hakaru-0.3.0: A probabilistic programming language

CopyrightCopyright (c) 2016 the Hakaru team
Safe HaskellNone




Haskell types and helpers for Hakaru's user-defined data types. At present we only support regular-recursive polynomial data types. Reduction of case analysis on data types is in Language.Hakaru.Syntax.Datum.

Developers note: many of the JmEq1 instances in this file don't actually work because of problems with matching existentially quantified types in the basis cases. For now I've left the partially-defined code in place, but turned it off with the PARTIAL_DATUM_JMEQ CPP macro. In the future we should either (a) remove this unused code, or (b) if the instances are truly necessary then we should add the Sing arguments everywhere to make things work :(


Data constructors

data Datum :: (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where Source #

A fully saturated data constructor, which recurses as ast. We define this type as separate from DatumCode for two reasons. First is to capture the fact that the datum is "complete" (i.e., is a well-formed constructor). The second is to have a type which is indexed by its Hakaru type, whereas DatumCode involves non-Hakaru types.

The first component is a hint for what the data constructor should be called when pretty-printing, giving error messages, etc. Like the hints for variable names, its value is not actually used to decide which constructor is meant or which pattern matches.


Datum :: !Text -> !(Sing (HData' t)) -> !(DatumCode (Code t) ast (HData' t)) -> Datum ast (HData' t) 


Traversable11 Hakaru Hakaru Datum Source # 


traverse11 :: Applicative f => (forall i. a i -> f (b i)) -> t a j -> f (t b j) Source #

Foldable11 Hakaru Hakaru Datum Source # 


fold11 :: Monoid m => f (Lift1 k1 m) i -> m Source #

foldMap11 :: Monoid m => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j -> m Source #

Functor11 Hakaru Hakaru Datum Source # 


fmap11 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j -> f b j Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => JmEq1 Hakaru (Datum ast) Source # 


jmEq1 :: a i -> a j -> Maybe (TypeEq (Datum ast) i j) Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq1 Hakaru (Datum ast) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show1 Hakaru (Datum ast) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Pretty f => Pretty (Datum f) Source # 


prettyPrec_ :: Int -> Datum f a -> Docs Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq (Datum ast a) Source # 


(==) :: Datum ast a -> Datum ast a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Datum ast a -> Datum ast a -> Bool #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show (Datum ast a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Datum ast a -> ShowS #

show :: Datum ast a -> String #

showList :: [Datum ast a] -> ShowS #

data DatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where Source #

The intermediate components of a data constructor. The intuition behind the two indices is that the [[HakaruFun]] is a functor applied to the Hakaru type. Initially the [[HakaruFun]] functor will be the Code associated with the Hakaru type; hence it's the one-step unrolling of the fixed point for our recursive datatypes. But as we go along, we'll be doing induction on the [[HakaruFun]] functor.


Inr :: !(DatumCode xss abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a 
Inl :: !(DatumStruct xs abt a) -> DatumCode (xs ': xss) abt a 


Traversable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumCode xss) Source # 


traverse11 :: Applicative f => (forall i. a i -> f (b i)) -> t a j -> f (t b j) Source #

Foldable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumCode xss) Source # 


fold11 :: Monoid m => f (Lift1 k1 m) i -> m Source #

foldMap11 :: Monoid m => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j -> m Source #

Functor11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumCode xss) Source # 


fmap11 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j -> f b j Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq1 Hakaru (DatumCode xss ast) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show1 Hakaru (DatumCode xss ast) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq (DatumCode xss ast a) Source # 


(==) :: DatumCode xss ast a -> DatumCode xss ast a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DatumCode xss ast a -> DatumCode xss ast a -> Bool #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show (DatumCode xss ast a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> DatumCode xss ast a -> ShowS #

show :: DatumCode xss ast a -> String #

showList :: [DatumCode xss ast a] -> ShowS #

data DatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where Source #


Et :: !(DatumFun x abt a) -> !(DatumStruct xs abt a) -> DatumStruct (x ': xs) abt a infixr 7 
Done :: DatumStruct '[] abt a 


Traversable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumStruct xs) Source # 


traverse11 :: Applicative f => (forall i. a i -> f (b i)) -> t a j -> f (t b j) Source #

Foldable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumStruct xs) Source # 


fold11 :: Monoid m => f (Lift1 k1 m) i -> m Source #

foldMap11 :: Monoid m => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j -> m Source #

Functor11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumStruct xs) Source # 


fmap11 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j -> f b j Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq1 Hakaru (DatumStruct xs ast) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show1 Hakaru (DatumStruct xs ast) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq (DatumStruct xs ast a) Source # 


