{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Database.Postgis.Serialize where
import Database.Postgis.Geometry
import Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import System.Endian
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Binary.IEEE754
import Data.Int
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
wkbZ = 0x80000000 :: Word32
wkbM = 0x40000000 :: Word32
wkbSRID = 0x20000000 :: Word32
ewkbTypeOffset = 0x1fffffff :: Word32
writeGeometry :: Geometry -> BL.ByteString
writeGeometry = runPut . putGeometry
readGeometry :: BL.ByteString -> Geometry
readGeometry = runGet getGeometry
type Getter = ReaderT Header Get
type Putter a = a -> Put
instance Binary Endianness where
get = fromHex <$> (getLazyByteString 2)
put = putLazyByteString . toHex
instance Binary Header where
get = getHeader
put (Header bo gt s) = put bo >> (putInt . fromIntegral) gt >> putMaybe s putInt
class Hexable a where
toHex :: a -> BL.ByteString
fromHex :: BL.ByteString -> a
instance Hexable Endianness where
toHex BigEndian = "00" :: BL.ByteString
toHex LittleEndian = "01" :: BL.ByteString
fromHex b = case (fromHexInt b) :: Word8 of
0 -> BigEndian
1 -> LittleEndian
_ -> error $ "Not an Endian" ++ show b
instance Hexable Word32 where
toHex = toHexWord 8
fromHex = fromHexInt
instance Hexable Word64 where
toHex = toHexWord 16
fromHex = fromHexInt
toHexWord :: Integral a => Int -> a -> BL.ByteString
toHexWord l w = case packHexadecimal w of
Just s -> BL.fromChunks [padd l s]
Nothing -> error "Cannot convert word"
padd l bs =
let diff = l - (BS.length bs )
in BS.append (BC.replicate diff '0') bs
fromHexInt :: Integral a => BL.ByteString -> a
fromHexInt bs = case readHexadecimal lazy of
Just (v, r) -> v
Nothing -> error "Cannot parse hexadecimal"
lazy = BS.concat . BL.toChunks $ bs
data Header = Header {
_byteOrder :: Endianness
, _geoType :: Word32
, _srid :: SRID
} deriving (Show)
makeHeader :: EWKBGeometry a => SRID -> a -> Header
makeHeader s geo =
let gt = geoType geo
wOr acc (p, h) = if p then h .|. acc else acc
typ = foldl wOr gt [(hasM geo, wkbM), (hasZ geo, wkbZ), (s /= Nothing, wkbSRID)]
in Header getSystemEndianness typ s
putRing :: Putter LinearRing
putRing v = do
putInt . V.length $ v
V.mapM_ putPoint v
putGeometry :: Putter Geometry
putGeometry (GeoPoint s p) = do
put $ makeHeader s p
putPoint p
putGeometry (GeoLineString s ls@(LineString v)) = do
put $ makeHeader s ls
putRing v
putGeometry (GeoPolygon s pg@(Polygon rs)) = do
put $ makeHeader s pg
putInt . V.length $ rs
V.mapM_ putRing rs
putGeometry (GeoMultiPoint s mp@(MultiPoint ps)) = do
put $ makeHeader s mp
putInt . V.length $ ps
V.mapM_ (putGeometry . GeoPoint s) ps
putGeometry (GeoMultiLineString s mls@(MultiLineString ls)) = do
put $ makeHeader s mls
putInt . V.length $ ls
V.mapM_ (putGeometry . GeoLineString s) ls
putGeometry (GeoMultiPolygon s mpg@(MultiPolygon ps)) = do
put $ makeHeader s mpg
putInt . V.length $ ps
V.mapM_ (putGeometry . GeoPolygon s) ps
putPoint :: Putter Point
putPoint (Point x y m z) = putDouble x >> putDouble y >> putMaybe m putDouble >> putMaybe z putDouble
putDouble :: Putter Double
putDouble = putLazyByteString . toHex . (endFunc getSystemEndianness byteSwap64) . doubleToWord
putInt :: Putter Int
putInt = putLazyByteString . toHex . (endFunc getSystemEndianness byteSwap32) . fromIntegral
putMaybe :: Maybe a -> Putter a -> Put
putMaybe mi = case mi of
Just i -> ($ i)
Nothing -> (\x -> return ())
getGeometry :: Get Geometry
getGeometry = do
h <- lookAhead get
let t = (_geoType h) .&. ewkbTypeOffset
mkGeo :: (SRID -> a -> Geometry) -> Getter a -> Get Geometry
mkGeo cons p = cons (_srid h) <$> runReaderT p h
case t of
1 -> mkGeo GeoPoint getGeoPoint
2 -> mkGeo GeoLineString getLineString
3 -> mkGeo GeoPolygon getPolygon
4 -> mkGeo GeoMultiPoint getMultiPoint
5 -> mkGeo GeoMultiLineString getMultiLineString
6 -> mkGeo GeoMultiPolygon getMultiPolygon
_ -> error $ "not yet implemented" ++ (show t)
getMultiPolygon :: Getter MultiPolygon
getMultiPolygon = do
lift getHeader
n <- getInt
ps <- V.replicateM n getPolygon
return $ MultiPolygon ps
getMultiLineString :: Getter MultiLineString
getMultiLineString = do
lift getHeader
n <- getInt
ls <- V.replicateM n getLineString
return $ MultiLineString ls
getMultiPoint :: Getter MultiPoint
getMultiPoint = do
lift getHeader
n <- getInt
ps <- V.replicateM n getGeoPoint
return $ MultiPoint ps
getPolygon :: Getter Polygon
getPolygon = lift getHeader >> Polygon <$> (getInt >>= (\n -> V.replicateM n getRing))
getLineString :: Getter LineString
getLineString = lift getHeader >> LineString <$> getSegment
getRing :: Getter LinearRing
getRing = getSegment
getSegment :: Getter (V.Vector Point)
getSegment = getInt >>= (\n -> V.replicateM n getPoint)
getGeoPoint :: Getter Point
getGeoPoint = lift getHeader >> getPoint
getPoint :: Getter Point
getPoint = do
gt <- asks _geoType
let hasM = if (gt .&. wkbM) > 0 then True else False
hasZ = if (gt .&. wkbZ) > 0 then True else False
x <- getDouble
y <- getDouble
z <- if hasZ then Just <$> getDouble else return Nothing
m <- if hasM then Just <$> getDouble else return Nothing
return $ Point x y z m
getHeader :: Get Header
getHeader = do
or <- get
t <- fromIntegral <$> getInt' or
s <- if t .&. wkbSRID > 0 then (Just . fromIntegral) <$> getInt' or else return Nothing
return $ Header or t s
endFunc :: Endianness -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
endFunc e f = case e of
BigEndian -> id
LittleEndian -> f
getNumber :: (Hexable a) => (a -> a) -> Int64 -> Endianness -> Get a
getNumber f l end = do
bs <- getLazyByteString l
case end of
BigEndian -> return $ fromHex bs
LittleEndian -> return . f . fromHex $ bs
getInt' :: Endianness -> Get Int
getInt' = (fmap fromIntegral) . getNumber byteSwap32 8
getInt :: Getter Int
getInt = (getInt' <$> (asks _byteOrder)) >>= lift
getDouble' :: Endianness -> Get Double
getDouble' = (fmap wordToDouble) . (getNumber byteSwap64 16)
getDouble :: Getter Double
getDouble = (getDouble' <$> (asks _byteOrder)) >>= lift