hashing: A pure haskell library implements several hash algorithms.

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hashing is a pure haskell hash library, supported hash algorithm: SHA1SHA224SHA256SHA384SHA512 MD5 and Whirlpool. It provides a simple interface `hash` and `hashLazy` to compute a hash value Based on the type signature. Performance wise it only has 15 - 115 of native C implementations, or `cryptonite`. Compare to other pure hash libraries such as PureMD5/SHA, it provides a simpler interface, implements more algorithms, and has less dependencies.


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Versions [RSS],,
Dependencies array (>= && <0.6), base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring (>= && <0.12), hashing, mtl (>=2.2.1), QuickCheck (>=2.8.1) [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2016 Baojun Wang
Author Baojun Wang
Maintainer wangbj@gmail.com
Category Cryptography
Home page https://github.com/wangbj/hashing
Bug tracker https://github.com/wangbj/hashing/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/wangbj/hashing
Uploaded by wangbj at 2022-12-04T04:18:42Z
Distributions NixOS:
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 10 indirect [details]
Executables hashing-exe
Downloads 3806 total (25 in the last 30 days)
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