . portName
parseRecord :: Parse Text
parseRecord = parseEscaped False recordEscChars []
unqtRecordString :: Text -> DotCode
unqtRecordString = unqtEscaped recordEscChars
recordEscChars :: [Char]
recordEscChars = ['{', '}', '|', ' ', '<', '>']
data LabelScheme = NotEdgeLabel
| CloseToCenter
| CloseToOldCenter
| RemoveAndStraighten
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LabelScheme where
unqtDot NotEdgeLabel = int 0
unqtDot CloseToCenter = int 1
unqtDot CloseToOldCenter = int 2
unqtDot RemoveAndStraighten = int 3
instance ParseDot LabelScheme where
parseUnqt = stringValue [ ("0", NotEdgeLabel)
, ("1", CloseToCenter)
, ("2", CloseToOldCenter)
, ("3", RemoveAndStraighten)
data Point = Point { xCoord :: Double
, yCoord :: Double
, zCoord :: Maybe Double
, forcePos :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
createPoint :: Double -> Double -> Point
createPoint x y = Point x y Nothing False
printPoint2DUnqt :: Point -> DotCode
printPoint2DUnqt p = commaDel (xCoord p) (yCoord p)
printPoint2D :: Point -> DotCode
printPoint2D = dquotes . printPoint2DUnqt
parsePoint2D :: Parse Point
parsePoint2D = uncurry createPoint <$> commaSepUnqt
instance PrintDot Point where
unqtDot (Point x y mz frs) = bool id (<> char '!') frs
. maybe id (\ z -> (<> unqtDot z) . (<> comma)) mz
$ commaDel x y
toDot = dquotes . unqtDot
unqtListToDot = hsep . mapM unqtDot
listToDot = dquotes . unqtListToDot
instance ParseDot Point where
parseUnqt = uncurry Point
<$> commaSepUnqt
<*> optional (parseComma *> parseUnqt)
<*> (isJust <$> optional (character '!'))
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt whitespace1
data Overlap = KeepOverlaps
| ScaleOverlaps
| ScaleXYOverlaps
| PrismOverlap (Maybe Word16)
| VoronoiOverlap
| CompressOverlap
| VpscOverlap
| IpsepOverlap
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Overlap where
unqtDot KeepOverlaps = unqtDot True
unqtDot ScaleOverlaps = text "scale"
unqtDot ScaleXYOverlaps = text "scalexy"
unqtDot (PrismOverlap i) = maybe id (flip (<>) . unqtDot) i $ text "prism"
unqtDot VoronoiOverlap = text "voronoi"
unqtDot CompressOverlap = text "compress"
unqtDot VpscOverlap = text "vpsc"
unqtDot IpsepOverlap = text "ipsep"
instance ParseDot Overlap where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep KeepOverlaps "true"
, stringRep ScaleXYOverlaps "scalexy"
, stringRep ScaleOverlaps "scale"
, string "prism" *> fmap PrismOverlap (optional parse)
, stringRep (PrismOverlap Nothing) "false"
, stringRep VoronoiOverlap "voronoi"
, stringRep CompressOverlap "compress"
, stringRep VpscOverlap "vpsc"
, stringRep IpsepOverlap "ipsep"
newtype LayerSep = LSep Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerSep where
unqtDot (LSep ls) = setLayerSep (T.unpack ls) *> unqtDot ls
toDot (LSep ls) = setLayerSep (T.unpack ls) *> toDot ls
instance ParseDot LayerSep where
parseUnqt = do ls <- parseUnqt
setLayerSep $ T.unpack ls
return $ LSep ls
parse = do ls <- parse
setLayerSep $ T.unpack ls
return $ LSep ls
newtype LayerListSep = LLSep Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerListSep where
unqtDot (LLSep ls) = setLayerListSep (T.unpack ls) *> unqtDot ls
toDot (LLSep ls) = setLayerListSep (T.unpack ls) *> toDot ls
instance ParseDot LayerListSep where
parseUnqt = do ls <- parseUnqt
setLayerListSep $ T.unpack ls
return $ LLSep ls
parse = do ls <- parse
setLayerListSep $ T.unpack ls
return $ LLSep ls
type LayerRange = [LayerRangeElem]
data LayerRangeElem = LRID LayerID
| LRS LayerID LayerID
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerRangeElem where
