{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, DataKinds, KindSignatures,
  TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, ConstraintKinds,
  UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, TypeApplications,
  DefaultSignatures, PolyKinds, AllowAmbiguousTypes,
  ImplicitParams, RankNTypes #-}

-- |
-- == Basic attributes interface
-- Attributes of an object can be get, set and constructed. For types
-- descending from 'Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject', properties are
-- encoded in attributes, although attributes are slightly more
-- general (every property of a `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject` is an
-- attribute, but we can also have attributes for types not descending
-- from `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject`).
-- If you're wondering what the possible attributes of a GObject are,
-- look at the list of properties in the documentation, e.g. the
-- Properties heading of the docs for 'GI.Gtk.Objects.Button' lists
-- properties such as @image@ and @relief@. Parent classes may also
-- introduce properties, so since a Button is an instance of
-- @IsActionable@, it inherits properties like @actionName@ from
-- 'GI.Gtk.Interfaces.Actionable' too.
-- As an example consider a @button@ widget and a property (of the
-- Button class, or any of its parent classes or implemented
-- interfaces) called "label". The simplest way of getting the value
-- of the button is to do
-- > value <- getButtonLabel button
-- And for setting:
-- > setButtonLabel button label
-- This mechanism quickly becomes rather cumbersome, for example for
-- setting the "window" property in a DOMDOMWindow in WebKit:
-- > win <- getDOMDOMWindowWindow dom
-- and perhaps more importantly, one needs to chase down the type
-- which introduces the property:
-- > setWidgetSensitive button False
-- There is no @setButtonSensitive@, since it is the @Widget@ type
-- that introduces the "sensitive" property.
-- == Overloaded attributes
-- A much more convenient overloaded attribute resolution API is
-- provided by this module. Getting the value of an object's attribute
-- is straightforward:
-- > value <- get button _label
-- The definition of @_label@ is basically a 'Proxy' encoding the name
-- of the attribute to get:
-- > _label = fromLabelProxy (Proxy :: Proxy "label")
-- These proxies can be automatically generated by invoking the code
-- generator with the @-l@ option. The leading underscore is simply so
-- the autogenerated identifiers do not pollute the namespace, but if
-- this is not a concern the autogenerated names (in the autogenerated
-- @GI/Properties.hs@) can be edited as one wishes.
-- In addition, for ghc >= 8.0, one can directly use the overloaded
-- labels provided by GHC itself. Using the "OverloadedLabels"
-- extension, the code above can also be written as
-- > value <- get button #label
-- The syntax for setting or updating an attribute is only slightly more
-- complex. At the simplest level it is just:
-- > set button [ _label := value ]
-- or for the WebKit example above
-- > set dom [_window := win]
-- However as the list notation would indicate, you can set or update multiple
-- attributes of the same object in one go:
-- > set button [ _label := value, _sensitive := False ]
-- You are not limited to setting the value of an attribute, you can also
-- apply an update function to an attribute's value. That is the function
-- receives the current value of the attribute and returns the new value.
-- > set spinButton [ _value :~ (+1) ]
-- There are other variants of these operators, see 'AttrOp'
-- below. ':=>' and ':~>' are like ':=' and ':~' but operate in the
-- 'IO' monad rather than being pure.
-- Attributes can also be set during construction of a
-- `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GObject` using `Data.GI.Base.Constructible.new`
-- > button <- new Button [_label := "Can't touch this!", _sensitive := False]
-- In addition for value being set/get having to have the right type,
-- there can be attributes that are read-only, or that can only be set
-- during construction with `Data.GI.Base.Properties.new`, but cannot be
-- `set` afterwards. That these invariants hold is also checked during
-- compile time.
-- == Nullable attributes
-- Whenever the attribute is represented as a pointer in the C side,
-- it is often the case that the underlying C representation admits or
-- returns @NULL@ as a valid value for the property. In these cases
-- the `get` operation may return a `Maybe` value, with `Nothing`
-- representing the @NULL@ pointer value (notable exceptions are
-- `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GList` and
-- `Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes.GSList`, for which @NULL@ is represented
-- simply as the empty list). This can be overridden in the
-- introspection data, since sometimes attributes are non-nullable,
-- even if the type would allow for @NULL@.
-- For convenience, in nullable cases the `set` operation will by
-- default /not/ take a `Maybe` value, but rather assume that the
-- caller wants to set a non-@NULL@ value. If setting a @NULL@ value
-- is desired, use `clear` as follows
-- > clear object _propName
module Data.GI.Base.Attributes (






