module System.Console.Haskeline.InputT where

import System.Console.Haskeline.History
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command.History
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command.Undo
import System.Console.Haskeline.Command.KillRing
import System.Console.Haskeline.Monads as Monads
import System.Console.Haskeline.Prefs
import System.Console.Haskeline.Completion
import System.Console.Haskeline.Backend
import System.Console.Haskeline.Term

import System.Directory(getHomeDirectory)
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Fix
import System.IO
import Data.IORef

-- | Application-specific customizations to the user interface.
data Settings m = Settings {complete :: CompletionFunc m, -- ^ Custom tab completion.
                            historyFile :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^ Where to read/write the history at the
                                                        -- start and end of each
                                                        -- line input session.
                            autoAddHistory :: Bool -- ^ If 'True', each nonblank line returned by
                                -- @getInputLine@ will be automatically added to the history.


-- | Because 'complete' is the only field of 'Settings' depending on @m@,
-- the expression @defaultSettings {completionFunc = f}@ leads to a type error
-- from being too general.  This function works around that issue, and may become unnecessary if another field
-- depending on @m@ is added.

setComplete :: CompletionFunc m -> Settings m -> Settings m
setComplete f s = s {complete = f}

-- | A monad transformer which carries all of the state and settings
-- relevant to a line-reading application.
newtype InputT m a = InputT {unInputT ::
                                ReaderT RunTerm
                                -- Use ReaderT (IO _) vs StateT so that exceptions (e.g., ctrl-c)
                                -- don't cause us to lose the existing state.
                                (ReaderT (IORef History)
                                (ReaderT (IORef KillRing)
                                (ReaderT Prefs
                                (ReaderT (Settings m) m)))) a}
                            deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadException)
                -- NOTE: we're explicitly *not* making InputT an instance of our
                -- internal MonadState/MonadReader classes.  Otherwise haddock
                -- displays those instances to the user, and it makes it seem like
                -- we implement the mtl versions of those classes.

instance MonadTrans InputT where
    lift = InputT . lift . lift . lift . lift . lift

instance ( MonadFix m ) => MonadFix (InputT m) where
    mfix f = InputT (mfix (unInputT . f))

-- | Get the current line input history.
getHistory :: MonadIO m => InputT m History
getHistory = InputT get

-- | Set the line input history.
putHistory :: MonadIO m => History -> InputT m ()
putHistory = InputT . put

-- | Change the current line input history.
modifyHistory :: MonadIO m => (History -> History) -> InputT m ()
modifyHistory = InputT . modify

-- for internal use only
type InputCmdT m = StateT Layout (UndoT (StateT HistLog (ReaderT (IORef KillRing)
                        -- HistLog can be just StateT, since its final state
                        -- isn't used outside of InputCmdT.
                (ReaderT Prefs (ReaderT (Settings m) m)))))

runInputCmdT :: MonadIO m => TermOps -> InputCmdT m a -> InputT m a
runInputCmdT tops f = InputT $ do
    layout <- liftIO $ getLayout tops
    history <- get
    lift $ lift $ evalStateT' (histLog history) $ runUndoT $ evalStateT' layout f

instance MonadException m => CommandMonad (InputCmdT m) where
    runCompletion lcs = do
        settings <- ask
        lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ complete settings lcs

-- | Run a line-reading application.  Uses 'defaultBehavior' to determine the
-- interaction behavior.
runInputTWithPrefs :: MonadException m => Prefs -> Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputTWithPrefs = runInputTBehaviorWithPrefs defaultBehavior

-- | Run a line-reading application.  This function should suffice for most applications.
-- This function is equivalent to @'runInputTBehavior' 'defaultBehavior'@.  It 
-- uses terminal-style interaction if 'stdin' is connected to a terminal and has
-- echoing enabled.  Otherwise (e.g., if 'stdin' is a pipe), it uses file-style interaction.
-- If it uses terminal-style interaction, 'Prefs' will be read from the user's @~/.haskeline@ file
-- (if present).
-- If it uses file-style interaction, 'Prefs' are not relevant and will not be read.
runInputT :: MonadException m => Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputT = runInputTBehavior defaultBehavior