unqtDot (LRID lid) = unqtDot lid
unqtDot (LRS id1 id2) = do ls <- getLayerSep
let s = unqtDot $ head ls
unqtDot id1 <> s <> unqtDot id2
toDot (LRID lid) = toDot lid
toDot lrs = dquotes $ unqtDot lrs
unqtListToDot lr = do lls <- getLayerListSep
let s = unqtDot $ head lls
hcat . punctuate s $ mapM unqtDot lr
listToDot [lre] = toDot lre
listToDot lrs = dquotes $ unqtListToDot lrs
instance ParseDot LayerRangeElem where
parseUnqt = ignoreSep LRS parseUnqt parseLayerSep parseUnqt
fmap LRID parseUnqt
parse = quotedParse (ignoreSep LRS parseUnqt parseLayerSep parseUnqt)
fmap LRID parse
parseUnqtList = sepBy parseUnqt parseLayerListSep
parseList = quotedParse parseUnqtList
fmap ((:[]) . LRID) parse
parseLayerSep :: Parse ()
parseLayerSep = do ls <- getLayerSep
many1Satisfy (`elem` ls) *> return ()
parseLayerName :: Parse Text
parseLayerName = parseEscaped False [] =<< liftA2 (++) getLayerSep getLayerListSep
parseLayerName' :: Parse Text
parseLayerName' = stringBlock
quotedParse parseLayerName
parseLayerListSep :: Parse ()
parseLayerListSep = do lls <- getLayerListSep
many1Satisfy (`elem` lls) *> return ()
data LayerID = AllLayers
| LRInt Int
| LRName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerID where
unqtDot AllLayers = text "all"
unqtDot (LRInt n) = unqtDot n
unqtDot (LRName nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (LRName nm) = toDot nm
toDot li = unqtDot li
unqtListToDot ll = do ls <- getLayerSep
let s = unqtDot $ head ls
hcat . punctuate s $ mapM unqtDot ll
listToDot [l] = toDot l
listToDot ll = dquotes $ unqtDot ll
instance ParseDot LayerID where
parseUnqt = checkLayerName <$> parseLayerName
parse = oneOf [ checkLayerName <$> parseLayerName'
, LRInt <$> parse
checkLayerName :: Text -> LayerID
checkLayerName str = maybe checkAll LRInt $ stringToInt str
checkAll = if T.toLower str == "all"
then AllLayers
else LRName str
newtype LayerList = LL [LayerID]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot LayerList where
unqtDot (LL ll) = unqtDot ll
toDot (LL ll) = toDot ll
instance ParseDot LayerList where
parseUnqt = LL <$> sepBy1 parseUnqt parseLayerSep
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
fmap (LL . (:[]) . LRName) stringBlock
quotedParse (stringRep (LL []) "")
data Order = OutEdges
| InEdges
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Order where
unqtDot OutEdges = text "out"
unqtDot InEdges = text "in"
instance ParseDot Order where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep OutEdges "out"
, stringRep InEdges "in"
data OutputMode = BreadthFirst | NodesFirst | EdgesFirst
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot OutputMode where
unqtDot BreadthFirst = text "breadthfirst"
unqtDot NodesFirst = text "nodesfirst"
unqtDot EdgesFirst = text "edgesfirst"
instance ParseDot OutputMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep BreadthFirst "breadthfirst"
, stringRep NodesFirst "nodesfirst"
, stringRep EdgesFirst "edgesfirst"
data Pack = DoPack
| DontPack
| PackMargin Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Pack where
unqtDot DoPack = unqtDot True
unqtDot DontPack = unqtDot False
unqtDot (PackMargin m) = unqtDot m
instance ParseDot Pack where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ PackMargin <$> parseUnqt
, bool DontPack DoPack <$> onlyBool
data PackMode = PackNode
| PackClust
| PackGraph
| PackArray Bool Bool (Maybe Int)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot PackMode where
unqtDot PackNode = text "node"
