Copyright | (c) Sebastian Galkin 2018 |
License | GPL-3 |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- saveCompilerOutput :: Program Optimized -> FilePath -> IO ()
- inMemoryCompile :: CompilerOptions -> Text -> Either ParseError (Program Optimized, CompilationSummary)
- newtype CompilationSummary = CompilationSummary {}
- summarizeCompilation :: Program Optimized -> CompilationSummary
- compile :: CompilerOptions -> IO (Either ParseError CompilationSummary)
- optimize :: CompilerOptions -> Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
- toIR :: Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
- newtype FusedProgram = Fused {}
- fusionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
- liftLoop :: ([Op] -> Maybe [Op]) -> Program o -> Program o
- clearOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
- mulOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
- scanOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
- data OffsetState = OffSt {}
- emptyState :: OffsetState
- offsetInstructionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
- load :: ByteString -> Program Optimized
- loadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Program Optimized)
- data CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions {}
- optionsP :: Parser CompilerOptions
- options :: ParserInfo CompilerOptions
- defaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
- noOptimizationCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
- parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult CompilerOptions
- unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO CompilerOptions
- parse :: IO CompilerOptions
- type ProgramParser a = ParsecT [Op] () Identity a
- satisfy' :: Show t => (t -> Bool) -> ParsecT [t] () Identity t
- mrightP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
- mleftP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
- plusP :: ProgramParser Int
- minusP :: ProgramParser Int
- summedP :: Num n => ProgramParser n -> ProgramParser n
- mulP :: ProgramParser [(MulFactor, MemOffset)]
- isRight :: Op -> Bool
- isLeft :: Op -> Bool
- isPlus :: Op -> Bool
- isMinus :: Op -> Bool
- data ParseError :: *
saveCompilerOutput :: Program Optimized -> FilePath -> IO () Source #
Encode the compiled file into the given path.
inMemoryCompile :: CompilerOptions -> Text -> Either ParseError (Program Optimized, CompilationSummary) Source #
Use the given CompilerOptions
to parse, compile and optimize the text representation of a
Brainfuck program into the IR. cOptsSource
and cOptsOut
in the compiler options are ignored.
newtype CompilationSummary Source #
Compilation summary for the user. It contains overview information and statistics about the compilation result.
CompilationSummary | |
Fields |
summarizeCompilation :: Program Optimized -> CompilationSummary Source #
Summarize a compiled program creating the CompilationSummary
compile :: CompilerOptions -> IO (Either ParseError CompilationSummary) Source #
Use CompilerOptions
to read, compile, optimize, and save a program from/to the filesystem.
Input and output files are provided by cOptsSource
and cOptsOut
optimize :: CompilerOptions -> Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Apply optimizations to the Unoptimized
program turning. The optimizations that
will be available are the ones specified by the CompilerOptions
toIR :: Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Given a parsed program, turn it into an optimized one, but with the null optimization. Effectively this is only a type change.
newtype FusedProgram Source #
Helper type to apply the Fuse optimization using a Monoid
Show FusedProgram Source # | |
Semigroup FusedProgram Source # | This Examples of fusable operations:
Monoid FusedProgram Source # | |
fusionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Apply the fusion optimization using the FusedProgram
The fusion optimization consist of turning multiple instructions into one. For example
if the original Brainfuck code contains ++++
, this would be parsed as
1 0,Inc
1 0,Inc
1 0,Inc
1 0]
but it would be fused to a single IR instruction: Inc 4 0
fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0]
[Inc 4 0]
Similarly, other instructions,
like Move
, In
, Out
, Clear
and Scan
can be fused as long as the offset at which they
must be applied is the same.
Non fusable operation remain unchanged:
fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 1]
[Inc 1 0,Inc 1 1]
clearOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Basic optimization that turns the loop [-]
into a single instruction Clear
Useful because clearing a memory position is a pretty common operation in Brainfuck and
very expensive if treated as a loop.
:set -XOverloadedStrings
Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[-]"
[Clear 0]
mulOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Copy and multiply optimization. A very common usage of loops is to copy the value of a memory
position to a different: [->>+<<]
this will move the contents of the current memory position
to places to the right, also clearing the original position to zero. If we change the number of +
operations we get multiplication, if we have several groups of ++..
operations we get multiple copies.
