{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Language.Haskell.Exts.ExactPrint
( exactPrint
, ExactP
) where
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Comments
import Control.Monad (when, liftM, ap, unless)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&))
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Data.List (intersperse)
type Pos = (Int,Int)
pos :: (SrcInfo loc) => loc -> Pos
pos ss = (startLine ss, startColumn ss)
newtype EP x = EP (Pos -> [Comment] -> (x, Pos, [Comment], ShowS))
instance Functor EP where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative EP where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad EP where
return x = EP $ \l cs -> (x, l, cs, id)
EP m >>= k = EP $ \l0 c0 -> let
(a, l1, c1, s1) = m l0 c0
EP f = k a
(b, l2, c2, s2) = f l1 c1
in (b, l2, c2, s1 . s2)
runEP :: EP () -> [Comment] -> String
runEP (EP f) cs = let (_,_,_,s) = f (1,1) cs in s ""
getPos :: EP Pos
getPos = EP (\l cs -> (l,l,cs,id))
setPos :: Pos -> EP ()
setPos l = EP (\_ cs -> ((),l,cs,id))
printString :: String -> EP ()
printString str =
EP (\(l,c) cs -> let (l', c') = foldl go (l, c) str
go (cl, _) '\n' = (cl + 1, 1)
go (cl, cc) _ = (cl, cc + 1)
in ((), (l', c'), cs, showString str))
getComment :: EP (Maybe Comment)
getComment = EP $ \l cs ->
let x = case cs of
c:_ -> Just c
_ -> Nothing
in (x, l, cs, id)
dropComment :: EP ()
dropComment = EP $ \l cs ->
let cs' = case cs of
(_:cs1) -> cs1
_ -> cs
in ((), l, cs', id)
newLine :: EP ()
newLine = do
(l,_) <- getPos
printString "\n"
setPos (l+1,1)
padUntil :: Pos -> EP ()
padUntil (l,c) = do
(l1,c1) <- getPos
case () of
_ | l1 >= l && c1 <= c -> printString $ replicate (c - c1) ' '
| l1 < l -> newLine >> padUntil (l,c)
| otherwise -> return ()
mPrintComments :: Pos -> EP ()
mPrintComments p = do
mc <- getComment
case mc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (Comment multi s str) ->
when (pos s < p) $ do
padUntil (pos s)
printComment multi str
setPos (srcSpanEndLine s, srcSpanEndColumn s)
mPrintComments p
printComment :: Bool -> String -> EP ()
printComment b str
| b = printString $ "{-" ++ str ++ "-}"
| otherwise = printString $ "--" ++ str
printWhitespace :: Pos -> EP ()
printWhitespace p = mPrintComments p >> padUntil p
printStringAt :: Pos -> String -> EP ()
printStringAt p str = printWhitespace p >> printString str
errorEP :: String -> EP a
errorEP = fail
exactPrint :: (ExactP ast) => ast SrcSpanInfo -> [Comment] -> String
exactPrint ast = runEP (exactPC ast)
exactPC :: (ExactP ast) => ast SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
exactPC ast = let p = pos (ann ast) in mPrintComments p >> padUntil p >> exactP ast
printSeq :: [(Pos, EP ())] -> EP ()
printSeq [] = return ()
printSeq ((p,pr):xs) = printWhitespace p >> pr >> printSeq xs
printStrs :: SrcInfo loc => [(loc, String)] -> EP ()
printStrs = printSeq . map (pos *** printString)
printPoints :: SrcSpanInfo -> [String] -> EP ()
printPoints l = printStrs . zip (srcInfoPoints l)
printInterleaved, printInterleaved' :: (ExactP ast, SrcInfo loc) => [(loc, String)] -> [ast SrcSpanInfo] -> EP ()
printInterleaved sistrs asts = printSeq $
interleave (map (pos *** printString ) sistrs)
(map (pos . ann &&& exactP) asts)
printInterleaved' sistrs (a:asts) = exactPC a >> printInterleaved sistrs asts
printInterleaved' _ _ = internalError "printInterleaved'"
printStreams :: [(Pos, EP ())] -> [(Pos, EP ())] -> EP ()
printStreams [] ys = printSeq ys
printStreams xs [] = printSeq xs
printStreams (x@(p1,ep1):xs) (y@(p2,ep2):ys)
| p1 <= p2 = printWhitespace p1 >> ep1 >> printStreams xs (y:ys)
| otherwise = printWhitespace p2 >> ep2 >> printStreams (x:xs) ys
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave xs [] = xs
interleave (x:xs) (y:ys) = x:y: interleave xs ys
maybeEP :: (a -> EP ()) -> Maybe a -> EP ()
maybeEP = maybe (return ())
bracketList :: (ExactP ast) => (String, String, String) -> [SrcSpan] -> [ast SrcSpanInfo] -> EP ()
bracketList (a,b,c) poss asts = printInterleaved (pList poss (a,b,c)) asts
pList :: [a] -> (b, b, b) -> [(a, b)]
pList (p:ps) (a,b,c) = (p,a) : pList' ps (b,c)
pList _ _ = internalError "pList"
pList' :: [a] -> (b, b) -> [(a, b)]
pList' [] _ = []
pList' [p] (_,c) = [(p,c)]
pList' (p:ps) (b,c) = (p, b) : pList' ps (b,c)
parenList, squareList, squareColonList, curlyList, parenHashList :: (ExactP ast) => [SrcSpan] -> [ast SrcSpanInfo] -> EP ()
parenList = bracketList ("(",",",")")
squareList = bracketList ("[",",","]")
squareColonList = bracketList ("[:",",",":]")
curlyList = bracketList ("{",",","}")
parenHashList = bracketList ("(#",",","#)")
layoutList :: (ExactP ast) => [SrcSpan] -> [ast SrcSpanInfo] -> EP ()
layoutList poss asts = printStreams
(map (pos *** printString) $ lList poss)
(map (pos . ann &&& exactP) asts)
lList :: [SrcSpan] -> [(SrcSpan, String)]
lList (p:ps) = (if isNullSpan p then (p,"") else (p,"{")) : lList' ps
lList _ = internalError "lList"
lList' :: [SrcSpan] -> [(SrcSpan, String)]
lList' [] = []
lList' [p] = [if isNullSpan p then (p,"") else (p,"}")]
lList' (p:ps) = (if isNullSpan p then (p,"") else (p,";")) : lList' ps
printSemi :: SrcSpan -> EP ()
printSemi p = do
printWhitespace (pos p)
unless (isNullSpan p) $ printString ";"
class Annotated ast => ExactP ast where
exactP :: ast SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
instance ExactP Literal where
exactP lit = case lit of
Char _ _ rw -> printString ('\'':rw ++ "\'")
String _ _ rw -> printString ('\"':rw ++ "\"")
Int _ _ rw -> printString rw
Frac _ _ rw -> printString rw
PrimInt _ _ rw -> printString (rw ++ "#" )
PrimWord _ _ rw -> printString (rw ++ "##")
PrimFloat _ _ rw -> printString (rw ++ "#" )
PrimDouble _ _ rw -> printString (rw ++ "##")
PrimChar _ _ rw -> printString ('\'':rw ++ "\'#" )
PrimString _ _ rw -> printString ('\"':rw ++ "\"#" )
instance ExactP Sign where
exactP sg = case sg of
Signless _ -> return ()
Negative l -> printStringAt (pos l) "-"
instance ExactP ModuleName where
exactP (ModuleName _ str) = printString str
instance ExactP SpecialCon where
exactP sc = case sc of
UnitCon l -> printPoints l ["(",")"]
ListCon l -> printPoints l ["[","]"]
FunCon l -> case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,_] -> printStringAt (pos b) "->"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: SpecialCon is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TupleCon l b n -> printPoints l $
case b of
Unboxed -> "(#": replicate (n-1) "," ++ ["#)"]
_ -> "(" : replicate (n-1) "," ++ [")"]
Cons _ -> printString ":"
UnboxedSingleCon l -> printPoints l ["(#","#)"]
isSymbolName :: Name l -> Bool
isSymbolName (Symbol _ _) = True
isSymbolName _ = False
isSymbolQName :: QName l -> Bool
isSymbolQName (UnQual _ n) = isSymbolName n
isSymbolQName (Qual _ _ n) = isSymbolName n
isSymbolQName (Special _ Cons{}) = True
isSymbolQName (Special _ FunCon{}) = True
isSymbolQName _ = False
instance ExactP QName where
exactP qn
| isSymbolQName qn =
case srcInfoPoints (ann qn) of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "("
printWhitespace (pos b)
epQName qn
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: QName is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