unqtDot PackClust = text "clust"
unqtDot PackGraph = text "graph"
unqtDot (PackArray c u mi) = addNum . isU . isC . isUnder
$ text "array"
addNum = maybe id (flip (<>) . unqtDot) mi
isUnder = if c || u
then (<> char '_')
else id
isC = if c
then (<> char 'c')
else id
isU = if u
then (<> char 'u')
else id
instance ParseDot PackMode where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep PackNode "node"
, stringRep PackClust "clust"
, stringRep PackGraph "graph"
, do string "array"
mcu <- optional $ character '_' *> many1 (satisfy isCU)
let c = hasCharacter mcu 'c'
u = hasCharacter mcu 'u'
mi <- optional parseUnqt
return $ PackArray c u mi
hasCharacter ms c = maybe False (elem c) ms
isCU = (`elem` ['c', 'u'])
data Pos = PointPos Point
| SplinePos [Spline]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Pos where
unqtDot (PointPos p) = unqtDot p
unqtDot (SplinePos ss) = unqtDot ss
toDot (PointPos p) = toDot p
toDot (SplinePos ss) = toDot ss
instance ParseDot Pos where
parseUnqt = do splns <- parseUnqt
case splns of
[Spline Nothing Nothing [p]] -> return $ PointPos p
_ -> return $ SplinePos splns
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
data EdgeType = SplineEdges
| LineEdges
| NoEdges
| PolyLine
| Ortho
| Curved
| CompoundEdge
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot EdgeType where
unqtDot SplineEdges = text "spline"
unqtDot LineEdges = text "line"
unqtDot NoEdges = empty
unqtDot PolyLine = text "polyline"
unqtDot Ortho = text "ortho"
unqtDot Curved = text "curved"
unqtDot CompoundEdge = text "compound"
toDot NoEdges = dquotes empty
toDot et = unqtDot et
instance ParseDot EdgeType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ bool LineEdges SplineEdges <$> parse
, stringRep SplineEdges "spline"
, stringRep LineEdges "line"
, stringRep NoEdges "none"
, stringRep PolyLine "polyline"
, stringRep Ortho "ortho"
, stringRep Curved "curved"
, stringRep CompoundEdge "compound"
parse = stringRep NoEdges "\"\""
optionalQuoted parseUnqt
data PageDir = Bl | Br | Tl | Tr | Rb | Rt | Lb | Lt
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot PageDir where
unqtDot Bl = text "BL"
unqtDot Br = text "BR"
unqtDot Tl = text "TL"
unqtDot Tr = text "TR"
unqtDot Rb = text "RB"
unqtDot Rt = text "RT"
unqtDot Lb = text "LB"
unqtDot Lt = text "LT"
instance ParseDot PageDir where
parseUnqt = stringValue [ ("BL", Bl)
, ("BR", Br)
, ("TL", Tl)
, ("TR", Tr)
, ("RB", Rb)
, ("RT", Rt)
, ("LB", Lb)
, ("LT", Lt)
data Spline = Spline { endPoint :: Maybe Point
, startPoint :: Maybe Point
, splinePoints :: [Point]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Spline where
unqtDot (Spline me ms ps) = addE . addS
. hsep
$ mapM unqtDot ps
addP t = maybe id ((<+>) . commaDel t)
addS = addP 's' ms
addE = addP 'e' me
toDot = dquotes . unqtDot
unqtListToDot = hcat . punctuate semi . mapM unqtDot
listToDot = dquotes . unqtListToDot
instance ParseDot Spline where
parseUnqt = Spline <$> parseP 'e' <*> parseP 's'
<*> sepBy1 parseUnqt whitespace1
parseP t = optional (character t *> parseComma *> parseUnqt <* whitespace1)
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt (character ';')
data QuadType = NormalQT
| FastQT
| NoQT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot QuadType where
unqtDot NormalQT = text "normal"
unqtDot FastQT = text "fast"
unqtDot NoQT = text "none"
instance ParseDot QuadType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep NormalQT "normal"
, stringRep FastQT "fast"
, stringRep NoQT "none"
, character '2' *> return FastQT
