{-# Language ImplicitParams #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
module EVM.Emacs where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.SCargot
import Data.SCargot.Language.HaskLike
import Data.SCargot.Repr
import Data.SCargot.Repr.Basic
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import EVM
import EVM.Concrete
import EVM.Dapp
import EVM.Fetch (Fetcher)
import EVM.Solidity
import EVM.Stepper (Stepper)
import EVM.TTY (currentSrcMap)
import EVM.Types
import EVM.UnitTest hiding (interpret)
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as Operational
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified EVM.Fetch as Fetch
import qualified EVM.Stepper as Stepper
data UiVmState = UiVmState
{ _uiVm :: VM
, _uiVmNextStep :: Stepper ()
, _uiVmSolc :: Maybe SolcContract
, _uiVmDapp :: Maybe DappInfo
, _uiVmStepCount :: Int
, _uiVmFirstState :: UiVmState
, _uiVmFetcher :: Fetcher
, _uiVmMessage :: Maybe Text
makeLenses ''UiVmState
type Pred a = a -> Bool
data StepMode
= StepOne
| StepMany !Int
| StepNone
| StepUntil (Pred VM)
data StepOutcome a
= Returned a
| Stepped (Stepper a)
| Blocked (IO (Stepper a))
:: StepMode
-> Stepper a
-> State UiVmState (StepOutcome a)
interpret mode =
eval . Operational.view
:: Operational.ProgramView Stepper.Action a
-> State UiVmState (StepOutcome a)
eval (Operational.Return x) =
pure (Returned x)
eval (action Operational.:>>= k) =
case action of
Stepper.Exec -> do
restart = Stepper.exec >>= k
case mode of
StepNone ->
pure (Stepped (Operational.singleton action >>= k))
StepOne -> do
modify stepOneOpcode
use (uiVm . result) >>= \case
Nothing ->
pure (Stepped restart)
Just r ->
interpret StepNone (k r)
StepMany 0 -> do
interpret StepNone restart
StepMany i -> do
interpret StepOne restart >>=
Stepped stepper ->
interpret (StepMany (i - 1)) stepper
r -> pure r
StepUntil p -> do
vm <- use uiVm
case p vm of
True ->
interpret StepNone restart
False ->
interpret StepOne restart >>=
Stepped stepper ->
interpret (StepUntil p) stepper
r -> pure r
Stepper.Wait q -> do
fetcher <- use uiVmFetcher
pure . Blocked $ do
m <- fetcher q
pure (Stepper.evm m >> k ())
Stepper.EVM m -> do
vm0 <- use uiVm
let (r, vm1) = runState m vm0
modify (flip updateUiVmState vm1)
interpret mode (k r)
Stepper.Note s -> do
assign uiVmMessage (Just s)
interpret mode (k ())
Stepper.Fail e ->
error ("VM error: " ++ show e)
stepOneOpcode :: UiVmState -> UiVmState
stepOneOpcode ui =
nextVm = execState exec1 (view uiVm ui)
ui & over uiVmStepCount (+ 1)
& set uiVm nextVm
updateUiVmState :: UiVmState -> VM -> UiVmState
updateUiVmState ui vm =
ui & set uiVm vm
type Sexp = WellFormedSExpr HaskLikeAtom
prompt :: Console (Maybe Sexp)
prompt = do
line <- liftIO (putStr "> " >> hFlush stdout >> getLine)
case decodeOne (asWellFormed haskLikeParser) (pack line) of
Left e -> do
output (L [A "error", A (txt e)])
pure Nothing
Right s ->
pure (Just s)
class SDisplay a where
sexp :: a -> SExpr Text
display :: SDisplay a => a -> Text
display = encodeOne (basicPrint id) . sexp
txt :: Show a => a -> Text
txt = pack . show
data UiState
= UiStarted
| UiDappLoaded DappInfo
| UiVm UiVmState
type Console a = StateT UiState IO a
output :: SDisplay a => a -> Console ()
output = liftIO . putStrLn . unpack . display
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn ";; Welcome to Hevm's Emacs integration."