  ) where

import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

import Data.GI.Base.BasicTypes (GObject)
import Data.GI.Base.GValue (GValueConstruct)
import Data.GI.Base.Overloading (HasAttributeList, ResolveAttribute,

import {-# SOURCE #-} Data.GI.Base.Signals (SignalInfo(..), SignalProxy,
                                            on, after)

import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Kind (Type)

import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)

import GHC.OverloadedLabels (IsLabel(..))

infixr 0 :=,:~,:=>,:~>

-- | A proxy for attribute labels.
data AttrLabelProxy (a :: Symbol) = AttrLabelProxy

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
instance a ~ x => IsLabel x (AttrLabelProxy a) where
    fromLabel :: AttrLabelProxy a
fromLabel = AttrLabelProxy a
forall (a :: Symbol). AttrLabelProxy a
instance a ~ x => IsLabel x (AttrLabelProxy a) where
    fromLabel _ = AttrLabelProxy

-- | Info describing an attribute.
class AttrInfo (info :: Type) where
    -- | The operations that are allowed on the attribute.
    type AttrAllowedOps info :: [AttrOpTag]

    -- | Constraint on the type for which we are allowed to
    -- create\/set\/get the attribute.
    type AttrBaseTypeConstraint info :: Type -> Constraint

    -- | Type returned by `attrGet`.
    type AttrGetType info

    -- | Constraint on the value being set.
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint info :: Type -> Constraint
    type AttrSetTypeConstraint info = (~) (AttrGetType info)

    -- | Constraint on the value being set, with allocation allowed
    -- (see ':&=' below).
    type AttrTransferTypeConstraint info :: Type -> Constraint
    type AttrTransferTypeConstraint info = (~) (AttrTransferType info)

    -- | Type resulting from the allocation.
    type AttrTransferType info :: Type
    type AttrTransferType info = AttrGetType info

    -- | Name of the attribute.
    type AttrLabel info :: Symbol

    -- | Type which introduces the attribute.
    type AttrOrigin info

    -- | Get the value of the given attribute.
    attrGet :: AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o =>
               o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
    default attrGet :: -- Make sure that a non-default method
                       -- implementation is provided if AttrGet
                       -- is set.
                        CheckNotElem 'AttrGet (AttrAllowedOps info)
                         (GetNotProvidedError info) =>
                       o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
    attrGet = o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
forall a. HasCallStack => a

    -- | Set the value of the given attribute, after the object having
    -- the attribute has already been created.
    attrSet :: (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
                AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
               o -> b -> IO ()
    default attrSet :: -- Make sure that a non-default method
                        -- implementation is provided if AttrSet
                        -- is set.
                        CheckNotElem 'AttrSet (AttrAllowedOps info)
                         (SetNotProvidedError info) =>
                       o -> b -> IO ()
    attrSet = o -> b -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => a

    -- | Set the value of the given attribute to @NULL@ (for nullable
    -- attributes).
    attrClear :: AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o =>
                 o -> IO ()
    default attrClear ::  -- Make sure that a non-default method
                          -- implementation is provided if AttrClear
                          -- is set.
                          CheckNotElem 'AttrClear (AttrAllowedOps info)
                                       (ClearNotProvidedError info) =>
                      o -> IO ()
    attrClear = o -> IO ()
forall a. HasCallStack => a

