{-# Language DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}

module EVM.Solidity
  ( solidity
  , solcRuntime
  , solidity'
  , JumpType (..)
  , SolcContract (..)
  , StorageItem (..)
  , SourceCache (..)
  , SrcMap (..)
  , CodeType (..)
  , Method (..)
  , SlotType (..)
  , methodName
  , methodSignature
  , methodInputs
  , methodOutput
  , abiMap
  , eventMap
  , storageLayout
  , contractName
  , constructorInputs
  , creationCode
  , functionAbi
  , makeSrcMaps
  , readSolc
  , readJSON
  , readStdJSON
  , readCombinedJSON
  , runtimeCode
  , runtimeCodehash
  , creationCodehash
  , runtimeSrcmap
  , creationSrcmap
  , sourceFiles
  , sourceLines
  , sourceAsts
  , stripBytecodeMetadata
  , signature
  , solc
  , Language(..)
  , stdjson
  , parseMethodInput
  , lineSubrange
  , astIdMap
  , astSrcMap
) where

import EVM.ABI
import EVM.Types

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Lens         hiding (Indexed, (.=))
import Data.Aeson           (Value (..), ToJSON(..), (.=), object, encode)
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.Scientific
import Data.ByteString      (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
import Data.Char            (isDigit)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict      (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.NonEmpty   (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Sequence        (Seq)
import Data.Text            (Text, pack, intercalate)
import Data.Text.Encoding   (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8)
import Data.Text.IO         (readFile, writeFile)
import Data.Vector          (Vector)
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics         (Generic)
import Prelude hiding       (readFile, writeFile)
import System.IO hiding     (readFile, writeFile)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
import Text.Read            (readMaybe)

import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as BS16
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict    as HMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict        as Map
import qualified Data.Text              as Text
import qualified Data.Vector            as Vector
import Data.List (sort)

data StorageItem = StorageItem {
  _type   :: SlotType,
  _offset :: Int,
  _slot   :: Int
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data SlotType
  -- Note that mapping keys can only be elementary;
  -- that excludes arrays, contracts, and mappings.
  = StorageMapping (NonEmpty AbiType) AbiType
  | StorageValue AbiType
--  | StorageArray AbiType
  deriving Eq

instance Show SlotType where
 show (StorageValue t) = show t
 show (StorageMapping s t) =
   (\x y ->
       <> show x
       <> " => "
       <> y
       <> ")")
   (show t) s

instance Read SlotType where
  readsPrec _ ('m':'a':'p':'p':'i':'n':'g':'(':s) =
    let (lhs:rhs) = Text.splitOn " => " (pack s)
        first = fromJust $ parseTypeName mempty lhs
        target = fromJust $ parseTypeName mempty (Text.replace ")" "" (last rhs))
        rest = fmap (fromJust . (parseTypeName mempty . (Text.replace "mapping(" ""))) (take (length rhs - 1) rhs)
    in [(StorageMapping (first NonEmpty.:| rest) target, "")]
  readsPrec _ s = [(StorageValue $ fromMaybe (error "could not parse storage item") (parseTypeName mempty (pack s)),"")]

data SolcContract = SolcContract
  { _runtimeCodehash  :: W256
  , _creationCodehash :: W256
  , _runtimeCode      :: ByteString
  , _creationCode     :: ByteString
  , _contractName     :: Text
  , _constructorInputs :: [(Text, AbiType)]
  , _abiMap           :: Map Word32 Method
  , _eventMap         :: Map W256 Event
  , _storageLayout    :: Maybe (Map Text StorageItem)
  , _runtimeSrcmap    :: Seq SrcMap
  , _creationSrcmap   :: Seq SrcMap
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

data Method = Method
  { _methodOutput :: [(Text, AbiType)]
  , _methodInputs :: [(Text, AbiType)]
  , _methodName :: Text
  , _methodSignature :: Text
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data SourceCache = SourceCache
  { _sourceFiles  :: Map Int (Text, ByteString)
  , _sourceLines  :: Map Int (Vector ByteString)
  , _sourceAsts   :: Map Text Value
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Semigroup SourceCache where
  _ <> _ = error "lol"

