-- | A parser for gtk-doc formatted documentation, see -- https://developer.gnome.org/gtk-doc-manual/ for the spec. module Data.GI.CodeGen.GtkDoc ( parseGtkDoc , GtkDoc(..) , Token(..) , Language(..) , Link(..) , ListItem(..) , CRef(..) ) where import Prelude hiding (takeWhile) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*)) #endif import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.Attoparsec.Text import Data.Char (isAsciiUpper, isAsciiLower, isDigit) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) -- | A parsed gtk-doc token. data Token = Literal Text | Verbatim Text | CodeBlock (Maybe Language) Text | ExternalLink Link | Image Link | List [ListItem] | SectionHeader Int GtkDoc -- ^ A section header of the given depth. | SymbolRef CRef deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A link to a resource, either offline or a section of the documentation. data Link = Link { linkName :: Text , linkAddress :: Text } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | An item in a list, given by a list of lines (not including ending -- newlines). The list is always non-empty, so we represent it by the -- first line and then a possibly empty list with the rest of the lines. data ListItem = ListItem GtkDoc [GtkDoc] deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The language for an embedded code block. newtype Language = Language Text deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A reference to some symbol in the API. data CRef = FunctionRef Text | ParamRef Text | ConstantRef Text | SignalRef Text Text | PropertyRef Text Text | VMethodRef Text Text | StructFieldRef Text Text | TypeRef Text deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | A parsed representation of gtk-doc formatted documentation. newtype GtkDoc = GtkDoc [Token] deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Parse the given gtk-doc formatted documentation. -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseGtkDoc "" -- GtkDoc [] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "func()" -- GtkDoc [SymbolRef (FunctionRef "func")] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "literal" -- GtkDoc [Literal "literal"] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "This is a long literal" -- GtkDoc [Literal "This is a long literal"] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "Call foo() for free cookies" -- GtkDoc [Literal "Call ",SymbolRef (FunctionRef "foo"),Literal " for free cookies"] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "The signal ##%#GtkButton::activate is related to gtk_button_activate()." -- GtkDoc [Literal "The signal ##%",SymbolRef (SignalRef "GtkButton" "activate"),Literal " is related to ",SymbolRef (FunctionRef "gtk_button_activate"),Literal "."] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "# A section\n\n## and a subsection ##\n" -- GtkDoc [SectionHeader 1 (GtkDoc [Literal "A section"]),Literal "\n",SectionHeader 2 (GtkDoc [Literal "and a subsection "])] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "Compact list:\n- First item\n- Second item" -- GtkDoc [Literal "Compact list:\n",List [ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "First item"]) [],ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "Second item"]) []]] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "Spaced list:\n\n- First item\n\n- Second item" -- GtkDoc [Literal "Spaced list:\n",List [ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "First item"]) [],ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "Second item"]) []]] -- -- >>> parseGtkDoc "List with urls:\n- [test](http://test)\n- " -- GtkDoc [Literal "List with urls:\n",List [ListItem (GtkDoc [ExternalLink (Link {linkName = "test", linkAddress = "http://test"})]) [],ListItem (GtkDoc [Image (Link {linkName = "", linkAddress = "image.png"})]) []]] parseGtkDoc :: Text -> GtkDoc parseGtkDoc raw = case parseOnly (parseTokens <* endOfInput) raw of Left e -> error $ "gtk-doc parsing failed with error \"" <> e <> "\" on the input \"" <> T.unpack raw <> "\"" Right tks -> GtkDoc . coalesceLiterals . restoreSHPreNewlines . restoreListPreNewline $ tks -- | `parseSectionHeader` eats the newline before the section header, -- but `parseInitialSectionHeader` does not, since it only matches at -- the beginning of the text. This restores the newlines eaten by -- `parseSectionHeader`, so a `SectionHeader` returned by the parser -- can always be assumed /not/ to have an implicit starting newline. restoreSHPreNewlines :: [Token] -> [Token] restoreSHPreNewlines [] = [] restoreSHPreNewlines (i : rest) = i : restoreNewlines rest where restoreNewlines :: [Token] -> [Token] restoreNewlines [] = [] restoreNewlines (s@(SectionHeader _ _) : rest) = Literal "\n" : s : restoreNewlines rest restoreNewlines (x : rest) = x : restoreNewlines rest -- | `parseList` eats the newline before the list, restore it. restoreListPreNewline :: [Token] -> [Token] restoreListPreNewline [] = [] restoreListPreNewline (l@(List _) : rest) = Literal "\n" : l : restoreListPreNewline rest restoreListPreNewline (x : rest) = x : restoreListPreNewline rest -- | Accumulate consecutive literals into a single literal. coalesceLiterals :: [Token] -> [Token] coalesceLiterals tks = go Nothing tks where go :: Maybe Text -> [Token] -> [Token] go Nothing [] = [] go (Just l) [] = [Literal l] go Nothing (Literal l : rest) = go (Just l) rest go (Just l) (Literal l' : rest) = go (Just (l <> l')) rest go Nothing (tk : rest) = tk : go Nothing rest go (Just l) (tk : rest) = Literal l : tk : go Nothing rest -- | Parser for tokens. parseTokens :: Parser [Token] parseTokens = headerAndTokens <|> justTokens where -- In case the input starts by a section header. headerAndTokens :: Parser [Token] headerAndTokens = do header <- parseInitialSectionHeader tokens <- justTokens return (header : tokens) justTokens :: Parser [Token] justTokens = many' parseToken -- | Parse a single token. -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseToken <* endOfInput) "func()" -- Right (SymbolRef (FunctionRef "func")) parseToken :: Parser Token parseToken = -- Note that the parsers overlap, so this is not as -- efficient as it could be (if we had combined parsers -- and then branched, so that there is no -- backtracking). But speed is not an issue here, so for -- clarity we keep the parsers distinct. The exception -- is parseFunctionRef, since it does not complicate the -- parser much, and it is the main source of -- backtracking. parseFunctionRef <|> parseSignal <|> parseProperty <|> parseVMethod <|> parseStructField <|> parseType <|> parseConstant <|> parseParam <|> parseEscaped <|> parseVerbatim <|> parseCodeBlock <|> parseUrl <|> parseImage <|> parseSectionHeader <|> parseList <|> parseBoringLiteral -- | Parse a signal name, of the form -- > #Object::signal -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseSignal <* endOfInput) "#GtkButton::activate" -- Right (SymbolRef (SignalRef "GtkButton" "activate")) parseSignal :: Parser Token parseSignal = do _ <- char '#' obj <- parseCIdent _ <- string "::" signal <- signalOrPropName return (SymbolRef (SignalRef obj signal)) -- | Parse a property name, of the form -- > #Object:property -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseProperty <* endOfInput) "#GtkButton:always-show-image" -- Right (SymbolRef (PropertyRef "GtkButton" "always-show-image")) parseProperty :: Parser Token parseProperty = do _ <- char '#' obj <- parseCIdent _ <- char ':' property <- signalOrPropName return (SymbolRef (PropertyRef obj property)) -- | Parse a reference to a virtual method, of the form -- > #Struct.method() -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseVMethod <* endOfInput) "#Foo.bar()" -- Right (SymbolRef (VMethodRef "Foo" "bar")) parseVMethod :: Parser Token parseVMethod = do _ <- char '#' obj <- parseCIdent _ <- char '.' method <- parseCIdent _ <- string "()" return (SymbolRef (VMethodRef obj method)) -- | Parse a reference to a struct field, of the form -- > #Struct.field -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseStructField <* endOfInput) "#Foo.bar" -- Right (SymbolRef (StructFieldRef "Foo" "bar")) parseStructField :: Parser Token parseStructField = do _ <- char '#' obj <- parseCIdent _ <- char '.' field <- parseCIdent return (SymbolRef (StructFieldRef obj field)) -- | Parse a reference to a C type, of the form -- > #Type -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseType <* endOfInput) "#Foo" -- Right (SymbolRef (TypeRef "Foo")) parseType :: Parser Token parseType = do _ <- char '#' obj <- parseCIdent return (SymbolRef (TypeRef obj)) -- | Parse a constant, of the form -- > %CONSTANT_NAME -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseConstant <* endOfInput) "%TEST_CONSTANT" -- Right (SymbolRef (ConstantRef "TEST_CONSTANT")) parseConstant :: Parser Token parseConstant = do _ <- char '%' c <- parseCIdent return (SymbolRef (ConstantRef c)) -- | Parse a reference to a parameter, of the form -- > @param_name -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseParam <* endOfInput) "@test_param" -- Right (SymbolRef (ParamRef "test_param")) parseParam :: Parser Token parseParam = do _ <- char '@' param <- parseCIdent return (SymbolRef (ParamRef param)) -- | Whether the given character is valid in a C identifier. isCIdent :: Char -> Bool isCIdent '_' = True isCIdent c = isDigit c || isAsciiUpper c || isAsciiLower c -- | Name of a signal or property name. Similar to a C identifier, but -- hyphens are allowed too. signalOrPropName :: Parser Text signalOrPropName = takeWhile1 isSignalOrPropIdent where isSignalOrPropIdent :: Char -> Bool isSignalOrPropIdent '-' = True isSignalOrPropIdent c = isCIdent c -- | Something that could be a valid C identifier (loosely speaking, -- we do not need to be too strict here). parseCIdent :: Parser Text parseCIdent = takeWhile1 isCIdent -- | Parse a function ref, given by a valid C identifier followed by -- '()', for instance 'gtk_widget_show()'. If the identifier is not -- followed by "()", return it as a literal instead. -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseFunctionRef <* endOfInput) "test_func()" -- Right (SymbolRef (FunctionRef "test_func")) -- -- >>> parseOnly (parseFunctionRef <* endOfInput) "not_a_func" -- Right (Literal "not_a_func") parseFunctionRef :: Parser Token parseFunctionRef = do ident <- parseCIdent option (Literal ident) (string "()" >> return (SymbolRef (FunctionRef ident))) -- | Parse a escaped special character, i.e. one preceded by '\'. parseEscaped :: Parser Token parseEscaped = do _ <- char '\\' c <- satisfy (`elem` ("#@%\\`" :: [Char])) return $ Literal (T.singleton c) -- | Parse a literal, i.e. anything without a known special -- meaning. Note that this parser always consumes the first character, -- regardless of what it is. parseBoringLiteral :: Parser Token parseBoringLiteral = do c <- anyChar boring <- takeWhile (not . special) return $ Literal (T.cons c boring) -- | List of special characters from the point of view of the parser -- (in the sense that they may be the beginning of something with a -- special interpretation). special :: Char -> Bool special '#' = True special '@' = True special '%' = True special '\\' = True special '`' = True special '|' = True special '[' = True special '!' = True special '\n' = True special c = isCIdent c -- | Parse a verbatim string, of the form -- > `verbatim text` -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseVerbatim <* endOfInput) "`Example quote!`" -- Right (Verbatim "Example quote!") parseVerbatim :: Parser Token parseVerbatim = do _ <- char '`' v <- takeWhile1 (/= '`') _ <- char '`' return $ Verbatim v -- | Parse a URL in Markdown syntax, of the form -- > [name](url) -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseUrl <* endOfInput) "[haskell](http://haskell.org)" -- Right (ExternalLink (Link {linkName = "haskell", linkAddress = "http://haskell.org"})) parseUrl :: Parser Token parseUrl = do _ <- char '[' name <- takeWhile1 (/= ']') _ <- string "](" address <- takeWhile1 (/= ')') _ <- char ')' return $ ExternalLink $ Link {linkName = name, linkAddress = address} -- | Parse an image reference, of the form -- >  -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseImage <* endOfInput) "" -- Right (Image (Link {linkName = "", linkAddress = "diagram.png"})) parseImage :: Parser Token parseImage = do _ <- string "![" name <- takeWhile (/= ']') _ <- string "](" address <- takeWhile1 (/= ')') _ <- char ')' return $ Image $ Link {linkName = name, linkAddress = address} -- | Parse a code block embedded in the documentation. parseCodeBlock :: Parser Token parseCodeBlock = do _ <- string "|[" lang <- (Just <$> parseLanguage) <|> return Nothing code <- T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (string "]|") return $ CodeBlock lang code -- | Parse the language of a code block, specified as a comment. parseLanguage :: Parser Language parseLanguage = do _ <- string "<!--" skipSpace _ <- string "language=\"" lang <- takeWhile1 (/= '"') _ <- char '"' skipSpace _ <- string "-->" return $ Language lang -- | Parse a section header, given by a number of hash symbols, and -- then ordinary text. Note that this parser "eats" the newline before -- and after the section header. parseSectionHeader :: Parser Token parseSectionHeader = char '\n' >> parseInitialSectionHeader -- | Parse a section header at the beginning of the text. I.e. this is -- the same as `parseSectionHeader`, but we do not expect a newline as -- a first character. -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseInitialSectionHeader <* endOfInput) "### Hello! ###\n" -- Right (SectionHeader 3 (GtkDoc [Literal "Hello! "])) -- -- >>> parseOnly (parseInitialSectionHeader <* endOfInput) "# Hello!\n" -- Right (SectionHeader 1 (GtkDoc [Literal "Hello!"])) parseInitialSectionHeader :: Parser Token parseInitialSectionHeader = do hashes <- takeWhile1 (== '#') _ <- many1 space heading <- takeWhile1 (notInClass "#\n") _ <- (string hashes >> char '\n') <|> (char '\n') return $ SectionHeader (T.length hashes) (parseGtkDoc heading) -- | Parse a list header. Note that the newline before the start of -- the list is "eaten" by this parser, but is restored later by -- `parseGtkDoc`. -- -- === __Examples__ -- >>> parseOnly (parseList <* endOfInput) "\n- First item\n- Second item" -- Right (List [ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "First item"]) [],ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "Second item"]) []]) -- -- >>> parseOnly (parseList <* endOfInput) "\n\n- Two line\n item\n\n- Second item,\n also two lines" -- Right (List [ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "Two line"]) [GtkDoc [Literal "item"]],ListItem (GtkDoc [Literal "Second item,"]) [GtkDoc [Literal "also two lines"]]]) parseList :: Parser Token parseList = do items <- many1 parseListItem return $ List items where parseListItem :: Parser ListItem parseListItem = do _ <- char '\n' _ <- string "\n- " <|> string "- " first <- takeWhile1 (/= '\n') rest <- many' parseLine return $ ListItem (parseGtkDoc first) (map parseGtkDoc rest) parseLine :: Parser Text parseLine = string "\n " >> takeWhile1 (/= '\n')