(==) :: DatumStruct xs ast a -> DatumStruct xs ast a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DatumStruct xs ast a -> DatumStruct xs ast a -> Bool #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show (DatumStruct xs ast a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> DatumStruct xs ast a -> ShowS #

show :: DatumStruct xs ast a -> String #

showList :: [DatumStruct xs ast a] -> ShowS #

data DatumFun :: HakaruFun -> (Hakaru -> *) -> Hakaru -> * where Source #


Konst :: !(ast b) -> DatumFun (K b) ast a 
Ident :: !(ast a) -> DatumFun I ast a 


Traversable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumFun x) Source # 


traverse11 :: Applicative f => (forall i. a i -> f (b i)) -> t a j -> f (t b j) Source #

Foldable11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumFun x) Source # 


fold11 :: Monoid m => f (Lift1 k1 m) i -> m Source #

foldMap11 :: Monoid m => (forall i. a i -> m) -> f a j -> m Source #

Functor11 Hakaru Hakaru (DatumFun x) Source # 


fmap11 :: (forall i. a i -> b i) -> f a j -> f b j Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq1 Hakaru (DatumFun x ast) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show1 Hakaru (DatumFun x ast) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru ast => Eq (DatumFun x ast a) Source # 


(==) :: DatumFun x ast a -> DatumFun x ast a -> Bool #

(/=) :: DatumFun x ast a -> DatumFun x ast a -> Bool #

Show1 Hakaru ast => Show (DatumFun x ast a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> DatumFun x ast a -> ShowS #

show :: DatumFun x ast a -> String #

showList :: [DatumFun x ast a] -> ShowS #

Some smart constructors for the "built-in" datatypes

dPair :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b) Source #

dLeft :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b) Source #

dRight :: (SingI a, SingI b) => ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b) Source #

dNil :: SingI a => Datum ast (HList a) Source #

dCons :: SingI a => ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a) Source #

dNothing :: SingI a => Datum ast (HMaybe a) Source #

dJust :: SingI a => ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a) Source #

Variants which allow explicit type passing.

dPair_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> ast b -> Datum ast (HPair a b) Source #

dLeft_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast a -> Datum ast (HEither a b) Source #

dRight_ :: Sing a -> Sing b -> ast b -> Datum ast (HEither a b) Source #

dNil_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HList a) Source #

dCons_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> ast (HList a) -> Datum ast (HList a) Source #

dNothing_ :: Sing a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a) Source #

dJust_ :: Sing a -> ast a -> Datum ast (HMaybe a) Source #

Pattern constructors

data Branch a abt b Source #


Branch !(Pattern xs a) !(abt xs b) 


Traversable21 Hakaru Hakaru [Hakaru] (Branch a) Source # 


traverse21 :: Applicative f => (forall h i. a h i -> f (b h i)) -> t a j -> f (t b j) Source #

Foldable21 Hakaru Hakaru [Hakaru] (Branch a) Source # 


fold21 :: Monoid m => f (Lift2 k2 k1 m) j -> m Source #

foldMap21 :: Monoid m => (forall h i. a h i -> m) -> f a j -> m Source #

Functor21 Hakaru Hakaru [Hakaru] (Branch a) Source # 


fmap21 :: (forall h i. a h i -> b h i) -> f a j -> f b j Source #

Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] abt => Eq1 Hakaru (Branch a abt) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] abt => Show1 Hakaru (Branch a abt) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

ABT Hakaru Term abt => Pretty (Branch a abt) Source # 


prettyPrec_ :: Int -> Branch a abt a -> Docs Source #

Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] abt => Eq (Branch a abt b) Source # 


(==) :: Branch a abt b -> Branch a abt b -> Bool #

(/=) :: Branch a abt b -> Branch a abt b -> Bool #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] abt => Show (Branch a abt b) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Branch a abt b -> ShowS #

show :: Branch a abt b -> String #

showList :: [Branch a abt b] -> ShowS #

data Pattern :: [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where Source #

We index patterns by the type they scrutinize. This requires the parser to be smart enough to build these patterns up, but then it guarantees that we can't have Case_ of patterns which can't possibly match according to our type system. In addition, we also index patterns by the type of what variables they bind, so that we can ensure that Branch will never "go wrong". Alas, this latter indexing means we can't use DatumCode, DatumStruct, and DatumFun but rather must define our own P variants for pattern matching.


PWild :: Pattern '[] a 
PVar :: Pattern '[a] a 
PDatum :: !Text -> !(PDatumCode (Code t) vars (HData' t)) -> Pattern vars (HData' t) 


Eq1 Hakaru (Pattern vars) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru (Pattern vars) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] Pattern Source # 


eq2 :: a i j -> a i j -> Bool Source #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] Pattern Source # 


showsPrec2 :: Int -> a i j -> ShowS Source #

show2 :: a i j -> String Source #

Pretty (Pattern xs) Source # 


prettyPrec_ :: Int -> Pattern xs a -> Docs Source #

Eq (Pattern vars a) Source # 


(==) :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars a -> Bool #

Show (Pattern vars a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Pattern vars a -> ShowS #

show :: Pattern vars a -> String #

showList :: [Pattern vars a] -> ShowS #

data PDatumCode :: [[HakaruFun]] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where Source #