| otherwise = epQName qn
epQName :: QName SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
epQName qn = case qn of
Qual _ mn n -> exactP mn >> printString "." >> exactP n
UnQual _ n -> exactP n
Special _ sc -> exactP sc
epInfixQName :: QName SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
epInfixQName qn
| isSymbolQName qn = printWhitespace (pos (ann qn)) >> epQName qn
| otherwise =
case srcInfoPoints (ann qn) of
[a,b,c] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "`"
printWhitespace (pos b)
epQName qn
printStringAt (pos c) "`"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: QName (epInfixName) is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Name where
exactP n = case n of
Ident _ str -> printString str
Symbol l str ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "("
printWhitespace (pos b)
printString str
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
[] -> printString str
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Name is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
epInfixName :: Name SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
epInfixName n
| isSymbolName n = printWhitespace (pos (ann n)) >> exactP n
| otherwise =
case srcInfoPoints (ann n) of
[a,b,c] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "`"
printWhitespace (pos b)
exactP n
printStringAt (pos c) "`"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Name (epInfixName) is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP IPName where
exactP ipn = case ipn of
IPDup _ str -> printString $ '?':str
IPLin _ str -> printString $ '%':str
instance ExactP QOp where
exactP qop = case qop of
QVarOp _ qn -> epInfixQName qn
QConOp _ qn -> epInfixQName qn
instance ExactP Op where
exactP op = case op of
VarOp _ n -> epInfixName n
ConOp _ n -> epInfixName n
instance ExactP CName where
exactP cn = case cn of
VarName _ n -> exactP n
ConName _ n -> exactP n
instance ExactP Namespace where
exactP ns = case ns of
NoNamespace _ -> return ()
TypeNamespace l -> printStringAt (pos l) "type"
PatternNamespace l -> printStringAt (pos l) "pattern"
instance ExactP ExportSpec where
exactP espec = case espec of
EVar _ qn -> exactPC qn
EAbs _ ns qn -> exactP ns >> exactPC qn
EThingWith l wc qn cns ->
let names = case wc of
NoWildcard {} -> cns
EWildcard wcl n ->
let (before,after) = splitAt n cns
wildcardName = VarName wcl (Ident wcl "..")
in before ++ [wildcardName] ++ after
k = length (srcInfoPoints l)
in exactP qn >> printInterleaved (zip (srcInfoPoints l) $ "(":replicate (k-2) "," ++ [")"]) names
EModuleContents _ mn -> printString "module" >> exactPC mn
instance ExactP ExportSpecList where
exactP (ExportSpecList l ess) =
let k = length (srcInfoPoints l)
in printInterleaved (zip (srcInfoPoints l) $ "(": replicate (k-2) "," ++ [")"]) ess
instance ExactP ImportSpecList where
exactP (ImportSpecList l hid ispecs) = do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
pts1 <- if hid then do
let (x:pts') = pts
printStringAt (pos x) "hiding"
return pts'
else return pts
let k = length pts1
printInterleaved (zip pts1 $ "(": replicate (k-2) "," ++ [")"]) ispecs
instance ExactP ImportSpec where
exactP ispec = case ispec of
IVar _ qn -> exactPC qn
IAbs _ ns n -> exactP ns >> exactPC n
IThingAll l n -> exactP n >> printPoints l ["(","..",")"]
IThingWith l n cns ->
let k = length (srcInfoPoints l)
in exactP n >> printInterleaved (zip (srcInfoPoints l) $ "(":replicate (k-2) "," ++ [")"]) cns
instance ExactP ImportDecl where
exactP (ImportDecl l mn qf src safe mpkg mas mispecs) = do
printString "import"
case srcInfoPoints l of
(_:pts) -> do
pts1 <- if src then
case pts of
x:y:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "{-# SOURCE"
printStringAt (pos y) "#-}"
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
else return pts
pts2 <- if safe then
case pts1 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "safe"
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
else return pts1
pts3 <- if qf then
case pts2 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "qualified"
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
else return pts2
pts4 <- case mpkg of
Just pkg ->
case pts3 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) $ show pkg
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> return pts3
exactPC mn
_ <- case mas of
Just as ->
case pts4 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "as"
exactPC as
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> return pts4
case mispecs of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ispecs -> exactPC ispecs
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ImportDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Module where
exactP mdl = case mdl of
Module l mmh oss ids decls -> do
let (oPts, pts) = splitAt (max (length oss + 1) 2) (srcInfoPoints l)
layoutList oPts oss
maybeEP exactPC mmh
printStreams (map (pos *** printString) $ lList pts)
(map (pos . ann &&& exactPC) ids ++ map (pos . ann &&& exactPC) (sepFunBinds decls))
XmlPage l _mn oss xn attrs mat es -> do
let (oPts, pPts) = splitAt (max (length oss + 1) 2) $ srcInfoPoints l
case pPts of
[a,b,c,d,e] -> do
layoutList oPts oss
printStringAt (pos a) "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC es
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Module: XmlPage is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
XmlHybrid l mmh oss ids decls xn attrs mat es -> do
let (oPts, pts) = splitAt (max (length oss + 1) 2) (srcInfoPoints l)
layoutList oPts oss
maybeEP exactPC mmh
let (dPts, pPts) = splitAt (length pts - 5) pts
case pPts of
[a,b,c,d,e] -> do
printStreams (map (\(p,s) -> (pos p, printString s)) $ lList dPts)
(map (\i -> (pos $ ann i, exactPC i)) ids ++ map (\d' -> (pos $ ann d', exactPC d')) (sepFunBinds decls))
printStringAt (pos a) "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC es
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Module: XmlHybrid is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP ModuleHead where
exactP (ModuleHead l mn mwt mess) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "module"
exactPC mn
maybeEP exactPC mwt
maybeEP exactPC mess
printStringAt (pos b) "where"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ModuleHead is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP ModulePragma where
exactP op = case op of
LanguagePragma l ns ->
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
k = length ns - 1
m = length pts - k - 2
in printInterleaved (zip pts ("{-# LANGUAGE":replicate k "," ++ replicate m "" ++ ["#-}"])) ns
OptionsPragma l mt str ->
let k = length (srcInfoPoints l)
addSpace xs@('\n':_) = xs
addSpace xs = ' ':xs
opstr = "{-# OPTIONS" ++ case mt of { Just t -> "_" ++ show t ; _ -> "" } ++ addSpace str
in printPoints l $ opstr : replicate (k-2) "" ++ ["#-}"]
AnnModulePragma l ann' ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "{-# ANN"
exactPC ann'
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ModulePragma: AnnPragma is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP WarningText where
exactP (DeprText l str) = printPoints l ["{-# DEPRECATED", str, "#-}"]
exactP (WarnText l str) = printPoints l ["{-# WARNING", str, "#-}"]
