-- | Paths used in the TUF data structures
module Hackage.Security.TUF.Paths (
    -- * Repository
  , RepoPath
  , anchorRepoPathLocally
  , anchorRepoPathRemotely
    -- * Index
  , IndexRoot
  , IndexPath
    -- * Cache
  , CacheRoot
  , CachePath
  , anchorCachePath
  ) where

import MyPrelude
import Hackage.Security.Util.Path
import Hackage.Security.Util.Pretty


-- | The root of the repository
-- Repository roots can be anchored at a remote URL or a local directory.
-- Note that even for remote repos 'RepoRoot' is (potentially) different from
-- 'Web' -- for a repository located at, say, @http://hackage.haskell.org@
-- they happen to coincide, but for one location at
-- @http://example.com/some/subdirectory@ they do not.
data RepoRoot

-- | Paths relative to the root of the repository
type RepoPath = Path RepoRoot

instance Pretty (Path RepoRoot) where
  pretty :: Path RepoRoot -> String
pretty (Path String
fp) = String
"<repo>/" forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String

anchorRepoPathLocally :: Path root -> RepoPath -> Path root
anchorRepoPathLocally :: forall root. Path root -> Path RepoRoot -> Path root
anchorRepoPathLocally Path root
localRoot Path RepoRoot
repoPath = Path root
localRoot forall a. Path a -> Path Unrooted -> Path a
</> forall root. Path root -> Path Unrooted
unrootPath Path RepoRoot

anchorRepoPathRemotely :: Path Web -> RepoPath -> Path Web
anchorRepoPathRemotely :: Path Web -> Path RepoRoot -> Path Web
anchorRepoPathRemotely Path Web
remoteRoot Path RepoRoot
repoPath = Path Web
remoteRoot forall a. Path a -> Path Unrooted -> Path a
</> forall root. Path root -> Path Unrooted
unrootPath Path RepoRoot


-- | The root of the index tarball
data IndexRoot

-- | Paths relative to the root of the index tarball
type IndexPath = Path IndexRoot

instance Pretty (Path IndexRoot) where
    pretty :: Path IndexRoot -> String
pretty (Path String
fp) = String
"<index>/" forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String


-- | The cache directory
data CacheRoot
type CachePath = Path CacheRoot

instance Pretty (Path CacheRoot) where
    pretty :: Path CacheRoot -> String
pretty (Path String
fp) = String
"<cache>/" forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String

-- | Anchor a cache path to the location of the cache
anchorCachePath :: Path root -> CachePath -> Path root
anchorCachePath :: forall root. Path root -> Path CacheRoot -> Path root
anchorCachePath Path root
cacheRoot Path CacheRoot
cachePath = Path root
cacheRoot forall a. Path a -> Path Unrooted -> Path a
</> forall root. Path root -> Path Unrooted
unrootPath Path CacheRoot