{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Hasmin.Types.Declaration
-- Copyright   : (c) 2017 Cristian Adrián Ontivero
-- License     : BSD3
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
module Hasmin.Types.Declaration
    ( Declaration(..)
    , clean
    ) where

import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, ask)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
import Data.List (find, delete, minimumBy, (\\))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (singleton, fromText)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Hasmin.Config
import Hasmin.Properties
import Hasmin.Types.BgSize
import Hasmin.Class
import Hasmin.Types.Dimension
import Hasmin.Types.Numeric
import Hasmin.Types.PercentageLength
import Hasmin.Types.Position
import Hasmin.Types.TransformFunction
import Hasmin.Types.Value
import Hasmin.Utils

-- | A CSS <https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#declaration \<declaration\>>.
data Declaration = Declaration
    { propertyName :: Text   -- ^ Property name of the declaration.
    , valueList    :: Values -- ^ Values used in the declaration.
    , isImportant  :: Bool   -- ^ Whether the declaration is \"!important\" (i.e. ends with it).
    , hasIEhack    :: Bool   -- ^ Whether the declaration ends with the \"\\9\" IE hack.
    } deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToText Declaration where
  toBuilder (Declaration p vs i h) = fromText p <> singleton ':'
      <> toBuilder vs <> imp <> iehack
    where imp    = if i then "!important" else mempty
          iehack = if h then "\\9" else mempty

instance Ord Declaration where
  -- Just use a lexicographical ordering, since the instance is required by Set
  d1 <= d2 = toText d1 <= toText d2

instance Minifiable Declaration where
  minify d@(Declaration p vs _ _) = do
      minifiedValues <- minify vs
      conf <- ask
      let name   = case letterCase conf of
                     Lowercase -> T.toLower p
                     Original  -> p
          newDec = d {propertyName = name, valueList = minifiedValues }
      case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold p) propertyOptimizations of
           Just f  -> propertyTraits newDec >>= f
           Nothing -> propertyTraits newDec

propertyTraits :: Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
propertyTraits d@(Declaration p _ _ _) = do
    conf <- ask
    pure $ if shouldUsePropertyTraits conf
              then case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold p) propertiesTraits of
                     (Just (PropertyInfo vals inhs _ _)) -> minifyDec d vals inhs
                     Nothing           -> d
              else d

-- Map relating properties with specific functions to optimize them
propertyOptimizations :: Map Text (Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration)
propertyOptimizations = Map.fromList
  [("transform",                  combineTransformFunctions)
  ,("-webkit-transform",          combineTransformFunctions)
  ,("-moz-transform",             combineTransformFunctions)
  -- ,("font",              optimizeValues optimizeFontFamily)
  ,("font-family",                optimizeValues optimizeFontFamily)
  ,("font-weight",                fontWeightOptimizer)

  ,("background-size",            nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("width",                      nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("perspective-origin",         nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-o-perspective-origin",      nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-moz-perspective-origin",    nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-webkit-perspective-origin", nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("background-position",        nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("top",                        nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("right",                      nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("bottom",                     nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("left",                       nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("border-color",               pure . reduceTRBLDec)
  ,("border-width",               pure . reduceTRBLDec)
  ,("border-style",               pure . reduceTRBLDec)
  ,("padding",                    nullPercentageToLength >=> pure . reduceTRBLDec)
  ,("padding-top",                nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("padding-right",              nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("padding-bottom",             nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("padding-left",               nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("margin-top",                 nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("margin-right",               nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("margin-bottom",              nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("margin-left",                nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("margin",                     nullPercentageToLength >=> pure . reduceTRBLDec)
  ,("grid-row-gap",               nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("grid-column-gap",            nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("line-height",                nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("min-height",                 nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("max-width",                  nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("min-width",                  nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("text-indent",                nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("text-transform",             nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("font-size",                  nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("word-spacing",               nullPercentageToLength >=> replaceWithZero "normal")
  ,("vertical-align",             nullPercentageToLength >=> replaceWithZero "baseline")
  -- ,("outline",         replaceWithZero "none")
  -- ,("border",          replaceWithZero "none")
  -- ,("background",      replaceWithZero "0 0")
  ,("transform-origin",         optimizeTransformOrigin >=> nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-o-transform-origin",      optimizeTransformOrigin >=> nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-moz-transform-origin",    optimizeTransformOrigin >=> nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-ms-transform-origin",     optimizeTransformOrigin >=> nullPercentageToLength)
  ,("-webkit-transform-origin", optimizeTransformOrigin >=> nullPercentageToLength)

