
  The ABI encoding is mostly straightforward.

  Definition: an int-like value is an uint, int, boolean, or address.

  Basic encoding:

    * Int-likes and length prefixes are big-endian.
    * All values are right-0-padded to multiples of 256 bits.
      - Bytestrings are padded as a whole; e.g., bytes[33] takes 64 bytes.
    * Dynamic-length sequences are prefixed with their length.

  Sequences are encoded as a head followed by a tail, thus:

    * the tail is the concatenation of encodings of non-int-like items.
    * the head has 256 bits per sequence item, thus:
      - int-likes are stored directly;
      - non-int-likes are stored as byte offsets into the tail,
          starting from the beginning of the head.

  Nested sequences are encoded recursively with no special treatment.

  Calldata args are encoded as heterogenous sequences sans length prefix.


{-# Language DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}

module EVM.ABI
  ( AbiValue (..)
  , AbiType (..)
  , Event (..)
  , Anonymity (..)
  , Indexed (..)
  , putAbi
  , getAbi
  , getAbiSeq
  , abiValueType
  , abiTypeSolidity
  , abiCalldata
  , encodeAbiValue
  , parseTypeName
  ) where

import EVM.Keccak (abiKeccak)
import EVM.Types ()

import Control.Monad      (replicateM, replicateM_, forM_, void)
import Data.Binary.Get    (Get, label, getWord8, getWord32be, skip)
import Data.Binary.Put    (Put, runPut, putWord8, putWord32be)
import Data.Bits          (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.))
import Data.ByteString    (ByteString)
import Data.DoubleWord    (Word256, Int256, Word160, signedWord)
import Data.Monoid        ((<>))
import Data.Text          (Text, pack)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Vector        (Vector)
import Data.Word          (Word32, Word8)
import GHC.Generics

import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((.&.), label)

import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSLazy
import qualified Data.Text            as Text
import qualified Data.Vector          as Vector

import qualified Text.Megaparsec      as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P

data AbiValue
  = AbiUInt         Int Word256
  | AbiInt          Int Int256
  | AbiAddress      Word160
  | AbiBool         Bool
  | AbiBytes        Int BS.ByteString
  | AbiBytesDynamic BS.ByteString
  | AbiString       BS.ByteString
  | AbiArrayDynamic AbiType (Vector AbiValue)
  | AbiArray        Int AbiType (Vector AbiValue)
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data AbiType
  = AbiUIntType         Int
  | AbiIntType          Int
  | AbiAddressType
  | AbiBoolType
  | AbiBytesType        Int
  | AbiBytesDynamicType
  | AbiStringType
  | AbiArrayDynamicType AbiType
  | AbiArrayType        Int AbiType
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data AbiKind = Dynamic | Static
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data Anonymity = Anonymous | NotAnonymous
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
data Indexed   = Indexed   | NotIndexed
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)
data Event     = Event Text Anonymity [(AbiType, Indexed)]
  deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Generic)

abiKind :: AbiType -> AbiKind
abiKind = \case
  AbiBytesDynamicType   -> Dynamic
  AbiStringType         -> Dynamic
  AbiArrayDynamicType _ -> Dynamic
  AbiArrayType _ t      -> abiKind t
  _                     -> Static

abiValueType :: AbiValue -> AbiType
abiValueType = \case
  AbiUInt n _         -> AbiUIntType n
  AbiInt n _          -> AbiIntType  n
  AbiAddress _        -> AbiAddressType
  AbiBool _           -> AbiBoolType
  AbiBytes n _        -> AbiBytesType n
  AbiBytesDynamic _   -> AbiBytesDynamicType
  AbiString _         -> AbiStringType
  AbiArrayDynamic t _ -> AbiArrayDynamicType t
  AbiArray n t _      -> AbiArrayType n t

