{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Redis.ManualCommands where
import Prelude hiding (min, max)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty, append)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Database.Redis.Core
import Database.Redis.Protocol
import Database.Redis.Types
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
objectRefcount key = sendRequest ["OBJECT", "refcount", encode key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
objectIdletime key = sendRequest ["OBJECT", "idletime", encode key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f ByteString)
objectEncoding key = sendRequest ["OBJECT", "encoding", encode key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
linsertBefore key pivot value =
sendRequest ["LINSERT", encode key, "BEFORE", encode pivot, encode value]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
linsertAfter key pivot value =
sendRequest ["LINSERT", encode key, "AFTER", encode pivot, encode value]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f RedisType)
getType key = sendRequest ["TYPE", encode key]
data Slowlog = Slowlog
{ slowlogId :: Integer
, slowlogTimestamp :: Integer
, slowlogMicros :: Integer
, slowlogCmd :: [ByteString]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult Slowlog where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [logId,timestamp,micros,cmd])) = do
slowlogId <- decode logId
slowlogTimestamp <- decode timestamp
slowlogMicros <- decode micros
slowlogCmd <- decode cmd
return Slowlog{..}
decode r = Left r
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> Integer
-> m (f [Slowlog])
slowlogGet n = sendRequest ["SLOWLOG", "GET", encode n]
slowlogLen :: (RedisCtx m f) => m (f Integer)
slowlogLen = sendRequest ["SLOWLOG", "LEN"]
slowlogReset :: (RedisCtx m f) => m (f Status)
slowlogReset = sendRequest ["SLOWLOG", "RESET"]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrange key start stop =
sendRequest ["ZRANGE", encode key, encode start, encode stop]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrangeWithscores key start stop =
sendRequest ["ZRANGE", encode key, encode start, encode stop, "WITHSCORES"]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrevrange key start stop =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGE", encode key, encode start, encode stop]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrevrangeWithscores key start stop =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGE", encode key, encode start, encode stop
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrangebyscore key min max =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrangebyscoreWithscores key min max =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrangebyscoreLimit key min max offset count =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
,"LIMIT", encode offset, encode count]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit key min max offset count =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
,"WITHSCORES","LIMIT", encode offset, encode count]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrevrangebyscore key min max =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrevrangebyscoreWithscores key min max =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrevrangebyscoreLimit key min max offset count =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
,"LIMIT", encode offset, encode count]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Double
-> Double
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [(ByteString, Double)])
zrevrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit key min max offset count =
sendRequest ["ZREVRANGEBYSCORE", encode key, encode min, encode max
,"WITHSCORES","LIMIT", encode offset, encode count]
data SortOpts = SortOpts
{ sortBy :: Maybe ByteString
, sortLimit :: (Integer,Integer)
, sortGet :: [ByteString]
, sortOrder :: SortOrder
, sortAlpha :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultSortOpts :: SortOpts
defaultSortOpts = SortOpts
{ sortBy = Nothing
, sortLimit = (0,-1)
, sortGet = []
, sortOrder = Asc
, sortAlpha = False
