{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

{- |
   Module      : Data.GraphViz.Types.State
   Description : Create lookups for 'Attribute's.
   Copyright   : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This module provides functions to assist with building 'Attribute'
module Data.GraphViz.Types.State
       ( Path
       , recursiveCall
       , GraphState
       , ClusterLookup
       , getGraphInfo
       , addSubGraph
       , addGraphGlobals
       , NodeState
       , NodeLookup
       , getNodeLookup
       , toDotNodes
       , addNodeGlobals
       , addNode
       , addEdgeNodes
       , EdgeState
       , getDotEdges
       , addEdgeGlobals
       , addEdge
       ) where

import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete   (Attributes, usedByClusters,
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Same
import Data.GraphViz.Types.Internal.Common

import           Control.Arrow       ((&&&), (***))
import           Control.Monad       (when)
import           Control.Monad.State (State, execState, gets, modify)
import           Data.DList          (DList)
import qualified Data.DList          as DList
import           Data.Function       (on)
import           Data.Map            (Map)
import qualified Data.Map            as Map
import           Data.Sequence       (Seq, ViewL(..), (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence       as Seq
import qualified Data.Set            as Set

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type GVState s a = State (StateValue s) a

data StateValue a = SV { globalAttrs :: SAttrs
                       , useGlobals  :: Bool
                       , globalPath  :: Path
                       , value       :: a
                  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

-- | The path of clusters that must be traversed to reach this spot.
type Path = Seq (Maybe GraphID)

modifyGlobal   :: (SAttrs -> SAttrs) -> GVState s ()
modifyGlobal f = modify f'
    f' sv@(SV{globalAttrs = gas}) = sv{globalAttrs = f gas}

modifyValue   :: (s -> s) -> GVState s ()
modifyValue f = modify f'
    f' sv@(SV{value = s}) = sv{value = f s}

addGlobals    :: Attributes -> GVState s ()
addGlobals as = do addG <- gets useGlobals
                   when addG $ modifyGlobal (`unionWith` as)

getGlobals :: GVState s SAttrs
getGlobals = gets globalAttrs

getPath :: GVState s Path
getPath = gets globalPath

modifyPath   :: (Path -> Path) -> GVState s ()
modifyPath f = modify f'
    f' sv@(SV{globalPath = p}) = sv{globalPath = f p}

-- When calling recursively, back-up and restore the global attrs
-- since they shouldn't change.
-- Outer Maybe: Nothing for subgraphs, Just for clusters
recursiveCall      :: Maybe (Maybe GraphID) -> GVState s () -> GVState s ()
recursiveCall mc s = do gas <- getGlobals
                        p   <- getPath
                        maybe (return ()) (modifyPath . flip (|>)) mc
                        modifyGlobal (const gas)
                        modifyPath (const p)

unionWith        :: SAttrs -> Attributes -> SAttrs
unionWith sas as = toSAttr as `Set.union` sas

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Dealing with sub-graphs

type GraphState a = GVState ClusterLookup' a

-- | The available information for each cluster; the @['Path']@
--   denotes all locations where that particular cluster is located
--   (more than one location can indicate possible problems).
type ClusterLookup = Map (Maybe GraphID) ([Path], GlobalAttributes)

type ClusterLookup' = Map (Maybe GraphID) ClusterInfo

type ClusterInfo = (DList Path, SAttrs)

getGraphInfo :: GraphState a -> (GlobalAttributes, ClusterLookup)
getGraphInfo = ((graphGlobal . globalAttrs) &&& (convert . value))
               . (`execState` initState)
    convert = Map.map ((uniq . DList.toList) *** toGlobal)
    toGlobal = GraphAttrs . filter usedByClusters . unSame
    graphGlobal = GraphAttrs . filter usedByGraphs . unSame
    initState = SV Set.empty True Seq.empty Map.empty
    uniq = Set.toList . Set.fromList

mergeCInfos          :: ClusterInfo -> ClusterInfo -> ClusterInfo
mergeCInfos (p1,as1) = DList.append p1 *** Set.union as1

addCluster                 :: Maybe (Maybe GraphID) -> Path -> SAttrs
                              -> GraphState ()
addCluster Nothing    _ _  = return ()
addCluster (Just gid) p as = modifyValue $ Map.insertWith mergeCInfos gid ci
    ci = (DList.singleton p, as)

