Copyright | (c) Sirui Lu 2021-2023 |
License | BSD-3-Clause (see the LICENSE file) |
Maintainer | |
Stability | Experimental |
Portability | GHC only |
Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class IsString t => Solvable c t | t -> c where
- pattern Con :: Solvable c t => c -> t
- slocsym :: Solvable c s => String -> SpliceQ s
- ilocsym :: Solvable c s => String -> Int -> SpliceQ s
- class LogicalOp b where
- class ITEOp v where
- class SEq a where
- class (SimpleMergeable b, SEq b, Eq b, LogicalOp b, Solvable Bool b, ITEOp b) => SymBoolOp b
- class SEq a => SOrd a where
- class BVConcat bv1 bv2 bv3 | bv1 bv2 -> bv3 where
- bvconcat :: bv1 -> bv2 -> bv3
- class BVExtend bv1 (n :: Nat) bv2 | bv1 n -> bv2 where
- bvzeroExtend :: proxy n -> bv1 -> bv2
- bvsignExtend :: proxy n -> bv1 -> bv2
- bvextend :: proxy n -> bv1 -> bv2
- class BVSelect bv1 (ix :: Nat) (w :: Nat) bv2 | bv1 w -> bv2 where
- bvselect :: proxy ix -> proxy w -> bv1 -> bv2
- bvextract :: forall proxy i j bv1 bv2. BVSelect bv1 j ((i - j) + 1) bv2 => proxy i -> proxy j -> bv1 -> bv2
- class SignedDivMod a where
- divs :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- mods :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- class UnsignedDivMod a where
- udivs :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- umods :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- class SignedQuotRem a where
- quots :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- rems :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a
- class (Num a, SEq a, SOrd a, Solvable Integer a) => SymIntegerOp a
- class Function f where
- data UnionM a
- class (Eq t, Ord t, Hashable t) => IsConcrete t
- makeUnionWrapper :: String -> Name -> Q [Dec]
- makeUnionWrapper' :: [String] -> Name -> Q [Dec]
- liftToMonadUnion :: (Mergeable a, MonadUnion u) => UnionM a -> u a
- class Mergeable a where
- class Mergeable1 (u :: Type -> Type) where
- liftRootStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy (u a)
- rootStrategy1 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable1 u) => MergingStrategy (u a)
- class Mergeable2 (u :: Type -> Type -> Type) where
- liftRootStrategy2 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy (u a b)
- rootStrategy2 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable2 u) => MergingStrategy (u a b)
- class Mergeable3 (u :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) where
- liftRootStrategy3 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy c -> MergingStrategy (u a b c)
- rootStrategy3 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable3 u) => MergingStrategy (u a b c)
- data MergingStrategy a where
- SimpleStrategy :: (SymBool -> a -> a -> a) -> MergingStrategy a
- SortedStrategy :: (Ord idx, Typeable idx, Show idx) => (a -> idx) -> (idx -> MergingStrategy a) -> MergingStrategy a
- NoStrategy :: MergingStrategy a
- derivedRootStrategy :: (Generic a, Mergeable' (Rep a)) => MergingStrategy a
- wrapStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> MergingStrategy b
- product2Strategy :: (a -> b -> r) -> (r -> (a, b)) -> MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy r
- data DynamicSortedIdx where
- DynamicSortedIdx :: forall idx. (Show idx, Ord idx, Typeable idx) => idx -> DynamicSortedIdx
- data StrategyList container where
- StrategyList :: forall bool a container. container [DynamicSortedIdx] -> container (MergingStrategy a) -> StrategyList container
- buildStrategyList :: forall bool a container. Functor container => MergingStrategy a -> container a -> StrategyList container
- resolveStrategy :: forall x. MergingStrategy x -> x -> ([DynamicSortedIdx], MergingStrategy x)
- resolveStrategy' :: forall x. x -> MergingStrategy x -> ([DynamicSortedIdx], MergingStrategy x)
- class Mergeable a => SimpleMergeable a where
- class SimpleMergeable1 u where
- liftMrgIte :: (SymBool -> a -> a -> a) -> SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- mrgIte1 :: (SimpleMergeable1 u, SimpleMergeable a) => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- class Mergeable2 u => SimpleMergeable2 u where
- liftMrgIte2 :: (SymBool -> a -> a -> a) -> (SymBool -> b -> b -> b) -> SymBool -> u a b -> u a b -> u a b
- mrgIte2 :: (SimpleMergeable2 u, SimpleMergeable a, SimpleMergeable b) => SymBool -> u a b -> u a b -> u a b
- class (SimpleMergeable1 u, Mergeable1 u) => UnionLike u where
- single :: a -> u a
- unionIf :: SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- mergeWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> u a -> u a
- mrgIfWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- mrgSingleWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> a -> u a
- mrgIf :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- merge :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => u a -> u a
- mrgSingle :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => a -> u a
- class UnionLike u => UnionPrjOp (u :: Type -> Type) where
- pattern SingleU :: UnionPrjOp u => a -> u a
- pattern IfU :: UnionPrjOp u => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a
- type MonadUnion u = (UnionLike u, Monad u)
- simpleMerge :: forall bool u a. (SimpleMergeable a, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u) => u a -> a
- onUnion :: forall bool u a r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> r) -> u a -> r
- onUnion2 :: forall bool u a b r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> r) -> u a -> u b -> r
- onUnion3 :: forall bool u a b c r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> c -> r) -> u a -> u b -> u c -> r
- onUnion4 :: forall bool u a b c d r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> r) -> u a -> u b -> u c -> u d -> r
- (#~) :: (Function f, SimpleMergeable (Ret f), UnionPrjOp u, Functor u) => f -> u (Arg f) -> Ret f
- class ToCon a b where
- class ToSym a b where
- toSym :: a -> b
- newtype FreshIndex = FreshIndex Int
- data FreshIdent where
- FreshIdent :: String -> FreshIdent
- FreshIdentWithInfo :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> FreshIdent
- name :: String -> FreshIdent
- nameWithInfo :: forall a. (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> FreshIdent
- data FileLocation = FileLocation {}
- nameWithLoc :: String -> SpliceQ FreshIdent
- class Monad m => MonadFresh m where
- nextFreshIndex :: m FreshIndex
- getFreshIdent :: m FreshIdent
- type Fresh = FreshT Identity
- data FreshT m a
- runFresh :: Fresh a -> FreshIdent -> a
- runFreshT :: Monad m => FreshT m a -> FreshIdent -> m a
- class Mergeable a => GenSym spec a where
- fresh :: MonadFresh m => spec -> m (UnionM a)
- class GenSymSimple spec a where
- simpleFresh :: MonadFresh m => spec -> m a
- genSym :: GenSym spec a => spec -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a
- genSymSimple :: forall spec a. GenSymSimple spec a => spec -> FreshIdent -> a
- derivedNoSpecFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Generic a, GenSymNoSpec (Rep a), Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => () -> m (UnionM a)
- derivedNoSpecSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (Generic a, GenSymSimpleNoSpec (Rep a), MonadFresh m) => () -> m a
- derivedSameShapeSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (Generic a, GenSymSameShape (Rep a), MonadFresh m) => a -> m a
- chooseFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [a] -> m (UnionM a)
- chooseSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (SimpleMergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [a] -> m a
- chooseUnionFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [UnionM a] -> m (UnionM a)
- choose :: forall bool a u. Mergeable a => [a] -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a
- chooseSimple :: forall a. SimpleMergeable a => [a] -> FreshIdent -> a
- chooseUnion :: forall a u. Mergeable a => [UnionM a] -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a
- data EnumGenBound a = EnumGenBound a a
- newtype EnumGenUpperBound a = EnumGenUpperBound a
- data ListSpec spec = ListSpec {
- genListMinLength :: Int
- genListMaxLength :: Int
- genListSubSpec :: spec
- data SimpleListSpec spec = SimpleListSpec {
- genSimpleListLength :: Int
- genSimpleListSubSpec :: spec
- data AssertionError = AssertionError
- data VerificationConditions
- class TransformError from to where
- transformError :: from -> to
- symAssert :: (TransformError AssertionError to, Mergeable to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => SymBool -> erm ()
- symAssume :: (TransformError VerificationConditions to, Mergeable to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => SymBool -> erm ()
- symAssertTransformableError :: (Mergeable to, TransformError from to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => from -> SymBool -> erm ()
- symThrowTransformableError :: (Mergeable to, Mergeable a, TransformError from to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => from -> erm a
- newtype CBMCEither a b = CBMCEither {
- runCBMCEither :: Either a b
- newtype CBMCExceptT e m a = CBMCExceptT {
- runCBMCExceptT :: m (CBMCEither e a)
- cbmcExcept :: Monad m => Either e a -> CBMCExceptT e m a
- mapCBMCExceptT :: (m (Either e a) -> n (Either e' b)) -> CBMCExceptT e m a -> CBMCExceptT e' n b
- withCBMCExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> CBMCExceptT e m a -> CBMCExceptT e' m a
- class Solver config failure | config -> failure where
- class UnionWithExcept t u e v | t -> u e v where
- extractUnionExcept :: t -> u (Either e v)
- solveExcept :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, Solver config failure) => config -> (Either e v -> SymBool) -> t -> IO (Either failure Model)
- solveMultiExcept :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, Solver config failure) => config -> Int -> (Either e v -> SymBool) -> t -> IO [Model]
- class CEGISSolver config failure | config -> failure where
- cegisMultiInputs :: (EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs) => config -> [inputs] -> (inputs -> CEGISCondition) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- data CEGISCondition = CEGISCondition SymBool SymBool
- cegisPostCond :: SymBool -> CEGISCondition
- cegisPrePost :: SymBool -> SymBool -> CEGISCondition
- cegis :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs) => config -> inputs -> CEGISCondition -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExcept :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> (Either e v -> CEGISCondition) -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExceptStdVC :: (UnionWithExcept t u VerificationConditions (), UnionPrjOp u, Monad u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExceptVC :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> (Either e v -> u (Either VerificationConditions ())) -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExceptMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (Either e v -> CEGISCondition) -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExceptStdVCMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u VerificationConditions (), UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- cegisExceptVCMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (Either e v -> u (Either VerificationConditions ())) -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model))
- class Monoid symbolSet => SymbolSetOps symbolSet (typedSymbol :: Type -> Type) | symbolSet -> typedSymbol where
- emptySet :: symbolSet
- isEmptySet :: symbolSet -> Bool
- containsSymbol :: forall a. typedSymbol a -> symbolSet -> Bool
- insertSymbol :: forall a. typedSymbol a -> symbolSet -> symbolSet
- intersectionSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet
- unionSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet
- differenceSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet
- class SymbolSetOps symbolSet typedSymbol => SymbolSetRep rep symbolSet (typedSymbol :: * -> *) where
- buildSymbolSet :: rep -> symbolSet
- class ExtractSymbolics a where
- extractSymbolics :: a -> SymbolSet
- class SymbolSetOps symbolSet typedSymbol => ModelOps model symbolSet typedSymbol | model -> symbolSet typedSymbol where
- emptyModel :: model
- isEmptyModel :: model -> Bool
- valueOf :: typedSymbol t -> model -> Maybe t
- insertValue :: typedSymbol t -> t -> model -> model
- exceptFor :: symbolSet -> model -> model
- restrictTo :: symbolSet -> model -> model
- extendTo :: symbolSet -> model -> model
- exact :: symbolSet -> model -> model
- class ModelOps model symbolSet typedSymbol => ModelRep rep model symbolSet (typedSymbol :: * -> *) where
- buildModel :: rep -> model
- class EvaluateSym a where
- evaluateSym :: Bool -> Model -> a -> a
- evaluateSymToCon :: (ToCon a b, EvaluateSym a) => Model -> a -> b
- class SubstituteSym a where
- substituteSym :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> a -> a
- class SubstituteSym' a where
- substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> a c -> a c
- newtype Default a = Default {
- unDefault :: a
- newtype Default1 (f :: Type -> Type) a = Default1 {
- unDefault1 :: f a
- htmemo :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> a) -> k -> a
- htmemo2 :: (Eq k1, Hashable k1, Eq k2, Hashable k2) => (k1 -> k2 -> a) -> k1 -> k2 -> a
- htmemo3 :: (Eq k1, Hashable k1, Eq k2, Hashable k2, Eq k3, Hashable k3) => (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> a) -> k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> a
- htmup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (b -> c) -> (k -> b) -> k -> c
- htmemoFix :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => ((k -> a) -> k -> a) -> k -> a
- mrgTrue :: Mergeable Bool => UnionM Bool
- mrgFalse :: Mergeable Bool => UnionM Bool
- mrgUnit :: Mergeable () => UnionM ()
- mrgTuple2 :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Mergeable (a, b) => a -> b -> UnionM (a, b)
- mrgTuple3 :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) (c :: Type). Mergeable (a, b, c) => a -> b -> c -> UnionM (a, b, c)
- mrgJust :: forall (a :: Type). Mergeable (Maybe a) => a -> UnionM (Maybe a)
- mrgNothing :: forall (a :: Type). Mergeable (Maybe a) => UnionM (Maybe a)
- mrgLeft :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Mergeable (Either a b) => a -> UnionM (Either a b)
- mrgRight :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Mergeable (Either a b) => b -> UnionM (Either a b)
- mrgInL :: forall {k :: Type} (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) (a :: k). Mergeable (Sum f g a) => f a -> UnionM (Sum f g a)
- mrgInR :: forall {k :: Type} (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) (a :: k). Mergeable (Sum f g a) => g a -> UnionM (Sum f g a)
- mrgAssertionViolation :: Mergeable VerificationConditions => UnionM VerificationConditions
- mrgAssumptionViolation :: Mergeable VerificationConditions => UnionM VerificationConditions
Note for the examples
The examples may assume a z3 solver available in PATH
Symbolic values
Grisette is a tool for performing symbolic evaluation on programs. Symbolic evaluation is a technique that allows us to analyze all possible runs of a program by representing inputs (or the program itself) as symbolic values and evaluating the program to produce symbolic constraints over these values. These constraints can then be used to find concrete assignments to the symbolic values that meet certain criteria, such as triggering a bug in a verification task or satisfying a specification in a synthesis task.