-- | Returns 'True' if the current session uses terminal-style interaction.  (See 'Behavior'.)
haveTerminalUI :: Monad m => InputT m Bool
haveTerminalUI = InputT $ asks isTerminalStyle

{- | Haskeline has two ways of interacting with the user:

 * \"Terminal-style\" interaction provides an rich user interface by connecting
   to the user's terminal (which may be different than 'stdin' or 'stdout').  
 * \"File-style\" interaction treats the input as a simple stream of characters, for example
    when reading from a file or pipe.  Input functions (e.g., @getInputLine@) print the prompt to 'stdout'.
 A 'Behavior' is a method for deciding at run-time which type of interaction to use.  
 For most applications (e.g., a REPL), 'defaultBehavior' should have the correct effect.
data Behavior = Behavior (IO RunTerm)

-- | Create and use a RunTerm, ensuring that it will be closed even if
-- an async exception occurs during the creation or use.
withBehavior :: MonadException m => Behavior -> (RunTerm -> m a) -> m a
withBehavior (Behavior run) f = bracket (liftIO run) (liftIO . closeTerm) f

-- | Run a line-reading application according to the given behavior.
-- If it uses terminal-style interaction, 'Prefs' will be read from the
-- user's @~/.haskeline@ file (if present).
-- If it uses file-style interaction, 'Prefs' are not relevant and will not be read.
runInputTBehavior :: MonadException m => Behavior -> Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputTBehavior behavior settings f = withBehavior behavior $ \run -> do
    prefs <- if isTerminalStyle run
                then liftIO readPrefsFromHome
                else return defaultPrefs
    execInputT prefs settings run f

-- | Run a line-reading application.
runInputTBehaviorWithPrefs :: MonadException m
    => Behavior -> Prefs -> Settings m -> InputT m a -> m a
runInputTBehaviorWithPrefs behavior prefs settings f
    = withBehavior behavior $ flip (execInputT prefs settings) f

-- | Helper function to feed the parameters into an InputT.
execInputT :: MonadException m => Prefs -> Settings m -> RunTerm
                -> InputT m a -> m a
execInputT prefs settings run (InputT f)
    = runReaderT' settings $ runReaderT' prefs
            $ runKillRing
            $ runHistoryFromFile (historyFile settings) (maxHistorySize prefs)
            $ runReaderT f run

-- | Map a user interaction by modifying the base monad computation.
mapInputT :: (forall b . m b -> m b) -> InputT m a -> InputT m a
mapInputT f = InputT . mapReaderT (mapReaderT (mapReaderT
                                  (mapReaderT (mapReaderT f))))
                    . unInputT

-- | Read input from 'stdin'.  
-- Use terminal-style interaction if 'stdin' is connected to
-- a terminal and has echoing enabled.  Otherwise (e.g., if 'stdin' is a pipe), use
-- file-style interaction.
-- This behavior should suffice for most applications.  
defaultBehavior :: Behavior
defaultBehavior = Behavior defaultRunTerm

-- | Use file-style interaction, reading input from the given 'Handle'.  
useFileHandle :: Handle -> Behavior
useFileHandle = Behavior . fileHandleRunTerm

-- | Use file-style interaction, reading input from the given file.
useFile :: FilePath -> Behavior
useFile file = Behavior $ do
            h <- openBinaryFile file ReadMode
            rt <- fileHandleRunTerm h
            return rt { closeTerm = closeTerm rt >> hClose h}

-- | Use terminal-style interaction whenever possible, even if 'stdin' and/or 'stdout' are not
-- terminals.
-- If it cannot open the user's terminal, use file-style interaction, reading input from 'stdin'.
preferTerm :: Behavior
preferTerm = Behavior terminalRunTerm

-- | Read 'Prefs' from @~/.haskeline.@   If there is an error reading the file,
-- the 'defaultPrefs' will be returned.
readPrefsFromHome :: IO Prefs
readPrefsFromHome = handle (\(_::IOException) -> return defaultPrefs) $ do
    home <- getHomeDirectory
    readPrefs (home </> ".haskeline")