{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hedgehog.Classes.Common.Laws
( Laws(..)
, LawContext(..)
, lawsCheck
, lawsCheckOne
, lawsCheckMany
, contextualise
, reduced
, lawWhere
, congruency
, congruent
, newline
, tab
, tab2
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Data.Monoid (All(..), Ap(..))
import Hedgehog (Gen)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Common.Property (Context(..))
import Hedgehog.Internal.Property (Property(..))
import Hedgehog.Internal.Region (Region)
import Hedgehog.Internal.Report (Report, Result(..), Progress(..), renderProgress, reportStatus)
import Hedgehog.Internal.Runner (checkReport)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import qualified Hedgehog.Classes.Common.PP as PP
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Region as Region
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Seed as Seed
congruent :: String
congruent = " ≡ "
congruency :: String -> String -> String
congruency x y = x ++ congruent ++ y
newline, tab, tab2 :: String
newline = "\n"
tab = " "
tab2 = " "
dagger :: String
dagger = "†"
lawWhere :: [String] -> String
lawWhere [] = []
lawWhere (l:ls) = l ++ newline ++ tab2 ++ lawWhere ls
data Laws = Laws
{ lawsTypeClass :: String
, lawsProperties :: [(String, Property)]
data LawContext = LawContext
{ lawContextLawName :: String
, lawContextLawBody :: String
, lawContextTcName :: String
, lawContextTcProp :: String
, lawContextReduced :: String
reduced :: Show a => a -> a -> String
reduced lhs rhs = show lhs ++ congruent ++ show rhs
contextualise :: LawContext -> Context
contextualise LawContext{..} = Context $ unlines
[ "When testing the " ++ lawContextLawName ++ " law(" ++ dagger ++"), for the " ++ lawContextTcName ++ " typeclass, the following test failed: "
, newline ++ lawContextTcProp
, newline ++ "The reduced test is: "
, tab2 ++ lawContextReduced
, newline ++ "The law in question: "
, tab2 ++ "(" ++ dagger ++ ") " ++ lawContextLawName ++ " Law: " ++ lawContextLawBody
lawsCheck ::
-> IO Bool
lawsCheck = fmap getAll . lawsCheckInternal
lawsCheckOne ::
Gen a
-> [Gen a -> Laws]
-> IO Bool
lawsCheckOne g = fmap getAll . lawsCheckOneInternal g
lawsCheckMany ::
[(String, [Laws])]
-> IO Bool
lawsCheckMany = fmap getAll . lawsCheckManyInternal
lawsCheckInternal :: Laws -> IO All
lawsCheckInternal (Laws className properties) =
flip foldMapA properties $ \(name,p) -> do
putStr (className ++ ": " ++ name ++ " ")
All <$> check p
lawsCheckOneInternal :: Gen a -> [Gen a -> Laws] -> IO All
lawsCheckOneInternal p ls = foldMap (lawsCheckInternal . ($ p)) ls
lawsCheckManyInternal :: [(String, [Laws])] -> IO All
lawsCheckManyInternal xs = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Testing properties for common typeclasses..."
putStrLn ""
r <- flip foldMapA xs $ \(typeName, laws) -> do
putStrLn $ prettyHeader typeName
r <- flip foldMapA laws $ \(Laws typeclassName properties) -> do
flip foldMapA properties $ \(name,p) -> do
putStr (typeclassName ++ ": " ++ name ++ " ")
check p >>= \case { True -> pure Good; _ -> pure Bad }
putStrLn ""
pure r
putStrLn ""
case r of
Good -> putStrLn "All tests succeeded" *> pure mempty
Bad -> do
putStrLn "One or more tests failed"
foldMapA :: (Foldable t, Monoid m, Applicative f) => (a -> f m) -> t a -> f m
foldMapA f = getAp . foldMap (Ap . f)
prettyHeader :: String -> String
prettyHeader s = unlines [topLine, middleLine, bottomLine]
line = replicate (length s + 6) '-'
topLine = line
bottomLine = line
middleLine = "-- " ++ s ++ " --"
data Status = Bad | Good
instance Semigroup Status where
Good <> x = x
Bad <> _ = Bad
instance Monoid Status where
mempty = Good
checkRegion :: MonadIO m
=> Region
-> Property
-> m (Report Result)
checkRegion region prop = liftIO $ do
seed <- liftIO Seed.random
result <- checkReport (propertyConfig prop) 0 seed (propertyTest prop) $ \progress -> do
ppprogress <- renderProgress Nothing Nothing progress
case reportStatus progress of
Running -> Region.setRegion region ppprogress
Shrinking _ -> Region.openRegion region ppprogress
ppresult <- PP.renderResult result
case reportStatus result of
Failed _ -> Region.openRegion region ppresult
GaveUp -> Region.openRegion region ppresult
OK -> Region.setRegion region ppresult
pure result
check :: MonadIO m
=> Property
-> m Bool
check prop = liftIO . Region.displayRegion $ \region ->
(== OK) . reportStatus <$> checkRegion region prop