-- Generic function to map some optimization to a property's values.
optimizeValues :: (Value -> Reader Config Value)
               -> Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
optimizeValues f d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) = do
    newV <- mapValues f vs
    pure $ d {valueList = newV }

-- converts 0% into 0 (of type <length>)
-- Do NOT use it with height and max-height, since 0% /= 0
nullPercentageToLength :: Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
nullPercentageToLength d = do
    conf <- ask
    if shouldConvertNullPercentages conf
       then optimizeValues f d
       else pure d
  where f :: Value -> Reader Config Value
        f (PositionV p@(Position _ a _ b)) = pure . PositionV $
            let stripPercentage Nothing  = Nothing
                stripPercentage (Just x) = if isZero x
                                              then l0
                                              else Just x
            in p { offset1 = stripPercentage a, offset2 = stripPercentage b }
        f (PercentageV p) = pure $ zeroPercentageToLength p
          where zeroPercentageToLength :: Percentage -> Value
                zeroPercentageToLength 0 = LengthV NullLength
                zeroPercentageToLength x = PercentageV x
        f (BgSizeV bgsz) = pure . BgSizeV $
            case bgsz of
              BgSize1 x   -> BgSize1 (zeroPerToLength x)
              BgSize2 x y -> BgSize2 (zeroPerToLength x) (zeroPerToLength y)
              x           -> x
          where zeroPerToLength (Left (Left 0)) = Left $ Right NullLength
                zeroPerToLength z = z
        f x = pure x

-- For word-spacing, normal computes to 0.
-- For vertical-align, baseline is the same as 0.
-- Careful: don't apply it for letter-spacing because there is a slight
-- difference between normal and 0 for that property!
replaceWithZero :: Text -> Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
replaceWithZero s d@(Declaration p (Values v vs) _ _)
    | not (null vs) = pure d -- Some error occured, since there should be only one value
    | otherwise     = pure $
        case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold p) propertiesTraits of
          Just (PropertyInfo iv inhs _ _) ->
              if f iv inhs == mkOther s
                 then d { valueList = Values (LengthV NullLength) [] }
                 else d
          Nothing -> d
  where f (Just (Values x _)) inh
          | v == Initial || v == Unset && inh == NonInherited = x
          | otherwise                             = v
        f _ _ = v

-- | Converts the keywords "normal" and "bold" to 400 and 700, respectively.
fontWeightOptimizer :: Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
fontWeightOptimizer = optimizeValues f
  where f :: Value -> Reader Config Value
        f x@(Other t) = do
          conf <- ask
          pure $ case fontweightSettings conf of
                   FontWeightMinOn  -> replaceForSynonym t
                   FontWeightMinOff -> x
        f x = pure x

        replaceForSynonym :: TextV -> Value
        replaceForSynonym t
          | t == "normal" = NumberV 400
          | t == "bold"   = NumberV 700
          | otherwise     = Other t

optimizeTransformOrigin :: Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
optimizeTransformOrigin d@(Declaration _ vals _ _) = do
    conf <- ask
    pure $ if shouldMinifyTransformOrigin conf
              then d { valueList = optimizeTransformOrigin' vals}
              else d
    optimizeTransformOrigin' :: Values -> Values
    optimizeTransformOrigin' v =
        mkValues $ case valuesToList v of
            [x, y, z] -> if isZeroVal z
                            then transformOrigin2 x y
                            else transformOrigin3 x y z
            [x, y]    -> transformOrigin2 x y
            [x]       -> transformOrigin1 x
            x         -> x