abiTypeSolidity :: AbiType -> Text
abiTypeSolidity = \case
  AbiUIntType n         -> "uint" <> pack (show n)
  AbiIntType n          -> "int" <> pack (show n)
  AbiAddressType        -> "address"
  AbiBoolType           -> "bool"
  AbiBytesType n        -> "bytes" <> pack (show n)
  AbiBytesDynamicType   -> "bytes"
  AbiStringType         -> "string"
  AbiArrayDynamicType t -> abiTypeSolidity t <> "[]"
  AbiArrayType n t      -> abiTypeSolidity t <> "[" <> pack (show n) <> "]"

getAbi :: AbiType -> Get AbiValue
getAbi t = label (Text.unpack (abiTypeSolidity t)) $
  case t of
    AbiUIntType n  -> do
      let word32Count = 8 * div (n + 255) 256
      xs <- replicateM word32Count getWord32be
      pure (AbiUInt n (pack32 word32Count xs))

    AbiIntType n   -> asUInt n (AbiInt n)
    AbiAddressType -> asUInt 256 AbiAddress
    AbiBoolType    -> asUInt 256 (AbiBool . (== (1 :: Int)))

    AbiBytesType n ->
      AbiBytes n <$> getBytesWith256BitPadding n

    AbiBytesDynamicType ->
      AbiBytesDynamic <$>
        (label "bytes length prefix" getWord256
          >>= label "bytes data" . getBytesWith256BitPadding)

    AbiStringType -> do
      AbiBytesDynamic x <- getAbi AbiBytesDynamicType
      pure (AbiString x)

    AbiArrayType n t' ->
      AbiArray n t' <$> getAbiSeq n (repeat t')

    AbiArrayDynamicType t' -> do
      AbiUInt _ n <- label "array length" (getAbi (AbiUIntType 256))
      AbiArrayDynamic t' <$>
        label "array body" (getAbiSeq (fromIntegral n) (repeat t'))

putAbi :: AbiValue -> Put
putAbi = \case
  AbiUInt n x -> do
    let word32Count = div (roundTo256Bits n) 4
    forM_ (reverse [0 .. word32Count - 1]) $ \i ->
      putWord32be (fromIntegral (shiftR x (i * 32) .&. 0xffffffff))

  AbiInt n x   -> putAbi (AbiUInt n (fromIntegral x))
  AbiAddress x -> putAbi (AbiUInt 160 (fromIntegral x))
  AbiBool x    -> putAbi (AbiUInt 8 (if x then 1 else 0))

  AbiBytes n xs -> do
    forM_ [0 .. n-1] (putWord8 . BS.index xs)
    replicateM_ (roundTo256Bits n - n) (putWord8 0)

  AbiBytesDynamic xs -> do
    let n = BS.length xs
    putAbi (AbiUInt 256 (fromIntegral n))
    putAbi (AbiBytes n xs)

  AbiString s ->
    putAbi (AbiBytesDynamic s)

  AbiArray _ _ xs ->
    putAbiSeq xs

  AbiArrayDynamic _ xs -> do
    putAbi (AbiUInt 256 (fromIntegral (Vector.length xs)))
    putAbiSeq xs

getAbiSeq :: Int -> [AbiType] -> Get (Vector AbiValue)
getAbiSeq n ts = label "sequence" $ do
  hs <- label "sequence head" (getAbiHead n ts)
  Vector.fromList <$>
    label "sequence tail" (mapM (either getAbi pure) hs)

getAbiHead :: Int -> [AbiType]
  -> Get [Either AbiType AbiValue]
getAbiHead 0 _      = pure []
getAbiHead _ []     = fail "ran out of types"
getAbiHead n (t:ts) = do
  case abiKind t of
    Dynamic ->
      (Left t :) <$> (skip 32 *> getAbiHead (n - 1) ts)
    Static ->
      do x  <- getAbi t
         xs <- getAbiHead (n - 1) ts
         pure (Right x : xs)