instance ExactP Assoc where
exactP a = case a of
AssocNone _ -> printString "infix"
AssocLeft _ -> printString "infixl"
AssocRight _ -> printString "infixr"
instance ExactP DataOrNew where
exactP (DataType _) = printString "data"
exactP (NewType _) = printString "newtype"
instance ExactP TypeEqn where
exactP (TypeEqn l t1 t2) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactPC t1
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC t2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: TypeEqn is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP InjectivityInfo where
exactP (InjectivityInfo l to from) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
a:b:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "|"
exactPC to
printStringAt (pos b) "->"
mapM_ exactPC from
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: InjectivityInfo given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP ResultSig where
exactP (KindSig l k) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
a:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
exactPC k
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ResultSig given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
exactP (TyVarSig l tv) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
a:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC tv
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ResultSig given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Decl where
exactP decl = case decl of
TypeDecl l dh t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "type"
exactPC dh
printStringAt (pos b) "="
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: TypeDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TypeFamDecl l dh mk mi ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
a:b:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "type"
printStringAt (pos b) "family"
exactPC dh
maybeEP exactPC mk
maybeEP exactPC mi
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: TypeFamDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
ClosedTypeFamDecl l dh mk mi eqns ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
a:b:c:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "type"
printStringAt (pos b) "family"
exactPC dh
maybeEP exactPC mk
maybeEP exactPC mi
printStringAt (pos c) "where"
mapM_ exactP eqns
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ClosedTypeFamDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
DataDecl l dn mctxt dh constrs mder -> do
exactP dn
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC dh
printInterleaved (zip (srcInfoPoints l) ("=": repeat "|")) constrs
maybeEP exactPC mder
GDataDecl l dn mctxt dh mk gds mder -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP dn
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC dh
pts1 <- case mk of
Nothing -> return pts
Just kd -> case pts of
p:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos p) "::"
exactPC kd
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: GDataDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "where"
layoutList pts' gds
maybeEP exactPC mder
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: GDataDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
DataFamDecl l mctxt dh mk -> do
printString "data"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC dh
maybeEP (\kd -> printStringAt (pos (head (srcInfoPoints l))) "::" >> exactPC kd) mk
TypeInsDecl l t1 t2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "type"
printStringAt (pos b) "instance"
exactPC t1
printStringAt (pos c) "="
exactPC t2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: TypeInsDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
DataInsDecl l dn t constrs mder ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
p:pts -> do
exactP dn
printStringAt (pos p) "instance"
exactPC t
printInterleaved (zip pts ("=": repeat "|")) constrs
maybeEP exactPC mder
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: DataInsDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
GDataInsDecl l dn t mk gds mder ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
p:pts -> do
exactP dn
printStringAt (pos p) "instance"
exactPC t
pts1 <- case mk of
Nothing -> return pts
Just kd -> case pts of
p':pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos p') "::"
exactPC kd
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: GDataInsDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "where"
layoutList pts' gds
maybeEP exactPC mder
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: GDataInsDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: GDataInsDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ClassDecl l mctxt dh fds mcds ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "class"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC dh
_ <- case fds of
[] -> return pts
_ -> do
let (pts1, pts2) = splitAt (length fds) pts
printInterleaved (zip pts1 ("|":repeat ",")) fds
return pts2
maybeEP (\cds ->
case pts of
p:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos p) "where"
layoutList pts' $ sepClassFunBinds cds
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ClassDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
) mcds
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ClassDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
InstDecl l movlp ih mids ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "instance"
maybeEP exactPC movlp
exactPC ih
maybeEP (\ids -> do
let (p:pts') = pts
printStringAt (pos p) "where"
layoutList pts' $ sepInstFunBinds ids
) mids
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: InstDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
DerivDecl l movlp ih ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "deriving"
printStringAt (pos b) "instance"
maybeEP exactPC movlp
exactPC ih
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: DerivDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
InfixDecl l assoc mprec ops -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP assoc
pts1 <- case mprec of
Nothing -> return pts
Just prec ->
case pts of
p:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos p) (show prec)
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: InfixDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
printInterleaved' (zip pts1 (repeat ",")) ops
DefaultDecl l ts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "default"
printInterleaved (zip (init pts) ("(":repeat ",")) ts
printStringAt (pos (last pts)) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: DefaultDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
SpliceDecl _ spl -> exactP spl
TypeSig l ns t -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
printInterleaved' (zip pts (replicate (length pts - 1) "," ++ ["::"])) ns
exactPC t
PatSynSig l n dh c1 c2 t -> do
case srcInfoPoints l of
(pat:dc:pts1) -> do
printStringAt (pos pat) "pattern"
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos dc) "::"
case dh of
Nothing -> return ()
Just tvs ->
case pts1 of
(a:b:_) -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "forall"
mapM_ exactPC tvs
printStringAt (pos b) "."