data SortOrder = Asc | Desc deriving (Show, Eq)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> SortOpts
-> m (f Integer)
sortStore key dest = sortInternal key (Just dest)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> SortOpts
-> m (f [ByteString])
sort key = sortInternal key Nothing
:: (RedisResult a, RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Maybe ByteString
-> SortOpts
-> m (f a)
sortInternal key destination SortOpts{..} = sendRequest $
concat [["SORT", encode key], by, limit, get, order, alpha, store]
by = maybe [] (\pattern -> ["BY", pattern]) sortBy
limit = let (off,cnt) = sortLimit in ["LIMIT", encode off, encode cnt]
get = concatMap (\pattern -> ["GET", pattern]) sortGet
order = case sortOrder of Desc -> ["DESC"]; Asc -> ["ASC"]
alpha = ["ALPHA" | sortAlpha]
store = maybe [] (\dest -> ["STORE", dest]) destination
data Aggregate = Sum | Min | Max deriving (Show,Eq)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> Aggregate
-> m (f Integer)
zunionstore dest keys =
zstoreInternal "ZUNIONSTORE" dest keys []
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [(ByteString,Double)]
-> Aggregate
-> m (f Integer)
zunionstoreWeights dest kws =
let (keys,weights) = unzip kws
in zstoreInternal "ZUNIONSTORE" dest keys weights
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> Aggregate
-> m (f Integer)
zinterstore dest keys =
zstoreInternal "ZINTERSTORE" dest keys []
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [(ByteString,Double)]
-> Aggregate
-> m (f Integer)
zinterstoreWeights dest kws =
let (keys,weights) = unzip kws
in zstoreInternal "ZINTERSTORE" dest keys weights
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> [Double]
-> Aggregate
-> m (f Integer)
zstoreInternal cmd dest keys weights aggregate = sendRequest $
concat [ [cmd, dest, encode . toInteger $ length keys], keys
, if null weights then [] else "WEIGHTS" : map encode weights
, ["AGGREGATE", aggregate']
aggregate' = case aggregate of
Sum -> "SUM"
Min -> "MIN"
Max -> "MAX"
:: (RedisCtx m f, RedisResult a)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f a)
eval script keys args =
sendRequest $ ["EVAL", script, encode numkeys] ++ keys ++ args
numkeys = toInteger (length keys)
:: (RedisCtx m f, RedisResult a)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f a)
evalsha script keys args =
sendRequest $ ["EVALSHA", script, encode numkeys] ++ keys ++ args
numkeys = toInteger (length keys)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
bitcount key = sendRequest ["BITCOUNT", key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f Integer)
bitcountRange key start end =
sendRequest ["BITCOUNT", key, encode start, encode end]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
bitopAnd dst srcs = bitop "AND" (dst:srcs)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
bitopOr dst srcs = bitop "OR" (dst:srcs)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
bitopXor dst srcs = bitop "XOR" (dst:srcs)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
bitopNot dst src = bitop "NOT" [dst, src]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
bitop op ks = sendRequest $ "BITOP" : op : ks
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f Status)
migrate host port key destinationDb timeout =
sendRequest ["MIGRATE", host, port, key, encode destinationDb, encode timeout]
data MigrateOpts = MigrateOpts
{ migrateCopy :: Bool
, migrateReplace :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultMigrateOpts :: MigrateOpts
defaultMigrateOpts = MigrateOpts
{ migrateCopy = False
, migrateReplace = False
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> MigrateOpts
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Status)
migrateMultiple host port destinationDb timeout MigrateOpts{..} keys =
sendRequest $
concat [["MIGRATE", host, port, empty, encode destinationDb, encode timeout],
copy, replace, keys]
copy = ["COPY" | migrateCopy]
replace = ["REPLACE" | migrateReplace]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> ByteString
-> m (f Status)
restore key timeToLive serializedValue =
sendRequest ["RESTORE", key, encode timeToLive, serializedValue]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> ByteString
-> m (f Status)