One of the challenges of symbolic evaluation is the well-known path explosion problem, which occurs when traditions symbolic evaluation techniques evaluate and reason about the possible paths one-by-one. This can lead to exponential growth in the number of paths that need to be analyzed, making the process impractical for many tasks. To address this issue, Grisette uses a technique called "path merging". In path merging, symbolic values are merged together in order to reduce the number of paths that need to be explored simultaneously. This can significantly improve the performance of symbolic evaluation, especially for tasks such as program synthesis that are prone to the path explosion problem.
In Grisette, we make a distinction between two kinds of symbolic values: solvable types and unsolvable types. These two types of values are merged differently.
Solvable types are types that are directly supported by the underlying solver and are represented as symbolic formulas. Examples include symbolic Booleans, integers and bit vectors. The values of solvable types can be fully merged into a single value, which can significantly reduce the number of paths that need to be explored.
For example, there are three symbolic Booleans a
, b
and c
, in the
following code, and a symbolic Boolean x
is defined to be the result of
a conditional expression:
x = if a then b else c -- pseudo code, not real Grisette code
The result would be a single symbolic Boolean formula:
-- result: x is (ite a b c)
If we further add 1 to x
, we will not have to split to two paths,
but we can directly construct a formula with the merged state:
x + 1 -- result (+ 1 (ite a b c))
Unsolvable types, on the other hand, are types that are not directly supported by the solver and cannot be fully merged into a single formula. Examples include lists, algebraic data types, and concrete Haskell integer types. To symbolically evaluate values in unsolvable types, Grisette provides a symbolic union container, which is a set of values guarded by their path conditions. The values of unsolvable types are partially merged in a symbolic union, which is essentially an if-then-else tree.
For example, assume that the lists have the type [SymBool]
In the following example, the result shows that [b]
and [c]
can be
merged together in the same symbolic union because they have the same
x = if a then [b] else [c] -- pseudo code, not real Grisette code -- result: Single [(ite a b c)]
The second example shows that [b]
and [c,d]
cannot be merged
together because they have different lengths:
if a then [b] else [c, d] -- pseudo code, not real Grisette code -- result: If a (Single [b]) (Single [c,d])
The following example is more complicated. To make the merging efficient, Grisette would maintain a representation invariant of the symbolic unions. In this case, the lists with length 1 should be placed at the then branch, and the lists with length 2 should be placed at the else branch.
if a1 then [b] else if a2 then [c, d] else [f] -- pseudo code, not real Grisette code -- result: If (|| a1 (! a2)) (Single [(ite a1 b f)]) (Single [c,d])
When we further operate on this partially merged values,
we will need to split into multiple paths. For example, when we apply head
onto the last result, we will distribute head
among the branches:
head (if a1 then [b] else if a2 then [c, d] else [f]) -- pseudo code, not real Grisette code -- intermediate result: If (|| a1 (! a2)) (Single (head [(ite a1 b f)])) (Single (head [c,d])) -- intermediate result: If (|| a1 (! a2)) (Single (ite a1 b f)) (Single c)
Then the result would be further merged into a single value:
-- final result: Single (ite (|| a1 (! a2)) (ite a1 b f) c)
Generally, merging the possible branches in a symbolic union can reduce
the number of paths to be explored in the future, but can make the path
conditions larger and harder to solve. To have a good balance between
this, Grisette has built a hierarchical merging algorithm, which is
configurable via MergingStrategy
. For algebraic data types, we have
prebuilt merging strategies via the derivation of the Mergeable
class. You only need to know the details of the merging algorithm if you
are going to work with non-algebraic data types.
Solvable types
A solvable type is a type that can be represented as a formula and is directly supported by the underlying constraint solvers. Grisette currently provides an implementation for the following solvable types:
orSym Bool
(symbolic Booleans)SymInteger
orSym Integer
(symbolic unbounded integers)SymIntN n
orSym (IntN n)
(symbolic signed bit vectors of lengthn
)SymWordN n
orSym (WordN n)
(symbolic unsigned bit vectors of lengthn
Values of a solvable type can consist of concrete values, symbolic
constants (placeholders for concrete values that can be assigned by a
solver to satisfy a formula), and complex symbolic formulas with
symbolic operations. The Solvable
type class provides a way to
construct concrete values and symbolic constants.
import Grisette
con True :: SymBool -- a concrete value
ssym "a" :: SymBool -- a symbolic constant
With the OverloadedStrings
GHC extension enabled, symbolic constants
can also be constructed from strings.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
"a" :: SymBool
Symbolic operations are provided through a set of type classes,
such as SEq
, SOrd
, and Num
. Please check out the documentation for
more details.
let a = "a" :: SymInteger
let b = "b" :: SymInteger
a ==~ b
(= a b)
Creation of solvable type values
class IsString t => Solvable c t | t -> c where Source #
The class defines the creation and pattern matching of solvable type values.
Wrap a concrete value in a symbolic value.
con True :: SymBool
conView :: t -> Maybe c Source #
Extract the concrete value from a symbolic value.
conView (con True :: SymBool)
Just True
conView (ssym "a" :: SymBool)
Generate simply-named symbolic constants.
Two symbolic constants with the same name are the same symbolic constant, and will always be assigned with the same value by the solver.
ssym "a" :: SymBool
(ssym "a" :: SymBool) == ssym "a"
(ssym "a" :: SymBool) == ssym "b"
(ssym "a" :: SymBool) &&~ ssym "a"
isym :: String -> Int -> t Source #
Generate indexed symbolic constants.
Two symbolic constants with the same name but different indices are not the same symbolic constants.
isym "a" 1 :: SymBool
sinfosym :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> t Source #
Generate simply-named symbolic constants with some extra information for disambiguation.
Two symbolic constants with the same name but different extra information (including info with different types) are considered to be different.
sinfosym "a" "someInfo" :: SymInteger
iinfosym :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> Int -> a -> t Source #
Generate indexed symbolic constants with some extra information for disambiguation.
Two symbolic constants with the same name and index but different extra information (including info with different types) are considered to be different.
iinfosym "a" 1 "someInfo" :: SymInteger
SupportedPrim a => Solvable a (Sym a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.SymPrim Methods conView :: Sym a -> Maybe a Source # ssym :: String -> Sym a Source # isym :: String -> Int -> Sym a Source # sinfosym :: (Typeable a0, Ord a0, Lift a0, NFData a0, Show a0, Hashable a0) => String -> a0 -> Sym a Source # iinfosym :: (Typeable a0, Ord a0, Lift a0, NFData a0, Show a0, Hashable a0) => String -> Int -> a0 -> Sym a Source # | |
(Solvable c t, Mergeable t) => Solvable c (UnionM t) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionM Methods conView :: UnionM t -> Maybe c Source # ssym :: String -> UnionM t Source # isym :: String -> Int -> UnionM t Source # sinfosym :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> UnionM t Source # iinfosym :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> Int -> a -> UnionM t Source # |
pattern Con :: Solvable c t => c -> t Source #
Extract the concrete value from a solvable value with conView
case con True :: SymBool of Con v -> v
slocsym :: Solvable c s => String -> SpliceQ s Source #
Generate simply-named symbolic variables. The file location will be attached to the identifier.
$$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool
Calling slocsymb
with the same name at different location will always
generate different symbolic constants. Calling slocsymb
at the same
location for multiple times will generate the same symbolic constants.
($$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool) == $$(slocsym "a")
let f _ = $$(slocsym "a") :: SymBool
f () == f ()
ilocsym :: Solvable c s => String -> Int -> SpliceQ s Source #
Generate indexed symbolic variables. The file location will be attached to identifier.
$$(ilocsym "a" 1) :: SymBool
Calling ilocsymb
with the same name and index at different location will
always generate different symbolic constants. Calling slocsymb
at the same
location for multiple times will generate the same symbolic constants.
Symbolic operators
class LogicalOp b where Source #
Symbolic logical operators for symbolic booleans.
let t = con True :: SymBool
let f = con False :: SymBool
let a = "a" :: SymBool
let b = "b" :: SymBool
t ||~ f
a ||~ t
a ||~ f
a ||~ b
(|| a b)>>>
t &&~ f
a &&~ t
a &&~ f
a &&~ b
(&& a b)>>>
nots t
nots f
nots a
(! a)>>>
t `xors` f
t `xors` t
a `xors` t
(! a)>>>
a `xors` f
a `xors` b
(|| (&& (! a) b) (&& a (! b)))
(||~) :: b -> b -> b infixr 2 Source #
Symbolic disjunction
(&&~) :: b -> b -> b infixr 3 Source #
Symbolic conjunction
Symbolic negation
Symbolic exclusive disjunction
implies :: b -> b -> b Source #
Symbolic implication
ITE operator for solvable (see Grisette.Core)s, including symbolic boolean, integer, etc.
let a = "a" :: SymBool
let b = "b" :: SymBool
let c = "c" :: SymBool
ites a b c
(ite a b c)
Symbolic equality. Note that we can't use Haskell's Eq
class since
symbolic comparison won't necessarily return a concrete Bool
let a = 1 :: SymInteger
let b = 2 :: SymInteger
a ==~ b
a /=~ b
let a = "a" :: SymInteger
let b = "b" :: SymInteger
a /=~ b
(! (= a b))>>>
a /=~ b
(! (= a b))
Note: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving SEq via (Default X)
class (SimpleMergeable b, SEq b, Eq b, LogicalOp b, Solvable Bool b, ITEOp b) => SymBoolOp b Source #
Aggregation for the operations on symbolic boolean types
class SEq a => SOrd a where Source #
Symbolic total order. Note that we can't use Haskell's Ord
class since
symbolic comparison won't necessarily return a concrete Bool
or Ordering
let a = 1 :: SymInteger
let b = 2 :: SymInteger
a <~ b
a >~ b
let a = "a" :: SymInteger
let b = "b" :: SymInteger
a <~ b
(< a b)>>>
a <=~ b
(<= a b)>>>
a >~ b
(< b a)>>>
a >=~ b
(<= b a)
For symCompare
, Ordering
is not a solvable type, and the result would
be wrapped in a union-like monad. See UnionMBase
and UnionLike
for more
a `symCompare` b :: UnionM Ordering -- UnionM is UnionMBase specialized with SymBool
{If (< a b) LT (If (= a b) EQ GT)}
Note: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving SOrd via (Default X)
Minimal complete definition
(<~) :: a -> a -> SymBool infix 4 Source #
(<=~) :: a -> a -> SymBool infix 4 Source #
(>~) :: a -> a -> SymBool infix 4 Source #
(>=~) :: a -> a -> SymBool infix 4 Source #
symCompare :: a -> a -> UnionM Ordering Source #
class BVConcat bv1 bv2 bv3 | bv1 bv2 -> bv3 where Source #
Bitwise concatenation (bvconcat
) of the given bit vector values.
bvconcat :: bv1 -> bv2 -> bv3 Source #
Bitwise concatenation of the given bit vector values.
bvconcat (0b101 :: SymIntN 3) (0b010 :: SymIntN 3)
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m, KnownNat w, 1 <= w, w ~ (n + m)) => BVConcat (IntN n) (IntN m) (IntN w) Source # | |
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat m, 1 <= m, KnownNat w, 1 <= w, w ~ (n + m)) => BVConcat (WordN n) (WordN m) (WordN w) Source # | |
(KnownNat w', KnownNat n, KnownNat w, w' ~ (n + w), 1 <= n, 1 <= w, 1 <= w') => BVConcat (Sym (IntN n)) (Sym (IntN w)) (Sym (IntN w')) Source # | |
(KnownNat w', KnownNat n, KnownNat w, w' ~ (n + w), 1 <= n, 1 <= w, 1 <= w') => BVConcat (Sym (WordN n)) (Sym (WordN w)) (Sym (WordN w')) Source # | |
class BVExtend bv1 (n :: Nat) bv2 | bv1 n -> bv2 where Source #
Bitwise extension of the given bit vector values.
:: proxy n | Desired output width |
-> bv1 | Bit vector to extend |
-> bv2 |
Bitwise zero extension of the given bit vector values.
bvzeroExtend (Proxy @6) (0b101 :: SymIntN 3)
:: proxy n | Desired output width |
-> bv1 | Bit vector to extend |
-> bv2 |
Bitwise signed extension of the given bit vector values.
bvsignExtend (Proxy @6) (0b101 :: SymIntN 3)
:: proxy n | Desired output width |
-> bv1 | Bit vector to extend |
-> bv2 |
Bitwise extension of the given bit vector values. Signedness is determined by the input bit vector type.
bvextend (Proxy @6) (0b101 :: SymIntN 3)
bvextend (Proxy @6) (0b001 :: SymIntN 3)
bvextend (Proxy @6) (0b101 :: SymWordN 3)
bvextend (Proxy @6) (0b001 :: SymWordN 3)
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat r, n <= r) => BVExtend (IntN n) r (IntN r) Source # | |
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat r, n <= r) => BVExtend (WordN n) r (WordN r) Source # | |
(KnownNat w, KnownNat w', 1 <= w, 1 <= w', w <= w', (w + 1) <= w', 1 <= (w' - w), KnownNat (w' - w)) => BVExtend (Sym (IntN w)) w' (Sym (IntN w')) Source # | |
(KnownNat w, KnownNat w', 1 <= w, 1 <= w', (w + 1) <= w', w <= w', 1 <= (w' - w), KnownNat (w' - w)) => BVExtend (Sym (WordN w)) w' (Sym (WordN w')) Source # | |
class BVSelect bv1 (ix :: Nat) (w :: Nat) bv2 | bv1 w -> bv2 where Source #
Slicing out a smaller bit vector from a larger one, selecting a slice with
width w
starting from index ix
:: proxy ix | Index to start selecting from |
-> proxy w | Desired output width, |
-> bv1 | Bit vector to select from |
-> bv2 |
Slicing out a smaller bit vector from a larger one, selecting a slice with
width w
starting from index ix
The indices are counting from zero from the least significant bit.
bvselect (Proxy @1) (Proxy @3) (con 0b001010 :: SymIntN 6)
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat ix, KnownNat w, 1 <= w, (ix + w) <= n) => BVSelect (IntN n) ix w (IntN w) Source # | |
(KnownNat n, 1 <= n, KnownNat ix, KnownNat w, 1 <= w, (ix + w) <= n) => BVSelect (WordN n) ix w (WordN w) Source # | |
(KnownNat ix, KnownNat w, KnownNat ow, (ix + w) <= ow, 1 <= ow, 1 <= w) => BVSelect (Sym (IntN ow)) ix w (Sym (IntN w)) Source # | |
(KnownNat ix, KnownNat w, KnownNat ow, (ix + w) <= ow, 1 <= ow, 1 <= w) => BVSelect (Sym (WordN ow)) ix w (Sym (WordN w)) Source # | |
:: forall proxy i j bv1 bv2. BVSelect bv1 j ((i - j) + 1) bv2 | |
=> proxy i | The start position to extract from, |
-> proxy j | The end position to extract from, |
-> bv1 | Bit vector to extract from |
-> bv2 |
Extract a smaller bit vector from a larger one from bits i
down to j
The indices are counting from zero from the least significant bit.