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: PatSynSig: Forall: is given too few srcInfoPoints"
maybeEP exactPC c1
maybeEP exactPC c2
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: PatSynSig: is given too few srcInfoPoints"
FunBind _ ms -> mapM_ exactPC ms
PatBind l p rhs mbs -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP p
exactPC rhs
maybeEP (\bs -> printStringAt (pos (head pts)) "where" >> exactPC bs) mbs
PatSyn l lhs rhs dir ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[pat,sepPos] -> do
let sep = case dir of
ImplicitBidirectional -> "="
ExplicitBidirectional _ _ -> "<-"
Unidirectional -> "<-"
printStringAt (pos pat) "pattern"
exactPC lhs
printStringAt (pos sepPos) sep
exactPC rhs
case dir of
ExplicitBidirectional bl ds -> do
case srcInfoPoints bl of
(w:pts) -> do
printStringAt (pos w) "where"
layoutList pts ds
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: PaySyn: ExplicitBidirectional is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> return ()
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: PatSyn is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ForImp l cc msf mstr n t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:pts -> do
printString "foreign"
printStringAt (pos b) "import"
exactPC cc
maybeEP exactPC msf
pts1 <- case mstr of
Nothing -> return pts
Just str -> case pts of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) (show str)
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForImp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
y:_ -> do
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos y) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForImp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForImp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ForExp l cc mstr n t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:pts -> do
printString "foreign"
printStringAt (pos b) "export"
exactPC cc
pts1 <- case mstr of
Nothing -> return pts
Just str -> case pts of
x:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos x) (show str)
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForExp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
y:_ -> do
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos y) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForExp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: ForExp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
RulePragmaDecl l rs ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "{-# RULES"
mapM_ exactPC rs
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: RulePragmaDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
DeprPragmaDecl l nstrs ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "{-# DEPRECATED"
printWarndeprs (map pos (init pts)) nstrs
printStringAt (pos (last pts)) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: DeprPragmaDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
WarnPragmaDecl l nstrs ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "{-# WARNING"
printWarndeprs (map pos (init pts)) nstrs
printStringAt (pos (last pts)) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: WarnPragmaDecl is given too few srcInfoPoints"
InlineSig l inl mact qn ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString $ if inl then "{-# INLINE" else "{-# NOINLINE"
maybeEP exactPC mact
exactPC qn
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: InlineSig is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
InlineConlikeSig l mact qn ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "{-# INLINE CONLIKE"
maybeEP exactPC mact
exactPC qn
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: InlineConlikeSig is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
SpecSig l mact qn ts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "{-# SPECIALISE"
maybeEP exactPC mact
exactPC qn
printInterleaved (zip pts ("::" : replicate (length pts - 2) "," ++ ["#-}"])) ts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: SpecSig is given too few srcInfoPoints"
SpecInlineSig l b mact qn ts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString $ "{-# SPECIALISE " ++ if b then "INLINE" else "NOINLINE"
maybeEP exactPC mact
exactPC qn
printInterleaved (zip pts ("::" : replicate (length pts - 2) "," ++ ["#-}"])) ts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: SpecInlineSig is given too few srcInfoPoints"
InstSig l ih ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "{-# SPECIALISE"
printStringAt (pos b) "instance"
exactPC ih
printStringAt (pos c) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: InstSig is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
AnnPragma l ann' ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "{-# ANN"
exactPC ann'
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: AnnPragma is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
MinimalPragma l b ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b'] -> do
printString "{-# MINIMAL"
maybeEP exactPC b
printStringAt (pos b') "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: MinimalPragma is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RoleAnnotDecl l ty roles ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
(t:r:_) -> do
printStringAt (pos t) "type"
printStringAt (pos r) "role"
exactPC ty
mapM_ exactPC roles
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Decl: RoleAnnotDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Role where
exactP r =
case r of
RoleWildcard l -> printStringAt (pos l) "_"
Representational l -> printStringAt (pos l) "representational"
Phantom l -> printStringAt (pos l) "phantom"
Nominal l -> printStringAt (pos l) "nominal"
instance ExactP Annotation where
exactP ann' = case ann' of
Ann _ n e -> do
exactP n
exactPC e
TypeAnn _ n e -> do
printString "type"
exactPC n
exactPC e
ModuleAnn _ e -> do
printString "module"
exactPC e
instance ExactP BooleanFormula where
exactP b' = case b' of
VarFormula _ n -> exactPC n
AndFormula l bs ->
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
in printStreams (zip (map pos pts) (repeat $ printString ",")) (map (pos . ann &&& exactPC) bs)
OrFormula l bs ->
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
in printStreams (zip (map pos pts) (repeat $ printString "|")) (map (pos . ann &&& exactPC) bs)
ParenFormula l b ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a'',b''] -> printStringAt (pos a'') "(" >> exactPC b >> printStringAt (pos b'') ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: BooleanFormula: ParenFormula is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
printWarndeprs :: [Pos] -> [([Name SrcSpanInfo], String)] -> EP ()
printWarndeprs _ [] = return ()
printWarndeprs ps' ((ns',str'):nsts') = printWd ps' ns' str' nsts'
where printWd :: [Pos] -> [Name SrcSpanInfo] -> String -> [([Name SrcSpanInfo], String)] -> EP ()
printWd (p:ps) [] str nsts = printStringAt p (show str) >> printWarndeprs ps nsts
printWd ps [n] str nsts = exactPC n >> printWd ps [] str nsts
printWd (p:ps) (n:ns) str nsts = exactPC n >> printStringAt p "," >> printWd ps ns str nsts
printWd _ _ _ _ = internalError "printWd"
sepFunBinds :: [Decl SrcSpanInfo] -> [Decl SrcSpanInfo]
sepFunBinds [] = []
sepFunBinds (FunBind _ ms:ds) = map (\m -> FunBind (ann m) [m]) ms ++ sepFunBinds ds
sepFunBinds (d:ds) = d : sepFunBinds ds
sepClassFunBinds :: [ClassDecl SrcSpanInfo] -> [ClassDecl SrcSpanInfo]
sepClassFunBinds [] = []
sepClassFunBinds (ClsDecl _ (FunBind _ ms):ds) = map (\m -> ClsDecl (ann m) $ FunBind (ann m) [m]) ms ++ sepClassFunBinds ds
sepClassFunBinds (d:ds) = d : sepClassFunBinds ds
sepInstFunBinds :: [InstDecl SrcSpanInfo] -> [InstDecl SrcSpanInfo]
sepInstFunBinds [] = []
sepInstFunBinds (InsDecl _ (FunBind _ ms):ds) = map (\m -> InsDecl (ann m) $ FunBind (ann m) [m]) ms ++ sepInstFunBinds ds
sepInstFunBinds (d:ds) = d : sepInstFunBinds ds
instance ExactP DeclHead where
exactP dh' = case dh' of
DHead _ n -> exactP n
DHInfix _ tva n -> exactP tva >> epInfixName n
DHParen l dh ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> printString "(" >> exactPC dh >> printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: DeclHead: DeclParen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
DHApp _ dh t -> exactP dh >> exactPC t
instance ExactP InstRule where
exactP ih' = case ih' of
IRule l mtvs mctxt qn -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
_ <- case mtvs of
Nothing -> return pts
Just tvs ->
case pts of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "forall"
mapM_ exactPC tvs
printStringAt (pos b) "."