    -- | Build a `Data.GI.Base.GValue.GValue` representing the attribute.
    attrConstruct :: (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
                      AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
                     b -> IO (GValueConstruct o)
    default attrConstruct :: -- Make sure that a non-default method
                             -- implementation is provided if AttrConstruct
                             -- is set.
                             CheckNotElem 'AttrConstruct (AttrAllowedOps info)
                               (ConstructNotProvidedError info) =>
                      b -> IO (GValueConstruct o)
    attrConstruct = b -> IO (GValueConstruct o)
forall a. HasCallStack => a

    -- | Allocate memory as necessary to generate a settable type from
    -- the transfer type. This is useful for types which needs
    -- allocations for marshalling from Haskell to C, this makes the
    -- allocation explicit.
    attrTransfer :: forall o b. (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
                               AttrTransferTypeConstraint info b) =>
                    Proxy o -> b -> IO (AttrTransferType info)
    default attrTransfer :: forall o b. (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
                             AttrTransferTypeConstraint info b,
                             b ~ AttrGetType info,
                             b ~ AttrTransferType info) =>
                            Proxy o -> b -> IO (AttrTransferType info)
    attrTransfer Proxy o
_ = b -> IO (AttrTransferType info)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a

    -- | Return some information about the overloaded attribute,
    -- useful for debugging. See `resolveAttr` for how to access this
    -- conveniently.
    dbgAttrInfo :: Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
    dbgAttrInfo = Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
forall a. Maybe a

-- | Pretty print a type, indicating the parent type that introduced
-- the attribute, if different.
type family TypeOriginInfo definingType useType :: ErrorMessage where
    TypeOriginInfo definingType definingType =
        'Text "‘" ':<>: 'ShowType definingType ':<>: 'Text "’"
    TypeOriginInfo definingType useType =
        'Text "‘" ':<>: 'ShowType useType ':<>:
        'Text "’ (inherited from parent type ‘" ':<>:
        'ShowType definingType ':<>: 'Text "’)"

-- | Look in the given list to see if the given `AttrOp` is a member,
-- if not return an error type.
type family AttrOpIsAllowed (tag :: AttrOpTag) (ops :: [AttrOpTag]) (label :: Symbol) (definingType :: Type) (useType :: Type) :: Constraint where
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag '[] label definingType useType =
        TypeError ('Text "Attribute ‘" ':<>: 'Text label ':<>:
                   'Text "’ for type " ':<>:
                   TypeOriginInfo definingType useType ':<>:
                   'Text " is not " ':<>:
                   'Text (AttrOpText tag) ':<>: 'Text ".")
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag (tag ': ops) label definingType useType = ()
    AttrOpIsAllowed tag (other ': ops) label definingType useType = AttrOpIsAllowed tag ops label definingType useType

-- | Whether a given `AttrOpTag` is allowed on an attribute, given the
-- info type.
type family AttrOpAllowed (tag :: AttrOpTag) (info :: Type) (useType :: Type) :: Constraint where
    AttrOpAllowed tag info useType =
        AttrOpIsAllowed tag (AttrAllowedOps info) (AttrLabel info) (AttrOrigin info) useType

-- | Error to be raised when an operation is allowed, but an
-- implementation has not been provided.
type family OpNotProvidedError (info :: o) (op :: AttrOpTag) (methodName :: Symbol) :: ErrorMessage where
  OpNotProvidedError info op methodName =
    'Text "The attribute ‘" ':<>: 'Text (AttrLabel info) ':<>:
    'Text "’ for type ‘" ':<>:
    'ShowType (AttrOrigin info) ':<>:
    'Text "’ is declared as " ':<>:
    'Text (AttrOpText op) ':<>:
    'Text ", but no implementation of ‘" ':<>:
    'Text methodName ':<>:
    'Text "’ has been provided."
    ':$$: 'Text "Either provide an implementation of ‘" ':<>:
    'Text methodName ':<>:
    'Text "’ or remove ‘" ':<>:
    'ShowType op ':<>:
    'Text "’ from ‘AttrAllowedOps’."