restoreReplace key timeToLive serializedValue =
sendRequest ["RESTORE", key, encode timeToLive, serializedValue, "REPLACE"]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Status)
set key value = sendRequest ["SET", key, value]
data Condition = Nx | Xx deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisArg Condition where
encode Nx = "NX"
encode Xx = "XX"
data SetOpts = SetOpts
{ setSeconds :: Maybe Integer
, setMilliseconds :: Maybe Integer
, setCondition :: Maybe Condition
} deriving (Show, Eq)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> SetOpts
-> m (f Status)
setOpts key value SetOpts{..} =
sendRequest $ concat [["SET", key, value], ex, px, condition]
ex = maybe [] (\s -> ["EX", encode s]) setSeconds
px = maybe [] (\s -> ["PX", encode s]) setMilliseconds
condition = map encode $ maybeToList setCondition
data DebugMode = Yes | Sync | No deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisArg DebugMode where
encode Yes = "YES"
encode Sync = "SYNC"
encode No = "NO"
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> DebugMode
-> m (f Bool)
scriptDebug mode =
sendRequest ["SCRIPT DEBUG", encode mode]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [(Double,ByteString)]
-> m (f Integer)
zadd key scoreMembers =
zaddOpts key scoreMembers defaultZaddOpts
data ZaddOpts = ZaddOpts
{ zaddCondition :: Maybe Condition
, zaddChange :: Bool
, zaddIncrement :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultZaddOpts :: ZaddOpts
defaultZaddOpts = ZaddOpts
{ zaddCondition = Nothing
, zaddChange = False
, zaddIncrement = False
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [(Double,ByteString)]
-> ZaddOpts
-> m (f Integer)
zaddOpts key scoreMembers ZaddOpts{..} =
sendRequest $ concat [["ZADD", key], condition, change, increment, scores]
scores = concatMap (\(x,y) -> [encode x,encode y]) scoreMembers
condition = map encode $ maybeToList zaddCondition
change = ["CH" | zaddChange]
increment = ["INCR" | zaddIncrement]
data ReplyMode = On | Off | Skip deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisArg ReplyMode where
encode On = "ON"
encode Off = "OFF"
encode Skip = "SKIP"
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ReplyMode
-> m (f Bool)
clientReply mode =
sendRequest ["CLIENT REPLY", encode mode]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f (Maybe ByteString))
srandmember key = sendRequest ["SRANDMEMBER", key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
srandmemberN key count = sendRequest ["SRANDMEMBER", key, encode count]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f (Maybe ByteString))
spop key = sendRequest ["SPOP", key]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
spopN key count = sendRequest ["SPOP", key, encode count]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> m (f ByteString)
info = sendRequest ["INFO"]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f ByteString)
infoSection section = sendRequest ["INFO", section]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f Bool)
exists key = sendRequest ["EXISTS", key]
newtype Cursor = Cursor ByteString deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisArg Cursor where
encode (Cursor c) = encode c
instance RedisResult Cursor where
decode (Bulk (Just s)) = Right $ Cursor s
decode r = Left r
cursor0 :: Cursor
cursor0 = Cursor "0"
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> Cursor
-> m (f (Cursor, [ByteString]))
scan cursor = scanOpts cursor defaultScanOpts
data ScanOpts = ScanOpts
{ scanMatch :: Maybe ByteString
, scanCount :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultScanOpts :: ScanOpts
defaultScanOpts = ScanOpts
{ scanMatch = Nothing
, scanCount = Nothing
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> Cursor
-> ScanOpts
-> m (f (Cursor, [ByteString]))
scanOpts cursor opts = sendRequest $ addScanOpts ["SCAN", encode cursor] opts
:: [ByteString]
-> ScanOpts
-> [ByteString]
addScanOpts cmd ScanOpts{..} =
concat [cmd, match, count]
prepend x y = [x, y]
match = maybe [] (prepend "MATCH") scanMatch
count = maybe [] ((prepend "COUNT").encode) scanCount
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> m (f (Cursor, [ByteString]))
