{-| This library provides sets of properties that should hold for common

    /Note:/ on GHC < 8.5, this library uses the higher-kinded typeclasses
    ('Data.Functor.Classes.Show1', 'Data.Functor.Classes.Eq1', 'Data.Functor.Classes.Ord1', etc.),
    but on GHC >= 8.5, it uses `-XQuantifiedConstraints` to express these
    constraints more cleanly.
module Hedgehog.Classes
  ( -- * Running
  , lawsCheckOne
  , lawsCheckMany

    -- * Properties
    -- ** Ground types
  , bitsLaws
  , eqLaws
  , integralLaws
  , monoidLaws
  , commutativeMonoidLaws
  , ordLaws
--  , ixLaws
  , enumLaws
  , boundedEnumLaws
  , semigroupLaws
  , commutativeSemigroupLaws
  , exponentialSemigroupLaws
  , idempotentSemigroupLaws
  , rectangularBandSemigroupLaws
  , showLaws
  , showReadLaws
  , storableLaws
  , genericLaws
  , jsonLaws

    -- ** Unary type constructors
  , alternativeLaws
  , applicativeLaws
  , contravariantLaws
  , foldableLaws
  , functorLaws
  , monadLaws
--  , monadFixLaws
  , monadIOLaws
  , monadPlusLaws
  , monadZipLaws
  , traversableLaws

    -- ** Binary type constructors
  , arrowLaws
  , bifoldableLaws
  , bifoldableFunctorLaws
  , bifunctorLaws
  , bitraversableLaws
  , categoryLaws
  , commutativeCategoryLaws

    -- * Defining your own laws
  , Laws(..)
  , LawContext(..)
  , Context(..)
  , contextualise

    -- * Hedgehog equality tests sans source information
  , hLessThan, hGreaterThan
  , heq, heq1, heq2
  , heqCtx, heqCtx1, heqCtx2
  , hneq, hneq1, hneq2
  , hneqCtx, hneqCtx1, hneqCtx2
  ) where

import Hedgehog.Classes.Alternative (alternativeLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Applicative (applicativeLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Arrow (arrowLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Bifoldable (bifoldableLaws, bifoldableFunctorLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Bifunctor (bifunctorLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Bitraversable (bitraversableLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Bits (bitsLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Category (categoryLaws, commutativeCategoryLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Common
import Hedgehog.Classes.Contravariant (contravariantLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Enum (enumLaws, boundedEnumLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Eq (eqLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Foldable (foldableLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Functor (functorLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Generic (genericLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Integral (integralLaws)
--import Hedgehog.Classes.Ix (ixLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Json (jsonLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Monad (monadLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.MonadIO (monadIOLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.MonadPlus (monadPlusLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.MonadZip (monadZipLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Monoid (monoidLaws, commutativeMonoidLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Ord (ordLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Semigroup (semigroupLaws, commutativeSemigroupLaws, exponentialSemigroupLaws, idempotentSemigroupLaws, rectangularBandSemigroupLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Show (showLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.ShowRead (showReadLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Storable (storableLaws)
import Hedgehog.Classes.Traversable (traversableLaws)