module EVM.Flatten (flatten) where
import EVM.Dapp (DappInfo, dappSources)
import EVM.Solidity (sourceAsts)
import EVM.Demand (demand)
import Control.Lens (preview, view, universe)
import Data.Aeson (Value (String))
import Data.Aeson.Lens (key, _String, _Array, _Integer)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Fgl
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree as Fgl
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.BFS as Fgl
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS as Fgl
import Data.SemVer (SemVerRange, parseSemVerRange)
import qualified Data.SemVer as SemVer
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Foldable (foldl', toList)
import Data.List (sort, nub)
import Data.Map (Map, (!), (!?))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack, intercalate)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
type FileGraph = Fgl.Gr Text ()
importsFrom :: Value -> [Text]
importsFrom ast =
allNodes :: [Value]
allNodes = universe ast
resolveImport :: Value -> Maybe Text
resolveImport node =
case preview (key "name") node of
Just (String "ImportDirective") ->
preview (key "attributes" . key "absolutePath" . _String) node
_ ->
in mapMaybe resolveImport allNodes
flatten :: DappInfo -> Text -> IO ()
flatten dapp target = do
graph :: FileGraph
graph = Fgl.mkGraph nodes edges
nodes :: [(Int, Text)]
nodes = zip [1..] (Map.keys asts)
edges =
[ (indices ! s, indices ! t, ())
| (s, v) <- Map.toList asts
, t <- importsFrom v ]
indices :: Map Text Int
indices = Map.fromList [(v, k) | (k, v) <- nodes]
asts :: Map Text Value
asts = view (dappSources . sourceAsts) dapp
topScopeIds :: [Integer]
topScopeIds = mconcat $ fmap f $ Map.elems asts
id' = preview (key "id" . _Integer)
f ast =
[ fromJust' "no id for SourceUnit" $ id' node
| node <- universe ast
, nodeIs "SourceUnit" node
contractsAndStructsToRename :: Map Integer Text
contractsAndStructsToRename =
$ indexed [ x | x <- xs, (snd x) `elem` xs' ]
xs = mconcat $ fmap f $ Map.elems asts
xs' = repeated $ fmap snd xs
scope = preview (key "attributes" . key "scope" . _Integer)
name = preview (key "attributes" . key "name" . _String)
id' = preview (key "id" . _Integer)
p x = (nodeIs "ContractDefinition" x || nodeIs "StructDefinition" x)
&& (fromJust' "no contract/struct scope" $ scope x) `elem` topScopeIds
f ast =
[ ( fromJust' "no id for top scoped contract or struct" $ id' node
, fromJust' "no id for top scoped contract or struct" $ name node
| node <- universe ast
, p node
contractStructs :: [(Integer, (Integer, Text))]
contractStructs = mconcat $ fmap f $ Map.elems asts
scope = preview (key "attributes" . key "scope" . _Integer)
cname = preview (key "attributes" . key "canonicalName" . _String)
id' = preview (key "id" . _Integer)
p x = (nodeIs "StructDefinition" x)
&& (fromJust' "line:137 nested struct" $ scope x) `Map.member` contractsAndStructsToRename
f ast =
[ let
id'' = fromJust' "no id for nested struct" $ id' node
cname' = fromJust'
("no canonical name of nested struct with id:" ++ show id'') $ cname node
ref = fromJust'
("no scope of nested struct with id:" ++ show id'') $ scope node
(id'', (ref, cname'))
| node <- universe ast
, p node
case Map.lookup target indices of
Nothing ->
error "didn't find contract AST"
Just root -> do
subgraph :: Fgl.Gr Text ()
subgraph = Fgl.subgraph (Fgl.bfs root graph) graph
ordered :: [Text]
ordered = reverse (Fgl.topsort' subgraph)
pragma :: Text
pragma = maximalPragma (Map.elems (Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `elem` ordered) asts))
sources <-
forM ordered $ \path -> do
src <- BS.readFile (unpack path)
pure $ mconcat
[ "////// ", encodeUtf8 path, "\n"
, fst
(stripImportsAndPragmas (src, 0) (asts ! path))
(asts ! path)), "\n"
demand target; demand pragma; demand sources
putStrLn $ "// hevm: flattened sources of " <> unpack target
putStrLn (unpack pragma)
BS.putStr (mconcat sources)
maximalPragma :: [Value] -> Text
maximalPragma asts = (
case mapMaybe versions asts of
[] -> error "no Solidity version pragmas in any source files"
xs ->
"pragma solidity "
<> pack (show (rangeIntersection xs))
<> ";\n"
<> (
mconcat . nub . sort . fmap (\ast ->
mconcat $ fmap
(\xs -> "pragma "
<> intercalate " " [x | String x <- xs]
<> ";\n")
(otherPragmas ast)
) asts
isVersionPragma :: [Value] -> Bool
isVersionPragma =
String "solidity" : _ -> True
_ -> False
pragmaComponents :: Value -> [[Value]]
pragmaComponents ast = components
ps :: [Value]
ps = filter (nodeIs "PragmaDirective") (universe ast)
components :: [[Value]]
components = catMaybes $ fmap
((fmap toList) . preview (key "attributes" . key "literals" . _Array))
rangeIntersection :: [SemVerRange] -> SemVerRange