putAbiTail :: AbiValue -> Put
putAbiTail x =
  case abiKind (abiValueType x) of
    Static  -> pure ()
    Dynamic -> putAbi x

abiValueSize :: AbiValue -> Int
abiValueSize x =
  case x of
    AbiUInt n _  -> roundTo256Bits n
    AbiInt  n _  -> roundTo256Bits n
    AbiBytes n _ -> roundTo256Bits n
    AbiAddress _ -> 32
    AbiBool _    -> 32
    AbiArray _ _ xs -> Vector.sum (Vector.map abiHeadSize xs) +
                       Vector.sum (Vector.map abiTailSize xs)
    AbiBytesDynamic xs -> 32 + roundTo256Bits (BS.length xs)
    AbiArrayDynamic _ xs -> 32 + Vector.sum (Vector.map abiHeadSize xs) +
                                Vector.sum (Vector.map abiTailSize xs)
    AbiString s -> 32 + roundTo256Bits (BS.length s)

abiTailSize :: AbiValue -> Int
abiTailSize x =
  case abiKind (abiValueType x) of
    Static -> 0
    Dynamic ->
      case x of
        AbiString s -> 32 + roundTo256Bits (BS.length s)
        AbiBytesDynamic s -> 32 + roundTo256Bits (BS.length s)
        AbiArrayDynamic _ xs -> 32 + Vector.sum (Vector.map abiValueSize xs)
        AbiArray _ _ xs -> Vector.sum (Vector.map abiValueSize xs)
        _ -> error "impossible"

abiHeadSize :: AbiValue -> Int
abiHeadSize x =
  case abiKind (abiValueType x) of
    Dynamic -> 32
    Static ->
      case x of
        AbiUInt n _  -> roundTo256Bits n
        AbiInt  n _  -> roundTo256Bits n
        AbiBytes n _ -> roundTo256Bits n
        AbiAddress _ -> 32
        AbiBool _    -> 32
        AbiArray _ _ xs -> Vector.sum (Vector.map abiHeadSize xs) +
                           Vector.sum (Vector.map abiTailSize xs)
        AbiBytesDynamic _ -> 32
        AbiArrayDynamic _ _ -> 32
        AbiString _       -> 32

putAbiSeq :: Vector AbiValue -> Put
putAbiSeq xs =
  do snd $ Vector.foldl' f (headSize, pure ()) (Vector.zip xs tailSizes)
     Vector.sequence_ (Vector.map putAbiTail xs)
    headSize = Vector.sum $ Vector.map abiHeadSize xs
    tailSizes = Vector.map abiTailSize xs
    f (i, m) (x, j) =
      case abiKind (abiValueType x) of
        Static -> (i, m >> putAbi x)
        Dynamic -> (i + j, m >> putAbi (AbiUInt 256 (fromIntegral i)))

encodeAbiValue :: AbiValue -> BS.ByteString
encodeAbiValue = BSLazy.toStrict . runPut . putAbi

abiCalldata :: Text -> Vector AbiValue -> BS.ByteString
abiCalldata s xs = BSLazy.toStrict . runPut $ do
  putWord32be (abiKeccak (encodeUtf8 s))
  putAbiSeq xs

parseTypeName :: Text -> Maybe AbiType
parseTypeName = P.parseMaybe typeWithArraySuffix

typeWithArraySuffix :: P.Parsec () Text AbiType
typeWithArraySuffix = do
  base <- basicType
  sizes <-
    P.many $
        (P.char '[') (P.char ']')
        (P.many P.digitChar)

    parseSize :: AbiType -> [Char] -> AbiType
    parseSize t "" = AbiArrayDynamicType t
    parseSize t s  = AbiArrayType (read s) t

  pure (foldl parseSize base sizes)

basicType :: P.Parsec () Text AbiType
basicType =
    [ P.string "address" *> pure AbiAddressType
    , P.string "bool"    *> pure AbiBoolType
    , P.string "string"  *> pure AbiStringType