>>> bvextract (Proxy 3) (Proxy
1) (con 0b001010 :: SymIntN 6)
class SignedDivMod a where Source #
Safe signed div
and mod
with monadic error handling in multi-path
execution. These procedures show throw DivideByZero
exception when the
divisor is zero. The result should be able to handle errors with
, and the error type should be compatible with ArithException
(see TransformError
for more details).
divs :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
Safe signed div
with monadic error handling in multi-path execution.
divs (ssym "a") (ssym "b") :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM SymInteger
ExceptT {If (= b 0) (Left AssertionError) (Right (div a b))}
mods :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
Safe signed mod
with monadic error handling in multi-path execution.
mods (ssym "a") (ssym "b") :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM SymInteger
ExceptT {If (= b 0) (Left AssertionError) (Right (mod a b))}
SignedDivMod (Sym Integer) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.SymPrim Methods divs :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => Sym Integer -> Sym Integer -> uf (Sym Integer) Source # mods :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => Sym Integer -> Sym Integer -> uf (Sym Integer) Source # |
class UnsignedDivMod a where Source #
Safe unsigned div
and mod
with monadic error handling in multi-path
execution. These procedures show throw DivideByZero
exception when the
divisor is zero. The result should be able to handle errors with
, and the error type should be compatible with ArithException
(see TransformError
for more details).
udivs :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
umods :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
class SignedQuotRem a where Source #
Safe signed quot
and rem
with monadic error handling in multi-path
execution. These procedures show throw DivideByZero
exception when the
divisor is zero. The result should be able to handle errors with
, and the error type should be compatible with ArithException
(see TransformError
for more details).
quots :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
rems :: (MonadError e uf, MonadUnion uf, TransformError ArithException e) => a -> a -> uf a Source #
class (Num a, SEq a, SOrd a, Solvable Integer a) => SymIntegerOp a Source #
Aggregation for the operations on symbolic integer types
SymIntegerOp (Sym Integer) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.SymPrim |
class Function f where Source #
Abstraction for function-like types.
(#) :: f -> Arg f -> Ret f infixl 9 Source #
Function application operator.
The operator is not right associated (like ($)
). It is left associated,
and you can provide many arguments with this operator once at a time.
(+1) # 2
(+) # 2 # 3
(Function f, Mergeable f, Mergeable a, Ret f ~ a) => Function (UnionM f) Source # | |
(SupportedPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => Function (a --> b) Source # | |
(SupportedPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => Function (a -~> b) Source # | |
(SupportedPrim a, SupportedPrim b) => Function (a =~> b) Source # | |
Eq a => Function (a =-> b) Source # | |
Function (a -> b) Source # | |
Unsolvable types
There are types that cannot be directly represented as SMT formulas and therefore not supported by the SMT solvers. These types are referred to as unsolvable types. To symbolically evaluate such types, we represent them with symbolic unions. A symbolic union is a set of multiple values from different execution paths, each guarded with a corresponding path condition. The value of a union can be determined by an SMT solver based on the truth value of the path conditions.
In Grisette, the symbolic union type is UnionM
Two constructs are useful in constructing symbolic union values: mrgIf
and mrgSingle
unconditionally wraps a value in a symbolic union container,
while mrgIf
models branching control flow semantics with symbolic
Here are some examples of using mrgSingle
and mrgIf
mrgSingle ["a"] :: UnionM [SymInteger]
mrgIf "a" (mrgSingle ["b"]) (mrgSingle ["c", "d"]) :: UnionM [SymInteger]
{If a [b] [c,d]}
is a monad, and its bind operation is similar to tree
This means you can then use monadic constructs to model sequential programs.
For example, the following pseudo code can be
modeled in Grisette with the combinators provided by Grisette, and the do-notation:
x = if a then [b] else [b,c] -- pseudo code, not Grisette code y = if d then [e] else [e,f] return (x ++ y :: [SymInteger])
ret :: UnionM [SymInteger] ret = do x <- mrgIf "a" (single ["b"]) (single ["b","c"]) y <- mrgIf "d" (single ["e"]) (single ["e","f"]) mrgReturn $ x ++ y -- we will explain mrgReturn later :}
When this code is evaluated, the result would be as follows:
{If (&& a d) [b,e] (If (|| a d) [b,(ite a e c),(ite a f e)] [b,c,e,f])}
In the result, we can see that the results are reorganized and the two lists with the same length are merged together. This is important for scaling symbolic evaluation to real-world problems.
The mrgReturn
function is crucial for ensuring that the results
are merged. It resolves the Mergeable
constraint, and retrieves a
merging strategy for the contained type from the constraint.
The merging strategy is then cached in the UnionMBase
container to
help merge the result of the entire do-block.
This is necessary due to
the constrained-monad problem,
as the return
function from the Monad
type class cannot resolve
extra constraints.
Our solution to this problem with merging strategy caching is inspired
by the knowledge propagation technique introduced in the
blog post by Oleg Kiselyov.
In addition to mrgReturn
Grisette provides many combinators with the mrg
You should use these combinators and always have the result cache the merging strategy.
Consider the following code:
return 1 :: UnionM Integer
mrgReturn 1 :: UnionM Integer
mrgIf "a" (return 1) (return 2) :: UnionM Integer
{If a 1 2}
In the first example, using return
instead of mrgReturn
results in a
container (printed as <
), which means that no merging
strategy is cached.
In the second and third example, using mrgReturn
or mrgIf
results in
a UMrg
container (printed as {...}
which means that the merging strategy is cached.
When working with UnionM
, it is important to always use the mrg
combinators to ensure that the merging strategy is properly cached.
This will enable Grisette to properly merge the results of the entire do-block
and scale symbolic evaluation to real-world problems.
Those functions that merges the results can also further propagate the
cached merging strategy, note that the result is merged:
f x y = mrgIf "f" (return x) (return y)
do; a <- mrgIf "a" (return 1) (return 2); f a (a + 1) :: UnionM Integer
{If (&& a f) 1 (If (|| a f) 2 3)}
For more details of this, see the documentation for UnionMBase
To make a type compatible with the symbolic evaluation and merging in
Grisette, you need to implement the Mergeable
type class.
If you are only working with algebraic
data types, you can derive the Mergeable
instance automatically
For example:
:set -XDerivingStrategies
:set -XDerivingVia
:set -XDeriveGeneric
import GHC.Generics
data X = X SymInteger Integer deriving (Generic, Show) deriving (Mergeable) via (Default X) :}
This allows you to use the UnionM
type to represent values of type X
and have them merged with the mrgIf
mrgIf "c1" (mrgSingle $ X "b" 1) (mrgIf "c2" (mrgSingle $ X "c" 2) (mrgSingle $ X "d" 1)) :: UnionM X
{If (|| c1 (! c2)) (X (ite c1 b d) 1) (X c 2)}
It is also possible to apply monad transformers onto UnionM
to extend
it with various mechanisms.
For example, by applying ExceptT
you can symbolically evaluate a program with error handling.
To do this, you will need to define an error type and derive the Mergeable
instance for it. Then, you can use the combinators provided by MonadError
(and the mrg*
variants of them) for error handling, and the mrgIf
combinator will also work with transformed UnionM
Here's an example using the ExceptT
to model error handling in Grisette:
import Control.Monad.Except
data Error = Fail deriving (Show, Generic) deriving (Mergeable) via (Default Error) :}
mrgIf "a" (throwError Fail) (return "x") :: ExceptT Error UnionM SymInteger
ExceptT {If a (Left Fail) (Right x)}
This will return a symbolic union value representing a program that
throws an error in the then
branch and returns a value in the else
The following is the details of the merging algorithm.
If you are not going to manually configure the system by writing a
and will only use the derived strategies,
you can safely ignore the following contents in this section.
In Grisette, the symbolic union has the Ordered Guards (ORG) representation, which can be viewed as a nested if-then-else with some representation invariant.
For example, the following symbolic union represents a symbolic list of symbolic integers with length 1, 2 or 3. The values are kept sorted in the container: the list with length 1 is placed at the first place, the list with length 2 is placed at the second place, and so on.
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{[a]}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{[b,b]}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\& \texttt{[a,b,c]}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \]
In Haskell syntax, the container is represented as the following nested if-then-else tree
If c1 [a] (If c2 [b,b] [a,b,c])
The representations means that when c1
is true, then the value is a
list [a]
, or when c1
is false and c2
is true, the value is a list
, or otherwise the value is [a,b,c]
This representation allows you to use
the constructs that are not supported by the underlying solvers freely.
For example, when applying head
on this structure, we can just
distribute the head
function through the three branches, and get
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{head [a]}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{head [b,b]}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{head [a,b,c]}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \]
or, equivalently
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{a}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{b}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{a}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \]
Further symbolic evaluation will also distribute computations over the branches in this result, and the identical branches will cause redundant computation. To mitigate this, Grisette would try to merge the branches, and the previous result would become
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{a}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\vee\neg\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{b}&&\mathrm{otherwise}\\ \end{aligned}\right. \]
Note that if the contained type is symbolic Boolean, we may further merge the values into a single formula.
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned}&\texttt{(ite c1 a (ite c2 b a))}&&\mathrm{unconditional}\end{aligned}\right. \]
In Grisette, such merging happens in the mrgIf
or unionIf
which model the symbolic conditional branching semantics.
To keep the merging efficient and generate small constraints, we enforce
that the symbolic union maintains the values in a sorted way, and merge
the unions with a mergesort-style merging algorithm. In the following
example, the two ORG containers passed to the mrgIf
are sorted
with the natural ordering on the integers. In the result, the values are
also organized in a sorted way, and the path conditions are correctly
\[ \texttt{mrgIf}\left[ \texttt{c}, \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{3}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{4}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right., \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c3}\\ &\texttt{2}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c4}\\ &\texttt{4}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \right] =\left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{(ite c c1 c3)}\\ &\texttt{2}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{(&& (! c) c3)}\\ &\texttt{3}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{(&& c c2)}\\ &\texttt{4}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \]
So far, we have described ORG as a flat list of values. When the list is long, it is beneficial to partition the values and merge (some or all) partitions into nested ORG values. This hierarchical ORG representation is particularly useful for complex data types, such as tuples, which tend to yield long lists.
In the following example, v*
are values, while t*
are ORG containers.
The values in the containers are first partitioned into three groups:
{v11, v12, v13}
, {v2}
, and {v13}
In each group, the values share some common features, (e.g., they are
constructed with the same data constructor).
The values in each group are organized in a subtree, e.g., the first group
is organized in the subtree t1
The hierarchical representation also keeps a representation invariant:
at each level in the hierarchy, the values (or the subtrees) are also sorted
by some criteria. Here, in the first level, the values are sorted by the
constructor declaration order, and in the second level, the values are sorted
by the concrete field in the constructor A
This criteria is given by the MergingStrategy
in the Mergeable
called the root merging strategy of the type.
data X = A Integer SymInteger | B | C
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{t1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{B}&&\mathrm{else if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{C}&&\mathrm{otherwise}&& \end{aligned}\right. \hspace{2em}\mathrm{where}\hspace{2em} \texttt{t1} = \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{A 1 a}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c11}\\ &\texttt{A 3 b}&&\mathrm{else if}&&\texttt{c12}\\ &\texttt{A 4 (&& x y)}&&\mathrm{otherwise}&& \end{aligned}\right. \]
In Haskell syntax, it can be represented as follows:
If c1 (If c11 (A 1 a) (If c12 (A 3 b) (A 4 (&& x y)))) (If c2 B C)
All the symbolic unions in Grisette should maintain the hierarchical
sorted invariant, and are sorted in the same way, with respect to the same
merging strategy (the root merging strategy for the type).
We can then merge the containers with a hierarchical
merging algorithm: at each level, we align the values and subtrees, and merge
the aligned ones. In the following example, mrgIf
resolves the root merging
strategy s
, and calls the function mrgIf'
, which accepts the merging strategy
as an argument. The symbolic union operands to the mrgIf'
function must be
sorted with the merging strategy passed to the function.
Here we use the name of the subtrees and values to indicate the order of them:
should be placed beforev3
in thethen
can be aligned witht1'
, respectively.
The aligned subtrees will be merged recursively with mrgIf'
, with a
sub-strategy given by the merging strategy s
for the subtrees.