sscan key cursor = sscanOpts key cursor defaultScanOpts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> ScanOpts
-> m (f (Cursor, [ByteString]))
sscanOpts key cursor opts = sendRequest $ addScanOpts ["SSCAN", key, encode cursor] opts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> m (f (Cursor, [(ByteString, ByteString)]))
hscan key cursor = hscanOpts key cursor defaultScanOpts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> ScanOpts
-> m (f (Cursor, [(ByteString, ByteString)]))
hscanOpts key cursor opts = sendRequest $ addScanOpts ["HSCAN", key, encode cursor] opts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> m (f (Cursor, [(ByteString, Double)]))
zscan key cursor = zscanOpts key cursor defaultScanOpts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> Cursor
-> ScanOpts
-> m (f (Cursor, [(ByteString, Double)]))
zscanOpts key cursor opts = sendRequest $ addScanOpts ["ZSCAN", key, encode cursor] opts
data RangeLex a = Incl a | Excl a | Minr | Maxr
instance RedisArg a => RedisArg (RangeLex a) where
encode (Incl bs) = "[" `append` encode bs
encode (Excl bs) = "(" `append` encode bs
encode Minr = "-"
encode Maxr = "+"
zrangebylex::(RedisCtx m f) =>
-> RangeLex ByteString
-> RangeLex ByteString
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrangebylex key min max =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYLEX", encode key, encode min, encode max]
::(RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> RangeLex ByteString
-> RangeLex ByteString
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> m (f [ByteString])
zrangebylexLimit key min max offset count =
sendRequest ["ZRANGEBYLEX", encode key, encode min, encode max,
"LIMIT", encode offset, encode count]
data TrimOpts = NoArgs | Maxlen Integer | ApproxMaxlen Integer
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> TrimOpts
-> m (f ByteString)
xaddOpts key entryId fieldValues opts = sendRequest $
["XADD", key] ++ optArgs ++ [entryId] ++ fieldArgs
fieldArgs = concatMap (\(x,y) -> [x,y]) fieldValues
optArgs = case opts of
NoArgs -> []
Maxlen max -> ["MAXLEN", encode max]
ApproxMaxlen max -> ["MAXLEN", "~", encode max]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> m (f ByteString)
xadd key entryId fieldValues = xaddOpts key entryId fieldValues NoArgs
data StreamsRecord = StreamsRecord
{ recordId :: ByteString
, keyValues :: [(ByteString, ByteString)]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult StreamsRecord where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [Bulk (Just recordId), MultiBulk (Just rawKeyValues)])) = do
keyValuesList <- mapM decode rawKeyValues
let keyValues = decodeKeyValues keyValuesList
return StreamsRecord{..}
decodeKeyValues :: [ByteString] -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
decodeKeyValues bs = map (\[x,y] -> (x,y)) $ chunksOfTwo bs
chunksOfTwo (x:y:rest) = [x,y]:chunksOfTwo rest
chunksOfTwo _ = []
decode a = Left a
data XReadOpts = XReadOpts
{ block :: Maybe Integer
, recordCount :: Maybe Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultXreadOpts :: XReadOpts
defaultXreadOpts = XReadOpts { block = Nothing, recordCount = Nothing }
data XReadResponse = XReadResponse
{ stream :: ByteString
, records :: [StreamsRecord]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XReadResponse where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [Bulk (Just stream), MultiBulk (Just rawRecords)])) = do
records <- mapM decode rawRecords
return XReadResponse{..}
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> XReadOpts
-> m (f (Maybe [XReadResponse]))
xreadOpts streamsAndIds opts = sendRequest $
["XREAD"] ++ (internalXreadArgs streamsAndIds opts)
internalXreadArgs :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> XReadOpts -> [ByteString]
internalXreadArgs streamsAndIds XReadOpts{..} =
concat [blockArgs, countArgs, ["STREAMS"], streams, recordIds]
blockArgs = maybe [] (\blockMillis -> ["BLOCK", encode blockMillis]) block
countArgs = maybe [] (\countRecords -> ["COUNT", encode countRecords]) recordCount
streams = map (\(stream, _) -> stream) streamsAndIds
recordIds = map (\(_, recordId) -> recordId) streamsAndIds