    , sizedType "uint" AbiUIntType
    , sizedType "int"  AbiIntType
    , sizedType "bytes" AbiBytesType

    , P.string "bytes" *> pure AbiBytesDynamicType

    sizedType :: Text -> (Int -> AbiType) -> P.Parsec () Text AbiType
    sizedType s f = P.try $ do
      void (P.string s)
      fmap (f . read) (P.some P.digitChar)

pack32 :: Int -> [Word32] -> Word256
pack32 n xs =
  sum [ shiftL x ((n - i) * 32)
      | (x, i) <- zip (map fromIntegral xs) [1..] ]

pack8 :: Int -> [Word8] -> Word256
pack8 n xs =
  sum [ shiftL x ((n - i) * 8)
      | (x, i) <- zip (map fromIntegral xs) [1..] ]

asUInt :: Integral i => Int -> (i -> a) -> Get a
asUInt n f = (\(AbiUInt _ x) -> f (fromIntegral x)) <$> getAbi (AbiUIntType n)

getWord256 :: Get Word256
getWord256 = pack32 8 <$> replicateM 8 getWord32be

roundTo256Bits :: Integral a => a -> a
roundTo256Bits n = 32 * div (n + 255) 256

getBytesWith256BitPadding :: Integral a => a -> Get ByteString
getBytesWith256BitPadding i =
  (BS.pack <$> replicateM n getWord8)
    <* skip ((roundTo256Bits n) - n)
  where n = fromIntegral i

-- QuickCheck instances

genAbiValue :: AbiType -> Gen AbiValue
genAbiValue = \case
   AbiUIntType n -> genUInt n
   AbiIntType n ->
     do AbiUInt _ x <- genUInt n
        b <- arbitrary
        pure $ AbiInt n (signedWord x * if b then 1 else -1)
   AbiAddressType ->
     (\(AbiUInt _ x) -> AbiAddress (fromIntegral x)) <$> genUInt 20
   AbiBoolType ->
     elements [AbiBool False, AbiBool True]
   AbiBytesType n ->
     do xs <- replicateM n arbitrary
        pure (AbiBytes n (BS.pack xs))
   AbiBytesDynamicType ->
     AbiBytesDynamic . BS.pack <$> listOf arbitrary
   AbiStringType ->
     AbiString . BS.pack <$> listOf arbitrary
   AbiArrayDynamicType t ->
     do xs <- listOf1 (scale (`div` 2) (genAbiValue t))
        pure (AbiArrayDynamic t (Vector.fromList xs))
   AbiArrayType n t ->
     AbiArray n t . Vector.fromList <$>
       replicateM n (scale (`div` 2) (genAbiValue t))
    genUInt n =
       do x <- pack8 (div n 8) <$> replicateM n arbitrary
          pure . AbiUInt n $
            if n == 256 then x else mod x (2 ^ n)

instance Arbitrary AbiType where
  arbitrary = oneof
    [ (AbiUIntType . (* 8)) <$> choose (1, 32)
    , (AbiIntType . (* 8)) <$> choose (1, 32)
    , pure AbiAddressType
    , pure AbiBoolType
    , AbiBytesType . getPositive <$> arbitrary
    , pure AbiBytesDynamicType
    , pure AbiStringType
    , AbiArrayDynamicType <$> scale (`div` 2) arbitrary
    , AbiArrayType
        <$> (getPositive <$> arbitrary)
        <*> scale (`div` 2) arbitrary

instance Arbitrary AbiValue where
  arbitrary = arbitrary >>= genAbiValue
  shrink = \case
    AbiArrayDynamic t v ->
      Vector.toList v ++
        map (AbiArrayDynamic t . Vector.fromList)
            (shrinkList shrink (Vector.toList v))
    AbiArray _ t v ->
      Vector.toList v ++
        map (\x -> AbiArray (length x) t (Vector.fromList x))
            (shrinkList shrink (Vector.toList v))
    _ -> []