graphviz-2999.20.0.3: Bindings to Graphviz for graph visualisation.

Copyright(c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
License3-Clause BSD-style
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines simple helper functions for use with Text.PrettyPrint. It also re-exports all the pretty-printing combinators from that module.

Note that the PrintDot instances for Bool, etc. match those specified for use with Graphviz.

You should only be using this module if you are writing custom node types for use with Data.GraphViz.Types. For actual printing of code, use printDotGraph (which produces a Text value).

The Dot language specification specifies that any identifier is in one of four forms:

  • Any string of alphabetic ([a-zA-Z\200-\377]) characters, underscores ('_') or digits ([0-9]), not beginning with a digit;
  • a number [-]?(.[0-9]+ | [0-9]+(.[0-9]*)? );
  • any double-quoted string ("...") possibly containing escaped quotes (\");
  • an HTML string (<...>).

(Note that the first restriction is referring to a byte-by-byte comparison using octal values; when using UTF-8 this corresponds to all characters c where ord c >= 128.)

Due to these restrictions, you should only use text when you are sure that the Text in question is static and quotes are definitely needed/unneeded; it is better to use the Text instance for PrintDot. For more information, see the specification page:



group :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

The group combinator is used to specify alternative layouts. The document (group x) undoes all line breaks in document x. The resulting line is added to the current line if that fits the page. Otherwise, the document x is rendered without any changes.

nesting :: Functor m => m (Int -> Doc) -> m Doc #

Specifies how to nest the document based upon which column it is being nested in.

column :: Functor m => m (Int -> Doc) -> m Doc #

Specifies how to create the document based upon which column it is in.

nest :: Functor m => Int -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (nest i x) renders document x with the current indentation level increased by i (See also hang, align and indent).

nest 2 (text "hello" <$> text "world") <$> text "!"

outputs as:


linebreak :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The linebreak document advances to the next line and indents to the current nesting level. Document linebreak behaves like empty if the line break is undone by group.

line :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The line document advances to the next line and indents to the current nesting level. Document line behaves like (text " ") if the line break is undone by group or if rendered with renderOneLine.

textStrict :: Monad m => Text -> m Doc #

text :: Applicative m => Text -> m Doc #

The document (text s) contains the literal string s. The string shouldn't contain any newline ('\n') characters. If the string contains newline characters, the function string should be used.

char :: Applicative m => Char -> m Doc #

The document (char c) contains the literal character c. The character shouldn't be a newline ('\n'), the function line should be used for line breaks.

empty :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The empty document is, indeed, empty. Although empty has no content, it does have a 'height' of 1 and behaves exactly like (text "") (and is therefore not a unit of <$>).

align :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (align x) renders document x with the nesting level set to the current column. It is used for example to implement hang.

As an example, we will put a document right above another one, regardless of the current nesting level:

x $$ y = align (x <$> y)
test = text "hi" <+> (text "nice" $$ text "world")

which will be laid out as:

  hi nice

hang :: Functor m => Int -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The hang combinator implements hanging indentation. The document (hang i x) renders document x with a nesting level set to the current column plus i. The following example uses hanging indentation for some text:

test = hang 4 (fillSep (map text
        (words "the hang combinator indents these words !")))

Which lays out on a page with a width of 20 characters as:

  the hang combinator
      indents these
      words !

The hang combinator is implemented as:

hang i x = align (nest i x)

indent :: Functor m => Int -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (indent i x) indents document x with i spaces.

test = indent 4 (fillSep (map text
        (words "the indent combinator indents these words !")))

Which lays out with a page width of 20 as:

      the indent
      indents these
      words !

fillBreak :: Functor m => Int -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (fillBreak i x) first renders document x. It then appends spaces until the width is equal to i. If the width of x is already larger than i, the nesting level is increased by i and a line is appended. When we redefine ptype in the previous example to use fillBreak, we get a useful variation of the previous output:

ptype (name,tp)
= fillBreak 6 (text name) <+> text "::" <+> text tp

The output will now be:

  let empty  :: Doc
      nest   :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
             :: Doc

fill :: Functor m => Int -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (fill i x) renders document x. It then appends spaces until the width is equal to i. If the width of x is already larger, nothing is appended. This combinator is quite useful in practice to output a list of bindings. The following example demonstrates this.

