{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hasmin.Parser.Position where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), optional)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (Parser)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Hasmin.Parser.Utils
import Hasmin.Parser.PercentageLength
import Hasmin.Types.Position
import Hasmin.Types.PercentageLength
position :: Parser Position
position = perLen <|> keyword
perLen = percentageLength >>= startsWithPL
keyword =
parserFromPairs [("left", startsWith (Just PosLeft) tb)
,("right", startsWith (Just PosRight) tb)
,("top", startsWith (Just PosTop) lr)
,("bottom", startsWith (Just PosBottom) lr)
,("center", startsWithCenter)]
tb = (A.asciiCI "top" $> Just PosTop, A.asciiCI "bottom" $> Just PosBottom)
lr = (A.asciiCI "left" $> Just PosLeft, A.asciiCI "right" $> Just PosRight)
startsWithPL :: PercentageLength -> Parser Position
startsWithPL x = skipComments *>
(followsWithPL <|> someKeyword <|> wasASinglePL)
pl = Just x
followsWithPL = Position Nothing pl Nothing <$> (Just <$> percentageLength)
wasASinglePL = pure $ Position Nothing pl Nothing Nothing
someKeyword = do
i <- ident
case T.toCaseFold i of
"center" -> pure $ Position Nothing pl (Just PosCenter) Nothing
"top" -> pure $ Position Nothing pl (Just PosTop) Nothing
"bottom" -> pure $ Position Nothing pl (Just PosBottom) Nothing
_ -> mzero
maybePL :: Parser (Maybe PercentageLength)
maybePL = optional percentageLength
startsWithCenter :: Parser Position
startsWithCenter = skipComments *>
(followsWithPL <|> followsWithAKeyword <|> pure (posTillNow Nothing Nothing))
followsWithPL = (posTillNow Nothing . Just) <$> percentageLength
followsWithAKeyword = do
i <- ident <* skipComments
let f x = posTillNow (Just x) <$> maybePL
case T.toCaseFold i of
"left" -> f PosLeft
"right" -> f PosRight
"top" -> f PosTop
"bottom" -> f PosBottom
"center" -> pure $ posTillNow (Just PosCenter) Nothing
_ -> mzero
posTillNow = Position (Just PosCenter) Nothing
startsWith :: Maybe PosKeyword
-> (Parser (Maybe PosKeyword), Parser (Maybe PosKeyword))
-> Parser Position
startsWith x (p1, p2) = do
_ <- skipComments
pl <- optional (percentageLength <* skipComments)
let endsWithCenter = Position x pl <$> center <*> pure Nothing
endsWithKeywordAndMaybePL = Position x pl <$> posKeyword <*> maybePL
endsWithPL = pure $ Position x Nothing Nothing pl
endsWithCenter <|> endsWithKeywordAndMaybePL <|> endsWithPL
posKeyword = (p1 <|> p2) <* skipComments
center = A.asciiCI "center" $> Just PosCenter