-- |
-- Module      :  Heidi
-- Description :  tidy data in Haskell
-- Copyright   :  (c) Marco Zocca (2018-2020)
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  ocramz fripost org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Heidi : tidy data in Haskell
-- In Heidi, a data 'Frame' is not meant to be constructed directly, but 'encode'd from a
-- collection of values. The encoding produces a simple representation which can be easily manipulated for common data analysis tasks.
{-# options_ghc -Wno-unused-imports #-}
module Heidi (
  -- * Frame
  -- ** Construction
  -- *** Encoding
  , encode, Heidi, TC, VP
  -- *** Direct
  , frameFromList
  -- ** Access
  , head, take, drop, numRows
  -- ** Filtering
  , filter, filterA
  -- ** Grouping
  , groupWith
  -- ** Zipping
  , zipWith
  -- ** Scans
  , scanl, scanr
  -- * Data tidying
  , spreadWith, gatherWith
  -- * Relational operations
  , groupBy, innerJoin, leftOuterJoin
  -- ** Vector-related
  , toVector, fromVector

  -- * Row
  , Row
  -- * Construction
  , rowFromList
  -- ** Access
  , toList, keys
  -- * Filtering
  , delete, filterWithKey, filterWithKeyPrefix, filterWithKeyAny
  , deleteMany
  -- * Partitioning
  , partitionWithKey, partitionWithKeyPrefix
  -- -- ** Decoders
  -- , real, scientific, text, string, oneHot
  -- * Lookup
  , lookup
  -- , lookupThrowM
  , (!:), elemSatisfies
  -- ** Lookup utilities
  , maybeEmpty
  -- ** Comparison by lookup
  , eqByLookup, eqByLookups
  , compareByLookup
  -- * Set operations
  , union, unionWith
  , intersection, intersectionWith
  -- * Maps
  , mapWithKey
  -- * Folds
  , foldWithKey, keysOnly
  -- * Traversals
  , traverseWithKey
  -- * Lenses
  , int, bool, float, double, char, string, text, scientific, oneHot
  -- ** Lens combinators
  , at, keep
  -- *** Combinators for list-indexed rows
  , atPrefix, eachPrefixed, foldPrefixed
  -- ** Encode internals
  , tcTyN, tcTyCon, mkTyN, mkTyCon
  -- , DataException(..)

import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))

import Core.Data.Frame.List (Frame, frameFromList, head, take, drop, zipWith, numRows, filter, filterA, groupWith, scanl, scanr, toVector, fromVector)
import Core.Data.Frame.Generic (encode)
import Data.Generics.Encode.Internal (Heidi, VP(..))
-- import qualified Data.Generics.Decode as D (Decode, runDecode)
import Data.Generics.Codec (TC(..), tcTyN, tcTyCon, mkTyN, mkTyCon, TypeError(..))
import Heidi.Data.Row.GenericTrie
import Heidi.Data.Frame.Algorithms.GenericTrie (innerJoin, leftOuterJoin, gatherWith, spreadWith, groupBy)

-- import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
import Prelude hiding (filter, zipWith, lookup, foldl, foldr, scanl, scanr, head, take, drop)