, bool NoQT NormalQT <$> parse
data Root = IsCentral
| NotCentral
| NodeName Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Root where
unqtDot IsCentral = unqtDot True
unqtDot NotCentral = unqtDot False
unqtDot (NodeName n) = unqtDot n
toDot (NodeName n) = toDot n
toDot r = unqtDot r
instance ParseDot Root where
parseUnqt = fmap (bool NotCentral IsCentral) onlyBool
fmap NodeName parseUnqt
parse = optionalQuoted (bool NotCentral IsCentral <$> onlyBool)
fmap NodeName parse
data RankType = SameRank
| MinRank
| SourceRank
| MaxRank
| SinkRank
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot RankType where
unqtDot SameRank = text "same"
unqtDot MinRank = text "min"
unqtDot SourceRank = text "source"
unqtDot MaxRank = text "max"
unqtDot SinkRank = text "sink"
instance ParseDot RankType where
parseUnqt = stringValue [ ("same", SameRank)
, ("min", MinRank)
, ("source", SourceRank)
, ("max", MaxRank)
, ("sink", SinkRank)
data RankDir = FromTop
| FromLeft
| FromBottom
| FromRight
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot RankDir where
unqtDot FromTop = text "TB"
unqtDot FromLeft = text "LR"
unqtDot FromBottom = text "BT"
unqtDot FromRight = text "RL"
instance ParseDot RankDir where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep FromTop "TB"
, stringRep FromLeft "LR"
, stringRep FromBottom "BT"
, stringRep FromRight "RL"
data Shape
= BoxShape
| Polygon
| Ellipse
| Circle
| PointShape
| Egg
| Triangle
| PlainText
| DiamondShape
| Trapezium
| Parallelogram
| House
| Pentagon
| Hexagon
| Septagon
| Octagon
| DoubleCircle
| DoubleOctagon
| TripleOctagon
| InvTriangle
| InvTrapezium
| InvHouse
| MDiamond
| MSquare
| MCircle
| Square
| Star
| Underline
| Note
| Tab
| Folder
| Box3D
| Component
| Promoter
| Terminator
| PrimerSite
| RestrictionSite
| FivePovOverhang
| ThreePovOverhang
| NoOverhang
| Assembly
| Signature
| Insulator
| Ribosite
| RNAStab
| ProteaseSite
| ProteinStab
| RPromoter
| RArrow
| LArrow
| LPromoter
| Record
| MRecord
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Shape where
unqtDot BoxShape = text "box"
unqtDot Polygon = text "polygon"
unqtDot Ellipse = text "ellipse"
unqtDot Circle = text "circle"
unqtDot PointShape = text "point"
unqtDot Egg = text "egg"
unqtDot Triangle = text "triangle"
unqtDot PlainText = text "plaintext"
unqtDot DiamondShape = text "diamond"
unqtDot Trapezium = text "trapezium"
unqtDot Parallelogram = text "parallelogram"
unqtDot House = text "house"
unqtDot Pentagon = text "pentagon"
unqtDot Hexagon = text "hexagon"
unqtDot Septagon = text "septagon"
unqtDot Octagon = text "octagon"
unqtDot DoubleCircle = text "doublecircle"
unqtDot DoubleOctagon = text "doubleoctagon"
unqtDot TripleOctagon = text "tripleoctagon"
unqtDot InvTriangle = text "invtriangle"
unqtDot InvTrapezium = text "invtrapezium"
unqtDot InvHouse = text "invhouse"
unqtDot MDiamond = text "Mdiamond"
unqtDot MSquare = text "Msquare"
unqtDot MCircle = text "Mcircle"
unqtDot Square = text "square"
unqtDot Star = text "star"
unqtDot Underline = text "underline"
unqtDot Note = text "note"
unqtDot Tab = text "tab"
unqtDot Folder = text "folder"
unqtDot Box3D = text "box3d"
unqtDot Component = text "component"
unqtDot Promoter = text "promoter"
unqtDot CDS = text "cds"
unqtDot Terminator = text "terminator"
unqtDot UTR = text "utr"
unqtDot PrimerSite = text "primersite"
unqtDot RestrictionSite = text "restrictionsite"
unqtDot FivePovOverhang = text "fivepovoverhang"
unqtDot ThreePovOverhang = text "threepovoverhang"
unqtDot NoOverhang = text "nooverhang"