-- Use this instead of recursiveCall
addSubGraph           :: Maybe (Maybe GraphID) -> GraphState a -> GraphState ()
addSubGraph mid cntns = do pth <- getPath -- Want path before we add it...
                           recursiveCall mid $ do cntns
                                                  -- But want attrs after we
                                                  -- finish it.
                                                  gas <- getGlobals
                                                  addCluster mid pth gas

addGraphGlobals                 :: GlobalAttributes -> GraphState ()
addGraphGlobals (GraphAttrs as) = addGlobals as
addGraphGlobals _               = return ()

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Dealing with DotNodes

-- | The available information on each 'DotNode' (both explicit and implicit).
type NodeLookup n = Map n (Path, Attributes)

type NodeLookup' n = Map n NodeInfo

data NodeInfo = NI { atts     :: SAttrs
                   , gAtts    :: SAttrs -- from globals
                   , location :: Path
              deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

type NodeState n a = GVState (NodeLookup' n) a

toDotNodes :: NodeLookup n -> [DotNode n]
toDotNodes = map (\(n,(_,as)) -> DotNode n as) . Map.assocs

getNodeLookup       :: Bool -> NodeState n a -> NodeLookup n
getNodeLookup addGs = Map.map combine . value . (`execState` initState)
    initState = SV Set.empty addGs Seq.empty Map.empty
    combine ni = (location ni, unSame $ atts ni `Set.union` gAtts ni)

-- New -> Old -> Inserted
-- For specific attributes, newer one takes precedence; for global
-- attributes and path, older one takes precedence.
mergeNInfos :: NodeInfo -> NodeInfo -> NodeInfo
mergeNInfos (NI a1 ga1 p1) (NI a2 ga2 p2) = NI (a1 `Set.union` a2)
                                                -- old one takes precendence
                                               (ga2 `Set.union` ga1)
                                                -- old one takes precendence
                                               (mergePs p2 p1)

-- | If one 'Path' is a prefix of another, then take the longer one;
--   otherwise, take the first 'Path'.
mergePs :: Path -> Path -> Path
mergePs p1 p2 = mrg' p1 p2
    mrg' = mrg `on` Seq.viewl
    mrg EmptyL      _           = p2
    mrg _           EmptyL      = p1
    mrg (c1 :< p1') (c2 :< p2')
      | c1 == c2                = mrg' p1' p2'
      | otherwise               = p1

addNodeGlobals                :: GlobalAttributes -> NodeState n ()
addNodeGlobals (NodeAttrs as) = addGlobals as
addNodeGlobals _              = return ()

mergeNode            :: (Ord n) => n -> Attributes -> SAttrs -> Path
                        -> NodeState n ()
mergeNode n as gas p = modifyValue $ Map.insertWith mergeNInfos n ni
    ni = NI (toSAttr as) gas p

addNode                :: (Ord n) => DotNode n -> NodeState n ()
addNode (DotNode n as) = do gas <- getGlobals
                            p <- getPath
                            -- insertWith takes func (new -> old -> inserted)
                            mergeNode n as gas p

addEdgeNodes :: (Ord n) => DotEdge n -> NodeState n ()
addEdgeNodes (DotEdge f t _) = do gas <- getGlobals
                                  p <- getPath
                                  addEN f gas p
                                  addEN t gas p
    addEN n = mergeNode n []

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Dealing with DotEdges

type EdgeState n a = GVState (DList (DotEdge n)) a

getDotEdges       :: Bool -> EdgeState n a -> [DotEdge n]
getDotEdges addGs = DList.toList . value . (`execState` initState)
    initState = SV Set.empty addGs Seq.empty DList.empty

addEdgeGlobals                :: GlobalAttributes -> EdgeState n ()
addEdgeGlobals (EdgeAttrs as) = addGlobals as
addEdgeGlobals _              = return ()

addEdge :: DotEdge n -> EdgeState n ()
addEdge de@DotEdge{edgeAttributes = as}
  = do gas <- getGlobals
       let de' = de { edgeAttributes = unSame $ unionWith gas as }
       modifyValue $ (`DList.snoc` de')