-- | Error to be raised when AttrClear is allowed, but an
-- implementation has not been provided.
type family ClearNotProvidedError (info :: o) :: ErrorMessage where
  ClearNotProvidedError info = OpNotProvidedError info 'AttrClear "attrClear"

-- | Error to be raised when AttrGet is allowed, but an
-- implementation has not been provided.
type family GetNotProvidedError (info :: o) :: ErrorMessage where
  GetNotProvidedError info = OpNotProvidedError info 'AttrGet "attrGet"

-- | Error to be raised when AttrSet is allowed, but an
-- implementation has not been provided.
type family SetNotProvidedError (info :: o) :: ErrorMessage where
  SetNotProvidedError info = OpNotProvidedError info 'AttrSet "attrSet"

-- | Error to be raised when AttrConstruct is allowed, but an
-- implementation has not been provided.
type family ConstructNotProvidedError (info :: o) :: ErrorMessage where
  ConstructNotProvidedError info = OpNotProvidedError info 'AttrConstruct "attrConstruct"

-- | Check if the given element is a member, and if so raise the given
-- error.
type family CheckNotElem (a :: k) (as :: [k]) (msg :: ErrorMessage) :: Constraint where
  CheckNotElem a '[] msg = ()
  CheckNotElem a (a ': rest) msg = TypeError msg
  CheckNotElem a (other ': rest) msg = CheckNotElem a rest msg

-- | Possible operations on an attribute.
data AttrOpTag = AttrGet
               -- ^ It is possible to read the value of the attribute
               -- with `get`.
               | AttrSet
               -- ^ It is possible to write the value of the attribute
               -- with `set`.
               | AttrConstruct
               -- ^ It is possible to set the value of the attribute
               -- in `Data.GI.Base.Constructible.new`.
               | AttrClear
               -- ^ It is possible to clear the value of the
               -- (nullable) attribute with `clear`.
  deriving (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
(AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool) -> Eq AttrOpTag
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c/= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
== :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c== :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
Eq, Eq AttrOpTag
Eq AttrOpTag
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Ordering)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag)
-> Ord AttrOpTag
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Ordering
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
$cmin :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
max :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
$cmax :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
>= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c>= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
> :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c> :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
<= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c<= :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
< :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
$c< :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bool
compare :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Ordering
$ccompare :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq AttrOpTag
Ord, Int -> AttrOpTag
AttrOpTag -> Int
AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
(AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag)
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag)
-> (Int -> AttrOpTag)
-> (AttrOpTag -> Int)
-> (AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag])
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag])
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag])
-> (AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag])
-> Enum AttrOpTag
forall a.
(a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> a -> [a])
-> Enum a
enumFromThenTo :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
$cenumFromThenTo :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
enumFromTo :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
$cenumFromTo :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
enumFromThen :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
$cenumFromThen :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
enumFrom :: AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
$cenumFrom :: AttrOpTag -> [AttrOpTag]
fromEnum :: AttrOpTag -> Int
$cfromEnum :: AttrOpTag -> Int
toEnum :: Int -> AttrOpTag
$ctoEnum :: Int -> AttrOpTag
pred :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
$cpred :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
succ :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
$csucc :: AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag
Enum, AttrOpTag
AttrOpTag -> AttrOpTag -> Bounded AttrOpTag
forall a. a -> a -> Bounded a
maxBound :: AttrOpTag
$cmaxBound :: AttrOpTag
minBound :: AttrOpTag
$cminBound :: AttrOpTag
Bounded, Int -> AttrOpTag -> ShowS
[AttrOpTag] -> ShowS
AttrOpTag -> String
(Int -> AttrOpTag -> ShowS)
-> (AttrOpTag -> String)
-> ([AttrOpTag] -> ShowS)
-> Show AttrOpTag
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [AttrOpTag] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [AttrOpTag] -> ShowS
show :: AttrOpTag -> String
$cshow :: AttrOpTag -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> AttrOpTag -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> AttrOpTag -> ShowS

-- | A user friendly description of the `AttrOpTag`, useful when
-- printing type errors.
type family AttrOpText (tag :: AttrOpTag) :: Symbol where
    AttrOpText 'AttrGet = "gettable"
    AttrOpText 'AttrSet = "settable"
    AttrOpText 'AttrConstruct = "constructible"
    AttrOpText 'AttrClear = "nullable"

