{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Data.WordTrie where

import Prelude hiding (lookup,zipWith)
import Control.Arrow ((***), first, second)

import qualified Data.Map  as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import           Data.Word (Word64)

-- |A Trie indexed by 'Word64's.
data Trie a = Fork
  { trieVal :: Maybe a
  , trieMap :: M.Map Word64 (Trie a)
  } deriving (Eq)

instance Show a => Show (Trie a) where
  show = unlines . map show . toList

instance Functor Trie where
  fmap f (Fork v m) = Fork (f <$> v) (fmap (fmap f) m)

-- |The empty trie
empty :: Trie a
empty = Fork Nothing M.empty

-- |Inserts or modifies an element to a trie
insertWith :: a -> (a -> a) -> [Word64] -> Trie a -> Trie a
insertWith x f = L.foldl' navigate insHere
    insHere (Fork (Just val) m) = Fork (Just $ f val) m
    insHere (Fork Nothing    m) = Fork (Just x) m

    navigate c w64 (Fork v m)
      = Fork v (M.alter (maybe (Just (c empty)) (Just . c)) w64 m)

-- |Inserts a value overwriting any previous value associated
--  with this key
insert :: a -> [Word64] -> Trie a -> Trie a
insert x = insertWith x (const x)

-- |Performs a lookup on a trie
lookup :: [Word64] -> Trie a -> Maybe a
lookup = L.foldl' navigate trieVal
    navigate c w64 tr = M.lookup w64 (trieMap tr) >>= c

-- |Computes the intersection of two tries
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Trie a -> Trie b -> Trie c
zipWith f (Fork va ma) (Fork vb mb)
  = Fork (f <$> va <*> vb) (M.intersectionWith (zipWith f) ma mb)

-- |Maps over the trie carrying an accumulating parameter
--  around
mapAccum :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> Trie b -> (a, Trie c)
mapAccum f acc (Fork vb mb)
  = let (acc' , vc) = maybe (acc , Nothing) ((id *** Just) . f acc) vb
     in (id *** Fork vc) $ M.mapAccum (mapAccum f) acc' mb

-- |Flattens a trie into a list
toList :: Trie a -> [([Word64] , a)]
toList (Fork va ma) = maybe id ((:) . ([],)) va
  $ concatMap (distr1 . second toList) $ M.toList ma
    distr1 (w , rest) = map (first (w:)) rest