For example, t1
and t1'
will be merged with the sub-strategy s'
The aligned values will be merged with a merging function, also given by
the merging strategy s
. For example, v4
and v4'
will be merged with
the merging function f'
The ordering and the sub-strategies are abstracted with SortedStrategy
and the merging functions will be wrapped in SimpleStrategy
The merging algorithm can then be configured by implementing the merging
strategies for the types contained in a symbolic union. See the documentation
for MergingStrategy
for details.
\[ \begin{aligned} & \texttt{mrgIf}\left[ \texttt{c}, \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{t1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{v3}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{v4}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right., \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{t1'}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c3}\\ &\texttt{t2'}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c4}\\ &\texttt{v4'}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \right]\\ =~ & \texttt{mrgIf'}\left[ \texttt{s}, \texttt{c}, \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{t1}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c1}\\ &\texttt{v3}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c2}\\ &\texttt{v4}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right., \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{t1'}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{c3}\\ &\texttt{t2'}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{c4}\\ &\texttt{v4'}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \right]\\ =~ & \left\{\begin{aligned} &\texttt{mrgIf' s' c t1 t1'}&&\mathrm{if}&&\texttt{(ite c c1 c3)}\\ &\texttt{t2'}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{(&& (! c) c4)}\\ &\texttt{v3}&&\mathrm{else~if}&&\texttt{(&& c c2)}\\ &\texttt{f' c v4 v4'}&&\mathrm{otherwise} \end{aligned}\right. \end{aligned} \]
For more details of the algorithm, please refer to Grisette's paper.
UnionM Monad
is the Union
container (hidden) enhanced with
knowledge propagation.
The Union
models the underlying semantics evaluation semantics for
unsolvable types with the nested if-then-else tree semantics, and can be
viewed as the following structure:
data Union a = Single a | If bool (Union a) (Union a)
The Single
constructor is for a single value with the path condition
, and the If
constructor is the if operator in an if-then-else
For clarity, when printing a UnionM
value, we will omit the Single
constructor. The following two representations has the same semantics.
If c1 (If c11 v11 (If c12 v12 v13)) (If c2 v2 v3)
\[ \left\{\begin{aligned}&t_1&&\mathrm{if}&&c_1\\&v_2&&\mathrm{else if}&&c_2\\&v_3&&\mathrm{otherwise}&&\end{aligned}\right.\hspace{2em}\mathrm{where}\hspace{2em}t_1 = \left\{\begin{aligned}&v_{11}&&\mathrm{if}&&c_{11}\\&v_{12}&&\mathrm{else if}&&c_{12}\\&v_{13}&&\mathrm{otherwise}&&\end{aligned}\right. \]
To reduce the size of the if-then-else tree to reduce the number of paths to
execute, Grisette would merge the branches in a Union
container and
maintain a representation invariant for them. To perform this merging
procedure, Grisette relies on a type class called Mergeable
and the
merging strategy defined by it.
is a monad, so we can easily write code with the do-notation and
monadic combinators. However, the standard monadic operators cannot
resolve any extra constraints, including the Mergeable
constraint (see
The constrained-monad
by Sculthorpe et al.).
This prevents the standard do-notations to merge the results automatically,
and would result in bad performance or very verbose code.
To reduce this boilerplate, Grisette provide another monad, UnionM
would try to cache the merging strategy.
The UnionM
has two data constructors (hidden intentionally), UAny
and UMrg
The UAny
data constructor (printed as <
) wraps an arbitrary (probably
unmerged) Union
. It is constructed when no Mergeable
knowledge is
available (for example, when constructed with Haskell's return
The UMrg
data constructor (printed as {...}
) wraps a merged UnionM
along with the
constraint. This constraint can be propagated to the contexts
without Mergeable
knowledge, and helps the system to merge the resulting
cannot resolve the Mergeable
return 1 :: UnionM Integer
can resolve the Mergeable
import Grisette.Lib.Base
mrgReturn 1 :: UnionM Integer
cannot resolve the Mergeable
unionIf "a" (return 1) (unionIf "b" (return 1) (return 2)) :: UnionM Integer
<If a 1 (If b 1 2)>
But unionIf
is able to merge the result if some of the branches are merged:
unionIf "a" (return 1) (unionIf "b" (mrgReturn 1) (return 2)) :: UnionM Integer
{If (|| a b) 1 2}
The >>=
operator uses unionIf
internally. When the final statement in a do-block
merges the values, the system can then merge the final result.
do x <- unionIf (ssym "a") (return 1) (unionIf (ssym "b") (return 1) (return 2)) mrgSingle $ x + 1 :: UnionM Integer :} {If (|| a b) 2 3}
Calling a function that merges a result at the last line of a do-notation
will also merge the whole block. If you stick to these mrg*
combinators and
all the functions will merge the results, the whole program can be
symbolically evaluated efficiently.
f x y = mrgIf "c" x y
do x <- unionIf (ssym "a") (return 1) (unionIf (ssym "b") (return 1) (return 2)) f x (x + 1) :: UnionM Integer :} {If (&& c (|| a b)) 1 (If (|| a (|| b c)) 2 3)}
In Grisette.Lib.Base, Grisette.Lib.Mtl, we also provided more mrg*
variants of other combinators. You should stick to these combinators to
ensure efficient merging by Grisette.
class (Eq t, Ord t, Hashable t) => IsConcrete t Source #
Tag for concrete types. Useful for specifying the merge strategy for some parametrized types where we should have different merge strategy for symbolic and concrete ones.
IsConcrete Integer Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionM | |
IsConcrete Bool Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionM |
:: String | Prefix for generated wrappers |
-> Name | The type to generate the wrappers for |
-> Q [Dec] |
Generate constructor wrappers that wraps the result in a union-like monad.
$(makeUnionWrapper "mrg" ''Maybe)
mrgNothing :: (SymBoolOp bool, Monad u, Mergeable bool t, MonadUnion bool u) => u (Maybe t) mrgNothing = mrgSingle Nothing mrgJust :: (SymBoolOp bool, Monad u, Mergeable bool t, MonadUnion bool u) => t -> u (Maybe t) mrgJust = \x -> mrgSingle (Just x)
:: [String] | Names for generated wrappers |
-> Name | The type to generate the wrappers for |
-> Q [Dec] |
Generate constructor wrappers that wraps the result in a union-like monad with provided names.
$(makeUnionWrapper' ["mrgTuple2"] ''(,))
mrgTuple2 :: (SymBoolOp bool, Monad u, Mergeable bool t1, Mergeable bool t2, MonadUnion bool u) => t1 -> t2 -> u (t1, t2) mrgTuple2 = \v1 v2 -> mrgSingle (v1, v2)
liftToMonadUnion :: (Mergeable a, MonadUnion u) => UnionM a -> u a Source #
Lift the UnionM
to any MonadUnion
class Mergeable a where Source #
Each type is associated with a root merge strategy given by rootStrategy
The root merge strategy should be able to merge every value of the type.
Grisette will use the root merge strategy to merge the values of the type in
a union.
Note 1: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving Mergeable via (Default X)
class Mergeable1 (u :: Type -> Type) where Source #
Lifting of the Mergeable
class to unary type constructors.
liftRootStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy (u a) Source #
Lift merge strategy through the type constructor.
rootStrategy1 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable1 u) => MergingStrategy (u a) Source #
Lift the root merge strategy through the unary type constructor.
class Mergeable2 (u :: Type -> Type -> Type) where Source #
Lifting of the Mergeable
class to binary type constructors.
liftRootStrategy2 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy (u a b) Source #
Lift merge strategy through the type constructor.
Mergeable2 Either Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods liftRootStrategy2 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy (Either a b) Source # | |
Mergeable2 (,) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods liftRootStrategy2 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy (a, b) Source # | |
Mergeable a => Mergeable2 ((,,) a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods liftRootStrategy2 :: MergingStrategy a0 -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy (a, a0, b) Source # |
rootStrategy2 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable2 u) => MergingStrategy (u a b) Source #
Lift the root merge strategy through the binary type constructor.
class Mergeable3 (u :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) where Source #
Lifting of the Mergeable
class to ternary type constructors.
liftRootStrategy3 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy c -> MergingStrategy (u a b c) Source #
Lift merge strategy through the type constructor.
Mergeable3 (,,) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods liftRootStrategy3 :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy b -> MergingStrategy c -> MergingStrategy (a, b, c) Source # |
rootStrategy3 :: (Mergeable a, Mergeable b, Mergeable c, Mergeable3 u) => MergingStrategy (u a b c) Source #
Lift the root merge strategy through the binary type constructor.
Merging strategy
data MergingStrategy a where Source #
Merging strategies.
You probably do not need to know the details of this type if you are only going to use algebraic data types. You can get merging strategies for them with type derivation.
In Grisette, a merged union (if-then-else tree) follows the hierarchical sorted representation invariant with regards to some merging strategy.
A merging strategy encodes how to merge a subset of the values of a given type. We have three types of merging strategies:
- Simple strategy
- Sorted strategy
- No strategy
The SimpleStrategy
merges values with a simple merge function.
For example,
- the symbolic boolean values can be directly merged with
. - the set
, which is a subset of the values of the typeInteger
, can be simply merged as the set contains only a single value. - all the
values of the typeMaybe SymBool
can be simply merged by merging the wrapped symbolic boolean withites
The SortedStrategy
merges values by first grouping the values with an
indexing function, and the values with the same index will be organized as
a sub-tree in the if-then-else structure of UnionBase
Each group (sub-tree) will be further merged with a sub-strategy for the
The index type should be a totally ordered type (with the Ord
type class). Grisette will use the indexing function to partition the values
into sub-trees, and organize them in a sorted way. The sub-trees will further
be merged with the sub-strategies. For example,
- all the integers can be merged with
by indexing with the identity function and use theSimpleStrategy
shown before as the sub-strategies. - all the
Maybe SymBool
values can be merged withSortedStrategy
by indexing withisJust
, theNothing
values can then then be merged with different simple strategies as sub-strategies.
The NoStrategy
does not perform any merging.
For example, we cannot merge values with function types that returns concrete
For ADTs, we can automatically derive the Mergeable
type class, which
provides a merging strategy.
If the derived version does not work for you, you should determine
if your type can be directly merged with a merging function. If so, you can
implement the merging strategy as a SimpleStrategy
If the type cannot be directly merged with a merging function, but could be
partitioned into subsets of values that can be simply merged with a function,
you should implement the merging strategy as a SortedStrategy
For easier building of the merging strategies, check out the combinators
like wrapStrategy
For more details, please see the documents of the constructors, or refer to Grisette's paper.
SimpleStrategy | Simple mergeable strategy. For symbolic booleans, we can implement its merge strategy as follows: SimpleStrategy ites :: MergingStrategy SymBool |
| |
SortedStrategy | Sorted mergeable strategy. For Integers, we can implement its merge strategy as follows: SortedStrategy id (\_ -> SimpleStrategy $ \_ t _ -> t) For SortedStrategy (\case; Nothing -> False; Just _ -> True) (\idx -> if idx then SimpleStrategy $ \_ t _ -> t else SimpleStrategy $ \cond (Just l) (Just r) -> Just $ ites cond l r) |
| |
NoStrategy :: MergingStrategy a | For preventing the merging intentionally. This could be useful for keeping some value concrete and may help generate more efficient formulas. See Grisette's paper for details. |
derivedRootStrategy :: (Generic a, Mergeable' (Rep a)) => MergingStrategy a Source #
Generic derivation for the Mergeable
Usually you can derive the merging strategy with the DerivingVia
data X = ... deriving (Generic) deriving Mergeable via (Default X)
Manual merging strategy construction
:: MergingStrategy a | The merge strategy to be wrapped |
-> (a -> b) | The wrap function |
-> (b -> a) | The unwrap function, which does not have to be defined for every value |
-> MergingStrategy b |
Useful utility function for building merge strategies manually.
For example, to build the merge strategy for the just branch of Maybe a
one could write
wrapStrategy Just fromMaybe rootStrategy :: MergingStrategy (Maybe a)
:: (a -> b -> r) | The wrap function |
-> (r -> (a, b)) | The unwrap function, which does not have to be defined for every value |
-> MergingStrategy a | The first merge strategy to be wrapped |
-> MergingStrategy b | The second merge strategy to be wrapped |
-> MergingStrategy r |
Useful utility function for building merge strategies for product types manually.
For example, to build the merge strategy for the following product type, one could write
data X = X { x1 :: Int, x2 :: Bool } product2Strategy X (\(X a b) -> (a, b)) rootStrategy rootStrategy :: MergingStrategy X
data DynamicSortedIdx where Source #
Helper type for combining arbitrary number of indices into one. Useful when trying to write efficient merge strategy for lists/vectors.
DynamicSortedIdx :: forall idx. (Show idx, Ord idx, Typeable idx) => idx -> DynamicSortedIdx |
Show DynamicSortedIdx Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DynamicSortedIdx -> ShowS # show :: DynamicSortedIdx -> String # showList :: [DynamicSortedIdx] -> ShowS # | |
Eq DynamicSortedIdx Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods (==) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # (/=) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # | |
Ord DynamicSortedIdx Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods compare :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Ordering # (<) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # (<=) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # (>) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # (>=) :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> Bool # max :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx # min :: DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx -> DynamicSortedIdx # |
data StrategyList container where Source #
Helper type for building efficient merge strategy for list-like containers.
StrategyList :: forall bool a container. container [DynamicSortedIdx] -> container (MergingStrategy a) -> StrategyList container |
buildStrategyList :: forall bool a container. Functor container => MergingStrategy a -> container a -> StrategyList container Source #
Helper function for building efficient merge strategy for list-like containers.
resolveStrategy :: forall x. MergingStrategy x -> x -> ([DynamicSortedIdx], MergingStrategy x) Source #
Resolves the indices and the terminal merge strategy for a value of some Mergeable
resolveStrategy' :: forall x. x -> MergingStrategy x -> ([DynamicSortedIdx], MergingStrategy x) Source #
Resolves the indices and the terminal merge strategy for a value given a merge strategy for its type.
Simple mergeable types
class Mergeable a => SimpleMergeable a where Source #
This class indicates that a type has a simple root merge strategy.