rangeIntersection = foldr1 SemVer.And . nub . sort
versions :: Value -> Maybe SemVerRange
versions ast = fmap grok components
components :: Maybe [Value]
components =
case filter isVersionPragma (pragmaComponents ast) of
[_:xs] -> Just xs
[] -> Nothing
x -> error $ "multiple version pragmas" ++ show x
grok :: [Value] -> SemVerRange
grok xs =
rangeText = mconcat [x | String x <- xs]
case parseSemVerRange rangeText of
Right r -> r
Left _ ->
error ("failed to parse SemVer range " ++ show rangeText)
otherPragmas :: Value -> [[Value]]
otherPragmas = (filter (not . isVersionPragma)) . pragmaComponents
nodeIs :: Text -> Value -> Bool
nodeIs t x = isSourceNode && hasRightName
isSourceNode =
isJust (preview (key "src") x)
hasRightName =
Just t == preview (key "name" . _String) x
stripImportsAndPragmas :: (ByteString, Int) -> Value -> (ByteString, Int)
stripImportsAndPragmas bso ast = stripAstNodes bso ast p
p x = nodeIs "ImportDirective" x || nodeIs "PragmaDirective" x
stripAstNodes :: (ByteString, Int)-> Value -> (Value -> Bool) -> (ByteString, Int)
stripAstNodes bso ast p =
cutRanges [sourceRange node | node <- universe ast, p node]
cutRanges :: [(Int, Int)] -> (ByteString, Int)
cutRanges (sort -> rs) = foldl' f bso rs
f (bs', n) (i, j) =
( cut bs' (i + n) (j + n)
, n + length ("/* */" :: String))
cut :: ByteString -> Int -> Int -> ByteString
cut x i j =
let (a, b) = BS.splitAt i x
in a <> "/* " <> BS.take (j - i) b <> " */" <> BS.drop (j - i) b
readAs :: Read a => Text -> Maybe a
readAs = readMaybe . Text.unpack
prefixContractAst :: Map Integer Text -> [(Integer, (Integer, Text))] -> (ByteString, Int) -> Value -> (ByteString, Int)
prefixContractAst castr cs bso ast = prefixAstNodes
bs = fst bso
refDec = preview (key "attributes" . key "referencedDeclaration" . _Integer)
name = preview (key "attributes" . key "name" . _String)
id' = preview (key "id" . _Integer)
p x = (nodeIs "ContractDefinition" x || nodeIs "StructDefinition" x)
&& (fromJust' "id of any" $ id' x) `Map.member` castr
p' x =
(nodeIs "Identifier" x || nodeIs "UserDefinedTypeName" x)
&& (fromJust' "refDec of ident/userdef" $ refDec x) `Map.member` castr
p'' x =
(nodeIs "Identifier" x || nodeIs "UserDefinedTypeName" x)
&& (isJust $ name x)
&& (
refs = fmap fst cs
i = fromJust' "no id for ident/userdef" $ id' x
ref = fromJust' ("no refDec for ident/userdef: " ++ show i) $ refDec x
n = fromJust' ("no name for ident/userdef: " ++ show i) $ name x
cn = fromJust'
("no match for lookup in nested structs: "
++ show i
++ " -> "
++ show ref
) $ lookup ref cs
ref `elem` refs && n == snd cn
p''' x = p x || p' x || p'' x
prefixAstNodes :: (ByteString, Int)
prefixAstNodes =
cutRanges [sourceId node | node <- universe ast, p''' node]
sourceId :: Value -> (Int, Integer)
sourceId v =
if (not $ p v || p' v) && p'' v then (
ref = fromJust' "refDec of nested struct ref" $ refDec v
cn = fromJust' "no match for lookup in nested structs" $ lookup ref cs
(end, fst cn)
) else
fromJust' "internal error: no id found for contract reference" x
(start, end) = sourceRange v
x :: Maybe (Int, Integer)
x = case preview (key "name" . _String) v of
Just t
| t `elem` ["ContractDefinition", "StructDefinition"] ->
name' = encodeUtf8 $ fromJust' "no name for contract/struct" $ name v
bs' = snd $ BS.splitAt (start + snd bso) bs
pos = start
+ (BS.length $ fst $ BS.breakSubstring name' bs')
+ (BS.length name')
fmap ((,) pos) $ id' v
| t `elem` ["UserDefinedTypeName", "Identifier"] ->
fmap ((,) end) $ refDec v
| otherwise ->
error "internal error: not a contract reference"
Nothing ->
error "internal error: not a contract reference"
cutRanges :: [(Int, Integer)] -> (ByteString, Int)
cutRanges (sort -> rs) = foldl' f bso rs
f (bs', n) (i, t) =
t' = "_" <> (castr ! t)
( prefix t' bs' (i + n)
, n + Text.length t' )
prefix :: Text -> ByteString -> Int -> ByteString
prefix t x i =
let (a, b) = BS.splitAt i x
in a <> encodeUtf8 t <> b
sourceRange :: Value -> (Int, Int)
sourceRange v =
case preview (key "src" . _String) v of
Just (Text.splitOn ":" -> [readAs -> Just i, readAs -> Just n, _]) ->
(i, i + n)
_ ->
error "internal error: no source position for AST node"
fromJust' :: String -> Maybe a -> a
fromJust' msg = \case
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error msg
repeated :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
repeated = fmap fst $ foldl' f ([], [])
f (acc, seen) x =
( if (x `elem` seen) && (not $ x `elem` acc)
then x : acc
else acc
, x : seen
indexed :: [(Integer, Text)] -> [(Integer, Text)]
indexed = fst . foldl' f ([], Map.empty)
f (acc, seen) (id', n) =
count = (fromMaybe 0 $ seen !? n) + 1
((id', pack $ show count) : acc, Map.insert n count seen)