    transformOrigin1 :: Value -> [Value]
    transformOrigin1 (Other "top")    = [Other "top"]
    transformOrigin1 (Other "bottom") = [Other "bottom"]
    transformOrigin1 (Other "right")  = [PercentageV (Percentage 100)]
    transformOrigin1 (Other "left")   = [LengthV NullLength]
    transformOrigin1 (Other "center") = [PercentageV (Percentage 50)]
    transformOrigin1 (PercentageV 0)  = [LengthV NullLength]
    transformOrigin1 x                = [x]

    transformOrigin2 :: Value -> Value -> [Value]
    transformOrigin2 x y
        | equalsCenter x     = firstIsCenter
        | equalsCenter y     = secondIsCenter
        | isYoffsetKeyword x = fmap convertValue [y,x]
        | isXoffsetKeyword y = fmap convertValue [y,x]
        | otherwise          = fmap convertValue [x,y]
            | equalsCenter y           = [per50]
            | isYoffsetKeyword y       = [y]
            | y == per100              = [Other "bottom"]
            | isZeroVal y              = [Other "top"]
            | isPercentageOrLength y = [per50, y]
            | otherwise                = transformOrigin1 y
            | equalsCenter x                                 = [per50]
            | isYoffsetKeyword x || isPercentageOrLength x = [x]
            | otherwise                                      = transformOrigin1 x
        isPercentageOrLength (PercentageV _) = True
        isPercentageOrLength (LengthV _)     = True
        isPercentageOrLength _               = False
        equalsCenter a     = a == Other "center" || a == per50
        isXoffsetKeyword a = a == Other "left" || a == Other "right"
        isYoffsetKeyword a = a == Other "top" || a == Other "bottom"
        per50 = PercentageV $ Percentage 50
        per100 = PercentageV $ Percentage 100
        convertValue (Other t) = fromMaybe (Other t) (Map.lookup (getText t) transformOriginKeywords)
        convertValue n@(PercentageV p)
            | p == 0    = LengthV NullLength
            | otherwise = n
        convertValue i = i

    transformOrigin3 :: Value -> Value -> Value -> [Value]
    transformOrigin3 x y z
        | x == Other "top" || x == Other "bottom"
          || y == Other "left" || y == Other "right" = fmap replaceKeywords [y, x, z]
        | otherwise = fmap replaceKeywords [x, y, z]
        replaceKeywords :: Value -> Value
        replaceKeywords (Other t) = fromMaybe x (Map.lookup (getText t) transformOriginKeywords)
        replaceKeywords e         = e

-- isZeroVal is needed because we are using a generic parser for
-- transform-origin, so 0 parses as a number instead of a distance.
isZeroVal :: Value -> Bool
isZeroVal (LengthV (Length 0 _)) = True
isZeroVal (LengthV NullLength)   = True
isZeroVal (NumberV (Number 0))   = True
isZeroVal (PercentageV 0)        = True
isZeroVal _                      = False

-- transform-origin keyword meanings.
transformOriginKeywords :: Map Text Value
transformOriginKeywords = Map.fromList
    [("top",    LengthV NullLength)
    ,("right",  PercentageV (Percentage 100))
    ,("bottom", PercentageV (Percentage 100))
    ,("left",   LengthV NullLength)
    ,("center", PercentageV (Percentage 50))]

-- | Minifies a declaration, based on the property's specific traits (i.e. if
-- it inherits or not, and what its initial value is), and the chosen
-- configurations.
minifyDec :: Declaration -> Maybe Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration
minifyDec d@(Declaration p vs _ _) mv inhs =
    case mv of
      -- Use the found initial values to try to reduce the declaration
      Just initialVals ->
          case Map.lookup (T.toCaseFold p) declarationExceptions of
            -- Use a specific function to reduce the property if
            -- needed, otherwise use the general property reducer
            Just f  -> f d initialVals inhs
            Nothing -> reduceDeclaration d initialVals inhs
      -- Property with no defined initial values. Try to reduce css-wide keywords
      Nothing   ->
          if inhs == NonInherited && vs == initial || inhs == Inherited && vs == inherit
             then d { valueList = unset }
             else d

