Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Summary = Summary {}
- data Report a = Report {
- reportTests :: !TestCount
- reportDiscards :: !DiscardCount
- reportCoverage :: !(Coverage CoverCount)
- reportStatus :: !a
- data Progress
- data Result
- = Failed !FailureReport
- | GaveUp
- | OK
- data FailureReport = FailureReport {
- failureSize :: !Size
- failureSeed :: !Seed
- failureShrinks :: !ShrinkCount
- failureCoverage :: !(Maybe (Coverage CoverCount))
- failureAnnotations :: ![FailedAnnotation]
- failureLocation :: !(Maybe Span)
- failureMessage :: !String
- failureDiff :: !(Maybe Diff)
- failureFootnotes :: ![String]
- data FailedAnnotation = FailedAnnotation {
- failedSpan :: !(Maybe Span)
- failedValue :: !String
- data Style
- data Markup
- = WaitingIcon
- | WaitingHeader
- | RunningIcon
- | RunningHeader
- | ShrinkingIcon
- | ShrinkingHeader
- | FailedIcon
- | FailedText
- | GaveUpIcon
- | GaveUpText
- | SuccessIcon
- | SuccessText
- | CoverageIcon
- | CoverageText
- | CoverageFill
- | DeclarationLocation
- | StyledLineNo !Style
- | StyledBorder !Style
- | StyledSource !Style
- | AnnotationGutter
- | AnnotationValue
- | FailureArrows
- | FailureGutter
- | FailureMessage
- | DiffPrefix
- | DiffInfix
- | DiffSuffix
- | DiffSame
- | DiffRemoved
- | DiffAdded
- | ReproduceHeader
- | ReproduceGutter
- | ReproduceSource
- renderProgress :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Maybe PropertyName -> Report Progress -> m String
- renderResult :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Maybe PropertyName -> Report Result -> m String
- renderSummary :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Summary -> m String
- renderDoc :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Doc Markup -> m String
- ppProgress :: MonadIO m => Maybe PropertyName -> Report Progress -> m (Doc Markup)
- ppResult :: MonadIO m => Maybe PropertyName -> Report Result -> m (Doc Markup)
- ppSummary :: MonadIO m => Summary -> m (Doc Markup)
- fromResult :: Result -> Summary
- mkFailure :: Size -> Seed -> ShrinkCount -> Maybe (Coverage CoverCount) -> Maybe Span -> String -> Maybe Diff -> [Log] -> FailureReport
A summary of all the properties executed.
Summary | |
Fields |
A report on a running or completed property test.
Report | |
Functor Report Source # | |
Foldable Report Source # | |
Defined in Hedgehog.Internal.Report Methods fold :: Monoid m => Report m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Report a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Report a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Report a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Report a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Report a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Report a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Report a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Report a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Report a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Report a -> a # | |
Traversable Report Source # | |
Show a => Show (Report a) Source # | |
The status of a running property test.
Running | |
Shrinking !FailureReport |
The status of a completed property test.
In the case of a failure it provides the seed used for the test, the number of shrinks, and the execution log.
Failed !FailureReport | |
GaveUp | |
OK |
data FailureReport Source #
FailureReport | |
Eq FailureReport Source # | |
Defined in Hedgehog.Internal.Report Methods (==) :: FailureReport -> FailureReport -> Bool # (/=) :: FailureReport -> FailureReport -> Bool # | |
Show FailureReport Source # | |
Defined in Hedgehog.Internal.Report Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FailureReport -> ShowS # show :: FailureReport -> String # showList :: [FailureReport] -> ShowS # |
data FailedAnnotation Source #
FailedAnnotation | |
Eq FailedAnnotation Source # | |
Defined in Hedgehog.Internal.Report Methods (==) :: FailedAnnotation -> FailedAnnotation -> Bool # (/=) :: FailedAnnotation -> FailedAnnotation -> Bool # | |
Show FailedAnnotation Source # | |
Defined in Hedgehog.Internal.Report Methods showsPrec :: Int -> FailedAnnotation -> ShowS # show :: FailedAnnotation -> String # showList :: [FailedAnnotation] -> ShowS # |
StyleDefault | |
StyleAnnotation | |
StyleFailure |
renderProgress :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Maybe PropertyName -> Report Progress -> m String Source #
renderResult :: MonadIO m => UseColor -> Maybe PropertyName -> Report Result -> m String Source #
ppProgress :: MonadIO m => Maybe PropertyName -> Report Progress -> m (Doc Markup) Source #
fromResult :: Result -> Summary Source #
Construct a summary from a single result.