return pts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: InstRule: IRule is given too few srcInfoPoints"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC qn
IParen l ih ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> printStringAt (pos a) "(" >> exactPC ih >> printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: InstRule: IParen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP InstHead where
exactP doih' = case doih' of
IHCon _ qn -> exactPC qn
IHInfix _ ta qn -> exactPC ta >> epInfixQName qn
IHParen l doih ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> printStringAt (pos a) "(" >> exactPC doih >> printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: OrInstHead: IHParen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
IHApp _ doih t -> exactPC doih >> exactPC t
instance ExactP TyVarBind where
exactP (KindedVar l n k) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "("
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos b) "::"
exactPC k
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: TyVarBind: KindedVar is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
exactP (UnkindedVar l n) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,_,c] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "("
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
[] -> exactPC n
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: TyVarBind: UnkindedVar is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Kind where
exactP kd' = case kd' of
KindStar _ -> printString "*"
KindFn l k1 k2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP k1
printStringAt (pos a) "->"
exactPC k2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Kind: KindFn is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
KindParen l kd ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "("
exactPC kd
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Kind: KindParen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
KindVar _ n -> epQName n
KindApp _ k1 k2 -> do
exactP k1
exactPC k2
KindTuple l ks ->
let o = "("
e = ")"
pts = srcInfoPoints l
in printInterleaved (zip pts (o: replicate (length pts - 2) "," ++ [e])) ks
KindList l k ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_, close] -> do
printString "["
exactPC k
printStringAt (pos close) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Kind: KindList is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Type where
exactP t' = case t' of
TyForall l mtvs mctxt t -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
_ <- case mtvs of
Nothing -> return pts
Just tvs ->
case pts of
_:b:pts' -> do
printString "forall"
mapM_ exactPC tvs
printStringAt (pos b) "."
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyForall is given too few srcInfoPoints"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC t
TyFun l t1 t2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP t1
printStringAt (pos a) "->"
exactPC t2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyFun is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TyTuple l bx ts ->
case bx of
Boxed -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) ts
Unboxed -> parenHashList (srcInfoPoints l) ts
TyList l t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "["
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos b) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyList is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TyParArray l t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "[:"
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos b) ":]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyParArray is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TyApp _ t1 t2 -> exactP t1 >> exactPC t2
TyVar _ n -> exactP n
TyCon _ qn -> exactP qn
TyParen l t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "("
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyParen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TyInfix _ t1 qn t2 -> exactP t1 >> epInfixQName qn >> exactPC t2
TyKind l t kd ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "("
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos b) "::"
exactPC kd
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyKind is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TyPromoted _ p -> exactPC p
TyEquals l t0 t1 -> case srcInfoPoints l of
a:_ -> exactPC t0 >> printStringAt (pos a) "~" >> exactPC t1
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Type: TyEquals is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TySplice _ sp -> exactP sp
TyBang _ b u t -> exactPC u >> exactPC b >> exactPC t
TyWildCard _ mn -> printString "_" >> maybeEP exactPC mn
TyQuasiQuote _ name qt -> do
let qtLines = lines qt
printString $ "[" ++ name ++ "|"
sequence_ (intersperse newLine $ map printString qtLines)
printString "|]"
instance ExactP Promoted where
exactP (PromotedInteger _ _ rw) = printString rw
exactP (PromotedString _ _ rw) = printString ('\"':rw ++ "\"")
exactP (PromotedCon l True qn) = case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> printStringAt (pos a) "'" >> epQName qn
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Promoted: PromotedCon is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
exactP (PromotedCon _ False qn) = epQName qn
exactP (PromotedList l b pl) =
let o | b = "'[" | otherwise = "["
e = "]"
pts = srcInfoPoints l
in printInterleaved (zip pts (o: replicate (length pts - 2) "," ++ [e])) pl
exactP (PromotedTuple l pl) =
let o = "'("
e = ")"
pts = srcInfoPoints l
in printInterleaved (zip pts (o: replicate (length pts - 2) "," ++ [e])) pl
exactP (PromotedUnit l) = case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "("
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Promoted: PromotedUnit is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Context where
exactP ctxt = do
printContext ctxt
printStringAt (pos . last . srcInfoPoints . ann $ ctxt) "=>"
printContext :: Context SrcSpanInfo -> EP ()
printContext ctxt = do
let l = ann ctxt
pts = init $ srcInfoPoints l
case ctxt of
CxSingle _ asst -> exactP asst
CxEmpty _ ->
case pts of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "("
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Context: CxEmpty is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
CxTuple _ assts -> parenList pts assts
instance ExactP Asst where
exactP asst = case asst of
ClassA _ qn ts -> exactP qn >> mapM_ exactPC ts
AppA _ n ns -> exactPC n >> mapM_ exactPC ns
InfixA _ ta qn tb -> exactP ta >> epInfixQName qn >> exactPC tb
IParam l ipn t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP ipn
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Asst: IParam is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
EqualP l t1 t2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP t1
printStringAt (pos a) "~"
exactPC t2
_ -> internalError "Asst -> EqualP"
ParenA l asst' ->
case take 2 $ srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "("
exactPC asst'
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Asst: ParenA is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
WildCardA _ mn -> printString "_" >> maybeEP exactPC mn
instance ExactP Deriving where
exactP (Deriving l ihs) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "deriving"
case pts of
[] -> exactPC $ head ihs
_ -> parenList pts ihs
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Deriving is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP ClassDecl where
exactP cdecl = case cdecl of
ClsDecl _ d -> exactP d
ClsDataFam l mctxt dh mk ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "data"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC dh
maybeEP (\kd -> printStringAt (pos (head pts)) "::" >> exactPC kd) mk
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ClassDecl: ClsDataFam is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ClsTyFam l dh mk mi ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:_ -> do
printString "type"
exactPC dh
maybeEP exactPC mk
maybeEP exactPC mi
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ClassDecl: ClsTyFam is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ClsTyDef l t1 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:_ -> do
printString "type"
printStringAt (pos b) "instance"
exactPC t1
_:_ -> do
printString "type"
exactPC t1
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ClassDecl: ClsTyDef is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ClsDefSig l n t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:_ -> do
printString "default"
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos b) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: ClassDecl: ClsDefSig is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP InstDecl where
exactP idecl = case idecl of
InsDecl _ d -> exactP d
InsType l t1 t2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "type"
exactPC t1
printStringAt (pos b) "="
exactPC t2
_ -> internalError "InstDecl -> InsType"
InsData l dn t constrs mder -> do
exactP dn
exactPC t
printInterleaved (zip (srcInfoPoints l) ("=": repeat "|")) constrs
maybeEP exactPC mder
InsGData l dn t mk gds mder -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP dn
exactPC t
pts1 <- case mk of
Nothing -> return pts
Just kd -> case pts of
p:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos p) "::"
exactPC kd
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: InstDecl: InsGData is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
x:_ -> do
printStringAt (pos x) "where"
mapM_ exactPC gds
maybeEP exactPC mder
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: InstDecl: InsGData is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP FunDep where
exactP (FunDep l nxs nys) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
mapM_ exactPC nxs
printStringAt (pos a) "->"
mapM_ exactPC nys
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: FunDep is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP QualConDecl where
exactP (QualConDecl l mtvs mctxt cd) = do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
_ <- case mtvs of
Nothing -> return pts
Just tvs ->
case pts of
_:b:pts' -> do
printString "forall"
mapM_ exactPC tvs
printStringAt (pos b) "."