unset :: Values
unset = Values Unset mempty

initial :: Values
initial = Values Initial mempty

inherit :: Values
inherit = Values Inherit mempty

-- Map of property specific reducers, for properties that don't fit in the
-- normal declaration minification scheme and need special treatment.
declarationExceptions :: Map Text (Declaration -> Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration)
declarationExceptions = Map.fromList $ map (first T.toCaseFold)
    [("background-size",            backgroundSizeReduce)
    ,("-webkit-background-size",    backgroundSizeReduce)
    ,("border-bottom-left-radius",  reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("border-bottom-right-radius", reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("border-top-left-radius",     reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("border-top-right-radius",    reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("font-synthesis",             reduceTwoKeywordInitial)
    ,("overflow",                   reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("overscroll-behavior",        reduceDefaultingToFirst)
    ,("text-emphasis-position",     reduceTwoKeywordInitial)
    -- Needed because otherwise the reducer replaces commas by spaces.
    -- i.e. text-shadow: 1px 1px red,2px 2px blue ==>
    --      text-shadow: 1px 1px red 2px 2px blue.
    ,("text-shadow",             \d _ _ -> d)
    -- For properties that take two keywords as initial value, such as:
    -- * font-synthesis: weight style
    -- * text-emphasis-position: right over
    reduceTwoKeywordInitial :: Declaration -> Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration
    reduceTwoKeywordInitial d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) initVals inhs =
        case valuesToList initVals \\ valuesToList vs of
          [] -> d {valueList = shortestEquiv initial initVals inhs}
          _  -> d {valueList = shortestEquiv vs initVals inhs}

    -- For properties whose second value, if omitted, is copied from the first
    -- (for instance 'overflow').
    reduceDefaultingToFirst :: Declaration -> Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration
    reduceDefaultingToFirst d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) initVals inhs =
        case valuesToList vs of
          [v1,v2] -> if v1 == v2
                        then reduceDeclaration (d { valueList = mkValues [v1] }) initVals inhs
                        else d
          _       -> reduceDeclaration d initVals inhs

    backgroundSizeReduce :: Declaration -> Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration
    backgroundSizeReduce d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) initVals inhs =
        case valuesToList vs of
          [v1,v2] -> if v2 == mkOther "auto"
                        then d { valueList = mkValues [v1] }
                        else d
          _       -> d { valueList = shortestEquiv vs initVals inhs }

combineTransformFunctions :: Declaration -> Reader Config Declaration
combineTransformFunctions d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) = do
    combinedFuncs <- combine (toList tfValues)
    let newVals = fmap TransformV combinedFuncs ++ toList otherValues
    pure $ d { valueList = mkValues newVals}
    decValues               = valuesToList vs
    (tfValues, otherValues) = splitValues decValues
    splitValues = splitValues' (mempty, mempty)
        splitValues' :: (Seq TransformFunction, Seq Value) -> [Value]
                     -> (Seq TransformFunction, Seq Value)
        splitValues' (ts, os) (TransformV x:xs) = splitValues' (ts |> x, os) xs
        splitValues' (ts, os) (x:xs)            = splitValues' (ts, os |> x) xs
        splitValues' (ts, os) []                = (ts, os)

-- Function to reduce the great mayority of properties. Requires that:
-- 1. The order between values doesn't matter, which is true for most
--    properties because they take only one value.
-- 2. Any default value may be removed until a single one remains, which tends
--    to hold for shorthands because the default value is used when it isn't
--    present. An example of a property that qualifies is border-bottom, and
--    one that doesn't is font-synthesis (because it isn't a shorthand).
reduceDeclaration :: Declaration -> Values -> Inheritance -> Declaration
reduceDeclaration d@(Declaration _ vs _ _) initVals inhs =
    case analyzeValueDifference vs initVals of
      Just v  -> d {valueList = shortestEquiv v shortestInitialValue inhs}
      Nothing -> d {valueList = minVal inhs shortestInitialValue}
    charLen x y = compare (textualLength x) (textualLength y)
    shortestInitialValue = mkValues [minimumBy charLen (valuesToList initVals)]

