Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype EGADT fs t = EGADT (HVariantF fs (EGADT fs) t)
- newtype HVariantF (fs :: [(k -> Type) -> k -> Type]) (ast :: k -> Type) (t :: k) = HVariantF (VariantF (ApplyAll ast fs) t)
- toHVariantAt :: forall i fs ast a. KnownNat i => Index i fs ast a -> VariantF (ApplyAll ast fs) a
- fromHVariantAt :: forall i fs ast a. KnownNat i => VariantF (ApplyAll ast fs) a -> Maybe (Index i fs ast a)
- type family f :<! fs :: Constraint where ...
- type family MemberAtIndex (i :: Nat) f fs :: Constraint where ...
- type family xs :<<! ys :: Constraint where ...
- pattern VF :: forall e a f fs. (e ~ EGADT fs a, f :<! fs) => f (EGADT fs) a -> EGADT fs a
:set -XDataKinds
:set -XTypeApplications
:set -XTypeOperators
:set -XFlexibleContexts
:set -XTypeFamilies
:set -XPatternSynonyms
:set -XDeriveFunctor
:set -XGADTs
:set -XPolyKinds
:set -XPartialTypeSignatures
data LamF (ast :: Type -> Type) t where
LamF :: ( ast a -> ast b ) -> LamF ast ( a -> b )
data AppF ast t where
AppF :: ast ( a -> b ) -> ast a -> AppF ast b
data VarF ast t where
VarF :: String -> VarF ast Int
type AST a = EGADT '[LamF,AppF,VarF] a
let y = VF @(AST Int) (VarF "a")
:t y
y :: EGADT '[LamF, AppF, VarF] Int
case y of
VF (VarF x) -> print x
_ -> putStrLn "Not a VarF"
f :: AST Int -> AST Int
f (VF (VarF x)) = VF (VarF "zz")
f _ = error "Unhandled case"
let z = VF (AppF (VF (LamF f)) (VF (VarF "a")))
:t z
z :: EGADT '[LamF, AppF, VarF] Int
An EADT with an additional type parameter
toHVariantAt :: forall i fs ast a. KnownNat i => Index i fs ast a -> VariantF (ApplyAll ast fs) a Source #
fromHVariantAt :: forall i fs ast a. KnownNat i => VariantF (ApplyAll ast fs) a -> Maybe (Index i fs ast a) Source #
type family f :<! fs :: Constraint where ... Source #
f :<! fs = MemberAtIndex (IndexOf f fs) f fs |
type family MemberAtIndex (i :: Nat) f fs :: Constraint where ... Source #
MemberAtIndex i f fs = (KnownNat i, Index i fs ~ f) |
type family xs :<<! ys :: Constraint where ... Source #