Note: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving (Mergeable, SimpleMergeable) via (Default X)
mrgIte :: SymBool -> a -> a -> a Source #
Performs if-then-else with the simple root merge strategy.
mrgIte "a" "b" "c" :: SymInteger
(ite a b c)
class SimpleMergeable1 u where Source #
Lifting of the SimpleMergeable
class to unary type constructors.
liftMrgIte :: (SymBool -> a -> a -> a) -> SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
Lift mrgIte
through the type constructor.
liftMrgIte mrgIte "a" (Identity "b") (Identity "c") :: Identity SymInteger
Identity (ite a b c)
mrgIte1 :: (SimpleMergeable1 u, SimpleMergeable a) => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
Lift the standard mrgIte
function through the type constructor.
mrgIte1 "a" (Identity "b") (Identity "c") :: Identity SymInteger
Identity (ite a b c)
class Mergeable2 u => SimpleMergeable2 u where Source #
Lifting of the SimpleMergeable
class to binary type constructors.
liftMrgIte2 :: (SymBool -> a -> a -> a) -> (SymBool -> b -> b -> b) -> SymBool -> u a b -> u a b -> u a b Source #
Lift mrgIte
through the type constructor.
liftMrgIte2 mrgIte mrgIte "a" ("b", "c") ("d", "e") :: (SymInteger, SymBool)
((ite a b d),(ite a c e))
mrgIte2 :: (SimpleMergeable2 u, SimpleMergeable a, SimpleMergeable b) => SymBool -> u a b -> u a b -> u a b Source #
Lift the standard mrgIte
function through the type constructor.
mrgIte2 "a" ("b", "c") ("d", "e") :: (SymInteger, SymBool)
((ite a b d),(ite a c e))
UnionLike operations
class (SimpleMergeable1 u, Mergeable1 u) => UnionLike u where Source #
Special case of the Mergeable1
and SimpleMergeable1
class for type
constructors that are SimpleMergeable
when applied to any Mergeable
This type class is used to generalize the mrgIf
function to other
containers, for example, monad transformer transformed Unions.
Minimal complete definition
Wrap a single value in the union.
Note that this function cannot propagate the Mergeable
single "a" :: UnionM SymInteger
mrgSingle "a" :: UnionM SymInteger
unionIf :: SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
If-then-else on two union values.
Note that this function cannot capture the Mergeable
knowledge. However,
it may use the merging strategy from the branches to merge the results.
unionIf "a" (single "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
<If a b c>>>>
unionIf "a" (mrgSingle "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
{(ite a b c)}
mergeWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> u a -> u a Source #
Merge the contents with some merge strategy.
mergeWithStrategy rootStrategy $ unionIf "a" (single "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
{(ite a b c)}
Note: Be careful to call this directly in your code. The supplied merge strategy should be consistent with the type's root merge strategy, or some internal invariants would be broken and the program can crash.
This function is to be called when the Mergeable
constraint can not be resolved,
e.g., the merge strategy for the contained type is given with Mergeable1
In other cases, merge
is usually a better alternative.
mrgIfWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
Symbolic if
control flow with the result merged with some merge strategy.
mrgIfWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" (mrgSingle "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
{(ite a b c)}
Note: Be careful to call this directly in your code. The supplied merge strategy should be consistent with the type's root merge strategy, or some internal invariants would be broken and the program can crash.
This function is to be called when the Mergeable
constraint can not be resolved,
e.g., the merge strategy for the contained type is given with Mergeable1
In other cases, mrgIf
is usually a better alternative.
mrgSingleWithStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> a -> u a Source #
Wrap a single value in the union and capture the Mergeable
mrgSingleWithStrategy rootStrategy "a" :: UnionM SymInteger
Note: Be careful to call this directly in your code. The supplied merge strategy should be consistent with the type's root merge strategy, or some internal invariants would be broken and the program can crash.
This function is to be called when the Mergeable
constraint can not be resolved,
e.g., the merge strategy for the contained type is given with Mergeable1
In other cases, mrgSingle
is usually a better alternative.
mrgIf :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
Symbolic if
control flow with the result merged with the type's root merge strategy.
Equivalent to
mrgIf "a" (single "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
{(ite a b c)}
merge :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => u a -> u a Source #
Merge the contents with the type's root merge strategy.
Equivalent to
merge $ unionIf "a" (single "b") (single "c") :: UnionM SymInteger
{(ite a b c)}
mrgSingle :: (UnionLike u, Mergeable a) => a -> u a Source #
Wrap a single value in the type and propagate the type's root merge strategy.
Equivalent to
mrgSingle "a" :: UnionM SymInteger
class UnionLike u => UnionPrjOp (u :: Type -> Type) where Source #
Union containers that can be projected back into single value or if-guarded values.
singleView :: u a -> Maybe a Source #
Pattern match to extract single values.
singleView (single 1 :: UnionM Integer)
Just 1>>>
singleView (unionIf "a" (single 1) (single 2) :: UnionM Integer)
ifView :: u a -> Maybe (SymBool, u a, u a) Source #
Pattern match to extract if values.
ifView (single 1 :: UnionM Integer)
ifView (unionIf "a" (single 1) (single 2) :: UnionM Integer)
Just (a,<1>,<2>)>>>
ifView (mrgIf "a" (single 1) (single 2) :: UnionM Integer)
Just (a,{1},{2})
The leftmost value in the union.
leftMost (unionIf "a" (single 1) (single 2) :: UnionM Integer)
pattern SingleU :: UnionPrjOp u => a -> u a Source #
Pattern match to extract single values with singleView
case (single 1 :: UnionM Integer) of SingleU v -> v
pattern IfU :: UnionPrjOp u => SymBool -> u a -> u a -> u a Source #
type MonadUnion u = (UnionLike u, Monad u) Source #
Class for monads that support union-like operations and Mergeable
knowledge propagation.
simpleMerge :: forall bool u a. (SimpleMergeable a, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u) => u a -> a Source #
Merge the simply mergeable values in a union, and extract the merged value.
In the following example, unionIf
will not merge the results, and
will merge it and extract the single merged value.
unionIf (ssym "a") (return $ ssym "b") (return $ ssym "c") :: UnionM SymBool
<If a b c>>>>
simpleMerge $ (unionIf (ssym "a") (return $ ssym "b") (return $ ssym "c") :: UnionM SymBool)
(ite a b c)
onUnion :: forall bool u a r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> r) -> u a -> r Source #
Lift a function to work on union values.
sumU = onUnion sum
sumU (unionIf "cond" (return ["a"]) (return ["b","c"]) :: UnionM [SymInteger])
(ite cond a (+ b c))
onUnion2 :: forall bool u a b r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> r) -> u a -> u b -> r Source #
Lift a function to work on union values.
onUnion3 :: forall bool u a b c r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> c -> r) -> u a -> u b -> u c -> r Source #
Lift a function to work on union values.
onUnion4 :: forall bool u a b c d r. (SimpleMergeable r, UnionLike u, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => (a -> b -> c -> d -> r) -> u a -> u b -> u c -> u d -> r Source #
Lift a function to work on union values.
(#~) :: (Function f, SimpleMergeable (Ret f), UnionPrjOp u, Functor u) => f -> u (Arg f) -> Ret f infixl 9 Source #
Helper for applying functions on UnionPrjOp
and SimpleMergeable
let f :: Integer -> UnionM Integer = \x -> mrgIf (ssym "a") (mrgSingle $ x + 1) (mrgSingle $ x + 2)
f #~ (mrgIf (ssym "b" :: SymBool) (mrgSingle 0) (mrgSingle 2) :: UnionM Integer)
{If (&& b a) 1 (If b 2 (If a 3 4))}
Conversion between Concrete and Symbolic values
class ToCon a b where Source #
Convert a symbolic value to concrete value if possible.
toCon :: a -> Maybe b Source #
Convert a symbolic value to concrete value if possible.
If the symbolic value cannot be converted to concrete, the result will be Nothing
toCon (ssym "a" :: SymInteger) :: Maybe Integer
toCon (con 1 :: SymInteger) :: Maybe Integer
Just 1
works on complex types too.
toCon ([con 1, con 2] :: [SymInteger]) :: Maybe [Integer]
Just [1,2]
toCon ([con 1, ssym "a"] :: [SymInteger]) :: Maybe [Integer]
class ToSym a b where Source #
Convert a concrete value to symbolic value.
Convert a concrete value to symbolic value.
toSym False :: SymBool
toSym [False, True] :: [SymBool]
Symbolic Generation
It is usually useful to generate complex symbolic values. For example, in program synthesis task, we may want to generate symbolic programs to represent the search space given some specification.
To help with this, we provide a set of classes and functions. The core
of the symbolic generation is the Fresh
monad, the GenSymSimple
and the GenSym
The Fresh
monad is a combination of specialized state and reader
monads. It keeps an identifier, and an index. The generated symbolic
constants would be constructed with both the identifier and the index.
Each time a new symbolic constant is generated, the index would be
incremented. This keeps that the generated symbolic constants are unique.
The GenSymSimple
class helps generate symbolic values that do not require
a symbolic union, for example, symbolic Booleans.
It provides the simpleFresh
function, which accepts a specification
for the symbolic values to generate.
We do not need any specification to generate a symbolic Boolean, so we provide a unit value as the specification:
runFresh (simpleFresh ()) "x" :: SymBool
We can generate a list of symbolic Booleans by specifying the length of the list, and the specification for the elements. The two elements in the generated list are unique as they have different indices.
runFresh (simpleFresh (SimpleListSpec 2 ())) "x" :: [SymBool]
runFresh (simpleFresh (SimpleListSpec 2 (SimpleListSpec 1 ()))) "x" :: [[SymBool]]
The GenSym
class helps generate symbolic values that require a symbolic
union, for example, lists with different lengths.
It provides the fresh
function, which accepts a specification
for the symbolic values to generate.
We can generate a list of length 0, 1, or 2 by specifying the minimum and maximum lengths, and the specification for the elements:
runFresh (fresh (ListSpec 0 2 ())) "x" :: UnionM [SymBool]
{If x@2 [] (If x@3 [x@1] [x@0,x@1])}
We can generate many symbolic values at once with the Fresh
The symbolic constants are ensured to be unique:
:set -XScopedTypeVariables
flip runFresh "x" $ do a :: SymBool <- simpleFresh () b :: UnionM [SymBool] <- fresh (ListSpec 0 2 ()) return (a, b) :} (x@0,{If x@3 [] (If x@4 [x@2] [x@1,x@2])})
When you are just generating a symbolic value, and do not need to compose
multiple simpleFresh
or fresh
calls, you can use the genSym
functions instead.
genSymSimple (SimpleListSpec 2 ()) "x" :: [SymBool]
genSym (ListSpec 0 2 ()) "x" :: UnionM [SymBool]
{If x@2 [] (If x@3 [x@1] [x@0,x@1])}
Symbolic choices from a list of symbolic values is very useful.
With the chooseFresh
we can generate a symbolic value by choosing from a list of
alternative values.
Grisette would generate symbolic Boolean guards to perform the symbolic
(flip runFresh "x" $ do a <- simpleFresh () b <- simpleFresh () chooseFresh [[a],[a,b],[a,a,b]]) :: UnionM [SymBool] :} {If x@2 [x@0] (If x@3 [x@0,x@1] [x@0,x@0,x@1])}
Symbolic Generation Context
newtype FreshIndex Source #
Index type used for GenSym
To generate fresh variables, a monadic stateful context will be maintained. The index should be increased every time a new symbolic constant is generated.
FreshIndex Int |
data FreshIdent where Source #
Identifier type used for GenSym
The constructor is hidden intentionally. You can construct an identifier by:
- a raw name
The following two expressions will refer to the same identifier (the solver won't distinguish them and would assign the same value to them). The user may need to use unique names to avoid unintentional identifier collision.
name "a"
"a" :: FreshIdent -- available when OverloadedStrings is enabled
- bundle the calling file location with the name to ensure global uniqueness
Identifiers created at different locations will not be the same. The identifiers created at the same location will be the same.
$$(nameWithLoc "a") -- a sample result could be "a:<interactive>:18:4-18"
- bundle the calling file location with some user provided information
Identifiers created with different name or different additional information will not be the same.
nameWithInfo "a" (1 :: Int)
FreshIdent :: String -> FreshIdent | |
FreshIdentWithInfo :: (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> FreshIdent |
name :: String -> FreshIdent Source #
Simple name identifier. The same identifier refers to the same symbolic variable in the whole program.
The user may need to use unique names to avoid unintentional identifier collision.
nameWithInfo :: forall a. (Typeable a, Ord a, Lift a, NFData a, Show a, Hashable a) => String -> a -> FreshIdent Source #
Identifier with extra information. The same name with the same information refers to the same symbolic variable in the whole program.
The user may need to use unique names or additional information to avoid unintentional identifier collision.
data FileLocation Source #
nameWithLoc :: String -> SpliceQ FreshIdent Source #
Identifier with the current location as extra information.
$$(nameWithLoc "a") -- a sample result could be "a:<interactive>:18:4-18"
The uniqueness is ensured for the call to nameWithLoc
at different location.
Symbolic Generation Monad
class Monad m => MonadFresh m where Source #
Monad class for fresh symbolic value generation.
The monad should be a reader monad for the FreshIdent
and a state monad for
the FreshIndex
nextFreshIndex :: m FreshIndex Source #
Increase the index by one and return the new index.
getFreshIdent :: m FreshIdent Source #
Get the identifier.
Monad m => MonadFresh (FreshT m) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym |
A symbolic generation monad transformer. It is a reader monad transformer for identifiers and a state monad transformer for indices.
Each time a fresh symbolic variable is generated, the index should be increased.
runFresh :: Fresh a -> FreshIdent -> a Source #
Run the symbolic generation with the given identifier and 0 as the initial index.
runFreshT :: Monad m => FreshT m a -> FreshIdent -> m a Source #
Run the symbolic generation with the given identifier and 0 as the initial index.
Symbolic Generation Class
class Mergeable a => GenSym spec a where Source #
Class of types in which symbolic values can be generated with respect to some specification.
The result will be wrapped in a union-like monad. This ensures that we can generate those types with complex merging rules.
The uniqueness of symbolic constants is managed with the a monadic context.
and FreshT
can be useful.