-- If the value was a css-wide keyword, return the shortest between css-wide
-- keywords and the shortest initial value for the property.
-- Otherwise, no property specific reduction could be done, so just return the
-- values.
shortestEquiv :: Values -> Values -> Inheritance -> Values
shortestEquiv vs siv i
    | i == Inherited && vs == inherit = unset
    | i == NonInherited && vs == unset || vs == initial = minVal i siv
    | otherwise = vs

-- Returns the minimum value (in character length) between the shortest initial
-- value, and the shortest css-wide keyword (initial or unset)
minVal :: Inheritance -> Values -> Values
minVal inhs vs
    | textualLength globalKeyword <= textualLength vs = globalKeyword
    | otherwise                                       = vs
  where globalKeyword = mkValues [if inhs == NonInherited then Unset else Initial]

-- Substract the property's initial value list from the declaration values.
-- If nothing remains (i.e. every value declared was an initial one, thus all of
-- them could be left implicit), then just replace it with whatever initial
-- value is the shortest, otherwise whatever remains is the shortest equivalent
-- declaration.
analyzeValueDifference :: Values -> Values -> Maybe Values
analyzeValueDifference vs initVals =
    case valuesDifference of
      [] -> Nothing -- every value was an initial one
      _  -> Just $ mkValues valuesDifference -- At least a value wasn't an initial one, or it was a css-wide keyword
  where valuesDifference = valuesToList vs \\ valuesToList initVals

-- | Removes longhand rules overwritten by their shorthand further down in the
-- declaration list, and merges shorthand declarations with longhand properties
-- later declared.
clean :: [Declaration] -> [Declaration]
clean [] = []
clean (d:ds) =
    let (newD, newDs) = solveClashes ds d pinfo
    in case newD of
         Just x  -> x : clean newDs
         Nothing -> clean newDs -- drop and keep cleaning
  where pinfo = fromMaybe (PropertyInfo Nothing NonInherited mempty mempty) -- No info on the property, use an empty one.
                  (Map.lookup (propertyName d) propertiesTraits)

-- Given a declaration, if it is a shorthand and it has a corresponding
-- longhand later in the list, merges them. If it is a longhand overwritten by
-- a shorthand, it deletes it. Otherwise, it keeps the value. In any case, it
-- returns the new list to analyze and (if any) the value to keep.
solveClashes :: [Declaration] -> Declaration
             -> PropertyInfo -> (Maybe Declaration, [Declaration])
solveClashes ds = solveClashes' ds ds

-- Local function, only to be called by solveClashes
solveClashes' :: [Declaration] -> [Declaration] -> Declaration
              -> PropertyInfo -> (Maybe Declaration, [Declaration])
solveClashes' newDs []            dec _ = (Just dec, newDs)
solveClashes' newDs (laterDec:ds) dec pinfo
    -- Do not remove vendor-prefixed values, which are probably fallbacks.
    | hasVendorPrefix dec      = (Just dec, newDs)
    | hasVendorPrefix laterDec || hasIEhack dec /= hasIEhack laterDec =
        solveClashes' newDs ds dec pinfo
    | propertyName laterDec `elem` subproperties pinfo =
        attemptMerge newDs ds dec laterDec pinfo
    | propertyName laterDec `elem` overwrittenBy pinfo =
        if isImportant dec && (not . isImportant) laterDec
           -- important LH with a non-important SH later, or only one of the
           -- two has the \9 ie hack; keep analyzing
           then solveClashes' newDs ds dec pinfo
           -- longhand overwritten by a shorthand; drop it
           else (Nothing, newDs)
    | propertyName dec == propertyName laterDec = {- && dec can be dropped (consider background-image!) -}
        if isImportant dec && (not . isImportant) laterDec
           -- drop non-important one; keep analyzing
           then solveClashes' (delete laterDec newDs) ds dec pinfo
           -- same property twice, drop the overwritten one
           else (Nothing, newDs)
    | otherwise = solveClashes' newDs ds dec pinfo -- keep analyzing the rest