types = [("empty","Doc")
         ,("nest","Int -> Doc -> Doc")

ptype (name,tp)
= fill 6 (text name) <+> text "::" <+> text tp

test = text "let" <+> align (vcat (map ptype types))

Which is laid out as:

  let empty  :: Doc
      nest   :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
      linebreak :: Doc

prettyM :: (Pretty a, Applicative m) => a -> m Doc #

A monadic version of pretty; this is to allow you to use the Pretty class without having to create extra instances. Alternatively, you may wish to make a variant of Pretty using the actual Monad to be used.

rational :: Applicative m => Rational -> m Doc #

The document (rational r) shows the literal rational r using text.

double :: Applicative m => Double -> m Doc #

The document (double d) shows the literal double d using text.

float :: Applicative m => Float -> m Doc #

The document (float f) shows the literal float f using text.

integer :: Applicative m => Integer -> m Doc #

The document (integer i) shows the literal integer i using text.

int :: Applicative m => Int -> m Doc #

The document (int i) shows the literal integer i using text.

stringStrict :: Monad m => Text -> m Doc #

equals :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document equals contains an equal sign, "=".

backslash :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document backslash contains a back slash, "\".

dot :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document dot contains a single dot, ".".

space :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document space contains a single space, " ".

x <+> y = x `beside` space `beside` y

comma :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document comma contains a comma, ",".

colon :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document colon contains a colon, ":".

semi :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document semi contains a semi colon, ";".

dquote :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document dquote contains a double quote, '"'.

squote :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document squote contains a single quote, "'".

rbracket :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document rbracket contains a right square bracket, "]".

lbracket :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document lbracket contains a left square bracket, "[".

rbrace :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document rbrace contains a right brace, "}".

lbrace :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document lbrace contains a left brace, "{".

rangle :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document rangle contains a right angle, ">".

langle :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document langle contains a left angle, "<".

rparen :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document rparen contains a right parenthesis, ")".

lparen :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document lparen contains a left parenthesis, "(".

enclose :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc #

The document (enclose l r x) encloses document x between documents l and r using beside.

enclose l r x = l `beside` x `beside` r

brackets :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (brackets x) encloses document x in square brackets, "[" and "]".

angles :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (angles x) encloses document x in angles, "<" and ">".

parens :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (parens x) encloses document x in parenthesis, "(" and ")".

braces :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (braces x) encloses document x in braces, "{" and "}".

dquotes :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (dquotes x) encloses document x with double quotes '"'.

squotes :: Functor m => m Doc -> m Doc #

Document (squotes x) encloses document x with single quotes "'".

spacebreak :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document spacebreak behaves like space when rendered normally but like empty when using renderCompact or renderOneLine.

softbreak :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document softbreak behaves like empty if the resulting output fits the page, otherwise it behaves like line.

softline :: Applicative m => m Doc #

The document softline behaves like space if the resulting output fits the page, otherwise it behaves like line.

(<$$>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 5 #

The document (x <$$> y) concatenates document x and y with a linebreak in between. (infixr 5)

(<//>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 5 #

The document (x <//> y) concatenates document x and y with a softbreak in between. This effectively puts x and y either right next to each other or underneath each other. (infixr 5)

(</>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 5 #

The document (x </> y) concatenates document x and y with a softline in between. This effectively puts x and y either next to each other (with a space in between) or underneath each other. (infixr 5)

(<++>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 6 #

The document (x <++> y) concatenates document x and y with a spacebreak in between. (infixr 6)

(<+>) :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 6 #

The document (x <+> y) concatenates document x and y with a space in between. (infixr 6)

beside :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc infixr 6 #

The document (x beside y) concatenates document x and document y. It is an associative operation having empty as a left and right unit. (infixr 6)

vcat :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (vcat xs) concatenates all documents xs vertically with (<$$>). If a group undoes the line breaks inserted by vcat, all documents are directly concatenated.

hcat :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (hcat xs) concatenates all documents xs horizontally with (<>).

fillCat :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (fillCat xs) concatenates documents xs horizontally with (<>) as long as its fits the page, then inserts a linebreak and continues doing that for all documents in xs.

fillCat xs = foldr (<//>) empty xs

cat :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (cat xs) concatenates all documents xs either horizontally with (<>), if it fits the page, or vertically with (<$$>).