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: QualConDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
maybeEP exactPC mctxt
exactPC cd
instance ExactP ConDecl where
exactP cd = case cd of
ConDecl _ n bts -> exactP n >> mapM_ exactPC bts
InfixConDecl _ bta n btb -> exactP bta >> epInfixName n >> exactP btb
RecDecl l n fds -> exactP n >> curlyList (srcInfoPoints l) fds
instance ExactP GadtDecl where
exactP (GadtDecl l n ns' t) =
case ns' of
Nothing ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP n
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: GadtDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
Just ts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
(a:b:c:d:rest) -> do
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
printStringAt (pos b) "{"
printInterleaved' (zip rest (repeat ",")) ts
printStringAt (pos c) "}"
printStringAt (pos d) "->"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: GadtDecl is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP BangType where
exactP bt = case bt of
BangedTy l -> printStringAt (pos l) "!"
LazyTy l -> printStringAt (pos l) "~"
_ -> return ()
instance ExactP Unpackedness where
exactP bt = case bt of
Unpack l ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "{-# UNPACK"
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Unpackedness: Unpack is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
NoUnpack l ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
printStringAt (pos a) "{-# NOUNPACK"
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Unpackedness: NoUnpack is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
NoUnpackPragma {} -> return ()
instance ExactP Splice where
exactP (IdSplice _ str) = printString $ '$':str
exactP (ParenSplice l e) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "$("
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Splice: ParenSplice is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Exp where
exactP exp = case exp of
Var _ qn -> exactP qn
OverloadedLabel _ qn -> printString ('#':qn)
IPVar _ ipn -> exactP ipn
Con _ qn -> exactP qn
Lit _ lit -> exactP lit
InfixApp _ e1 op e2 -> exactP e1 >> exactPC op >> exactPC e2
App _ e1 e2 -> exactP e1 >> exactPC e2
NegApp _ e -> printString "-" >> exactPC e
Lambda l ps e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "\\"
mapM_ exactPC ps
printStringAt (pos b) "->"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Lambda is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
Let l bs e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "let"
exactPC bs
printStringAt (pos b) "in"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Let is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
If l ec et ee ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
(_:b:c:rest) -> do
let (mpSemi1,pThen,rest2) =
if snd (spanSize b) == 4
then (Nothing, b, c:rest)
else (Just b, c, rest)
case rest2 of
(c':rest3) -> do
let (mpSemi2,rest4) = if snd (spanSize c') == 4
then (Nothing, rest2)
else (Just c', rest3)
case rest4 of
[pElse] -> do
printString "if"
exactPC ec
maybeEP printSemi mpSemi1
printStringAt (pos pThen) "then"
exactPC et
maybeEP printSemi mpSemi2
printStringAt (pos pElse) "else"
exactPC ee
[] -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: If is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: If is given too many srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: If is given too few srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: If is given too few srcInfoPoints"
MultiIf l alts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "if"
layoutList pts (map GuardedAlt alts)
_ -> internalError "Exp -> MultiIf"
Case l e alts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:pts -> do
printString "case"
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) "of"
layoutList pts alts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Case is given too few srcInfoPoints"
Do l stmts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "do"
layoutList pts stmts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Do is given too few srcInfoPoints"
MDo l stmts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "mdo"
layoutList pts stmts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Mdo is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
Tuple l bx es ->
case bx of
Boxed -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) es
Unboxed -> parenHashList (srcInfoPoints l) es
TupleSection l bx mexps -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
(o, e) = case bx of Boxed -> ("(", ")"); Unboxed -> ("(#", "#)")
printSeq $ interleave (zip (map pos $ init pts) (map printString (o: repeat ",")) ++ [(pos $ last pts, printString e)])
(map (maybe (0,0) (pos . ann) &&& maybeEP exactPC) mexps)
List l es -> squareList (srcInfoPoints l) es
ParArray l es -> squareColonList (srcInfoPoints l) es
Paren l p -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) [p]
LeftSection l e qop ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "("
exactPC e
exactPC qop
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: LeftSection is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RightSection l qop e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "("
exactPC qop
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: RightSection is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RecConstr l qn fups -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP qn
curlyList pts fups
RecUpdate l e fups -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
exactP e
curlyList pts fups
EnumFrom l e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "["
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) ".."
printStringAt (pos c) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: EnumFrom is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
EnumFromTo l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "["
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) ".."
exactPC e2
printStringAt (pos c) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: EnumFromTo is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
EnumFromThen l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c,d] -> do
printString "["
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) ","
exactPC e2
printStringAt (pos c) ".."
printStringAt (pos d) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: EnumFromThen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
EnumFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c,d] -> do
printString "["
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) ","
exactPC e2
printStringAt (pos c) ".."
exactPC e3
printStringAt (pos d) "]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: EnumFromToThen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
ParArrayFromTo l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "[:"
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) ".."
exactPC e2
printStringAt (pos c) ":]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ParArrayFromTo is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
ParArrayFromThenTo l e1 e2 e3 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c,d] -> do
printString "[:"
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) ","
exactPC e2
printStringAt (pos c) ".."
