{-# Language PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# Language ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# Language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# Language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language ViewPatterns #-}
module EVM.Facts
( File (..)
, Fact (..)
, Data (..)
, Path (..)
, apply
, applyCache
, cacheFacts
, contractFacts
, vmFacts
, factToFile
, fileToFact
) where
import EVM (VM, Contract, Cache)
import EVM.Concrete (Word)
import EVM.Symbolic (litWord, SymWord, forceLit)
import EVM (balance, nonce, storage, bytecode, env, contracts, contract, state, cache, fetched)
import EVM.Types (Addr)
import qualified EVM
import Prelude hiding (Word)
import Control.Lens (view, set, at, ix, (&), over, assign)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (execState, when)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as BS16
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type ASCII = ByteString
default (ASCII)
data Fact
= BalanceFact { addr :: Addr, what :: Word }
| NonceFact { addr :: Addr, what :: Word }
| StorageFact { addr :: Addr, what :: Word, which :: Word }
| CodeFact { addr :: Addr, blob :: ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Path = Path [ASCII] ASCII
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype Data = Data { dataASCII :: ASCII }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data File = File { filePath :: Path, fileData :: Data }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
class AsASCII a where
dump :: a -> ASCII
load :: ASCII -> Maybe a
instance AsASCII Addr where
dump = Char8.pack . show
load = readMaybe . Char8.unpack
instance AsASCII Word where
dump = Char8.pack . show
load = readMaybe . Char8.unpack
instance AsASCII ByteString where
dump x = BS16.encode x <> "\n"
load x =
case BS16.decode . mconcat . BS.split 10 $ x of
(y, "") -> Just y
_ -> Nothing
contractFacts :: Addr -> Contract -> [Fact]
contractFacts a x = storageFacts a x ++
[ BalanceFact a (view balance x)
, NonceFact a (view nonce x)
, CodeFact a (view bytecode x)
storageFacts :: Addr -> Contract -> [Fact]
storageFacts a x = case view storage x of
EVM.Symbolic _ -> []
EVM.Concrete s -> map f (Map.toList s)
f :: (Word, SymWord) -> Fact
f (k, v) = StorageFact
{ addr = a
, what = fromIntegral (forceLit v)
, which = fromIntegral k
cacheFacts :: Cache -> Set Fact
cacheFacts c = Set.fromList $ do
(k, v) <- Map.toList (view EVM.fetched c)
contractFacts k v
vmFacts :: VM -> Set Fact
vmFacts vm = Set.fromList $ do
(k, v) <- Map.toList (view (env . contracts) vm)
contractFacts k v
apply1 :: VM -> Fact -> VM
apply1 vm fact =
case fact of
CodeFact {..} -> flip execState vm $ do
assign (env . contracts . at addr) (Just (EVM.initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode blob)))
when (view (state . contract) vm == addr) $ EVM.loadContract addr
StorageFact {..} ->
vm & over (env . contracts . ix addr . storage) (EVM.writeStorage (litWord which) (litWord what))
BalanceFact {..} ->
vm & set (env . contracts . ix addr . balance) what
NonceFact {..} ->
vm & set (env . contracts . ix addr . nonce) what
apply2 :: VM -> Fact -> VM
apply2 vm fact =
case fact of
CodeFact {..} -> flip execState vm $ do
assign (cache . fetched . at addr) (Just (EVM.initialContract (EVM.RuntimeCode blob)))
when (view (state . contract) vm == addr) $ EVM.loadContract addr
StorageFact {..} ->
vm & over (cache . fetched . ix addr . storage) (EVM.writeStorage (litWord which) (litWord what))
BalanceFact {..} ->
vm & set (cache . fetched . ix addr . balance) what
NonceFact {..} ->
vm & set (cache . fetched . ix addr . nonce) what
instance Ord Fact where
compare = comparing f
f :: Fact -> (Int, Addr, Word)
f (CodeFact a _) = (0, a, 0)
f (BalanceFact a _) = (1, a, 0)
f (NonceFact a _) = (2, a, 0)
f (StorageFact a _ x) = (3, a, x)
apply :: VM -> Set Fact -> VM
apply =
foldl apply1
applyCache :: VM -> Set Fact -> VM
applyCache =
foldl apply2
factToFile :: Fact -> File
factToFile fact = case fact of
StorageFact {..} -> mk ["storage"] (dump which) what
BalanceFact {..} -> mk [] "balance" what
NonceFact {..} -> mk [] "nonce" what
CodeFact {..} -> mk [] "code" blob
mk :: AsASCII a => [ASCII] -> ASCII -> a -> File
mk prefix base a =
File (Path (dump (addr fact) : prefix) base)
(Data $ dump a)
pattern Load :: AsASCII a => a -> ASCII
pattern Load x <- (load -> Just x)
fileToFact :: File -> Maybe Fact
fileToFact = \case
File (Path [Load a] "code") (Data (Load x))
-> Just (CodeFact a x)
File (Path [Load a] "balance") (Data (Load x))
-> Just (BalanceFact a x)
File (Path [Load a] "nonce") (Data (Load x))
-> Just (NonceFact a x)
File (Path [Load a, "storage"] (Load x)) (Data (Load y))
-> Just (StorageFact a y x)
-> Nothing