-- | Constraint on a @obj@\/@attr@ pair so that `set` works on values
-- of type @value@.
type AttrSetC info obj attr value = (HasAttributeList obj,
                                     info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
                                     AttrInfo info,
                                     AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
                                     AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info obj,
                                     (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) value)

-- | Constraint on a @obj@\/@value@ pair so that
-- `Data.GI.Base.Constructible.new` works on values of type @value@.
type AttrConstructC info obj attr value = (HasAttributeList obj,
                                           info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
                                           AttrInfo info,
                                           AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
                                           AttrOpAllowed 'AttrConstruct info obj,
                                           (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) value)

-- | Constructors for the different operations allowed on an attribute.
data AttrOp obj (tag :: AttrOpTag) where
    -- | Assign a value to an attribute
    (:=)  :: (HasAttributeList obj,
              info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info obj,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b) =>
             AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> b -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Assign the result of an IO action to an attribute
    (:=>) :: (HasAttributeList obj,
              info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info obj,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b) =>
             AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> IO b -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Apply an update function to an attribute
    (:~)  :: (HasAttributeList obj,
              info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info obj,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b,
              a ~ (AttrGetType info)) =>
             AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (a -> b) -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Apply an IO update function to an attribute
    (:~>) :: (HasAttributeList obj,
              info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              tag ~ 'AttrSet,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrSet info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info obj,
              (AttrSetTypeConstraint info) b,
              a ~ (AttrGetType info)) =>
             AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> (a -> IO b) -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Assign a value to an attribute, allocating any necessary
    -- memory for representing the Haskell value as a C value. Note
    -- that it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that
    -- the memory is freed when no longer used, otherwise there will
    -- be a memory leak. In the majority of cases you probably want to
    -- use ':=' instead, which has no potential memory leaks (at the
    -- cost of sometimes requiring some explicit Haskell -> C
    -- marshalling).
    (:&=) :: (HasAttributeList obj,
              info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
              AttrInfo info,
              AttrBaseTypeConstraint info obj,
              AttrOpAllowed tag info obj,
              (AttrTransferTypeConstraint info) b,
              AttrSetTypeConstraint info (AttrTransferType info)) =>
             AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> b -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Connect the given signal to a signal handler.
    On    :: (GObject obj, SignalInfo info) =>
             SignalProxy obj info
          -> ((?self :: obj) => HaskellCallbackType info)
          -> AttrOp obj tag
    -- | Like 'On', but connect after the default signal.
    After :: (GObject obj, SignalInfo info) =>
             SignalProxy obj info
          -> ((?self :: obj) => HaskellCallbackType info)
          -> AttrOp obj tag

-- | Set a number of properties for some object.
set :: forall o m. MonadIO m => o -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> m ()
set :: o -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> m ()
set o
obj = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ())
-> ([AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> IO ()) -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. (AttrOp o 'AttrSet -> IO ()) -> [AttrOp o 'AttrSet] -> IO ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
(a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()
mapM_ AttrOp o 'AttrSet -> IO ()
   app :: AttrOp o 'AttrSet -> IO ()
   app :: AttrOp o 'AttrSet -> IO ()
app ((AttrLabelProxy attr
_attr :: AttrLabelProxy label) :=  b
x) =
     o -> b -> IO ()
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
o -> b -> IO ()
attrSet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o
obj b

   app ((AttrLabelProxy attr
_attr :: AttrLabelProxy label) :=> IO b
x) =
     IO b
x IO b -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= o -> b -> IO ()
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
o -> b -> IO ()
attrSet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o

   app ((AttrLabelProxy attr
_attr :: AttrLabelProxy label) :~  a -> b
f) =
     o -> IO (AttrGetType (ResolveAttribute attr o))
forall info o.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o) =>
o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
attrGet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o
obj IO a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
v -> o -> b -> IO ()
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
o -> b -> IO ()
attrSet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o
obj (a -> b
f a