unqtDot Assembly = text "assembly"
unqtDot Signature = text "signature"
unqtDot Insulator = text "insulator"
unqtDot Ribosite = text "ribosite"
unqtDot RNAStab = text "rnastab"
unqtDot ProteaseSite = text "proteasesite"
unqtDot ProteinStab = text "proteinstab"
unqtDot RPromoter = text "rpromoter"
unqtDot RArrow = text "rarrow"
unqtDot LArrow = text "larrow"
unqtDot LPromoter = text "lpromoter"
unqtDot Record = text "record"
unqtDot MRecord = text "Mrecord"
instance ParseDot Shape where
parseUnqt = stringValue [ ("box3d", Box3D)
, ("box", BoxShape)
, ("rectangle", BoxShape)
, ("rect", BoxShape)
, ("polygon", Polygon)
, ("ellipse", Ellipse)
, ("oval", Ellipse)
, ("circle", Circle)
, ("point", PointShape)
, ("egg", Egg)
, ("triangle", Triangle)
, ("plaintext", PlainText)
, ("none", PlainText)
, ("diamond", DiamondShape)
, ("trapezium", Trapezium)
, ("parallelogram", Parallelogram)
, ("house", House)
, ("pentagon", Pentagon)
, ("hexagon", Hexagon)
, ("septagon", Septagon)
, ("octagon", Octagon)
, ("doublecircle", DoubleCircle)
, ("doubleoctagon", DoubleOctagon)
, ("tripleoctagon", TripleOctagon)
, ("invtriangle", InvTriangle)
, ("invtrapezium", InvTrapezium)
, ("invhouse", InvHouse)
, ("Mdiamond", MDiamond)
, ("Msquare", MSquare)
, ("Mcircle", MCircle)
, ("square", Square)
, ("star", Star)
, ("underline", Underline)
, ("note", Note)
, ("tab", Tab)
, ("folder", Folder)
, ("component", Component)
, ("promoter", Promoter)
, ("cds", CDS)
, ("terminator", Terminator)
, ("utr", UTR)
, ("primersite", PrimerSite)
, ("restrictionsite", RestrictionSite)
, ("fivepovoverhang", FivePovOverhang)
, ("threepovoverhang", ThreePovOverhang)
, ("nooverhang", NoOverhang)
, ("assembly", Assembly)
, ("signature", Signature)
, ("insulator", Insulator)
, ("ribosite", Ribosite)
, ("rnastab", RNAStab)
, ("proteasesite", ProteaseSite)
, ("proteinstab", ProteinStab)
, ("rpromoter", RPromoter)
, ("rarrow", RArrow)
, ("larrow", LArrow)
, ("lpromoter", LPromoter)
, ("record", Record)
, ("Mrecord", MRecord)
data SmoothType = NoSmooth
| AvgDist
| GraphDist
| PowerDist
| Spring
| TriangleSmooth
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot SmoothType where
unqtDot NoSmooth = text "none"
unqtDot AvgDist = text "avg_dist"
unqtDot GraphDist = text "graph_dist"
unqtDot PowerDist = text "power_dist"
unqtDot RNG = text "rng"
unqtDot Spring = text "spring"
unqtDot TriangleSmooth = text "triangle"
instance ParseDot SmoothType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep NoSmooth "none"
, stringRep AvgDist "avg_dist"
, stringRep GraphDist "graph_dist"
, stringRep PowerDist "power_dist"
, stringRep RNG "rng"
, stringRep Spring "spring"
, stringRep TriangleSmooth "triangle"
data StartType = StartStyle STStyle
| StartSeed Int
| StartStyleSeed STStyle Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StartType where
unqtDot (StartStyle ss) = unqtDot ss
unqtDot (StartSeed s) = unqtDot s
unqtDot (StartStyleSeed ss s) = unqtDot ss <> unqtDot s
instance ParseDot StartType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ liftA2 StartStyleSeed parseUnqt parseUnqt
, StartStyle <$> parseUnqt
, StartSeed <$> parseUnqt
data STStyle = RegularStyle
| SelfStyle
| RandomStyle
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot STStyle where
unqtDot RegularStyle = text "regular"
unqtDot SelfStyle = text "self"
unqtDot RandomStyle = text "random"
instance ParseDot STStyle where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep RegularStyle "regular"
, stringRep SelfStyle "self"
, stringRep RandomStyle "random"