cat xs = group (vcat xs)

vsep :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (vsep xs) concatenates all documents xs vertically with (<$>). If a group undoes the line breaks inserted by vsep, all documents are separated with a space.

someText = map text (words ("text to lay out"))

test = text "some" <+> vsep someText

This is laid out as:

  some text

The align combinator can be used to align the documents under their first element

test = text "some" <+> align (vsep someText)

Which is printed as:

  some text

hsep :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (hsep xs) concatenates all documents xs horizontally with (<+>).

fillSep :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (fillSep xs) concatenates documents xs horizontally with (<+>) as long as its fits the page, then inserts a line and continues doing that for all documents in xs.

fillSep xs = foldr (</>) empty xs

sep :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (sep xs) concatenates all documents xs either horizontally with (<+>), if it fits the page, or vertically with (<$>).

sep xs = group (vsep xs)

punctuate :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m [Doc] -> m [Doc] #

(punctuate p xs) concatenates all documents in xs with document p except for the last document.

someText = map text ["words","in","a","tuple"]
test = parens (align (cat (punctuate comma someText)))

This is laid out on a page width of 20 as:


But when the page width is 15, it is laid out as:


(If you want put the commas in front of their elements instead of at the end, you should use tupled or, in general, encloseSep.)

encloseSep :: Applicative m => m Doc -> m Doc -> m Doc -> m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (encloseSep l r sep xs) concatenates the documents xs separated by sep and encloses the resulting document by l and r. The documents are rendered horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned vertically. All separators are put in front of the elements. For example, the combinator list can be defined with encloseSep:

list xs = encloseSep lbracket rbracket comma xs
test = text "list" <+> (list (map int [10,200,3000]))

Which is laid out with a page width of 20 as:

  list [10,200,3000]

But when the page width is 15, it is laid out as:

  list [10

semiBraces :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (semiBraces xs) separates the documents xs with semi colons and encloses them in braces. The documents are rendered horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned vertically. All semi colons are put in front of the elements.

tupled :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (tupled xs) comma separates the documents xs and encloses them in parenthesis. The documents are rendered horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned vertically. All comma separators are put in front of the elements.

list :: Functor m => m [Doc] -> m Doc #

The document (list xs) comma separates the documents xs and encloses them in square brackets. The documents are rendered horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned vertically. All comma separators are put in front of the elements.

displayB :: SimpleDoc -> Builder #

(displayB simpleDoc) takes the output simpleDoc from a rendering function and transforms it to a Builder type (for further manipulation before converting to a lazy Doc).

renderOneLine :: Doc -> SimpleDoc #

(renderOneLine x) renders document x without adding any indentation or newlines.

data Doc #

The abstract data type Doc represents pretty documents.

Doc is an instance of the Show class. (show doc) pretty prints document doc with a page width of 100 characters and a ribbon width of 40 characters.

show (text "hello" <$> text "world")

Which would return the string "hello\nworld", i.e.

Show Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


showsPrec :: Int -> Doc -> ShowS #

show :: Doc -> String #

showList :: [Doc] -> ShowS #

Show DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

IsString Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


fromString :: String -> Doc #

IsString DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


fromString :: String -> DotCode #

Semigroup Doc

In particular, note that the document (x <> y) concatenates document x and document y. It is an associative operation having empty as a left and right unit. (infixr 6)

Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


(<>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

sconcat :: NonEmpty Doc -> Doc #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Doc -> Doc #

Semigroup DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

Monoid Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


mempty :: Doc #

mappend :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc #

mconcat :: [Doc] -> Doc #

Monoid DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

Pretty Doc 
Instance details

Defined in Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen.Text


pretty :: Doc -> Doc #

prettyList :: [Doc] -> Doc #

data DotCodeM a Source #

A type alias to indicate what is being produced.

