{-# language
  , DeriveDataTypeable
  , FlexibleContexts
  , GADTs
  , OverloadedStrings
  , DefaultSignatures
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , FlexibleInstances
  , LambdaCase
  , TemplateHaskell
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-defaults #-}
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Generics.Encode.Internal
-- Description :  Generic encoding of algebraic datatypes
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marco Zocca (2019)
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  ocramz fripost org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Generic encoding of algebraic datatypes, using @generics-sop@
-- Examples, inspiration and code borrowed from :
-- * @basic-sop@ - generic show function : https://hackage.haskell.org/package/basic-sop-
-- * @tree-diff@ - single-typed ADT reconstruction : http://hackage.haskell.org/package/tree-diff-0.0.2/docs/src/Data.TreeDiff.Class.html#sopToExpr
module Data.Generics.Encode.Internal (gflattenHM, gflattenGT,
                                      -- * VP (Primitive types)
                                      -- ** Lenses
                                      vpInt, vpDouble, vpFloat, vpString, vpText, vpBool, vpScientific, vpChar, vpOneHot,
                                      -- ** 'MonadThrow' getters
                                     getIntM, getInt8M, getInt16M, getInt32M, getInt64M, getWordM, getWord8M, getWord16M, getWord32M, getWord64M, getBoolM, getFloatM, getDoubleM, getScientificM, getCharM, getStringM, getTextM, getOneHotM, TypeError(..),
                                     -- * TC (Type and Constructor annotation)
                                     TC(..), tcTyN, tcTyCon, mkTyN, mkTyCon,
                                     -- * Heidi (generic ADT encoding)
                                     Heidi) where

import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

-- exceptions
import Control.Monad.Catch(Exception(..), MonadThrow(..))
-- generics-sop
import Generics.SOP (All, DatatypeName, datatypeName, DatatypeInfo, FieldInfo(..), FieldName, ConstructorInfo(..), constructorInfo, All, All2, hcliftA2, hcmap, Proxy(..), SOP(..), NP(..), I(..), K(..), mapIK, hcollapse)
-- import Generics.SOP.NP (cpure_NP)
-- import Generics.SOP.Constraint (SListIN)
import Generics.SOP.GGP (GCode, GDatatypeInfo, GFrom, gdatatypeInfo, gfrom)
-- generic-trie
import qualified Data.GenericTrie as GT
-- hashable
import Data.Hashable (Hashable(..))
-- microlens-th
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
-- scientific
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
-- text
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)

-- import Data.Time (Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay)
-- import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
-- import qualified Data.GenericTrie as GT

import Data.Generics.Encode.OneHot (OneHot, mkOH)
-- import Data.List (unfoldr)
-- import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-- import qualified Data.Sequence as S (Seq(..), empty)
-- import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>))

import Prelude hiding (getChar)

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric
-- >>> import qualified GHC.Generics as G

-- | Primitive types
-- NB : this is just a convenience for unityping the dataframe contents, but it should not be exposed to the library users 
data VP =
     VPInt    { _vpInt :: Int }    -- ^ 'Int'
   | VPInt8   Int8  -- ^ 'Int8'
   | VPInt16   Int16  -- ^ 'Int16'
   | VPInt32   Int32 -- ^ 'Int32'
   | VPInt64   Int64 -- ^ 'Int64'
   | VPWord   Word   -- ^ 'Word'
   | VPWord8   Word8  -- ^ 'Word8'
   | VPWord16   Word16 -- ^ 'Word16'
   | VPWord32   Word32 -- ^ 'Word32'
   | VPWord64   Word64   -- ^ 'Word64'
   | VPBool   { _vpBool :: Bool } -- ^ 'Bool'
   | VPFloat  { _vpFloat :: Float } -- ^ 'Float'
   | VPDouble { _vpDouble :: Double } -- ^ 'Double'
   | VPScientific { _vpScientific :: Scientific } -- ^ 'Scientific'
   | VPChar   { _vpChar :: Char } -- ^ 'Char'
   | VPString { _vpString :: String } -- ^ 'String'
   | VPText   { _vpText :: Text } -- ^ 'Text'
   | VPOH     { _vpOneHot :: OneHot Int }  -- ^ 1-hot encoding of an enum value
   deriving (Eq, Ord, G.Generic)
instance Hashable VP
makeLenses ''VP