data StyleItem = SItem StyleName [Text]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StyleItem where
unqtDot (SItem nm args)
| null args = dnm
| otherwise = dnm <> parens args'
dnm = unqtDot nm
args' = hcat . punctuate comma $ mapM unqtDot args
toDot si@(SItem nm args)
| null args = toDot nm
| otherwise = dquotes $ unqtDot si
unqtListToDot = hcat . punctuate comma . mapM unqtDot
listToDot [SItem nm []] = toDot nm
listToDot sis = dquotes $ unqtListToDot sis
instance ParseDot StyleItem where
parseUnqt = liftA2 SItem parseUnqt (tryParseList' parseArgs)
parse = quotedParse (liftA2 SItem parseUnqt parseArgs)
fmap (`SItem` []) parse
parseUnqtList = sepBy1 parseUnqt (wrapWhitespace parseComma)
parseList = quotedParse parseUnqtList
fmap return parse
parseArgs :: Parse [Text]
parseArgs = bracketSep (character '(')
(character ')')
data StyleName = Dashed
| Dotted
| Solid
| Bold
| Invisible
| Filled
| Striped
| Wedged
| Diagonals
| Rounded
| Tapered
| Radial
| DD Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot StyleName where
unqtDot Dashed = text "dashed"
unqtDot Dotted = text "dotted"
unqtDot Solid = text "solid"
unqtDot Bold = text "bold"
unqtDot Invisible = text "invis"
unqtDot Filled = text "filled"
unqtDot Striped = text "striped"
unqtDot Wedged = text "wedged"
unqtDot Diagonals = text "diagonals"
unqtDot Rounded = text "rounded"
unqtDot Tapered = text "tapered"
unqtDot Radial = text "radial"
unqtDot (DD nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (DD nm) = toDot nm
toDot sn = unqtDot sn
instance ParseDot StyleName where
parseUnqt = checkDD <$> parseStyleName
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
fmap checkDD quotelessString
checkDD :: Text -> StyleName
checkDD str = case T.toLower str of
"dashed" -> Dashed
"dotted" -> Dotted
"solid" -> Solid
"bold" -> Bold
"invis" -> Invisible
"filled" -> Filled
"striped" -> Striped
"wedged" -> Wedged
"diagonals" -> Diagonals
"rounded" -> Rounded
"tapered" -> Tapered
"radial" -> Radial
_ -> DD str
parseStyleName :: Parse Text
parseStyleName = liftA2 T.cons (orEscaped . noneOf $ ' ' : disallowedChars)
(parseEscaped True [] disallowedChars)
disallowedChars = [quoteChar, '(', ')', ',']
orSlash p = stringRep '\\' "\\\\" `onFail` p
orEscaped = orQuote . orSlash
data ViewPort = VP { wVal :: Double
, hVal :: Double
, zVal :: Double
, focus :: Maybe FocusType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ViewPort where
unqtDot vp = maybe vs ((<>) (vs <> comma) . unqtDot)
$ focus vp
vs = hcat . punctuate comma
$ mapM (unqtDot . ($vp)) [wVal, hVal, zVal]
toDot = dquotes . unqtDot
instance ParseDot ViewPort where
parseUnqt = VP <$> parseUnqt
<* parseComma
<*> parseUnqt
<* parseComma
<*> parseUnqt
<*> optional (parseComma *> parseUnqt)
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
data FocusType = XY Point
| NodeFocus Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot FocusType where
unqtDot (XY p) = unqtDot p
unqtDot (NodeFocus nm) = unqtDot nm
toDot (XY p) = toDot p
toDot (NodeFocus nm) = toDot nm
instance ParseDot FocusType where
parseUnqt = fmap XY parseUnqt
fmap NodeFocus parseUnqt
parse = fmap XY parse
fmap NodeFocus parse
data VerticalPlacement = VTop
| VCenter
| VBottom
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot VerticalPlacement where
unqtDot VTop = char 't'
unqtDot VCenter = char 'c'
unqtDot VBottom = char 'b'
instance ParseDot VerticalPlacement where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringReps VTop ["top", "t"]
, stringReps VCenter ["centre", "center", "c"]
