module Data.Graph.Haggle.Internal.BitSet (
  ) where

import Control.Monad.ST
import qualified Data.Bits as B
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable ( STVector )
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as V
import Data.Word ( Word64 )

data BitSet s = BS (STVector s Word64) {-# UNPACK #-} !Int

bitsPerWord :: Int
bitsPerWord = 64

-- | Allocate a new 'BitSet' with @n@ bits.  Bits are all
-- initialized to zero.
-- > bs <- newBitSet n
newBitSet :: Int -> ST s (BitSet s)
newBitSet n = do
  let nWords = (n `div` bitsPerWord) + 1
  v <- V.replicate nWords 0
  return $ BS v n

-- | Set a bit in the bitset.  Out of range has no effect.
setBit :: BitSet s -> Int -> ST s ()
setBit (BS v sz) bitIx
  | bitIx >= sz = return ()
  | otherwise = do
    let wordIx = bitIx `div` bitsPerWord
        bitPos = bitIx `mod` bitsPerWord
    oldWord <- v wordIx
    let newWord = B.setBit oldWord bitPos
    V.write v wordIx newWord

-- | Return True if the bit is set.  Out of range will return False.
testBit :: BitSet s -> Int -> ST s Bool
testBit (BS v sz) bitIx
  | bitIx >= sz = return False
  | otherwise = do
    let wordIx = bitIx `div` bitsPerWord
        bitPos = bitIx `mod` bitsPerWord
    w <- v wordIx
    return $ B.testBit w bitPos