instance Show VP where
  show = \case
    VPInt x -> show x
    VPInt8 x -> show x
    VPInt16 x -> show x
    VPInt32 x -> show x
    VPInt64 x -> show x
    VPWord x -> show x
    VPWord8 x -> show x
    VPWord16 x -> show x
    VPWord32 x -> show x
    VPWord64 x -> show x
    VPBool b   -> show b
    VPFloat f -> show f
    VPDouble d -> show d
    VPScientific s -> show s
    VPChar d -> pure d
    VPString s -> s
    VPText t -> unpack t
    VPOH oh -> show oh

-- | Flatten a value into a 1-layer hashmap, via the value's generic encoding
gflattenHM :: Heidi a => a -> HM.HashMap [TC] VP
gflattenHM = flattenHM . toVal

-- | Flatten a value into a 'GT.Trie', via the value's generic encoding
gflattenGT :: Heidi a => a -> GT.Trie [TC] VP
gflattenGT = flattenGT . toVal

-- -- | Commands for manipulating lists of TC's
-- data TCAlg = TCAnyTyCon String -- ^ Matches any type constructor name
--            | TCFirstTyCon String -- ^ " first type constructor name
--            | TCAnyTyN String -- ^ " any type name
--            | TCFirstTyN String -- ^ first type name

-- | A (type, constructor) name pair
data TC = TC String String deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, G.Generic)
instance Hashable TC
instance GT.TrieKey TC

-- | Type name
tcTyN :: TC -> String
tcTyN (TC n _) = n
-- | Type constructor
tcTyCon :: TC -> String
tcTyCon (TC _ c) = c

-- | Create a fake TC with the given string as type constructor
mkTyCon :: String -> TC
mkTyCon x = TC "" x

-- | Create a fake TC with the given string as type name
mkTyN :: String -> TC
mkTyN x = TC x ""

-- | Fold a 'Val' into a 1-layer hashmap indexed by the input value's (type, constructor) metadata
flattenHM :: Val -> HM.HashMap [TC] VP
flattenHM = flatten HM.empty HM.insert

-- | Fold a 'Val' into a 1-layer 'GT.Trie' indexed by the input value's (type, constructor) metadata
flattenGT :: Val -> GT.Trie [TC] VP
flattenGT = flatten GT.empty GT.insert

flatten :: t -> ([TC] -> VP -> t -> t) -> Val -> t
flatten z insf = go ([], z) where
  insRev ks = insf (reverse ks)
  go (ks, hmacc) = \case
    VRec ty hm     -> HM.foldlWithKey' (\hm' k t -> go (TC ty k : ks, hm') t) hmacc hm
    VEnum ty cn oh -> insRev (TC ty cn : ks) (VPOH oh) hmacc
    VPrim vp       -> insRev ks vp hmacc

-- flatten' z insf = go ([], z) where
--   insRev ks = insf (reverse ks)
--   go (ks, hmacc) = \case
--     VRec ty hm     -> HM.foldlWithKey' (\hm' k t -> go (TC ty k : ks, hm') t) hmacc hm
--     -- VEnum ty cn oh -> insRev (TC ty cn : ks) (VPOH oh) hmacc
--     -- VPrim vp       -> insRev ks vp hmacc

-- | Internal representation of encoded ADTs values
-- The first String parameter contains the type name at the given level, the second contains the type constructor name
data Val =
     VRec   String        (HM.HashMap String Val) -- ^ recursion
   | VEnum  String String (OneHot Int)            -- ^ 1-hot encoding of an enum
   | VPrim  VP                                    -- ^ primitive types
   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Typeclass for types which have a generic encoding.
-- NOTE: if your type has a 'G.Generic' instance you just need to declare an empty instance of 'Heidi' for it.
-- example:
-- @
-- data A = A Int Char deriving ('G.Generic')
-- instance 'Heidi' A
-- @
class Heidi a where
  toVal :: a -> Val
  default toVal ::
    (G.Generic a, All2 Heidi (GCode a), GFrom a, GDatatypeInfo a) => a -> Val
  toVal x = sopHeidi (gdatatypeInfo (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (gfrom x)