, stringReps VBottom ["bottom", "b"]
newtype Paths = Paths { paths :: [FilePath] }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Paths where
unqtDot = unqtDot . intercalate [searchPathSeparator] . paths
toDot (Paths [p]) = toDot p
toDot ps = dquotes $ unqtDot ps
instance ParseDot Paths where
parseUnqt = Paths . splitSearchPath <$> parseUnqt
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
fmap (Paths . (:[]) . T.unpack) quotelessString
data ScaleType = UniformScale
| NoScale
| FillWidth
| FillHeight
| FillBoth
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot ScaleType where
unqtDot UniformScale = unqtDot True
unqtDot NoScale = unqtDot False
unqtDot FillWidth = text "width"
unqtDot FillHeight = text "height"
unqtDot FillBoth = text "both"
instance ParseDot ScaleType where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringRep UniformScale "true"
, stringRep NoScale "false"
, stringRep FillWidth "width"
, stringRep FillHeight "height"
, stringRep FillBoth "both"
data Justification = JLeft
| JRight
| JCenter
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Justification where
unqtDot JLeft = char 'l'
unqtDot JRight = char 'r'
unqtDot JCenter = char 'c'
instance ParseDot Justification where
parseUnqt = oneOf [ stringReps JLeft ["left", "l"]
, stringReps JRight ["right", "r"]
, stringReps JCenter ["center", "centre", "c"]
data Ratios = AspectRatio Double
| FillRatio
| CompressRatio
| ExpandRatio
| AutoRatio
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Ratios where
unqtDot (AspectRatio r) = unqtDot r
unqtDot FillRatio = text "fill"
unqtDot CompressRatio = text "compress"
unqtDot ExpandRatio = text "expand"
unqtDot AutoRatio = text "auto"
toDot (AspectRatio r) = toDot r
toDot r = unqtDot r
instance ParseDot Ratios where
parseUnqt = parseRatio True
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt <|> parseRatio False
parseRatio :: Bool -> Parse Ratios
parseRatio q = oneOf [ AspectRatio <$> parseSignedFloat q
, stringRep FillRatio "fill"
, stringRep CompressRatio "compress"
, stringRep ExpandRatio "expand"
, stringRep AutoRatio "auto"
data Number = Int Int
| Dbl Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Number where
unqtDot (Int i) = unqtDot i
unqtDot (Dbl d) = unqtDot d
toDot (Int i) = toDot i
toDot (Dbl d) = toDot d
instance ParseDot Number where
parseUnqt = parseNumber True
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt
parseNumber False
parseNumber :: Bool -> Parse Number
parseNumber q = Dbl <$> parseStrictFloat q
Int <$> parseUnqt
data Normalized = IsNormalized
| NotNormalized
| NormalizedAngle Double
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot Normalized where
unqtDot IsNormalized = unqtDot True
unqtDot NotNormalized = unqtDot False
unqtDot (NormalizedAngle a) = unqtDot a
toDot (NormalizedAngle a) = toDot a
toDot norm = unqtDot norm
instance ParseDot Normalized where
parseUnqt = parseNormalized True
parse = quotedParse parseUnqt <|> parseNormalized False
parseNormalized :: Bool -> Parse Normalized
parseNormalized q = NormalizedAngle <$> parseSignedFloat q
bool NotNormalized IsNormalized <$> onlyBool
data NodeSize = GrowAsNeeded
| SetNodeSize
| SetShapeSize
deriving (Eq, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Show, Read)
instance PrintDot NodeSize where
unqtDot GrowAsNeeded = unqtDot False
unqtDot SetNodeSize = unqtDot True
unqtDot SetShapeSize = text "shape"
instance ParseDot NodeSize where
parseUnqt = bool GrowAsNeeded SetNodeSize <$> parseUnqt
stringRep SetShapeSize "shape"