Minimal complete definition
fresh :: MonadFresh m => spec -> m (UnionM a) Source #
Generate a symbolic value given some specification. Within a single
context, calls to fresh
would generate unique symbolic
The following example generates a symbolic boolean. No specification is needed.
runFresh (fresh ()) "a" :: UnionM SymBool
The following example generates booleans, which cannot be merged into a
single value with type Bool
. No specification is needed.
runFresh (fresh ()) "a" :: UnionM Bool
{If a@0 False True}
The following example generates Maybe Bool
There are more than one symbolic constants introduced, and their uniqueness
is ensured. No specification is needed.
runFresh (fresh ()) "a" :: UnionM (Maybe Bool)
{If a@0 Nothing (If a@1 (Just False) (Just True))}
The following example generates lists of symbolic booleans with length 1 to 2.
runFresh (fresh (ListSpec 1 2 ())) "a" :: UnionM [SymBool]
{If a@2 [a@1] [a@0,a@1]}
When multiple symbolic values are generated, there will not be any identifier collision
runFresh (do; a <- fresh (); b <- fresh (); return (a, b)) "a" :: (UnionM SymBool, UnionM SymBool)
default fresh :: GenSymSimple spec a => MonadFresh m => spec -> m (UnionM a) Source #
class GenSymSimple spec a where Source #
Class of types in which symbolic values can be generated with respect to some specification.
The result will not be wrapped in a union-like monad.
The uniqueness of symbolic constants is managed with the a monadic context.
and FreshT
can be useful.
simpleFresh :: MonadFresh m => spec -> m a Source #
Generate a symbolic value given some specification. The uniqueness is ensured.
The following example generates a symbolic boolean. No specification is needed.
runFresh (simpleFresh ()) "a" :: SymBool
The following code generates list of symbolic boolean with length 2. As the length is fixed, we don't have to wrap the result in unions.
runFresh (simpleFresh (SimpleListSpec 2 ())) "a" :: [SymBool]
genSym :: GenSym spec a => spec -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a Source #
Generate a symbolic variable wrapped in a Union without the monadic context. A globally unique identifier should be supplied to ensure the uniqueness of symbolic constants in the generated symbolic values.
genSym (ListSpec 1 2 ()) "a" :: UnionM [SymBool]
{If a@2 [a@1] [a@0,a@1]}
genSymSimple :: forall spec a. GenSymSimple spec a => spec -> FreshIdent -> a Source #
Generate a simple symbolic variable wrapped in a Union without the monadic context. A globally unique identifier should be supplied to ensure the uniqueness of symbolic constants in the generated symbolic values.
genSymSimple (SimpleListSpec 2 ()) "a" :: [SymBool]
Symbolic Generation Class Derivation
derivedNoSpecFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Generic a, GenSymNoSpec (Rep a), Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => () -> m (UnionM a) Source #
We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSym
, while you can
use this fresh
implementation to implement GenSym
for your own types.
This fresh
implementation is for the types that does not need any specification.
It will generate product types by generating each fields with ()
as specification,
and generate all possible values for a sum type.
Note: Never use on recursive types.
derivedNoSpecSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (Generic a, GenSymSimpleNoSpec (Rep a), MonadFresh m) => () -> m a Source #
We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSymSimple
, while
you can use this simpleFresh
implementation to implement GenSymSimple
your own types.
This simpleFresh
implementation is for the types that does not need any specification.
It will generate product types by generating each fields with ()
as specification.
It will not work on sum types.
Note: Never use on recursive types.
derivedSameShapeSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (Generic a, GenSymSameShape (Rep a), MonadFresh m) => a -> m a Source #
We cannot provide DerivingVia style derivation for GenSymSimple
, while
you can use this simpleFresh
implementation to implement GenSymSimple
your own types.
This simpleFresh
implementation is for the types that can be generated with
a reference value of the same type.
For sum types, it will generate the result with the same data constructor. For product types, it will generate the result by generating each field with the corresponding reference value.
Note: Can be used on recursive types.
Symbolic choice
chooseFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [a] -> m (UnionM a) Source #
Symbolically chooses one of the provided values.
The procedure creates n - 1
fresh symbolic boolean variables every time it
is evaluated, and use these variables to conditionally select one of the n
provided expressions.
The result will be wrapped in a union-like monad, and also a monad
maintaining the MonadFresh
runFresh (chooseFresh [1,2,3]) "a" :: UnionM Integer
{If a@0 1 (If a@1 2 3)}
chooseSimpleFresh :: forall a m. (SimpleMergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [a] -> m a Source #
Symbolically chooses one of the provided values.
The procedure creates n - 1
fresh symbolic boolean variables every time it is evaluated, and use
these variables to conditionally select one of the n
provided expressions.
The result will not be wrapped in a union-like monad, but will be
wrapped in a monad maintaining the Fresh
import Data.Proxy
runFresh (chooseSimpleFresh [ssym "b", ssym "c", ssym "d"]) "a" :: SymInteger
(ite a@0 b (ite a@1 c d))
chooseUnionFresh :: forall bool a m u. (Mergeable a, MonadFresh m) => [UnionM a] -> m (UnionM a) Source #
Symbolically chooses one of the provided values wrapped in union-like
monads. The procedure creates n - 1
fresh symbolic boolean variables every
time it is evaluated, and use these variables to conditionally select one of
the n
provided expressions.
The result will be wrapped in a union-like monad, and also a monad
maintaining the Fresh
let a = runFresh (chooseFresh [1, 2]) "a" :: UnionM Integer
let b = runFresh (chooseFresh [2, 3]) "b" :: UnionM Integer
runFresh (chooseUnionFresh [a, b]) "c" :: UnionM Integer
{If (&& c@0 a@0) 1 (If (|| c@0 b@0) 2 3)}
choose :: forall bool a u. Mergeable a => [a] -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a Source #
A wrapper for chooseFresh
that executes the MonadFresh
A globally unique identifier should be supplied to ensure the uniqueness of
symbolic constants in the generated symbolic values.
chooseSimple :: forall a. SimpleMergeable a => [a] -> FreshIdent -> a Source #
A wrapper for chooseSimpleFresh
that executes the MonadFresh
A globally unique identifier should be supplied to ensure the uniqueness of
symbolic constants in the generated symbolic values.
chooseUnion :: forall a u. Mergeable a => [UnionM a] -> FreshIdent -> UnionM a Source #
A wrapper for chooseUnionFresh
that executes the MonadFresh
A globally unique identifier should be supplied to ensure the uniqueness of
symbolic constants in the generated symbolic values.
Useful specifications
data EnumGenBound a Source #
Specification for numbers with lower bound (inclusive) and upper bound (exclusive)
runFresh (fresh (EnumGenBound @Integer 0 4)) "c" :: UnionM Integer
{If c@0 0 (If c@1 1 (If c@2 2 3))}
EnumGenBound a a |
(Enum v, Mergeable v) => GenSym (EnumGenBound v) v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym Methods fresh :: MonadFresh m => EnumGenBound v -> m (UnionM v) Source # |
newtype EnumGenUpperBound a Source #
Specification for enum values with upper bound (exclusive). The result would chosen from [0 .. upperbound].
runFresh (fresh (EnumGenUpperBound @Integer 4)) "c" :: UnionM Integer
{If c@0 0 (If c@1 1 (If c@2 2 3))}
EnumGenUpperBound a |
(Enum v, Mergeable v) => GenSym (EnumGenUpperBound v) v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym Methods fresh :: MonadFresh m => EnumGenUpperBound v -> m (UnionM v) Source # |
Specification for list generation.
runFresh (fresh (ListSpec 0 2 ())) "c" :: UnionM [SymBool]
{If c@2 [] (If c@3 [c@1] [c@0,c@1])}
runFresh (fresh (ListSpec 0 2 (SimpleListSpec 1 ()))) "c" :: UnionM [[SymBool]]
{If c@2 [] (If c@3 [[c@1]] [[c@0],[c@1]])}
ListSpec | |
data SimpleListSpec spec Source #
Specification for list generation of a specific length.
runFresh (simpleFresh (SimpleListSpec 2 ())) "c" :: [SymBool]
SimpleListSpec | |
Show spec => Show (SimpleListSpec spec) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SimpleListSpec spec -> ShowS # show :: SimpleListSpec spec -> String # showList :: [SimpleListSpec spec] -> ShowS # | |
(GenSymSimple spec a, Mergeable a) => GenSym (SimpleListSpec spec) [a] Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym Methods fresh :: MonadFresh m => SimpleListSpec spec -> m (UnionM [a]) Source # | |
GenSymSimple spec a => GenSymSimple (SimpleListSpec spec) [a] Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.GenSym Methods simpleFresh :: MonadFresh m => SimpleListSpec spec -> m [a] Source # |
Error Handling
Grisette supports using ExceptT
to handle errors,
and provides the mrg*
variants for the combinators in Grisette.Lib.Mtl,
for example, mrgThrowError
import Control.Monad.Except
import Grisette.Lib.Mtl
mrgThrowError AssertionError :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {Left AssertionError}
You can define your own error types, and reason about them with the solver APIs.
:set -XDerivingVia -XDeriveGeneric -XDerivingStrategies -XLambdaCase
import GHC.Generics
import Grisette.Backend.SBV
data Error = Error1 | Error2 | Error3 deriving (Show, Generic) deriving (Mergeable) via Default Error :}
let [a,b,c] = ["a","b","c"] :: [SymBool]
res = mrgIf a (throwError Error1) (mrgIf b (return c) (throwError Error2)) :: ExceptT Error UnionM SymBool
ExceptT {If (|| a (! b)) (If a (Left Error1) (Left Error2)) (Right c)}>>>
solveExcept (UnboundedReasoning z3) (\case Left _ -> con False; Right x -> x) res
Right (Model {a -> False :: Bool, b -> True :: Bool, c -> True :: Bool})
The solver call in the above example means that we want the solver to find the conditions under which no error is thrown, and the result is true. For more details, please refer to the documentation of the solver APIs.
For those who prefer to encode errors as assertions and assumptions,
we provide the symAssert
and symAssume
functions. These functions
relies on the TransformError
type class to transform the assertions
and assumptions to the user-defined error type.
See their documentation for details.
Predefined errors
data AssertionError Source #
Assertion error.
AssertionError |
data VerificationConditions Source #
Verification conditions. A crashed program path can terminate with either assertion violation errors or assumption violation errors.
AssertionViolation | |
AssumptionViolation |
Error transformation
class TransformError from to where Source #
This class indicates that the error type to
can always represent the
error type from
This is useful in implementing generic procedures that may throw errors.
For example, we support symbolic division and modulo operations. These
operations should throw an error when the divisor is zero, and we use the
standard error type ArithException
for this purpose.
However, the user may use other type to represent errors, so we need this
type class to transform the ArithException
to the
user-defined types.
Another example of these generic procedures is the
and symAssume
They can be used with any error types that are
compatible with the AssertionError
types, respectively.
transformError :: from -> to Source #
Transforms an error with type from
to an error with type to
symAssert :: (TransformError AssertionError to, Mergeable to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => SymBool -> erm () Source #
Used within a monadic multi path computation to begin exception processing.
Checks the condition passed to the function. The current execution path will be terminated with assertion error if the condition is false.
If the condition is symbolic, Grisette will split the execution into two paths based on the condition. The symbolic execution will continue on the then-branch, where the condition is true. For the else branch, where the condition is false, the execution will be terminated.
The resulting monadic environment should be compatible with the AssertionError
error type. See TransformError
type class for details.
Terminates the execution if the condition is false.
Note that we may lose the Mergeable
knowledge here if no possible execution
path is viable. This may affect the efficiency in theory, but in practice this
should not be a problem as all paths are terminated and no further evaluation
would be performed.
symAssert (con False) :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {Left AssertionError}>>>
do; symAssert (con False); mrgReturn 1 :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM Integer
ExceptT <Left AssertionError>
No effect if the condition is true:
symAssert (con True) :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {Right ()}>>>
do; symAssert (con True); mrgReturn 1 :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM Integer
ExceptT {Right 1}
Splitting the path and terminate one of them when the condition is symbolic.
symAssert (ssym "a") :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {If (! a) (Left AssertionError) (Right ())}>>>
do; symAssert (ssym "a"); mrgReturn 1 :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM Integer
ExceptT {If (! a) (Left AssertionError) (Right 1)}
is compatible with VerificationConditions
symAssert (ssym "a") :: ExceptT VerificationConditions UnionM ()
ExceptT {If (! a) (Left AssertionViolation) (Right ())}
symAssume :: (TransformError VerificationConditions to, Mergeable to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => SymBool -> erm () Source #
Used within a monadic multi path computation to begin exception processing.
Similar to symAssert
, but terminates the execution path with AssumptionViolation
symAssume (ssym "a") :: ExceptT VerificationConditions UnionM ()
ExceptT {If (! a) (Left AssumptionViolation) (Right ())}
symAssertTransformableError :: (Mergeable to, TransformError from to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => from -> SymBool -> erm () Source #
Used within a monadic multi path computation for exception processing.
Terminate the current execution path with the specified error if the condition does not hold. Compatible error can be transformed.
let assert = symAssertTransformableError AssertionError
assert "a" :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {If (! a) (Left AssertionError) (Right ())}
symThrowTransformableError :: (Mergeable to, Mergeable a, TransformError from to, MonadError to erm, MonadUnion erm) => from -> erm a Source #
Used within a monadic multi path computation to begin exception processing.
Terminate the current execution path with the specified error. Compatible errors can be transformed.
symThrowTransformableError Overflow :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM ()
ExceptT {Left AssertionError}
Simulate CBMC error handling
newtype CBMCEither a b Source #
A wrapper type for Either
. Uses different merging strategies.
CBMCEither | |
newtype CBMCExceptT e m a Source #
Similar to ExceptT
, but with different error handling mechanism.