PInr :: !(PDatumCode xss vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a 
PInl :: !(PDatumStruct xs vars a) -> PDatumCode (xs ': xss) vars a 


Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumCode xss) Source # 


eq2 :: a i j -> a i j -> Bool Source #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumCode xss) Source # 


showsPrec2 :: Int -> a i j -> ShowS Source #

show2 :: a i j -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru (PDatumCode xss vars) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru (PDatumCode xss vars) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq (PDatumCode xss vars a) Source # 


(==) :: PDatumCode xss vars a -> PDatumCode xss vars a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PDatumCode xss vars a -> PDatumCode xss vars a -> Bool #

Show (PDatumCode xss vars a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PDatumCode xss vars a -> ShowS #

show :: PDatumCode xss vars a -> String #

showList :: [PDatumCode xss vars a] -> ShowS #

data PDatumStruct :: [HakaruFun] -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where Source #


PEt :: !(PDatumFun x vars1 a) -> !(PDatumStruct xs vars2 a) -> PDatumStruct (x ': xs) (vars1 ++ vars2) a infixr 7 
PDone :: PDatumStruct '[] '[] a 


Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumStruct xs) Source # 


eq2 :: a i j -> a i j -> Bool Source #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumStruct xs) Source # 


showsPrec2 :: Int -> a i j -> ShowS Source #

show2 :: a i j -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru (PDatumStruct xs vars) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru (PDatumStruct xs vars) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq (PDatumStruct xs vars a) Source # 


(==) :: PDatumStruct xs vars a -> PDatumStruct xs vars a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PDatumStruct xs vars a -> PDatumStruct xs vars a -> Bool #

Show (PDatumStruct xs vars a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PDatumStruct xs vars a -> ShowS #

show :: PDatumStruct xs vars a -> String #

showList :: [PDatumStruct xs vars a] -> ShowS #

data PDatumFun :: HakaruFun -> [Hakaru] -> Hakaru -> * where Source #


PKonst :: !(Pattern vars b) -> PDatumFun (K b) vars a 
PIdent :: !(Pattern vars a) -> PDatumFun I vars a 


Eq2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumFun x) Source # 


eq2 :: a i j -> a i j -> Bool Source #

Show2 Hakaru [Hakaru] (PDatumFun x) Source # 


showsPrec2 :: Int -> a i j -> ShowS Source #

show2 :: a i j -> String Source #

Eq1 Hakaru (PDatumFun x vars) Source # 


eq1 :: a i -> a i -> Bool Source #

Show1 Hakaru (PDatumFun x vars) Source # 


showsPrec1 :: Int -> a i -> ShowS Source #

show1 :: a i -> String Source #

Eq (PDatumFun x vars a) Source # 


(==) :: PDatumFun x vars a -> PDatumFun x vars a -> Bool #

(/=) :: PDatumFun x vars a -> PDatumFun x vars a -> Bool #

Show (PDatumFun x vars a) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> PDatumFun x vars a -> ShowS #

show :: PDatumFun x vars a -> String #

showList :: [PDatumFun x vars a] -> ShowS #

Some smart constructors for the "built-in" datatypes

pPair :: Pattern vars1 a -> Pattern vars2 b -> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HPair a b) Source #

pLeft :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HEither a b) Source #

pRight :: Pattern vars b -> Pattern vars (HEither a b) Source #

pCons :: Pattern vars1 a -> Pattern vars2 (HList a) -> Pattern (vars1 ++ vars2) (HList a) Source #

pJust :: Pattern vars a -> Pattern vars (HMaybe a) Source #

Generalized branches

data GBranch a r Source #

A generalization of the Branch type to allow a "body" of any Haskell type.


GBranch !(Pattern xs a) !(List1 Variable xs) r 


Functor (GBranch a) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> GBranch a a -> GBranch a b #

(<$) :: a -> GBranch a b -> GBranch a a #

Foldable (GBranch a) Source # 


fold :: Monoid m => GBranch a m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> GBranch a a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> GBranch a a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> GBranch a a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> GBranch a a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> GBranch a a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> GBranch a a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> GBranch a a -> a #

toList :: GBranch a a -> [a] #

null :: GBranch a a -> Bool #

length :: GBranch a a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> GBranch a a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => GBranch a a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => GBranch a a -> a #

sum :: Num a => GBranch a a -> a #

product :: Num a => GBranch a a -> a #

Traversable (GBranch a) Source # 


traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> GBranch a a -> f (GBranch a b) #

sequenceA :: Applicative f => GBranch a (f a) -> f (GBranch a a) #

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> GBranch a a -> m (GBranch a b) #

sequence :: Monad m => GBranch a (m a) -> m (GBranch a a) #