hasVendorPrefix :: Declaration -> Bool
hasVendorPrefix (Declaration _ vs _ _) = any isVendorPrefixedValue $ valuesToList vs
  where isVendorPrefixedValue :: Value -> Bool
        isVendorPrefixedValue (Other t)         = T.isPrefixOf "-" $ getText t
        isVendorPrefixedValue (GradientV t _)   = T.isPrefixOf "-" t
        isVendorPrefixedValue (GenericFunc t _) = T.isPrefixOf "-" t
        isVendorPrefixedValue _                 = False

attemptMerge :: [Declaration] -> [Declaration] -> Declaration
             -> Declaration -> PropertyInfo
             -> (Maybe Declaration, [Declaration])
attemptMerge newDs ds dec laterDec pinfo =
    case merge dec laterDec of
      -- Put the merged result back on the list; see if any other
      -- property also conflicts
      Just m -> (Nothing, m : delete dec (delete laterDec newDs))
      -- Couldn't merge, just keep analyzing
      Nothing -> solveClashes' newDs ds dec pinfo

-- TODO: make it such that the order of parameters doesn't matter
-- First declaration = shorthand
merge :: Declaration -> Declaration -> Maybe Declaration
merge d1@(Declaration p1 _ _ _) d2@Declaration{} = do
    mergeFunction <- Map.lookup p1 propertyMergers
    mergeFunction d1 d2
  where propertyMergers :: Map Text (Declaration -> Declaration -> Maybe Declaration)
        propertyMergers = Map.fromList [("margin",       mergeIntoTRBL)
                                       ,("padding",      mergeIntoTRBL)
                                       ,("border-color", mergeIntoTRBL)
                                       ,("border-width", mergeIntoTRBL)
                                       ,("border-style", mergeIntoTRBL)

-- TODO: consider the check in retDec. We aren't taking the minified length,
-- only the one as it is. Ideally, it would take the length of the minified
-- result, according to the program arguments.
mergeIntoTRBL :: Declaration       -- ^ A margin declaration
              -> Declaration       -- ^ Any of the margin longhands (e.g.: margin-top)
              -> Maybe Declaration -- ^ If successful, the combination of both
mergeIntoTRBL d1@(Declaration _ (Values v1 vs) i1 h1) d2@(Declaration p2 (Values v2 _) i2 h2)
    | h1 || h2     = Nothing -- TODO handle ie hacks
    | i1 && not i2 = Just $ reduceTRBLDec d1 -- margin:6px !important;margin-top:0; --> margin:6px !important
    | not i1 && i2 = Nothing -- margin:6px;margin-top:0!important; --> stays the same
    | otherwise    = do
          (_,index) <- find (\(x,_) -> T.isInfixOf x (T.toCaseFold p2)) indexTable
          let mkDec ys  = d1 {valueList = mkValues $ replaceAt index v2 ys}
              retDec ys = let mergedDec = reduceTRBLDec (mkDec ys)
                          in if textualLength mergedDec <= originalLength
                                then Just mergedDec
                                else Nothing
          case trblValues of
                    [_,_,_,_] -> retDec trblValues
                    [t,r,b]   -> retDec [t,r,b,r]
                    [t,r]     -> retDec [t,r,t,r]
                    [t]       -> retDec [t,t,t,t]
                    _         -> Nothing -- E.g.: an iehack read as a value.
  where originalLength = textualLength d1 + textualLength d2 + 1 -- The (+1) is because of the ;
        trblValues     = v1 : map snd vs
        indexTable     = zip ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"] [0..]

-- E.g.: margin: 6px 6px 6px 6px;  --> margin: 6px;
--       margin: 1px 0 2px 0;      --> margin: 1px 0 2px;
-- can be used with "border-image-outset" too.
reduceTRBLDec :: Declaration -> Declaration
reduceTRBLDec d@(Declaration _ (Values v1 vs) _ _) =
    d { valueList = mkValues . NE.toList $ reduceTRBL (v1:|map snd vs) }

mapValues :: (Value -> Reader Config Value) -> Values -> Reader Config Values
mapValues f (Values v1 vs) = do
    x  <- f v1
    xs <- (mapM . mapM) f vs
    pure $ Values x xs