In the general case, for example:
:set -XOverloadedStrings
Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[->+>++>++++<<<]"
[Mul 1 0 1,Mul 2 0 2,Mul 4 0 3,Clear 0]
The original Brainfuck copies the current position one place to the right, doubles the current position two places to the right, and quadruples the current position three places to the right; finally zeroing the current position. With the mul optimization in this function, all that loop would be replaced by 4 instructions.
scanOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Implement the scan optimization. Another common operation in Brainfuck is to search for the first zero
in the neighboring memory, either to the right or to the left [>]
or [<]
. These loops can be replaced
for a more optimal search, represented as a single
or Scan
scanOpt $ Program [Loop [Move 1]]
[Scan Up 0]
data OffsetState Source #
Helper datastructure to implement a stateful transformation in offsetInstructionOpt
OffSt | |
emptyState :: OffsetState Source #
Start state for offsetInstructionOpt
offsetInstructionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized Source #
Implement the offset instruction optimization. This is probably the most complex optimization implemented in the library.
In streams of instructions between loops, there is no need to keep updating the current position if we can keep track of where the different operations should be applied. This is a trade-off of time (not updating the pointer) by space (keeping track of the offset in every operation). For example the following unoptimized code
offsetInstructionOpt $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Move 2, Clear 0, Mul 2 0 1, Loop []]
[Loop [],Inc 1 1,Clear 3,Mul 2 3 1,Move 3,Loop []]
And the optimization eliminated one Move
instruction. In general, for larger programs the gain
will be more noticeable.
An important detail to take into account is that Scan
operations break the stream of operations
that can be optimized together, and turn the accumulated offset back to zero:
offsetInstructionOpt $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Scan Up 0, Inc 0 2, Loop []]
[Loop [],Inc 1 1,Scan Up 1,Inc 0 2,Loop []]
Loading Compiled Code
load :: ByteString -> Program Optimized Source #
Load a compiled program from saveCompilerOutput
loadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Program Optimized) Source #
Load a compiled program saved with saveCompilerOutput
Compiler Flags
data CompilerOptions Source #
Command line flags to the Brainfuck compiler
CompilerOptions | |
defaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions Source #
Default compiler options: all optimizations, not verbose, no input or output files.
noOptimizationCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions Source #
Compiler options: all optimizations off.
parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult CompilerOptions Source #
Parse a list of command line arguments
unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO CompilerOptions Source #
Parse a list of command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
parse :: IO CompilerOptions Source #
Parse command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
Implementation Detail: Parsing Lists of Instructions
type ProgramParser a = ParsecT [Op] () Identity a Source #
This parser is used to implement the mul optimization. See mulOpt
satisfy' :: Show t => (t -> Bool) -> ParsecT [t] () Identity t Source #
Parse successfully if the token satisfies the predicate.
mrightP :: ProgramParser MemOffset Source #
Parse movement to the right (>), returning the offset value.
Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move 3]
Right 3
Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move (-1)]
mleftP :: ProgramParser MemOffset Source #
Parsemovement to the left (<), returning the offset value.
Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move (-3)]
Right 3
Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move 1]
plusP :: ProgramParser Int Source #
Parse increment, returning total increment.
Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc 3 0]
Right 3
Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc (-2) 0]
minusP :: ProgramParser Int Source #
Parse decrement, returning total decrement.
Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc (-3) 0]
Right 3
Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc 2 0]
summedP :: Num n => ProgramParser n -> ProgramParser n Source #
Sum the result of a parser applied repeatedly
Parsec.parse (summedP plusP) "" [Inc 3 0, Inc 1 0, Inc (-4) 0]
Right 4
mulP :: ProgramParser [(MulFactor, MemOffset)] Source #
Full multiple copy/multiply operation parser. Returns the set of factors and relative, incremental offsets.
Parsec.parse mulP "" [Inc (-1) 0, Move 1, Inc 2 0, Move 3, Inc 1 0, Move (-4)]
Right [(2,1),(1,3)]