CBMCExceptT | |
cbmcExcept :: Monad m => Either e a -> CBMCExceptT e m a Source #
Wrap an Either
value in CBMCExceptT
mapCBMCExceptT :: (m (Either e a) -> n (Either e' b)) -> CBMCExceptT e m a -> CBMCExceptT e' n b Source #
Map the error and values in a CBMCExceptT
withCBMCExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> CBMCExceptT e m a -> CBMCExceptT e' m a Source #
Map the error in a CBMCExceptT
Solver backend
Grisette abstracts the solver backend with the Solver
type class,
and the most basic solver call is the solve
In the following code, we will search for the integer solutions to two
equation systems.
The first equation system, as shown below, has the solution (x, y) = (13, -7)
\[ \left\{ \begin{aligned} x + y &= 6 \\ x - y &= 20 \end{aligned} \right. \]
The second equation system, as shown below, has no integer solutions.
\[ \left\{ \begin{aligned} x + y &= 6 \\ x - y &= 19 \end{aligned} \right. \]
import Grisette.IR.SymPrim
import Grisette.Backend.SBV
let x = "x" :: SymInteger
let y = "y" :: SymInteger
solve (UnboundedReasoning z3) (x + y ==~ 6 &&~ x - y ==~ 20)
Right (Model {x -> 13 :: Integer, y -> -7 :: Integer})>>>
solve (UnboundedReasoning z3) (x + y ==~ 6 &&~ x - y ==~ 19)
Left Unsat
The first parameter of solve
is the solver configuration.
Here it means that we should not perform any approximation, and should
use the Z3 solver.
The second parameter is the formula to be solved. It have the type SymBool
The solve
function would return a model if the formula is satisfiable.
The model is a mapping from symbolic variables to concrete values,
as shown in the following example.
Right (Model {x -> 13 :: Integer, y -> -7 :: Integer})
This model maps x to 13, and y to -7. With this model, we can then evaluate symbolic values. The following code evaluates the product of x and y under the solution of the equation system.
Right m <- solve (UnboundedReasoning z3) (x + y ==~ 6 &&~ x - y ==~ 20)
evaluateSym False m (x * y)
You may notice that the first argument to the evaluateSym
function is
a Boolean value False
. This argument controls whether the evaluation
should assign a default value to the symbolic constants that does not
appear in the model. When the argument is False
, the evaluation would
preserve any symbolic constants that does not appear in the model, and
partially evaluate the expression. When the argument is True
, the
evaluation would assign a default value to the symbolic constants that
does not appear in the model, e.g., 0 for integers, and the evaluation
result would become a concrete value -91.
let z = "z" :: SymInteger
evaluateSym False m (x * y + z)
(+ -91 z)>>>
evaluateSym True m (x * y + z)
Grisette also provides convenient functions to solve problems with error handling. The lambda case function used in the following code means that we would like the solver to find path that would not lead to an error. This is done by mapping left values (failed paths) to false, and right values (successful paths) to true.
The following example finds bugs in a program in the hard way. It is an overkill for such a simple program, but it is a good example to show how to use Grisette to solve problems with error handling.
We can first define the error type used in the program.
:set -XLambdaCase -XDeriveGeneric -XDerivingStrategies -XDerivingVia
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Exception
import GHC.Generics
data Error = Arith | Assert deriving (Show, Generic) deriving (Mergeable, SEq) via (Default Error) :}
Then we define how to transform the generic errors to the error type.
instance TransformError ArithException Error where transformError _ = Arith instance TransformError AssertionError Error where transformError _ = Assert :}
Then we can perform the symbolic evaluation. The divs
function throws
when the divisor is 0, which would be transformed to
, and the symAssert
function would throw AssertionError
the condition is false, which would be transformed to Assert
let x = "x" :: SymInteger
let y = "y" :: SymInteger
-- equivalent concrete program: -- let x = x `div` y -- if z > 0 then assert (x >= y) else return () res :: ExceptT Error UnionM () res = do z <- x `divs` y mrgIf (z >~ 0) (symAssert (x >=~ y)) (return ()) :}
Then we can ask the solver to find a counter-example that would lead to
an assertion violation error, but do not trigger the division by zero
This can be done by asking the solver to find a path that produce
Left Assert
ExceptT {If (|| (= y 0) (&& (< 0 (div x y)) (! (<= y x)))) (If (= y 0) (Left Arith) (Left Assert)) (Right ())}
>>> solveExcept (UnboundedReasoning z3) (==~ Left Assert) res Right (Model {x -> -6 :: Integer, y -> -3 :: Integer}) -- possible output
Grisette also provide implementation for counter-example guided inductive
synthesis (CEGIS) algorithm. See the documentation for CEGISSolver
more details.
Solver interface
class Solver config failure | config -> failure where Source #
A solver interface.
:: config | solver configuration |
-> SymBool | formula to solve, the solver will try to make it true |
-> IO (Either failure Model) |
Solve a single formula. Find an assignment to it to make it true.
solve (UnboundedReasoning z3) ("a" &&~ ("b" :: SymInteger) ==~ 1)
Right (Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> 1 :: Integer})>>>
solve (UnboundedReasoning z3) ("a" &&~ nots "a")
Left Unsat
:: config | solver configuration |
-> Int | maximum number of models to return |
-> SymBool | formula to solve, the solver will try to make it true |
-> IO [Model] |
Solve a single formula while returning multiple models to make it true. The maximum number of desired models are given.
>>> solveMulti (UnboundedReasoning z3) 4 ("a" ||~ "b") [Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> False :: Bool},Model {a -> False :: Bool, b -> True :: Bool},Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> True :: Bool}]
:: config | solver configuration |
-> SymBool | formula to solve, the solver will try to make it true |
-> IO [Model] |
Solve a single formula while returning multiple models to make it true. All models are returned.
>>> solveAll (UnboundedReasoning z3) ("a" ||~ "b") [Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> False :: Bool},Model {a -> False :: Bool, b -> True :: Bool},Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> True :: Bool}]
Solver (GrisetteSMTConfig n) CheckSatResult Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Backend.SBV.Data.SMT.Solving Methods solve :: GrisetteSMTConfig n -> SymBool -> IO (Either CheckSatResult Model) Source # solveMulti :: GrisetteSMTConfig n -> Int -> SymBool -> IO [Model] Source # solveAll :: GrisetteSMTConfig n -> SymBool -> IO [Model] Source # |
class UnionWithExcept t u e v | t -> u e v where Source #
A class that abstracts the union-like structures that contains exceptions.
extractUnionExcept :: t -> u (Either e v) Source #
Extract a union of exceptions and values from the structure.
UnionWithExcept (UnionM (Either e v)) UnionM e v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionM | |
UnionWithExcept (UnionM (CBMCEither e v)) UnionM e v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.UnionM Methods extractUnionExcept :: UnionM (CBMCEither e v) -> UnionM (Either e v) Source # | |
(Monad u, UnionLike u, Mergeable e, Mergeable v) => UnionWithExcept (CBMCExceptT e u v) u e v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Control.Monad.CBMCExcept Methods extractUnionExcept :: CBMCExceptT e u v -> u (Either e v) Source # | |
UnionWithExcept (ExceptT e u v) u e v Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Solver Methods extractUnionExcept :: ExceptT e u v -> u (Either e v) Source # |
:: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, Solver config failure) | |
=> config | solver configuration |
-> (Either e v -> SymBool) | mapping the results to symbolic boolean formulas, the solver would try to find a model to make the formula true |
-> t | the program to be solved, should be a union of exception and values |
-> IO (Either failure Model) |
Solver procedure for programs with error handling.
:set -XLambdaCase
import Control.Monad.Except
let x = "x" :: SymInteger
res :: ExceptT AssertionError UnionM () res = do symAssert $ x >~ 0 -- constrain that x is positive symAssert $ x <~ 2 -- constrain that x is less than 2 :}
translate (Left _) = con False -- errors are not desirable translate _ = con True -- non-errors are desirable :}
solveExcept (UnboundedReasoning z3) translate res
Right (Model {x -> 1 :: Integer})
:: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, Solver config failure) | |
=> config | solver configuration |
-> Int | maximum number of models to return |
-> (Either e v -> SymBool) | mapping the results to symbolic boolean formulas, the solver would try to find a model to make the formula true |
-> t | the program to be solved, should be a union of exception and values |
-> IO [Model] |
Solver procedure for programs with error handling. Would return multiple models if possible.
Counter-example Guided Inductive Synthesis (CEGIS)
class CEGISSolver config failure | config -> failure where Source #
Counter-example guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) solver interface.
:: (EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs) | |
=> config | The configuration of the solver |
-> [inputs] | Some initial counter-examples. Providing some concrete
inputs may help the solver to find a model faster. Providing
symbolic inputs would cause the solver to find the program
that works on all the inputs representable by it (see
-> (inputs -> CEGISCondition) | The function mapping the inputs to the conditions for the solver to solve. |
-> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) | The counter-examples generated during the CEGIS loop, and the model found by the solver. |
CEGIS with multiple (possibly symbolic) inputs. Solves the following formula (see
for details).
\[ \forall P. (\exists I\in\mathrm{inputs}. \mathrm{pre}(P, I)) \wedge (\forall I\in\mathrm{inputs}. \mathrm{pre}(P, I)\implies \mathrm{post}(P, I)) \]
For simpler queries, where the inputs are representable by a single
symbolic value, you may want to use cegis
or cegisExcept
We have an example for the cegis
CEGISSolver (GrisetteSMTConfig n) CheckSatResult Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Backend.SBV.Data.SMT.Solving Methods cegisMultiInputs :: (EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs) => GrisetteSMTConfig n -> [inputs] -> (inputs -> CEGISCondition) -> IO (Either CheckSatResult ([inputs], Model)) Source # |
data CEGISCondition Source #
The condition for CEGIS to solve.
The first argument is the pre-condition, and the second argument is the post-condition.
The CEGIS procedures would try to find a model for the formula
\[ \forall P. (\exists I. \mathrm{pre}(P, I)) \wedge (\forall I. \mathrm{pre}(P, I)\implies \mathrm{post}(P, I)) \]
In program synthesis tasks, \(P\) is the symbolic constants in the symbolic program, and \(I\) is the input. The pre-condition is used to restrict the search space of the program. The procedure would only return programs that meets the pre-conditions on every possible inputs, and there are at least one possible input. The post-condition is used to specify the desired program behaviors.
CEGISCondition SymBool SymBool |
cegisPostCond :: SymBool -> CEGISCondition Source #
Construct a CEGIS condition with only a post-condition. The pre-condition would be set to true, meaning that all programs in the program space are allowed.
cegisPrePost :: SymBool -> SymBool -> CEGISCondition Source #
Construct a CEGIS condition with both pre- and post-conditions.
:: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs) | |
=> config | The configuration of the solver |
-> inputs | Initial symbolic inputs. The solver will try to find a
program that works on all the inputs representable by it (see
-> CEGISCondition | The condition for the solver to solve. All the symbolic constants that are not in the inputs will be considered as part of the symbolic program. |
-> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) | The counter-examples generated during the CEGIS loop, and the model found by the solver. |
CEGIS with a single symbolic input to represent a set of inputs.
The following example tries to find the value of c
such that for all
positive x
, x * c && c -2
. The c >~ -2
clause is used to make
the solution unique.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
let [x,c] = ["x","c"] :: [SymInteger]
cegis (UnboundedReasoning z3) x (cegisPrePost (x >~ 0) (x * c <~ 0 &&~ c >~ -2))
Right ([],Model {c -> -1 :: Integer})
cegisExcept :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Functor u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> (Either e v -> CEGISCondition) -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using a single symbolic input to represent a set of inputs.
is particularly useful when custom error types are used.
With cegisExcept
, you define how the errors are interpreted to the
CEGIS conditions after the symbolic evaluation. This could increase the
readability and modularity of the code.
The following example tries to find the value of c
such that for all
positive x
, x * c && c -2
. The c >~ -2
assertion is used to make
the solution unique.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
let [x,c] = ["x","c"] :: [SymInteger]
import Control.Monad.Except
res :: ExceptT VerificationConditions UnionM () res = do symAssume $ x >~ 0 symAssert $ x * c <~ 0 symAssert $ c >~ -2 :}
translation (Left AssumptionViolation) = cegisPrePost (con False) (con True) translation (Left AssertionViolation) = cegisPostCond (con False) translation _ = cegisPostCond (con True) :}
cegisExcept (UnboundedReasoning z3) x translation res
Right ([],Model {c -> -1 :: Integer})
cegisExceptStdVC :: (UnionWithExcept t u VerificationConditions (), UnionPrjOp u, Monad u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using a single symbolic
input to represent a set of inputs. This function saves the efforts to
implement the translation function for the standard error type
, and the standard result type ()
This function translates assumption violations to failed pre-conditions,
and translates assertion violations to failed post-conditions.
The ()
result will not fail any conditions.
The following example tries to find the value of c
such that for all
positive x
, x * c && c -2
. The c >~ -2
assertion is used to make
the solution unique.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
let [x,c] = ["x","c"] :: [SymInteger]
import Control.Monad.Except
res :: ExceptT VerificationConditions UnionM () res = do symAssume $ x >~ 0 symAssert $ x * c <~ 0 symAssert $ c >~ -2 :}
cegisExceptStdVC (UnboundedReasoning z3) x res
Right ([],Model {c -> -1 :: Integer})
cegisExceptVC :: (UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, CEGISSolver config failure) => config -> inputs -> (Either e v -> u (Either VerificationConditions ())) -> t -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using a single symbolic input to represent a set of inputs.
The errors should be translated to assertion or assumption violations.
cegisExceptMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (Either e v -> CEGISCondition) -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using multiple (possibly symbolic) inputs to represent a set of inputs.
cegisExceptStdVCMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u VerificationConditions (), UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using multiple (possibly
symbolic) inputs to represent a set of inputs. This function saves the
efforts to implement the translation function for the standard error type
, and the standard result type ()
This function translates assumption violations to failed pre-conditions,
and translates assertion violations to failed post-conditions.
The ()
result will not fail any conditions.
cegisExceptVCMultiInputs :: (CEGISSolver config failure, EvaluateSym inputs, ExtractSymbolics inputs, UnionWithExcept t u e v, UnionPrjOp u, Monad u) => config -> [inputs] -> (Either e v -> u (Either VerificationConditions ())) -> (inputs -> t) -> IO (Either failure ([inputs], Model)) Source #
CEGIS for symbolic programs with error handling, using multiple (possibly symbolic) inputs to represent a set of inputs.
