hdiff-0.0.1: Pattern-Expression-based differencing of arbitrary types.

Safe HaskellNone




Exports a bunch of functionality for handling metavariables both over recursive positions only, with MetaVarI and over recursive positions and constants, MetaVarIK.



data ForceI :: (Nat -> *) -> Atom kon -> * where Source #

Given a functor from Nat to *, lift it to work over Atom by forcing the atom to be an I.




type MetaVarI = ForceI (Const Int) Source #

A MetaVarI can only take place of a recursive position.

data Annotate (x :: *) (f :: k -> *) :: k -> * where Source #

This is isomorphic to const x &&& f on the type level.


Annotate :: x -> f i -> Annotate x f i 
HasIKProjInj (ki :: kon -> Type) (MetaVarIK ki :: Atom kon -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


konInj :: ki k -> MetaVarIK ki (K k) Source #

varProj :: Proxy ki -> MetaVarIK ki x -> Maybe (IsI x) Source #

HasIKProjInj (ki :: kon -> Type) (Holes2 ki codes :: Atom kon -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.Change


konInj :: ki k -> Holes2 ki codes (K k) Source #

varProj :: Proxy ki -> Holes2 ki codes x -> Maybe (IsI x) Source #

TestEquality ki => TestEquality (Annotate x ki :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


testEquality :: Annotate x ki a -> Annotate x ki b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

DigestibleHO ki => DigestibleHO (MetaVarIK ki :: Atom kon -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


digestHO :: MetaVarIK ki ki0 -> Digest Source #

Eq (Exists (MetaVarIK ki)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


(==) :: Exists (MetaVarIK ki) -> Exists (MetaVarIK ki) -> Bool #

(/=) :: Exists (MetaVarIK ki) -> Exists (MetaVarIK ki) -> Bool #

(EqHO ki, TestEquality ki) => Eq (Exists (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki))) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.Change.Classify


(==) :: Exists (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) -> Exists (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) -> Bool #

(/=) :: Exists (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) -> Exists (Holes ki codes (MetaVarIK ki)) -> Bool #

Ord (Exists (MetaVarIK ki)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar

(EqHO f, Eq x) => Eq (Annotate x f k2) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


(==) :: Annotate x f k2 -> Annotate x f k2 -> Bool #

(/=) :: Annotate x f k2 -> Annotate x f k2 -> Bool #

(ShowHO f, Show x) => Show (Annotate x f k2) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.HDiff.MetaVar


showsPrec :: Int -> Annotate x f k2 -> ShowS #

show :: Annotate x f k2 -> String #

showList :: [Annotate x f k2] -> ShowS #

type MetaVarIK ki = NA (Annotate Int ki) (Const Int) Source #

A MetaVarIK can be over a opaque type and a recursive position

We keep the actual value of the constant around purely because sometimes we need to compare the indexes for equality. It is possible to remove that but this will require some instance like IsNat to be bubbled up all the way to generics-mrsop.

TODO: add a IsOpq instance and remove Annotate altogether. we need a method with type defOpq :: Proxy k -> ki k, we can then piggyback on testEquality for ki. The HasIKProjInj instance is part of this same hack.

metavarGet :: MetaVarIK ki at -> Int Source #

Returns the metavariable forgetting about type information

metavarAdd :: Int -> MetaVarIK ki at -> MetaVarIK ki at Source #

Adds a number to a metavar

Existential MetaVars

metavarIK2Int :: Exists (MetaVarIK ki) -> Int Source #

Retrieves the int inside a existential MetaVarIK

metavarI2Int :: Exists MetaVarI -> Int Source #

Retrieves the int inside a existential MetaVarI

metavarI2IK :: MetaVarI ix -> MetaVarIK ki ix Source #

Injects a metavar over recursive positions into one over opaque types and recursive positions

Instances over Exists