hasql-interpolate- QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql
Safe HaskellNone




class EncodeRow a where Source #

Minimal complete definition



unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. (a -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

The continuation (forall x. (a -> x -> x) -> x -> E.Params x -> Int -> r) is given cons (a -> x -> x) and nil (x) for some existential type x and an encoder (Params x) for x. An Int is also given to tally up how many sql fields are in the unzipped structure.



Consider the following manually written instance:

data Blerg = Blerg Int64 Bool Text Char

instance EncodeRow Blerg where
  unzipWithEncoder k = k cons nil enc 4
      cons (Blerg a b c d) ~(as, bs, cs, ds) =
        (a : as, b : bs, c : cs, d : ds)
      nil = ([], [], [], [])
      enc =
             (((x, _, _, _) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> (((_, x, _, _) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> (((_, _, x, _) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> (((_, _, _, x) -> x) >$< param encodeField)

We chose ([Int64], [Bool], [Text], [Char]) as our existential type. If we instead use the default instance based on GEncodeRow then we would produce the same code as the instance below:

instance EncodeRow Blerg where
  unzipWithEncoder k = k cons nil enc 4
      cons (Blerg a b c d) ~(~(as, bs), ~(cs, ds)) =
        ((a : as, b : bs), (c : cs, d : ds))
      nil = (([], []), ([], []))
      enc =
             ((((x, _),      _) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> ((((_, x),      _) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> (((_     , (x, _)) -> x) >$< param encodeField)
          <> (((_     , (_, x)) -> x) >$< param encodeField)

The notable difference being we don't produce a flat tuple, but instead produce a balanced tree of tuples isomorphic to the balanced tree of :*: from the generic Rep of Blerg.

default unzipWithEncoder :: (Generic a, GEncodeRow (Rep a)) => (forall x. (a -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #


Instances details
(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2) => EncodeRow (x1, x2) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3, EncodeValue x4) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3, x4) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3, x4) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3, EncodeValue x4, EncodeValue x5) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3, EncodeValue x4, EncodeValue x5, EncodeValue x6) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3, EncodeValue x4, EncodeValue x5, EncodeValue x6, EncodeValue x7) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(EncodeValue x1, EncodeValue x2, EncodeValue x3, EncodeValue x4, EncodeValue x5, EncodeValue x6, EncodeValue x7, EncodeValue x8) => EncodeRow (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


unzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8) -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

class GEncodeRow a where Source #


gUnzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. (a p -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #


Instances details
EncodeField a => GEncodeRow (K1 i a :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


gUnzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. (K1 i a p -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

(GEncodeRow a, GEncodeRow b) => GEncodeRow (a :*: b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


gUnzipWithEncoder :: (forall x. ((a :*: b) p -> x -> x) -> x -> Params x -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

GEncodeRow x => GEncodeRow (M1 t i x) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasql.Interpolate.Internal.EncodeRow


gUnzipWithEncoder :: (forall x0. (M1 t i x p -> x0 -> x0) -> x0 -> Params x0 -> Int -> r) -> r Source #

toTable :: EncodeRow a => [a] -> Sql Source #

toTable takes some list of products into the corresponding relation in sql. It is applying the unnest based technique described in the hasql documentation.



Here is a small example that takes a haskell list and inserts it into a table blerg which has columns x, y, and z of type int8, boolean, and text respectively.

toTableExample :: [(Int64, Bool, Text)] -> Statement () ()
toTableExample rowsToInsert =
  interp [sql| insert into blerg (x, y, z) select * from ^{toTable rowsToInsert} |]

This is driven by the EncodeRow type class that has a default implementation for product types that are an instance of Generic. So the following also works:

data Blerg
  = Blerg Int64 Bool Text
  deriving stock (Generic)
  deriving anyclass (EncodeRow)

toTableExample :: [Blerg] -> Statement () ()
toTableExample blergs =
  interp [sql| insert into blerg (x, y, z) select * from ^{toTable blergs} |]