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> m( f (Maybe [XReadResponse]))
xread streamsAndIds = xreadOpts streamsAndIds defaultXreadOpts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> XReadOpts
-> m (f (Maybe [XReadResponse]))
xreadGroupOpts groupName consumerName streamsAndIds opts = sendRequest $
["XREADGROUP", "GROUP", groupName, consumerName] ++ (internalXreadArgs streamsAndIds opts)
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
-> m (f (Maybe [XReadResponse]))
xreadGroup groupName consumerName streamsAndIds = xreadGroupOpts groupName consumerName streamsAndIds defaultXreadOpts
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Status)
xgroupCreate stream groupName startId = sendRequest $ ["XGROUP", "CREATE", stream, groupName, startId]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Status)
xgroupSetId stream group messageId = sendRequest ["XGROUP", "SETID", stream, group, messageId]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
xgroupDelConsumer stream group consumer = sendRequest ["XGROUP", "DELCONSUMER", stream, group, consumer]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f Bool)
xgroupDestroy stream group = sendRequest ["XGROUP", "DESTROY", stream, group]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
xack stream groupName messageIds = sendRequest $ ["XACK", stream, groupName] ++ messageIds
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Integer
-> m (f [StreamsRecord])
xrange stream start end count = sendRequest $ ["XRANGE", stream, start, end] ++ countArgs
where countArgs = maybe [] (\c -> ["COUNT", encode c]) count
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Integer
-> m (f [StreamsRecord])
xrevRange stream end start count = sendRequest $ ["XREVRANGE", stream, end, start] ++ countArgs
where countArgs = maybe [] (\c -> ["COUNT", encode c]) count
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f Integer)
xlen stream = sendRequest ["XLEN", stream]
data XPendingSummaryResponse = XPendingSummaryResponse
{ numPendingMessages :: Integer
, smallestPendingMessageId :: ByteString
, largestPendingMessageId :: ByteString
, numPendingMessagesByconsumer :: [(ByteString, Integer)]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XPendingSummaryResponse where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [
Integer numPendingMessages,
Bulk (Just smallestPendingMessageId),
Bulk (Just largestPendingMessageId),
MultiBulk (Just [MultiBulk (Just rawGroupsAndCounts)])])) = do
let groupsAndCounts = chunksOfTwo rawGroupsAndCounts
numPendingMessagesByconsumer <- decodeGroupsAndCounts groupsAndCounts
return XPendingSummaryResponse{..}
decodeGroupsAndCounts :: [(Reply, Reply)] -> Either Reply [(ByteString, Integer)]
decodeGroupsAndCounts bs = sequence $ map decodeGroupCount bs
decodeGroupCount :: (Reply, Reply) -> Either Reply (ByteString, Integer)
decodeGroupCount (x, y) = do
decodedX <- decode x
decodedY <- decode y
return (decodedX, decodedY)
chunksOfTwo (x:y:rest) = (x,y):chunksOfTwo rest
chunksOfTwo _ = []
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Maybe ByteString
-> m (f XPendingSummaryResponse)
xpendingSummary stream group consumer = sendRequest $ ["XPENDING", stream, group] ++ consumerArg
where consumerArg = maybe [] (\c -> [c]) consumer
data XPendingDetailRecord = XPendingDetailRecord
{ messageId :: ByteString
, consumer :: ByteString
, millisSinceLastDelivered :: Integer
, numTimesDelivered :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XPendingDetailRecord where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [
Bulk (Just messageId) ,
Bulk (Just consumer),
Integer millisSinceLastDelivered,
Integer numTimesDelivered])) = Right XPendingDetailRecord{..}
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> Maybe ByteString
-> m (f [XPendingDetailRecord])
xpendingDetail stream group startId endId count consumer = sendRequest $
["XPENDING", stream, group, startId, endId, encode count] ++ consumerArg
where consumerArg = maybe [] (\c -> [c]) consumer
data XClaimOpts = XClaimOpts
{ xclaimIdle :: Maybe Integer
, xclaimTime :: Maybe Integer
, xclaimRetryCount :: Maybe Integer
, xclaimForce :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultXClaimOpts :: XClaimOpts