_ <- execStateT loop UiStarted
pure ()
loop :: Console ()
loop =
prompt >>=
Nothing -> pure ()
Just command -> do
handle command
handle :: Sexp -> Console ()
handle (WFSList (WFSAtom (HSIdent cmd) : args)) =
do s <- get
handleCmd s (cmd, args)
handle _ =
output (L [A ("unrecognized-command" :: Text)])
handleCmd :: UiState -> (Text, [Sexp]) -> Console ()
handleCmd UiStarted = \case
[WFSAtom (HSString (unpack -> root)),
WFSAtom (HSString (unpack -> jsonPath))]) ->
do liftIO (setCurrentDirectory root)
liftIO (readSolc jsonPath) >>=
Nothing ->
output (L [A ("error" :: Text)])
Just (contractMap, sourceCache) ->
dapp = dappInfo root contractMap sourceCache
in do
output dapp
put (UiDappLoaded dapp)
_ ->
output (L [A ("unrecognized-command" :: Text)])
handleCmd (UiDappLoaded dapp) = \case
("run-test", [WFSAtom (HSString contractPath),
WFSAtom (HSString testName)]) -> do
opts <- defaultUnitTestOptions
put (UiVm (initialStateForTest opts dapp (contractPath, testName)))
_ ->
output (L [A ("unrecognized-command" :: Text)])
handleCmd (UiVm s) = \case
("step", [WFSAtom (HSString modeName)]) -> do
case parseStepMode s modeName of
Just mode -> do
takeStep s StepNormally mode
Nothing ->
output (L [A ("unrecognized-command" :: Text)])
_ ->
output (L [A ("unrecognized-command" :: Text)])
outputVm :: Console ()
outputVm = do
UiVm s <- get
noMap =
output $
L [ A "step"
, L [A ("pc" :: Text), A (txt (view (uiVm . state . pc) s))]]
fromMaybe noMap $ do
dapp <- view uiVmDapp s
sm <- currentSrcMap dapp (view uiVm s)
(fileName, _) <- view (dappSources . sourceFiles . at (srcMapFile sm)) dapp
pure . output $
L [ A "step"
, L [A ("vm" :: Text), sexp (view uiVm s)]
, L [A ("file" :: Text), A (txt fileName)]
, L [ A ("srcmap" :: Text)
, A (txt (srcMapOffset sm))
, A (txt (srcMapLength sm))
, A (txt (srcMapJump sm))
:: UiVmState -> Pred VM
isNextSourcePosition ui vm =
Just dapp = view uiVmDapp ui
initialPosition = currentSrcMap dapp (view uiVm ui)
currentSrcMap dapp vm /= initialPosition
parseStepMode :: UiVmState -> Text -> Maybe StepMode
parseStepMode s =
"once" -> Just StepOne
"source-location" -> Just (StepUntil (isNextSourcePosition s))
_ -> Nothing
data StepPolicy
= StepNormally
| StepTimidly
:: UiVmState
-> StepPolicy
-> StepMode
-> Console ()
takeStep ui policy mode = do
let m = interpret mode (view uiVmNextStep ui)
case runState m ui of
(Stepped stepper, ui') -> do
put (UiVm (ui' & set uiVmNextStep stepper))
(Blocked blocker, ui') ->
case policy of
StepNormally -> do
stepper <- liftIO blocker
(execState (assign uiVmNextStep stepper) ui')
StepNormally StepNone
StepTimidly ->
error "step blocked unexpectedly"
(Returned (), ui') ->
case policy of
StepNormally ->
put (UiVm ui')
StepTimidly ->
error "step halted unexpectedly"
instance SDisplay DappInfo where
sexp x =
L [ A "dapp-info"
, L [A "root", A (txt $ view dappRoot x)]
, L (A "unit-tests" :
[ L [A (txt a), L (map (A . txt) b)]
| (a, b) <- view dappUnitTests x])
instance SDisplay (SExpr Text) where
sexp = id
instance SDisplay VM where
sexp x =
L [ L [A "result", sexp (view result x)]
, L [A "state", sexp (view state x)]
, L [A "frames", sexp (view frames x)]
, L [A "contracts", sexp (view (env . contracts) x)]
quoted :: Text -> Text
quoted x = "\"" <> x <> "\""
instance SDisplay Addr where
sexp = A . quoted . pack . showAddrWith0x
instance SDisplay Contract where
sexp x =
L [ L [A "storage", sexp (view storage x)]
, L [A "balance", sexp (view balance x)]
, L [A "nonce", sexp (view nonce x)]
, L [A "codehash", sexp (view codehash x)]
instance SDisplay W256 where
sexp x = A (txt (txt x))
instance (SDisplay k, SDisplay v) => SDisplay (Map k v) where
sexp x = L [L [sexp k, sexp v] | (k, v) <- Map.toList x]
instance SDisplay a => SDisplay (Maybe a) where
sexp Nothing = A "nil"
sexp (Just x) = sexp x
instance SDisplay VMResult where
sexp = \case
VMFailure e -> L [A "vm-failure", A (txt (txt e))]
VMSuccess b -> L [A "vm-success", sexp b]
instance SDisplay Frame where
sexp x =
L [A "frame", sexp (view frameContext x), sexp (view frameState x)]
instance SDisplay Blob where
sexp (B x) = sexp x
instance SDisplay FrameContext where
sexp _x = A "some-context"
instance SDisplay FrameState where
sexp x =
L [ L [A "contract", sexp (view contract x)]
, L [A "code-contract", sexp (view codeContract x)]
, L [A "pc", A (txt (view pc x))]
, L [A "stack", sexp (view stack x)]
, L [A "memory", sexp (view memory x)]
instance SDisplay a => SDisplay [a] where
sexp = L . map sexp
instance SDisplay Word where
sexp (C Dull x) = A (quoted (txt x))
sexp (C (FromKeccak bs) x) =
L [A "hash", A (txt x), sexp bs]
instance SDisplay ByteString where
sexp = A . txt . pack . showByteStringWith0x
instance SDisplay Memory where
sexp (ConcreteMemory bs) =
if BS.length bs > 1024
then L [A "large-memory", A (txt (BS.length bs))]
else sexp bs
defaultUnitTestOptions :: MonadIO m => m UnitTestOptions
defaultUnitTestOptions = do
params <- liftIO getParametersFromEnvironmentVariables
pure UnitTestOptions
{ oracle = Fetch.zero
, verbose = False
, match = ""
, vmModifier = id
, testParams = params
:: UnitTestOptions
-> DappInfo
-> (Text, Text)
-> UiVmState
initialStateForTest opts@(UnitTestOptions {..}) dapp (contractPath, testName) =
script = do
Stepper.evm . pushTrace . EntryTrace $
"test " <> testName <> " (" <> contractPath <> ")"
initializeUnitTest opts
void (runUnitTest opts testName)
ui0 =
{ _uiVm = vm0
, _uiVmNextStep = script
, _uiVmSolc = Just testContract
, _uiVmDapp = Just dapp
, _uiVmStepCount = 0
, _uiVmFirstState = undefined
, _uiVmFetcher = oracle
, _uiVmMessage = Nothing
Just testContract =
view (dappSolcByName . at contractPath) dapp
vm0 =
initialUnitTestVm opts testContract (Map.elems (view dappSolcByName dapp))
ui1 =
updateUiVmState ui0 vm0 & set uiVmFirstState ui1