module Happstack.Server.SURI.ParseURI(parseURIRef) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BB
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Prelude hiding(break,length,null,drop,splitAt)
import Network.URI
parseURIRef :: ByteString -> URI
parseURIRef fs =
case break (\c -> ':' == c || '/' == c || '?' == c || '#' == c) fs of
(initial,rest) ->
let ui = unpack initial
in case uncons rest of
Nothing ->
if null initial then nullURI
nullURI { uriPath = ui }
Just (c, rrest) ->
case c of
':' -> pabsuri rrest $ URI (unpack initial)
'/' -> puriref fs $ URI "" Nothing
'?' -> pquery rrest $ URI "" Nothing ui
'#' -> pfragment rrest $ URI "" Nothing ui ""
_ -> error "parseURIRef: Can't happen"
pabsuri :: ByteString
-> (Maybe URIAuth -> String -> String -> String -> b)
-> b
pabsuri fs cont =
if length fs >= 2 && unsafeHead fs == '/' && unsafeIndex fs 1 == '/'
then pauthority (drop 2 fs) cont
else puriref fs $ cont Nothing
pauthority :: ByteString
-> (Maybe URIAuth -> String -> String -> String -> b)
-> b
pauthority fs cont =
let (auth,rest) = breakChar '/' fs
in puriref rest $! cont (Just $! pauthinner auth)
pauthinner :: ByteString -> URIAuth
pauthinner fs =
case breakChar '@' fs of
(a,b) -> pauthport b $ URIAuth (unpack a)
pauthport :: ByteString -> (String -> String -> t) -> t
pauthport fs cont =
let spl idx = splitAt (idx+1) fs
in case unsafeHead fs of
_ | null fs -> cont "" ""
'[' -> case fmap spl (elemIndexEnd ']' fs) of
Just (a,b) | null b -> cont (unpack a) ""
| unsafeHead b == ':' -> cont (unpack a) (unpack $ unsafeTail b)
x -> error ("Parsing uri failed (pauthport):"++show x)
_ -> case breakCharEnd ':' fs of
(a,b) -> cont (unpack a) (unpack b)
puriref :: ByteString -> (String -> String -> String -> b) -> b
puriref fs cont =
let (u,r) = break (\c -> '#' == c || '?' == c) fs
in case unsafeHead r of
_ | null r -> cont (unpack u) "" ""
'?' -> pquery (unsafeTail r) $ cont (unpack u)
'#' -> pfragment (unsafeTail r) $ cont (unpack u) ""
_ -> error "unexpected match"
pquery :: ByteString -> (String -> String -> t) -> t
pquery fs cont =
case breakChar '#' fs of
(a,b) -> cont ('?':unpack a) (unpack b)
pfragment :: ByteString -> (String -> b) -> b
pfragment fs cont =
cont $ unpack fs
unsafeTail :: ByteString -> ByteString
unsafeTail = BB.unsafeTail
unsafeHead :: ByteString -> Char
unsafeHead = BB.w2c . BB.unsafeHead
unsafeIndex :: ByteString -> Int -> Char
unsafeIndex s = BB.w2c . BB.unsafeIndex s
{-# INLINE breakChar #-}
breakChar :: Char -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
breakChar ch = BB.break ((==) x) where x = BB.c2w ch
{-# INLINE breakCharEnd #-}
breakCharEnd :: Char -> ByteString -> (ByteString, ByteString)
breakCharEnd c p = BB.breakEnd ((==) x) p where x = BB.c2w c