defaultXClaimOpts = XClaimOpts
{ xclaimIdle = Nothing
, xclaimTime = Nothing
, xclaimRetryCount = Nothing
, xclaimForce = False
:: ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> XClaimOpts
-> [ByteString]
-> [ByteString]
xclaimRequest stream group consumer minIdleTime XClaimOpts{..} messageIds =
["XCLAIM", stream, group, consumer, encode minIdleTime] ++ ( map encode messageIds ) ++ optArgs
where optArgs = idleArg ++ timeArg ++ retryCountArg ++ forceArg
idleArg = optArg "IDLE" xclaimIdle
timeArg = optArg "TIME" xclaimTime
retryCountArg = optArg "RETRYCOUNT" xclaimRetryCount
forceArg = if xclaimForce then ["FORCE"] else []
optArg name maybeArg = maybe [] (\x -> [name, encode x]) maybeArg
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> XClaimOpts
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f [StreamsRecord])
xclaim stream group consumer minIdleTime opts messageIds = sendRequest $
xclaimRequest stream group consumer minIdleTime opts messageIds
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> Integer
-> XClaimOpts
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f [ByteString])
xclaimJustIds stream group consumer minIdleTime opts messageIds = sendRequest $
(xclaimRequest stream group consumer minIdleTime opts messageIds) ++ ["JUSTID"]
data XInfoConsumersResponse = XInfoConsumersResponse
{ xinfoConsumerName :: ByteString
, xinfoConsumerNumPendingMessages :: Integer
, xinfoConsumerIdleTime :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XInfoConsumersResponse where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [
Bulk (Just "name"),
Bulk (Just xinfoConsumerName),
Bulk (Just "pending"),
Integer xinfoConsumerNumPendingMessages,
Bulk (Just "idle"),
Integer xinfoConsumerIdleTime])) = Right XInfoConsumersResponse{..}
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> m (f [XInfoConsumersResponse])
xinfoConsumers stream group = sendRequest $ ["XINFO", "CONSUMERS", stream, group]
data XInfoGroupsResponse = XInfoGroupsResponse
{ xinfoGroupsGroupName :: ByteString
, xinfoGroupsNumConsumers :: Integer
, xinfoGroupsNumPendingMessages :: Integer
, xinfoGroupsLastDeliveredMessageId :: ByteString
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XInfoGroupsResponse where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [
Bulk (Just "name"),Bulk (Just xinfoGroupsGroupName),
Bulk (Just "consumers"),Integer xinfoGroupsNumConsumers,
Bulk (Just "pending"),Integer xinfoGroupsNumPendingMessages,
Bulk (Just "last-delivered-id"),Bulk (Just xinfoGroupsLastDeliveredMessageId)])) = Right XInfoGroupsResponse{..}
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f [XInfoGroupsResponse])
xinfoGroups stream = sendRequest ["XINFO", "GROUPS", stream]
data XInfoStreamResponse = XInfoStreamResponse
{ xinfoStreamLength :: Integer
, xinfoStreamRadixTreeKeys :: Integer
, xinfoStreamRadixTreeNodes :: Integer
, xinfoStreamNumGroups :: Integer
, xinfoStreamLastEntryId :: ByteString
, xinfoStreamFirstEntry :: StreamsRecord
, xinfoStreamLastEntry :: StreamsRecord
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RedisResult XInfoStreamResponse where
decode (MultiBulk (Just [
Bulk (Just "length"),Integer xinfoStreamLength,
Bulk (Just "radix-tree-keys"),Integer xinfoStreamRadixTreeKeys,
Bulk (Just "radix-tree-nodes"),Integer xinfoStreamRadixTreeNodes,
Bulk (Just "groups"),Integer xinfoStreamNumGroups,
Bulk (Just "last-generated-id"),Bulk (Just xinfoStreamLastEntryId),
Bulk (Just "first-entry"), rawFirstEntry ,
Bulk (Just "last-entry"), rawLastEntry ])) = do
xinfoStreamFirstEntry <- decode rawFirstEntry
xinfoStreamLastEntry <- decode rawLastEntry
return XInfoStreamResponse{..}
decode a = Left a
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> m (f XInfoStreamResponse)
xinfoStream stream = sendRequest ["XINFO", "STREAM", stream]
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> m (f Integer)
xdel stream messageIds = sendRequest $ ["XDEL", stream] ++ messageIds
:: (RedisCtx m f)
=> ByteString
-> TrimOpts
-> m (f Integer)
xtrim stream opts = sendRequest $ ["XTRIM", stream] ++ optArgs
optArgs = case opts of
NoArgs -> []
Maxlen max -> ["MAXLEN", encode max]
ApproxMaxlen max -> ["MAXLEN", "~", encode max]