Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Routines for connecting GObject
s to signals. There are two
basic variants, on
and after
, which correspond to
g_signal_connect and g_signal_connect_after, respectively.
Basic usage is
widget #signalName $ do ...
widget #signalName $ do ...
Note that in the Haskell bindings we represent the signal name in camelCase, so a signal like script-message-received in the original API becomes scriptMessageReceived in the bindings.
There are two variants of note. If you want to provide a detail
when connecting the signal you can use :::
, as follows:
widget (#scriptMessageReceived:::
"handlerName") $ do ...
On the other hand, if you want to connect to the "notify" signal for a property of a widget, it is recommended to use instead PropertyNotify
, as follows:
widget (PropertyNotify
#propertyName) $ do ...
which has the advantage that it will be checked at compile time
that the widget does indeed have the property "propertyName
- on :: forall object info m. (GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> ((?self :: object) => HaskellCallbackType info) -> m SignalHandlerId
- after :: forall object info m. (GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> ((?self :: object) => HaskellCallbackType info) -> m SignalHandlerId
- data SignalProxy (object :: Type) (info :: Type) where
- SignalProxy :: SignalProxy o info
- (:::) :: forall o info. SignalProxy o info -> Text -> SignalProxy o info
- PropertyNotify :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute propName o, AttrInfo info, pl ~ AttrLabel info, KnownSymbol pl) => AttrLabelProxy propName -> SignalProxy o GObjectNotifySignalInfo
- data SignalConnectMode
- connectSignalFunPtr :: GObject o => o -> Text -> FunPtr a -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId
- disconnectSignalHandler :: GObject o => o -> SignalHandlerId -> IO ()
- type SignalHandlerId = CULong
- class SignalInfo (info :: Type) where
- type HaskellCallbackType info :: Type
- connectSignal :: GObject o => o -> (o -> HaskellCallbackType info) -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId
- dbgSignalInfo :: Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
- data GObjectNotifySignalInfo
- type family SignalCodeGenError (signalName :: Symbol) :: Type where ...
- resolveSignal :: forall object info. (GObject object, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
on :: forall object info m. (GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> ((?self :: object) => HaskellCallbackType info) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal to a signal handler.
after :: forall object info m. (GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> ((?self :: object) => HaskellCallbackType info) -> m SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal to a handler, running the handler after the default one.
data SignalProxy (object :: Type) (info :: Type) where Source #
Support for overloaded signal connectors.
SignalProxy :: SignalProxy o info | A basic signal name connector. |
(:::) :: forall o info. SignalProxy o info -> Text -> SignalProxy o info | A signal connector annotated with a detail. |
PropertyNotify :: (info ~ ResolveAttribute propName o, AttrInfo info, pl ~ AttrLabel info, KnownSymbol pl) => AttrLabelProxy propName -> SignalProxy o GObjectNotifySignalInfo | A signal connector for the |
info ~ ResolveSignal slot object => IsLabel slot (SignalProxy object info) Source # | Support for overloaded labels. |
Defined in Data.GI.Base.Signals Methods fromLabel :: SignalProxy object info # |
data SignalConnectMode Source #
Whether to connect a handler to a signal with connectSignal
that it runs before/after the default handler for the given signal.
SignalConnectBefore | Run before the default handler. |
SignalConnectAfter | Run after the default handler. |
connectSignalFunPtr :: GObject o => o -> Text -> FunPtr a -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a signal to a handler, given as a FunPtr
disconnectSignalHandler :: GObject o => o -> SignalHandlerId -> IO () Source #
Disconnect a previously connected signal.
type SignalHandlerId = CULong Source #
Type of a GObject
signal handler id.
class SignalInfo (info :: Type) where Source #
Information about an overloaded signal.
Minimal complete definition
connectSignal :: GObject o => o -> (o -> HaskellCallbackType info) -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId Source #
Connect a Haskell function to a signal of the given GObject
specifying whether the handler will be called before or after the
default handler. Note that the callback being passed here admits
an extra initial parameter with respect to the usual Haskell
callback type. This will be passed as an implicit ?self
argument to the Haskell callback.
dbgSignalInfo :: Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo Source #
Optional extra debug information, for resolveSignal
SignalInfo GObjectNotifySignalInfo Source # | |
Defined in Data.GI.Base.Signals Associated Types Methods connectSignal :: GObject o => o -> (o -> HaskellCallbackType GObjectNotifySignalInfo) -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId Source # |
data GObjectNotifySignalInfo Source #
Connection information for a "notify" signal indicating that a
specific property changed (see PropertyNotify
for the relevant
SignalInfo GObjectNotifySignalInfo Source # | |
Defined in Data.GI.Base.Signals Associated Types Methods connectSignal :: GObject o => o -> (o -> HaskellCallbackType GObjectNotifySignalInfo) -> SignalConnectMode -> Maybe Text -> IO SignalHandlerId Source # | |
type HaskellCallbackType GObjectNotifySignalInfo Source # | |
Defined in Data.GI.Base.Signals |
type family SignalCodeGenError (signalName :: Symbol) :: Type where ... Source #
Generate an informative type error whenever one tries to use a signal for which code generation has failed.
resolveSignal :: forall object info. (GObject object, SignalInfo info) => object -> SignalProxy object info -> Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo Source #
Return the fully qualified signal name that a given overloaded signal resolves to (mostly useful for debugging).
resolveSignal #childNotify button