instance Monoid SourceCache where
  mempty = SourceCache mempty mempty mempty

data JumpType = JumpInto | JumpFrom | JumpRegular
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data SrcMap = SM {
  srcMapOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} Int,
  srcMapLength :: {-# UNPACK #-} Int,
  srcMapFile   :: {-# UNPACK #-} Int,
  srcMapJump   :: JumpType,
  srcMapModifierDepth :: {-# UNPACK #-} Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

data SrcMapParseState
  = F1 String Int
  | F2 Int String Int
  | F3 Int Int String Int
  | F4 Int Int Int (Maybe JumpType)
  | F5 Int Int Int JumpType String
  | Fe
  deriving Show

data CodeType = Creation | Runtime
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''SolcContract
makeLenses ''SourceCache
makeLenses ''Method

-- Obscure but efficient parser for the Solidity sourcemap format.
makeSrcMaps :: Text -> Maybe (Seq SrcMap)
makeSrcMaps = (\case (_, Fe, _) -> Nothing; x -> Just (done x))
             . Text.foldl' (flip go) (mempty, F1 [] 1, SM 0 0 0 JumpRegular 0)
    done (xs, s, p) = let (xs', _, _) = go ';' (xs, s, p) in xs'
    readR = read . reverse

    go :: Char -> (Seq SrcMap, SrcMapParseState, SrcMap) -> (Seq SrcMap, SrcMapParseState, SrcMap)
    go ':' (xs, F1 [] _, p@(SM a _ _ _ _))     = (xs, F2 a [] 1, p)
    go ':' (xs, F1 ds k, p)                    = (xs, F2 (k * (readR ds)) [] 1, p)
    go '-' (xs, F1 [] _, p)                    = (xs, F1 [] (-1), p)
    go d   (xs, F1 ds k, p) | isDigit d        = (xs, F1 (d : ds) k, p)
    go ';' (xs, F1 [] k, p)                    = (xs |> p, F1 [] k, p)
    go ';' (xs, F1 ds k, SM _ b c d e)         = let p' = SM (k * (readR ds)) b c d e in (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')

    go '-' (xs, F2 a [] _, p)                  = (xs, F2 a [] (-1), p)
    go d   (xs, F2 a ds k, p) | isDigit d      = (xs, F2 a (d : ds) k, p)
    go ':' (xs, F2 a [] _, p@(SM _ b _ _ _))   = (xs, F3 a b [] 1, p)
    go ':' (xs, F2 a ds k, p)                  = (xs, F3 a (k * (readR ds)) [] 1, p)
    go ';' (xs, F2 a [] _, SM _ b c d e)       = let p' = SM a b c d e in (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')
    go ';' (xs, F2 a ds k, SM _ _ c d e)       = let p' = SM a (k * (readR ds)) c d e in
                                                 (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')

    go d   (xs, F3 a b ds k, p) | isDigit d    = (xs, F3 a b (d : ds) k, p)
    go '-' (xs, F3 a b [] _, p)                = (xs, F3 a b [] (-1), p)
    go ':' (xs, F3 a b [] _, p@(SM _ _ c _ _)) = (xs, F4 a b c Nothing, p)
    go ':' (xs, F3 a b ds k, p)                = (xs, F4 a b (k * (readR ds)) Nothing, p)
    go ';' (xs, F3 a b [] _, SM _ _ c d e)     = let p' = SM a b c d e in (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')
    go ';' (xs, F3 a b ds k, SM _ _ _ d e)     = let p' = SM a b (k * (readR ds)) d e in
                                                 (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')

    go 'i' (xs, F4 a b c Nothing, p)           = (xs, F4 a b c (Just JumpInto), p)
    go 'o' (xs, F4 a b c Nothing, p)           = (xs, F4 a b c (Just JumpFrom), p)
    go '-' (xs, F4 a b c Nothing, p)           = (xs, F4 a b c (Just JumpRegular), p)
    go ':' (xs, F4 a b c (Just d),  p)         = (xs, F5 a b c d [], p)
    go ':' (xs, F4 a b c _, p@(SM _ _ _ d _))  = (xs, F5 a b c d [], p)
    go ';' (xs, F4 a b c _, SM _ _ _ d e)      = let p' = SM a b c d e in
                                                 (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')