sopHeidi :: All2 Heidi xss => DatatypeInfo xss -> SOP I xss -> Val
sopHeidi di sop@(SOP xss) = hcollapse $ hcliftA2
    (Proxy :: Proxy (All Heidi))
    (\ci xs -> K (mkVal ci xs tyName oneHot))
    (constructorInfo di)
     tyName = datatypeName di
     oneHot = mkOH di sop

mkVal :: All Heidi xs =>
         ConstructorInfo xs -> NP I xs -> DatatypeName -> OneHot Int -> Val
mkVal cinfo xs tyn oh = case cinfo of
    Infix cn _ _  -> VRec cn $ mkAnonProd xs
    Constructor cn
      | null cns  -> VEnum tyn cn oh
      | otherwise -> VRec cn  $ mkAnonProd xs
    Record _ fi   -> VRec tyn $ mkProd fi xs
    cns :: [Val]
    cns = npHeidis xs

mkProd :: All Heidi xs => NP FieldInfo xs -> NP I xs -> HM.HashMap String Val
mkProd fi xs = HM.fromList $ hcollapse $ hcliftA2 (Proxy :: Proxy Heidi) mk fi xs where
  mk :: Heidi v => FieldInfo v -> I v -> K (FieldName, Val) v
  mk (FieldInfo n) (I x) = K (n, toVal x)

mkAnonProd :: All Heidi xs => NP I xs -> HM.HashMap String Val
mkAnonProd xs = HM.fromList $ zip labels cns where
  cns = npHeidis xs

npHeidis :: All Heidi xs => NP I xs -> [Val]
npHeidis xs = hcollapse $ hcmap (Proxy :: Proxy Heidi) (mapIK toVal) xs

-- | >>> take 3 labels
-- ["_0","_1","_2"]
labels :: [String]
labels = map (('_' :) . show) [0 ..]

-- instance Heidi () where toVal = VPrim VUnit
instance Heidi Bool where toVal = VPrim . VPBool
instance Heidi Int where toVal = VPrim . VPInt
instance Heidi Int8 where toVal = VPrim . VPInt8
instance Heidi Int16 where toVal = VPrim . VPInt16
instance Heidi Int32 where toVal = VPrim . VPInt32
instance Heidi Int64 where toVal = VPrim . VPInt64
instance Heidi Word8 where toVal = VPrim . VPWord8
instance Heidi Word16 where toVal = VPrim . VPWord16
instance Heidi Word32 where toVal = VPrim . VPWord32
instance Heidi Word64 where toVal = VPrim . VPWord64
instance Heidi Float where toVal = VPrim . VPFloat
instance Heidi Double where toVal = VPrim . VPDouble
instance Heidi Scientific where toVal = VPrim . VPScientific
instance Heidi Char where toVal = VPrim . VPChar
instance Heidi String where toVal = VPrim . VPString
instance Heidi Text where toVal = VPrim . VPText

instance Heidi a => Heidi (Maybe a) where
  toVal = \case
    Nothing -> VRec "Maybe" HM.empty
    Just x  -> VRec "Maybe" $ HM.singleton "Just" $ toVal x

instance (Heidi a, Heidi b) => Heidi (Either a b) where
  toVal = \case
    Left  l -> VRec "Either" $ HM.singleton "Left" $ toVal l
    Right r -> VRec "Either" $ HM.singleton "Right" $ toVal r

instance (Heidi a, Heidi b) => Heidi (a, b) where
  toVal (x, y) = VRec "(,)" $ HM.fromList $ zip labels [toVal x, toVal y]

instance (Heidi a, Heidi b, Heidi c) => Heidi (a, b, c) where
  toVal (x, y, z) = VRec "(,,)" $ HM.fromList $ zip labels [toVal x, toVal y, toVal z]