exactPC e3
printStringAt (pos d) ":]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ParArrayFromToThen is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
ListComp l e qss ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "["
exactPC e
bracketList ("|",",","]") pts qss
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ListComp is given too few srcInfoPoints"
ParComp l e qsss ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
let (strs, qss) = unzip $ pairUp qsss
printString "["
exactPC e
printInterleaved (zip pts (strs ++ ["]"])) qss
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ParComp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
where pairUp [] = []
pairUp ((a:as):xs) = ("|", a) : zip (repeat ",") as ++ pairUp xs
pairUp _ = internalError "Exp -> ParComp -> pairUp"
ParArrayComp l e qsss ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
let (strs, qss) = unzip $ pairUp qsss
printString "[:"
exactPC e
printInterleaved (zip pts (strs ++ [":]"])) qss
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ParArrayComp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
where pairUp [] = []
pairUp ((a:as):xs) = ("|", a) : zip (repeat "|") as ++ pairUp xs
pairUp _ = internalError "Exp -> ParArrayComp -> pairUp"
ExpTypeSig l e t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: ExpTypeSig is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
VarQuote _ qn -> do
printString "'"
exactPC qn
TypQuote _ qn -> do
printString "''"
exactPC qn
BracketExp _ br -> exactP br
SpliceExp _ sp -> exactP sp
QuasiQuote _ name qt -> do
let qtLines = lines qt
printString $ "[" ++ name ++ "|"
sequence_ (intersperse newLine $ map printString qtLines)
printString "|]"
XTag l xn attrs mat es ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c,d,e] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC es
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
[_,b,semi,c,d,e] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC es
printSemi semi
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: XTag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
XETag l xn attrs mat ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) "/>"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: XETag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
XPcdata _ str -> do
let strLines = lines str
sequence_ (intersperse newLine $ map printString strLines)
XExpTag l e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "<%"
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) "%>"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: XExpTag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
XChildTag l es ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "<%>"
mapM_ exactPC es
printStringAt (pos b) "</"
printStringAt (pos c) "%>"
[_,semi,b,c] -> do
printString "<%>"
mapM_ exactPC es
printSemi semi
printStringAt (pos b) "</"
printStringAt (pos c) "%>"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: XChildTag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
CorePragma l str e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString $ "{-# CORE " ++ show str
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: CorePragma is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
SCCPragma l str e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString $ "{-# SCC " ++ show str
printStringAt (pos b) "#-}"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: SCCPragma is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
GenPragma l str (i1,i2) (i3,i4) e -> do
printStrs $ zip (srcInfoPoints l) ["{-# GENERATED", show str, show i1, ":", show i2, "-", show i3, ":", show i4, "#-}"]
exactPC e
Proc l p e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "proc"
exactPC p
printStringAt (pos b) "->"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: Proc is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
LeftArrApp l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e1
printStringAt (pos a) "-<"
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: LeftArrApp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RightArrApp l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e1
printStringAt (pos a) ">-"
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: RightArrApp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
LeftArrHighApp l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e1
printStringAt (pos a) "-<<"
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: LeftArrHighApp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RightArrHighApp l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e1
printStringAt (pos a) ">>-"
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: RightArrHighApp is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
LCase l alts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:b:pts -> do
printString "\\"
printStringAt (pos b) "case"
layoutList pts alts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Exp: LCase is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
ExprHole _ -> printString "_"
TypeApp _ ty -> printString "@" >> exactP ty
instance ExactP FieldUpdate where
exactP fup = case fup of
FieldUpdate l qn e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP qn
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: FieldUpdate is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
FieldPun _ n -> exactP n
FieldWildcard _ -> printString ".."
instance ExactP Stmt where
exactP stmt = case stmt of
Generator l p e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP p
printStringAt (pos a) "<-"
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Stmt: Generator is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
Qualifier _ e -> exactP e
LetStmt _ bds -> do
printString "let"
exactPC bds
RecStmt l ss ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "rec"
layoutList pts ss
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Stmt: RecStmt is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP QualStmt where
exactP qstmt = case qstmt of
QualStmt _ stmt -> exactP stmt
ThenTrans _ e -> printString "then" >> exactPC e
ThenBy l e1 e2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "then"
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos b) "by"
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: QualStmt: ThenBy is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
GroupBy l e -> do
printStrs $ zip (srcInfoPoints l) ["then","group","by"]
exactPC e
GroupUsing l e -> do
printStrs $ zip (srcInfoPoints l) ["then","group","using"]
exactPC e
GroupByUsing l e1 e2 -> do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
printStrs $ zip (init pts) ["then","group","by"]
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos (last pts)) "using"
exactPC e2
instance ExactP Bracket where
exactP br = case br of
ExpBracket l e ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "[|"
exactPC e
printStringAt (pos b) "|]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Bracket: ExpBracket is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PatBracket l p ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "[p|"
exactPC p
printStringAt (pos b) "|]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Bracket: PatBracket is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
TypeBracket l t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "[t|"
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos b) "|]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Bracket: TypeBracket is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
DeclBracket l ds ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
pts@(_:_) -> do
printString "[d|"
layoutList (init pts) (sepFunBinds ds)
printStringAt (pos (last pts)) "|]"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Bracket: DeclBracket is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP XAttr where
exactP (XAttr l xn e) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: XAttr is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Alt where
exactP (Alt l p galts mbs) = do
exactP p
exactPC (GuardedAlts galts)
maybeEP (\bs -> printStringAt (pos (head (srcInfoPoints l))) "where" >> exactPC bs) mbs
instance ExactP Match where
exactP (Match l n ps rhs mbinds) = do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
len = length pts
pars = len `div` 2
(oPars,cParsWh) = splitAt pars pts
(cPars,_) = splitAt pars cParsWh
printStrs (zip oPars (repeat "("))
exactPC n
printStreams (zip (map pos cPars) (repeat $ printString ")")) (map (pos . ann &&& exactPC) ps)
exactPC rhs
maybeEP (\bds -> printStringAt (pos (head pts)) "where" >> exactPC bds) mbinds
exactP (InfixMatch l a n bs rhs mbinds) = do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
len = length pts
pars = len `div` 2
(oPars,cParsWh) = splitAt pars pts
(cPars,whPt) = splitAt pars cParsWh
printStrs (zip oPars (repeat "("))
exactPC a
epInfixName n
printInterleaved' (zip cPars (repeat ")")) bs
exactPC rhs
maybeEP (\bds -> printStringAt (pos (head whPt)) "where" >> exactPC bds) mbinds
instance ExactP Rhs where
exactP (UnGuardedRhs _ e) = printString "=" >> exactPC e
exactP (GuardedRhss _ grhss) = mapM_ exactPC grhss
instance ExactP GuardedRhs where