   app ((AttrLabelProxy attr
_attr :: AttrLabelProxy label) :~> a -> IO b
f) =
     o -> IO (AttrGetType (ResolveAttribute attr o))
forall info o.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o) =>
o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
attrGet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o
obj IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
>>= a -> IO b
f IO b -> (b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
     o -> b -> IO ()
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
o -> b -> IO ()
attrSet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o

   app ((AttrLabelProxy attr
_attr :: AttrLabelProxy label) :&= b
x) =
     Proxy o -> b -> IO (AttrTransferType (ResolveAttribute attr o))
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrTransferTypeConstraint info b) =>
Proxy o -> b -> IO (AttrTransferType info)
attrTransfer @(ResolveAttribute label o) (Proxy o
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @o) b
x IO (AttrTransferType info)
-> (AttrTransferType info -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
     o -> AttrTransferType info -> IO ()
forall info o b.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o,
 AttrSetTypeConstraint info b) =>
o -> b -> IO ()
attrSet @(ResolveAttribute label o) o

   app (On SignalProxy o info
signal (?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info
callback) = IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()) -> IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ o
-> SignalProxy o info
-> ((?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info)
-> IO SignalHandlerId
forall object info (m :: * -> *).
(GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) =>
-> SignalProxy object info
-> ((?self::object) => HaskellCallbackType info)
-> m SignalHandlerId
on o
obj SignalProxy o info
signal (?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info
   app (After SignalProxy o info
signal (?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info
callback) = IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Functor f => f a -> f ()
void (IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()) -> IO SignalHandlerId -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ o
-> SignalProxy o info
-> ((?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info)
-> IO SignalHandlerId
forall object info (m :: * -> *).
(GObject object, MonadIO m, SignalInfo info) =>
-> SignalProxy object info
-> ((?self::object) => HaskellCallbackType info)
-> m SignalHandlerId
after o
obj SignalProxy o info
signal (?self::o) => HaskellCallbackType info

-- | Constraints on a @obj@\/@attr@ pair so `get` is possible,
-- producing a value of type @result@.
type AttrGetC info obj attr result = (HasAttributeList obj,
                                      info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
                                      AttrInfo info,
                                      (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info) obj,
                                      AttrOpAllowed 'AttrGet info obj,
                                      result ~ AttrGetType info)

-- | Get the value of an attribute for an object.
get :: forall info attr obj result m.
       (AttrGetC info obj attr result, MonadIO m) =>
        obj -> AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> m result
get :: obj -> AttrLabelProxy attr -> m result
get obj
o AttrLabelProxy attr
_ = IO result -> m result
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO result -> m result) -> IO result -> m result
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ obj -> IO (AttrGetType info)
forall info o.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o) =>
o -> IO (AttrGetType info)
attrGet @info obj

-- | Constraint on a @obj@\/@attr@ pair so that `clear` is allowed.
type AttrClearC info obj attr = (HasAttributeList obj,
                                 info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
                                 AttrInfo info,
                                 (AttrBaseTypeConstraint info) obj,
                                 AttrOpAllowed 'AttrClear info obj)

-- | Set a nullable attribute to @NULL@.
clear :: forall info attr obj m.
         (AttrClearC info obj attr, MonadIO m) =>
         obj -> AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> m ()
clear :: obj -> AttrLabelProxy attr -> m ()
clear obj
o AttrLabelProxy attr
_ = IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ obj -> IO ()
forall info o.
(AttrInfo info, AttrBaseTypeConstraint info o) =>
o -> IO ()
attrClear @info obj

-- | Return the fully qualified attribute name that a given overloaded
-- attribute resolves to (mostly useful for debugging).
-- > resolveAttr #sensitive button
resolveAttr :: forall info attr obj.
               (HasAttributeList obj, info ~ ResolveAttribute attr obj,
                 AttrInfo info) =>
               obj -> AttrLabelProxy (attr :: Symbol) -> Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
resolveAttr :: obj -> AttrLabelProxy attr -> Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
resolveAttr obj
_o AttrLabelProxy attr
_p = AttrInfo info => Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
forall info. AttrInfo info => Maybe ResolvedSymbolInfo
dbgAttrInfo @info