-- | Extract an Int
getInt :: VP -> Maybe Int
getInt = \case {VPInt i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract an Int8
getInt8 :: VP -> Maybe Int8
getInt8 = \case {VPInt8 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract an Int16
getInt16 :: VP -> Maybe Int16
getInt16 = \case {VPInt16 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract an Int32
getInt32 :: VP -> Maybe Int32
getInt32 = \case {VPInt32 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract an Int64
getInt64 :: VP -> Maybe Int64
getInt64 = \case {VPInt64 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Word
getWord :: VP -> Maybe Word
getWord = \case {VPWord i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Word8
getWord8 :: VP -> Maybe Word8
getWord8 = \case {VPWord8 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Word16
getWord16 :: VP -> Maybe Word16
getWord16 = \case {VPWord16 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Word32
getWord32 :: VP -> Maybe Word32
getWord32 = \case {VPWord32 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Word64
getWord64 :: VP -> Maybe Word64
getWord64 = \case {VPWord64 i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Bool
getBool :: VP -> Maybe Bool
getBool = \case {VPBool i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Float
getFloat :: VP -> Maybe Float
getFloat = \case {VPFloat i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Double
getDouble :: VP -> Maybe Double
getDouble = \case {VPDouble i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Scientific
getScientific :: VP -> Maybe Scientific
getScientific = \case {VPScientific i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Char
getChar :: VP -> Maybe Char
getChar = \case {VPChar i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a String
getString :: VP -> Maybe String
getString = \case {VPString i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a Text string
getText :: VP -> Maybe Text
getText = \case {VPText i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}
-- | Extract a OneHot value
getOneHot :: VP -> Maybe (OneHot Int)
getOneHot = \case {VPOH i -> Just i; _ -> Nothing}

-- | Helper function for decoding into a 'MonadThrow'.
decodeM :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) =>
           e -> (a -> m b) -> Maybe a -> m b
decodeM e = maybe (throwM e)

getIntM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Int
getIntM x = decodeM IntCastE pure (getInt x)
getInt8M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Int8
getInt8M x = decodeM Int8CastE pure (getInt8 x)
getInt16M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Int16
getInt16M x = decodeM Int16CastE pure (getInt16 x)
getInt32M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Int32
getInt32M x = decodeM Int32CastE pure (getInt32 x)
getInt64M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Int64
getInt64M x = decodeM Int64CastE pure (getInt64 x)
getWordM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Word
getWordM x = decodeM WordCastE pure (getWord x)
getWord8M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Word8
getWord8M x = decodeM Word8CastE pure (getWord8 x)
getWord16M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Word16
getWord16M x = decodeM Word16CastE pure (getWord16 x)
getWord32M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Word32
getWord32M x = decodeM Word32CastE pure (getWord32 x)
getWord64M :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Word64
getWord64M x = decodeM Word64CastE pure (getWord64 x)
getBoolM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Bool
getBoolM x = decodeM BoolCastE pure (getBool x)
getFloatM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Float
getFloatM x = decodeM FloatCastE pure (getFloat x)
getDoubleM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Double
getDoubleM x = decodeM DoubleCastE pure (getDouble x)
getScientificM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Scientific
getScientificM x = decodeM ScientificCastE pure (getScientific x)
getCharM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Char
getCharM x = decodeM CharCastE pure (getChar x)
getStringM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m String
getStringM x = decodeM StringCastE pure (getString x)
getTextM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m Text
getTextM x = decodeM TextCastE pure (getText x)
getOneHotM :: MonadThrow m => VP -> m (OneHot Int)
getOneHotM x = decodeM OneHotCastE pure (getOneHot x)

-- | Type errors
data TypeError =
  | DoubleCastE
  | ScientificCastE
  | IntCastE
  | Int8CastE
  | Int16CastE
  | Int32CastE
  | Int64CastE
  | WordCastE
  | Word8CastE
  | Word16CastE
  | Word32CastE
  | Word64CastE
  | BoolCastE
  | CharCastE
  | StringCastE
  | TextCastE
  | OneHotCastE
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Exception TypeError

-- -- examples

-- data A0 = A0 deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi A0
-- newtype A = A Int deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi A
-- newtype A2 = A2 { a2 :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi A2
-- data B = B Int Char deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi B
-- data B2 = B2 { b21 :: Int, b22 :: Char } deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi B2
-- data C = C1 | C2 | C3 deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi C
-- data D = D (Maybe Int) (Either Int String) deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi D
-- data E = E (Maybe Int) (Maybe Char) deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi E
-- newtype F = F (Int, Char) deriving (Eq, Show, G.Generic)
-- instance Heidi F