-- | This module containing some specialized functions to deal with tags. It
-- assumes you follow some conventions.
-- We support two types of tags: tags and categories.
-- To use default tags, use 'buildTags'. Tags are placed in a comma-separated
-- metadata field like this:
-- > ---
-- > author: Philip K. Dick
-- > title: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
-- > tags: future, science fiction, humanoid
-- > ---
-- > The novel is set in a post-apocalyptic near future, where the Earth and
-- > its populations have been damaged greatly by Nuclear...
-- To use categories, use the 'buildCategories' function. Categories are
-- determined by the directory a page is in, for example, the post
-- > posts/coding/2010-01-28-hakyll-categories.markdown
-- will receive the @coding@ category.
-- Advanced users may implement custom systems using 'buildTagsWith' if desired.
-- In the above example, we would want to create a page which lists all pages in
-- the @coding@ category, for example, with the 'Identifier':
-- > tags/coding.html
-- This is where the first parameter of 'buildTags' and 'buildCategories' comes
-- in. In the above case, we used the function:
-- > fromCapture "tags/*.html" :: String -> Identifier
-- The 'tagsRules' function lets you generate such a page for each tag in the
-- 'Rules' monad.
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
module Hakyll.Web.Tags
    ( Tags (..)
    , getTags
    , getCategory
    , buildTagsWith
    , buildTags
    , buildCategories
    , tagsRules
    , renderTags
    , renderTagCloud
    , renderTagCloudWith
    , tagCloudField
    , tagCloudFieldWith
    , renderTagList
    , tagsField
    , tagsFieldWith
    , categoryField
    , sortTagsBy
    , caseInsensitiveTags
    ) where

import           Control.Arrow                   ((&&&))
import           Control.Monad                   (foldM, forM, forM_, mplus)
import           Data.Char                       (toLower)
import           Data.List                       (intercalate, intersperse,
import qualified Data.Map                        as M
import           Data.Maybe                      (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import           Data.Ord                        (comparing)
import qualified Data.Set                        as S
import           System.FilePath                 (takeBaseName, takeDirectory)
import           Text.Blaze.Html                 (toHtml, toValue, (!))
import           Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5                as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes     as A

import           Hakyll.Core.Compiler
import           Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
import           Hakyll.Core.Identifier
import           Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
import           Hakyll.Core.Item
import           Hakyll.Core.Metadata
import           Hakyll.Core.Rules
import           Hakyll.Core.Util.String
import           Hakyll.Web.Html
import           Hakyll.Web.Template.Context

-- | Data about tags
data Tags = Tags
    { tagsMap        :: [(String, [Identifier])]
    , tagsMakeId     :: String -> Identifier
    , tagsDependency :: Dependency

-- | Obtain tags from a page in the default way: parse them from the @tags@
-- metadata field. This can either be a list or a comma-separated string.
getTags :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> m [String]
getTags identifier = do
    metadata <- getMetadata identifier
    return $ fromMaybe [] $
        (lookupStringList "tags" metadata) `mplus`
        (map trim . splitAll "," <$> lookupString "tags" metadata)

-- | Obtain category from a page.
getCategory :: MonadMetadata m => Identifier -> m [String]
getCategory = return . return . takeBaseName . takeDirectory . toFilePath

-- | Higher-order function to read tags
buildTagsWith :: MonadMetadata m
              => (Identifier -> m [String])
              -> Pattern
              -> (String -> Identifier)
              -> m Tags
buildTagsWith f pattern makeId = do
    ids    <- getMatches pattern
    tagMap <- foldM addTags M.empty ids
    let set' = S.fromList ids
    return $ Tags (M.toList tagMap) makeId (PatternDependency pattern set')
    -- Create a tag map for one page
    addTags tagMap id' = do
        tags <- f id'
        let tagMap' = M.fromList $ zip tags $ repeat [id']
        return $ M.unionWith (++) tagMap tagMap'

buildTags :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> (String -> Identifier) -> m Tags
buildTags = buildTagsWith getTags

buildCategories :: MonadMetadata m => Pattern -> (String -> Identifier)
                -> m Tags
buildCategories = buildTagsWith getCategory

tagsRules :: Tags -> (String -> Pattern -> Rules ()) -> Rules ()
tagsRules tags rules =
    forM_ (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, identifiers) ->
        rulesExtraDependencies [tagsDependency tags] $
            create [tagsMakeId tags tag] $
                rules tag $ fromList identifiers

-- | Render tags in HTML (the flexible higher-order function)
renderTags :: (String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
           -- ^ Produce a tag item: tag, url, count, min count, max count
           -> ([String] -> String)
           -- ^ Join items
           -> Tags
           -- ^ Tag cloud renderer
           -> Compiler String
renderTags makeHtml concatHtml tags = do
    -- In tags' we create a list: [((tag, route), count)]
    tags' <- forM (tagsMap tags) $ \(tag, ids) -> do
        route' <- getRoute $ tagsMakeId tags tag
        return ((tag, route'), length ids)

    -- TODO: We actually need to tell a dependency here!

    let -- Absolute frequencies of the pages
        freqs = map snd tags'