exactP (GuardedRhs l ss e) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "|"
printInterleaved' (zip (init pts) (repeat ",") ++ [(last pts, "=")]) ss
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: GuardedRhs is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
newtype GuardedAlts l = GuardedAlts (Rhs l)
deriving (Functor, Show)
instance Annotated GuardedAlts where
amap f (GuardedAlts v) = GuardedAlts (amap f v)
ann (GuardedAlts v) = ann v
newtype GuardedAlt l = GuardedAlt (GuardedRhs l)
deriving (Functor, Show)
instance Annotated GuardedAlt where
amap f (GuardedAlt v) = GuardedAlt (amap f v)
ann (GuardedAlt v) = ann v
instance ExactP GuardedAlts where
exactP (GuardedAlts (UnGuardedRhs _ e)) = printString "->" >> exactPC e
exactP (GuardedAlts (GuardedRhss _ grhss)) = mapM_ (exactPC . GuardedAlt) grhss
instance ExactP GuardedAlt where
exactP (GuardedAlt (GuardedRhs l ss e)) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "|"
printInterleaved' (zip (init pts) (repeat ",") ++ [(last pts, "->")]) ss
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: GuardedAlt is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Pat where
exactP pat = case pat of
PVar l n -> exactPC (fmap (const l) n)
PLit _ sg lit -> exactPC sg >> exactPC lit
PNPlusK l n k ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a,b] -> do
exactP n
printStringAt (pos a) "+"
printStringAt (pos b) (show k)
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PNPlusK is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PInfixApp _ pa qn pb -> exactP pa >> epInfixQName qn >> exactPC pb
PApp _ qn ps -> exactP qn >> mapM_ exactPC ps
PTuple l bx ps ->
case bx of
Boxed -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) ps
Unboxed -> parenHashList (srcInfoPoints l) ps
PList l ps -> squareList (srcInfoPoints l) ps
PParen l p -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) [p]
PRec l qn pfs -> exactP qn >> curlyList (srcInfoPoints l) pfs
PAsPat l n p ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP n
printStringAt (pos a) "@"
exactPC p
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PAsPat is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PWildCard _ -> printString "_"
PIrrPat _ p -> printString "~" >> exactPC p
PatTypeSig l p t ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP p
printStringAt (pos a) "::"
exactPC t
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PatTypeSig is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PViewPat l e p ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP e
printStringAt (pos a) "->"
exactPC p
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PViewPat is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PRPat l rps -> squareList (srcInfoPoints l) rps
PXTag l xn attrs mat ps ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c,d,e] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC ps
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
[_,b,semi,c,d,e] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) ">"
mapM_ exactPC ps
printSemi semi
printStringAt (pos c) "</"
printWhitespace (pos d)
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos e) ">"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PXTag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PXETag l xn attrs mat ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b] -> do
printString "<"
exactPC xn
mapM_ exactPC attrs
maybeEP exactPC mat
printStringAt (pos b) "/>"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PXETag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PXPcdata _ str -> printString str
PXPatTag l p ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,_] -> do
printString "<%"
exactPC p
printString "%>"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Pat: PXPatTag is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PXRPats l rps -> bracketList ("<[",",","]>") (srcInfoPoints l) rps
PQuasiQuote _ name qt -> printString $ "[$" ++ name ++ "|" ++ qt ++ "]"
PBangPat _ p -> printString "!" >> exactPC p
instance ExactP PatField where
exactP pf = case pf of
PFieldPat l qn p ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP qn
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC p
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: PatField: PFieldPat is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
PFieldPun _ n -> exactP n
PFieldWildcard _ -> printString ".."
instance ExactP RPat where
exactP rpat = case rpat of
RPOp _ rp op -> exactP rp >> exactPC op
RPEither l r1 r2 ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP r1
printStringAt (pos a) "|"
exactPC r2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: RPat: RPEither is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RPSeq l rps -> bracketList ("(|",",","|)") (srcInfoPoints l) rps
RPGuard l p stmts ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString "(|"
exactPC p
bracketList ("|",",","|)") pts stmts
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: RPat: RPGuard is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RPCAs l n rp ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP n
printStringAt (pos a) "@:"
exactPC rp
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: RPat: RPCAs is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RPAs l n rp ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP n
printStringAt (pos a) "@"
exactPC rp
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: RPat: RPAs is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
RPParen l rp -> parenList (srcInfoPoints l) [rp]
RPPat _ p -> exactP p
instance ExactP RPatOp where
exactP rop = printString $ case rop of
RPStar _ -> "*"
RPStarG _ -> "*!"
RPPlus _ -> "+"
RPPlusG _ -> "+!"
RPOpt _ -> "?"
RPOptG _ -> "?!"
instance ExactP PXAttr where
exactP (PXAttr l xn p) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP xn
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC p
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: PXAttr is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP XName where
exactP xn = case xn of
XName _ name -> printString name
XDomName l dom name ->
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString dom
printStringAt (pos b) ":"
printStringAt (pos c) name
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: XName: XDomName is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP Binds where
exactP (BDecls l ds) = layoutList (srcInfoPoints l) (sepFunBinds ds)
exactP (IPBinds l ips) = layoutList (srcInfoPoints l) ips
instance ExactP CallConv where
exactP (StdCall _) = printString "stdcall"
exactP (CCall _) = printString "ccall"
exactP (CPlusPlus _) = printString "cplusplus"
exactP (DotNet _) = printString "dotnet"
exactP (Jvm _) = printString "jvm"
exactP (Js _) = printString "js"
exactP (JavaScript _) = printString "javascript"
exactP (CApi _) = printString "capi"
instance ExactP Safety where
exactP (PlayRisky _) = printString "unsafe"
exactP (PlaySafe _ b) = printString $ if b then "threadsafe" else "safe"
exactP (PlayInterruptible _) = printString "interruptible"
instance ExactP Rule where
exactP (Rule l str mact mrvs e1 e2) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
_:pts -> do
printString (show str)
maybeEP exactP mact
pts1 <- case mrvs of
Nothing -> return pts
Just rvs ->
case pts of
a':b:pts' -> do
printStringAt (pos a') "forall"
mapM_ exactPC rvs
printStringAt (pos b) "."
return pts'
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Rule is given too few srcInfoPoints"
case pts1 of
[x] -> do
exactPC e1
printStringAt (pos x) "="
exactPC e2
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Rule is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: Rule is given too few srcInfoPoints"
instance ExactP RuleVar where
exactP (TypedRuleVar l n t) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[_,b,c] -> do
printString "("
exactPC n
printStringAt (pos b) "::"
exactPC t
printStringAt (pos c) ")"
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: RuleVar: TypedRuleVar is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
exactP (RuleVar _ n) = exactP n
instance ExactP Overlap where
exactP (NoOverlap _) =
printString "{-# NO_OVERLAP #-}"
exactP (Overlap _) =
printString "{-# OVERLAP #-}"
exactP (Incoherent _) =
printString "{-# INCOHERENT #-}"
instance ExactP Activation where
exactP (ActiveFrom l i) =
printPoints l ["[", show i, "]"]
exactP (ActiveUntil l i) =
printPoints l ["[", "~", show i, "]"]
instance ExactP FieldDecl where
exactP (FieldDecl l ns bt) = do
let pts = srcInfoPoints l
printInterleaved' (zip (init pts) (repeat ",") ++ [(last pts, "::")]) ns
exactPC bt
instance ExactP IPBind where
exactP (IPBind l ipn e) =
case srcInfoPoints l of
[a] -> do
exactP ipn
printStringAt (pos a) "="
exactPC e
_ -> errorEP "ExactP: IPBind is given wrong number of srcInfoPoints"
internalError :: String -> a
internalError loc' = error $ unlines
[ "haskell-src-exts: ExactPrint: internal error (non-exhaustive pattern)"
, "Location: " ++ loc'
, "This is either caused by supplying incorrect location information or by"
, "a bug in haskell-src-exts. If this happens on an unmodified AST obtained"
, "by the haskell-src-exts Parser it is a bug, please it report it at"
, "https://github.com/haskell-suite/haskell-src-exts"]