Monad DotCodeM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


(>>=) :: DotCodeM a -> (a -> DotCodeM b) -> DotCodeM b #

(>>) :: DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b -> DotCodeM b #

return :: a -> DotCodeM a #

fail :: String -> DotCodeM a #

Functor DotCodeM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


fmap :: (a -> b) -> DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b #

(<$) :: a -> DotCodeM b -> DotCodeM a #

Show DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

IsString DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


fromString :: String -> DotCode #

Applicative DotCodeM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


pure :: a -> DotCodeM a #

(<*>) :: DotCodeM (a -> b) -> DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b -> DotCodeM c #

(*>) :: DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b -> DotCodeM b #

(<*) :: DotCodeM a -> DotCodeM b -> DotCodeM a #

Semigroup DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

Monoid DotCode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

renderDot :: DotCode -> Text Source #

Correctly render Graphviz output.

class PrintDot a where Source #

A class used to correctly print parts of the Graphviz Dot language. Minimal implementation is unqtDot.

Minimal complete definition



unqtDot :: a -> DotCode Source #

The unquoted representation, for use when composing values to produce a larger printing value.

toDot :: a -> DotCode Source #

The actual quoted representation; this should be quoted if it contains characters not permitted a plain ID String, a number or it is not an HTML string. Defaults to unqtDot.

unqtListToDot :: [a] -> DotCode Source #

The correct way of representing a list of this value when printed; not all Dot values require this to be implemented. Defaults to Haskell-like list representation.

listToDot :: [a] -> DotCode Source #

The quoted form of unqtListToDot; defaults to wrapping double quotes around the result of unqtListToDot (since the default implementation has characters that must be quoted).

PrintDot Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Char Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Version Source #

Ignores versionTags and assumes 'not . null . versionBranch' (usually you want 'length . versionBranch == 2').

Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot BrewerName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot BrewerScheme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot ColorScheme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing

PrintDot GraphvizCommand Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Commands.Available

PrintDot CompassPoint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Internal

PrintDot PortPos Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Internal

PrintDot PortName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Internal

PrintDot X11Color Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors.X11

PrintDot SVGColor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors.SVG

PrintDot WeightedColor Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors

PrintDot Color Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors

PrintDot Style Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Side Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Scale Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot CellFormat Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot VAlign Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Align Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Attribute Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Img Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Cell Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Row Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Table Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Format Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot TextItem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot Label Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML

PrintDot NodeSize Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Normalized Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Number Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Ratios Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Justification Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot ScaleType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Paths Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot VerticalPlacement Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot FocusType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot ViewPort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot StyleName Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot StyleItem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot STStyle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot StartType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot SmoothType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Shape Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot RankDir Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot RankType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Root Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot QuadType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Spline Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot PageDir Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot EdgeType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Pos Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot PackMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Pack Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot OutputMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Order Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LayerList Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LayerID Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LayerRangeElem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LayerListSep Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LayerSep Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Overlap Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Point Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot LabelScheme Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot RecordField Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Label Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Model Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot ModeType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot GraphSize Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot SVGFontNames Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot DPoint Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot DEConstraints Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot DirType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot ClusterMode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot Rect Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Values

PrintDot ArrowSide Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows

PrintDot ArrowFill Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows

PrintDot ArrowModifier Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows

PrintDot ArrowShape Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows

PrintDot ArrowType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Arrows

PrintDot Attribute Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete

PrintDot GlobalAttributes Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Internal.Common

PrintDot GraphID Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Internal.Common

PrintDot a => PrintDot [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Printing


unqtDot :: [a] -> DotCode Source #

toDot :: [a] -> DotCode Source #

unqtListToDot :: [[a]] -> DotCode Source #

listToDot :: [[a]] -> DotCode Source #

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotEdge n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Internal.Common

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotNode n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Internal.Common

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotSubGraph n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Canonical

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotStatements n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Canonical

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotGraph n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Canonical

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotSubGraph n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotStatement n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotGraph n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Generalised

PrintDot n => PrintDot (DotGraph n) Source #

Uses the PrintDot instance for canonical DotGraphs.

Instance details

Defined in Data.GraphViz.Types.Graph

unqtText :: Text -> DotCode Source #

For use with OverloadedStrings to avoid ambiguous type variable errors.

dotText :: Text -> DotCode Source #

For use with OverloadedStrings to avoid ambiguous type variable errors.

printIt :: PrintDot a => a -> Text Source #

Convert to DotCode; note that this has no indentation, as we can only have one of indentation and (possibly) infinite line lengths.

unqtEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCode Source #

Escape the specified chars as well as ".

printEscaped :: [Char] -> Text -> DotCode Source #

Escape the specified chars as well as " and then wrap the result in quotes.

commaDel :: (PrintDot a, PrintDot b) => a -> b -> DotCode Source #