        -- The minimum and maximum count found
        (min', max')
            | null freqs = (0, 1)
            | otherwise  = (minimum &&& maximum) freqs

        -- Create a link for one item
        makeHtml' ((tag, url), count) =
            makeHtml tag (toUrl $ fromMaybe "/" url) count min' max'

    -- Render and return the HTML
    return $ concatHtml $ map makeHtml' tags'

-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML
renderTagCloud :: Double
               -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
               -> Double
               -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
               -> Tags
               -- ^ Input tags
               -> Compiler String
               -- ^ Rendered cloud
renderTagCloud = renderTagCloudWith makeLink (intercalate " ")
    makeLink minSize maxSize tag url count min' max' =
        -- Show the relative size of one 'count' in percent
        let diff     = 1 + fromIntegral max' - fromIntegral min'
            relative = (fromIntegral count - fromIntegral min') / diff
            size     = floor $ minSize + relative * (maxSize - minSize) :: Int
        in renderHtml $
            H.a ! A.style (toValue $ "font-size: " ++ show size ++ "%")
                ! A.href (toValue url)
                $ toHtml tag

-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML
renderTagCloudWith :: (Double -> Double ->
                       String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
                   -- ^ Render a single tag link
                   -> ([String] -> String)
                   -- ^ Concatenate links
                   -> Double
                   -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
                   -> Double
                   -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
                   -> Tags
                   -- ^ Input tags
                   -> Compiler String
                   -- ^ Rendered cloud
renderTagCloudWith makeLink cat minSize maxSize =
  renderTags (makeLink minSize maxSize) cat

-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML as a context
tagCloudField :: String
               -- ^ Destination key
               -> Double
               -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
               -> Double
               -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
               -> Tags
               -- ^ Input tags
               -> Context a
               -- ^ Context
tagCloudField key minSize maxSize tags =
  field key $ \_ -> renderTagCloud minSize maxSize tags

-- | Render a tag cloud in HTML as a context
tagCloudFieldWith :: String
                  -- ^ Destination key
                  -> (Double -> Double ->
                      String -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> String)
                  -- ^ Render a single tag link
                  -> ([String] -> String)
                  -- ^ Concatenate links
                  -> Double
                  -- ^ Smallest font size, in percent
                  -> Double
                  -- ^ Biggest font size, in percent
                  -> Tags
                  -- ^ Input tags
                  -> Context a
                  -- ^ Context
tagCloudFieldWith key makeLink cat minSize maxSize tags =
  field key $ \_ -> renderTagCloudWith makeLink cat minSize maxSize tags

-- | Render a simple tag list in HTML, with the tag count next to the item
-- TODO: Maybe produce a Context here
renderTagList :: Tags -> Compiler (String)
renderTagList = renderTags makeLink (intercalate ", ")
    makeLink tag url count _ _ = renderHtml $
        H.a ! A.href (toValue url) $ toHtml (tag ++ " (" ++ show count ++ ")")

-- | Render tags with links with custom functions to get tags and to
-- render links
tagsFieldWith :: (Identifier -> Compiler [String])
              -- ^ Get the tags
              -> (String -> (Maybe FilePath) -> Maybe H.Html)
              -- ^ Render link for one tag
              -> ([H.Html] -> H.Html)
              -- ^ Concatenate tag links
              -> String
              -- ^ Destination field
              -> Tags
              -- ^ Tags structure
              -> Context a
              -- ^ Resulting context
tagsFieldWith getTags' renderLink cat key tags = field key $ \item -> do
    tags' <- getTags' $ itemIdentifier item
    links <- forM tags' $ \tag -> do
        route' <- getRoute $ tagsMakeId tags tag
        return $ renderLink tag route'

    return $ renderHtml $ cat $ catMaybes $ links

-- | Render tags with links
tagsField :: String     -- ^ Destination key
          -> Tags       -- ^ Tags
          -> Context a  -- ^ Context
tagsField =
  tagsFieldWith getTags simpleRenderLink (mconcat . intersperse ", ")

-- | Render the category in a link
categoryField :: String     -- ^ Destination key
              -> Tags       -- ^ Tags
              -> Context a  -- ^ Context
categoryField =
  tagsFieldWith getCategory simpleRenderLink (mconcat . intersperse ", ")

-- | Render one tag link
simpleRenderLink :: String -> (Maybe FilePath) -> Maybe H.Html
simpleRenderLink _   Nothing         = Nothing
simpleRenderLink tag (Just filePath) =
  Just $ H.a ! A.href (toValue $ toUrl filePath) $ toHtml tag

-- | Sort tags using supplied function. First element of the tuple passed to
-- the comparing function is the actual tag name.
sortTagsBy :: ((String, [Identifier]) -> (String, [Identifier]) -> Ordering)
           -> Tags -> Tags
sortTagsBy f t = t {tagsMap = sortBy f (tagsMap t)}

-- | Sample sorting function that compares tags case insensitively.
caseInsensitiveTags :: (String, [Identifier]) -> (String, [Identifier])
                    -> Ordering
caseInsensitiveTags = comparing $ map toLower . fst