The errors should be translated to assertion or assumption violations.
Symbolic constant extraction
class Monoid symbolSet => SymbolSetOps symbolSet (typedSymbol :: Type -> Type) | symbolSet -> typedSymbol where Source #
The operations on symbolic constant sets
Note that symbolic constants with different types are considered different.
let aBool = "a" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let bBool = "b" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let cBool = "c" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let aInteger = "a" :: TypedSymbol Integer
emptySet :: SymbolSet
SymbolSet {}>>>
containsSymbol aBool (buildSymbolSet aBool :: SymbolSet)
containsSymbol bBool (buildSymbolSet aBool :: SymbolSet)
insertSymbol aBool (buildSymbolSet aBool :: SymbolSet)
SymbolSet {a :: Bool}>>>
insertSymbol aInteger (buildSymbolSet aBool :: SymbolSet)
SymbolSet {a :: Bool, a :: Integer}>>>
let abSet = buildSymbolSet (aBool, bBool) :: SymbolSet
let acSet = buildSymbolSet (aBool, cBool) :: SymbolSet
intersectionSet abSet acSet
SymbolSet {a :: Bool}>>>
unionSet abSet acSet
SymbolSet {a :: Bool, b :: Bool, c :: Bool}>>>
differenceSet abSet acSet
SymbolSet {b :: Bool}
emptySet :: symbolSet Source #
Construct an empty set
isEmptySet :: symbolSet -> Bool Source #
Check if the set is empty
containsSymbol :: forall a. typedSymbol a -> symbolSet -> Bool Source #
Check if the set contains the given symbol
insertSymbol :: forall a. typedSymbol a -> symbolSet -> symbolSet Source #
Insert a symbol into the set
intersectionSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet Source #
Set intersection
unionSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet Source #
Set union
differenceSet :: symbolSet -> symbolSet -> symbolSet Source #
Set difference
SymbolSetOps SymbolSet TypedSymbol Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.Model Methods emptySet :: SymbolSet Source # isEmptySet :: SymbolSet -> Bool Source # containsSymbol :: TypedSymbol a -> SymbolSet -> Bool Source # insertSymbol :: TypedSymbol a -> SymbolSet -> SymbolSet Source # intersectionSet :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> SymbolSet Source # unionSet :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> SymbolSet Source # differenceSet :: SymbolSet -> SymbolSet -> SymbolSet Source # |
class SymbolSetOps symbolSet typedSymbol => SymbolSetRep rep symbolSet (typedSymbol :: * -> *) where Source #
A type class for building a symbolic constant set manually from a symbolic constant set representation
buildSymbolSet ("a" :: TypedSymbol Bool, "b" :: TypedSymbol Bool) :: SymbolSet
SymbolSet {a :: Bool, b :: Bool}
class ExtractSymbolics a where Source #
Extracts all the symbolic variables that are transitively contained in the given value.
extractSymbolics ("a" :: SymBool) :: SymbolSet
SymbolSet {a :: Bool}
extractSymbolics (mrgIf "a" (mrgReturn ["b"]) (mrgReturn ["c", "d"]) :: UnionM [SymBool]) :: SymbolSet
SymbolSet {a :: Bool, b :: Bool, c :: Bool, d :: Bool}
Note 1: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving ExtractSymbolics via (Default X)
extractSymbolics :: a -> SymbolSet Source #
Evaluation with a model
When given a satisfiable formula, a solver can return a model that specifies the concrete assignments of the variables in the formula to make the formula true. We can use this model to evaluate some symbolic values by substituting the symbolic constants with the concrete assignments.
class SymbolSetOps symbolSet typedSymbol => ModelOps model symbolSet typedSymbol | model -> symbolSet typedSymbol where Source #
The operations on Models.
Note that symbolic constants with different types are considered different.
let aBool = "a" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let bBool = "b" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let cBool = "c" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let aInteger = "a" :: TypedSymbol Integer
emptyModel :: Model
Model {}>>>
valueOf aBool (buildModel (aBool ::= True) :: Model)
Just True>>>
valueOf bBool (buildModel (aBool ::= True) :: Model)
insertValue bBool False (buildModel (aBool ::= True) :: Model)
Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> False :: Bool}>>>
let abModel = buildModel (aBool ::= True, bBool ::= False) :: Model
let acSet = buildSymbolSet (aBool, cBool) :: SymbolSet
exceptFor acSet abModel
Model {b -> False :: Bool}>>>
restrictTo acSet abModel
Model {a -> True :: Bool}>>>
extendTo acSet abModel
Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> False :: Bool, c -> False :: Bool}>>>
exact acSet abModel
Model {a -> True :: Bool, c -> False :: Bool}
Minimal complete definition
emptyModel, isEmptyModel, valueOf, insertValue, exceptFor, restrictTo, extendTo
emptyModel :: model Source #
Construct an empty model
isEmptyModel :: model -> Bool Source #
Check if the model is empty
valueOf :: typedSymbol t -> model -> Maybe t Source #
Extract the assigned value for a given symbolic constant
insertValue :: typedSymbol t -> t -> model -> model Source #
Insert an assignment into the model
exceptFor :: symbolSet -> model -> model Source #
Returns a model that removed all the assignments for the symbolic constants in the set
restrictTo :: symbolSet -> model -> model Source #
Returns a model that only keeps the assignments for the symbolic constants in the set
extendTo :: symbolSet -> model -> model Source #
Returns a model that extends the assignments for the symbolic constants in the set by assigning default values to them
exact :: symbolSet -> model -> model Source #
Returns a model that contains the assignments for exactly the symbolic constants in the set by removing assignments for the symbolic constants that are not in the set and add assignments for the missing symbolic constants by assigning default values to them.
ModelOps Model SymbolSet TypedSymbol Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.IR.SymPrim.Data.Prim.Model Methods emptyModel :: Model Source # isEmptyModel :: Model -> Bool Source # valueOf :: TypedSymbol t -> Model -> Maybe t Source # insertValue :: TypedSymbol t -> t -> Model -> Model Source # exceptFor :: SymbolSet -> Model -> Model Source # restrictTo :: SymbolSet -> Model -> Model Source # |
class ModelOps model symbolSet typedSymbol => ModelRep rep model symbolSet (typedSymbol :: * -> *) where Source #
A type class for building a model manually from a model representation
buildModel :: rep -> model Source #
Build a model
let aBool = "a" :: TypedSymbol Bool
let bBool = "b" :: TypedSymbol Bool
buildModel (aBool ::= True, bBool ::= False) :: Model
Model {a -> True :: Bool, b -> False :: Bool}
class EvaluateSym a where Source #
Evaluating symbolic values with some model.
let model = insertValue (SimpleSymbol "a") (1 :: Integer) emptyModel :: Model
evaluateSym False model ([ssym "a", ssym "b"] :: [SymInteger])
If we set the first argument true, the missing variables will be filled in with some default values:
evaluateSym True model ([ssym "a", ssym "b"] :: [SymInteger])
Note 1: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving EvaluateSym via (Default X)
evaluateSym :: Bool -> Model -> a -> a Source #
Evaluate a symbolic variable with some model, possibly fill in values for the missing variables.
evaluateSymToCon :: (ToCon a b, EvaluateSym a) => Model -> a -> b Source #
Evaluate a symbolic variable with some model, fill in values for the missing variables, and transform to concrete ones
let model = insertValue (SimpleSymbol "a") (1 :: Integer) emptyModel :: Model
evaluateSymToCon model ([ssym "a", ssym "b"] :: [SymInteger]) :: [Integer]
Substitution of a symbol
class SubstituteSym a where Source #
Substitution of symbolic constants.
a = "a" :: TypedSymbol Bool
v = "x" &&~ "y" :: SymBool
substituteSym a v (["a" &&~ "b", "a"] :: [SymBool])
[(&& (&& x y) b),(&& x y)]
Note 1: This type class can be derived for algebraic data types.
You may need the DerivingVia
and DerivingStrategies
data X = ... deriving Generic deriving SubstituteSym via (Default X)
substituteSym :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> a -> a Source #
class SubstituteSym' a where Source #
Auxiliary class for SubstituteSym
instance derivation
substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> a c -> a c Source #
Auxiliary function for substituteSym
SubstituteSym' (U1 :: Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> U1 c -> U1 c Source # | |
(SubstituteSym' a, SubstituteSym' b) => SubstituteSym' (a :*: b) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b0 -> Sym b0 -> (a :*: b) c -> (a :*: b) c Source # | |
(SubstituteSym' a, SubstituteSym' b) => SubstituteSym' (a :+: b) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b0 -> Sym b0 -> (a :+: b) c -> (a :+: b) c Source # | |
SubstituteSym c => SubstituteSym' (K1 i c :: Type -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> K1 i c c0 -> K1 i c c0 Source # | |
SubstituteSym' a => SubstituteSym' (M1 i c a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym' :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> M1 i c a c0 -> M1 i c a c0 Source # |
Type Class Derivation
This newtype wrapper can be used to derive default instances for
classes taking an argument of kind Type
(Generic a, Generic b, ToCon' (Rep a) (Rep b)) => ToCon a (Default b) Source # | |
(Generic a, Generic b, ToSym' (Rep a) (Rep b)) => ToSym a (Default b) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.ToSym | |
(Generic a, GEq a, Enum' (Rep a)) => GEnum (Default a) | The |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default | |
(Generic a, GEq' (Rep a)) => GEq (Default a) | |
(Generic a, GMonoid' (Rep a)) => GMonoid (Default a) | |
(Generic a, GSemigroup' (Rep a)) => GSemigroup (Default a) | Semigroups often have many sensible implementations of
In other cases, one may wish to use the existing wrapper newtypes in
newtype FirstSemigroup = FirstSemigroup |
(Generic a, GShow' (Rep a)) => GShow (Default a) | For example, with this type: newtype TestShow = TestShow
In this example, In general, when using a newtype wrapper, the instance can be derived
via the wrapped type, as here (via |
(Generic a, Uniplate' (Rep a) a, Context' (Rep a) a) => Uniplate (Default a) | |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default Methods children :: Default a -> [Default a] # context :: Default a -> [Default a] -> Default a # descend :: (Default a -> Default a) -> Default a -> Default a # descendM :: Monad m => (Default a -> m (Default a)) -> Default a -> m (Default a) # transform :: (Default a -> Default a) -> Default a -> Default a # transformM :: Monad m => (Default a -> m (Default a)) -> Default a -> m (Default a) # | |
(Generic a, SEq' (Rep a)) => SEq (Default a) Source # | |
(Generic a, EvaluateSym' (Rep a)) => EvaluateSym (Default a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Evaluate | |
(Generic a, ExtractSymbolics' (Rep a)) => ExtractSymbolics (Default a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.ExtractSymbolics Methods extractSymbolics :: Default a -> SymbolSet Source # | |
(Generic a, Mergeable' (Rep a)) => Mergeable (Default a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods rootStrategy :: MergingStrategy (Default a) Source # | |
(SEq a, Generic a, SOrd' (Rep a)) => SOrd (Default a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.SOrd | |
(Generic a, Mergeable' (Rep a), SimpleMergeable' (Rep a)) => SimpleMergeable (Default a) Source # | |
(Generic a, SubstituteSym' (Rep a)) => SubstituteSym (Default a) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Substitute Methods substituteSym :: TypedSymbol b -> Sym b -> Default a -> Default a Source # |
newtype Default1 (f :: Type -> Type) a #
This newtype wrapper can be used to derive default instances for
classes taking an argument of kind
-> Type
Default1 | |
(Generic1 f, GCopoint' (Rep1 f)) => GCopoint (Default1 f) | |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default | |
(Generic1 t, GFoldable' (Rep1 t)) => GFoldable (Default1 t) | |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default Methods gfoldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Default1 t a -> m # gfold :: Monoid m => Default1 t m -> m # gfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Default1 t a -> b # gfoldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Default1 t a -> b # gfoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Default1 t b -> a # gfoldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Default1 t b -> a # | |
(Generic1 f, GFunctor' (Rep1 f)) => GFunctor (Default1 f) | |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default | |
(Generic1 t, GFunctor' (Rep1 t), GFoldable' (Rep1 t), GTraversable' (Rep1 t)) => GTraversable (Default1 t) | |
Defined in Generics.Deriving.Default | |
(Generic1 u, Mergeable1' (Rep1 u)) => Mergeable1 (Default1 u) Source # | |
Defined in Grisette.Core.Data.Class.Mergeable Methods liftRootStrategy :: MergingStrategy a -> MergingStrategy (Default1 u a) Source # |
htmemo :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (k -> a) -> k -> a Source #
Function memoizer with mutable hash table.
htmemo2 :: (Eq k1, Hashable k1, Eq k2, Hashable k2) => (k1 -> k2 -> a) -> k1 -> k2 -> a Source #
Function memoizer with mutable hash table. Works on binary functions.
htmemo3 :: (Eq k1, Hashable k1, Eq k2, Hashable k2, Eq k3, Hashable k3) => (k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> a) -> k1 -> k2 -> k3 -> a Source #
Function memoizer with mutable hash table. Works on ternary functions.
htmup :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => (b -> c) -> (k -> b) -> k -> c Source #
Lift a memoizer to work with one more argument.
htmemoFix :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => ((k -> a) -> k -> a) -> k -> a Source #
Memoizing recursion. Use like fix
Bundled Constructor Wrappers
mrgTuple3 :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type) (c :: Type). Mergeable (a, b, c) => a -> b -> c -> UnionM (a, b, c) Source #
mrgLeft :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Mergeable (Either a b) => a -> UnionM (Either a b) Source #
mrgRight :: forall (a :: Type) (b :: Type). Mergeable (Either a b) => b -> UnionM (Either a b) Source #
mrgInL :: forall {k :: Type} (f :: k -> Type) (g :: k -> Type) (a :: k). Mergeable (Sum f g a) => f a -> UnionM (Sum f g a) Source #