    go d   (xs, F5 a b c j ds, p) | isDigit d  = (xs, F5 a b c j (d : ds), p)
    go ';' (xs, F5 a b c j [], _)              = let p' = SM a b c j (-1) in -- solc <0.6
                                                 (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')
    go ';' (xs, F5 a b c j ds, _)              = let p' = SM a b c j (readR ds) in -- solc >=0.6
                                                 (xs |> p', F1 [] 1, p')

    go c (xs, state, p)                      = (xs, error ("srcmap: y u " ++ show c ++ " in state" ++ show state ++ "?!?"), p)

makeSourceCache :: [(Text, Maybe ByteString)] -> Map Text Value -> IO SourceCache
makeSourceCache paths asts = do
  let f (_,  Just content) = return content
      f (fp, Nothing) = BS.readFile $ Text.unpack fp
  xs <- mapM f paths
  return $! SourceCache
    { _sourceFiles =
        Map.fromList (zip [0..] (zip (fst <$> paths) xs))
    , _sourceLines =
        Map.fromList (zip [0 .. length paths - 1]
                       (map (Vector.fromList . BS.split 0xa) xs))
    , _sourceAsts =

lineSubrange ::
  Vector ByteString -> (Int, Int) -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
lineSubrange xs (s1, n1) i =
    ks = Vector.map (\x -> 1 + BS.length x) xs
    s2  = Vector.sum (Vector.take i ks)
    n2  = ks Vector.! i
    if s1 + n1 < s2 || s1 > s2 + n2
    then Nothing
    else Just (s1 - s2, min (s2 + n2 - s1) n1)

readSolc :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Map Text SolcContract, SourceCache))
readSolc fp =
  (readJSON <$> readFile fp) >>=
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just (contracts, asts, sources) -> do
        sourceCache <- makeSourceCache sources asts
        return $! Just (contracts, sourceCache)

solidity :: Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
solidity contract src = do
  (json, path) <- solidity' src
  let Just (sol, _, _) = readJSON json
  return (sol ^? ix (path <> ":" <> contract) . creationCode)

solcRuntime :: Text -> Text -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
solcRuntime contract src = do
  (json, path) <- solidity' src
  let Just (sol, _, _) = readJSON json
  return (sol ^? ix (path <> ":" <> contract) . runtimeCode)

functionAbi :: Text -> IO Method
functionAbi f = do
  (json, path) <- solidity' ("contract ABI { function " <> f <> " public {}}")
  let Just (sol, _, _) = readJSON json
  case Map.toList $ sol ^?! ix (path <> ":ABI") . abiMap of
     [(_,b)] -> return b
     _ -> error "hevm internal error: unexpected abi format"

force :: String -> Maybe a -> a
force s = fromMaybe (error s)

readJSON :: Text -> Maybe (Map Text SolcContract, Map Text Value, [(Text, Maybe ByteString)])
readJSON json = case json ^? key "sourceList" of
  Nothing -> readStdJSON json
  _ -> readCombinedJSON json

readCombinedJSON :: Text -> Maybe (Map Text SolcContract, Map Text Value, [(Text, Maybe ByteString)])
readCombinedJSON json = do
  contracts <- f <$> (json ^? key "contracts" . _Object)
  sources <- toList . fmap (view _String) <$> json ^? key "sourceList" . _Array
  return (contracts, Map.fromList (HMap.toList asts), [ (x, Nothing) | x <- sources])
    asts = fromMaybe (error "JSON lacks abstract syntax trees.") (json ^? key "sources" . _Object)
    f x = Map.fromList . HMap.toList $ HMap.mapWithKey g x
    g s x =
        theRuntimeCode = toCode (x ^?! key "bin-runtime" . _String)
        theCreationCode = toCode (x ^?! key "bin" . _String)
        abis =
          toList ((x ^?! key "abi" . _String) ^?! _Array)
      in SolcContract {
        _runtimeCode      = theRuntimeCode,
        _creationCode     = theCreationCode,
        _runtimeCodehash  = keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theRuntimeCode),
        _creationCodehash = keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theCreationCode),
        _runtimeSrcmap    = force "internal error: srcmap-runtime" (makeSrcMaps (x ^?! key "srcmap-runtime" . _String)),
        _creationSrcmap   = force "internal error: srcmap" (makeSrcMaps (x ^?! key "srcmap" . _String)),
        _contractName = s,
        _constructorInputs = mkConstructor abis,
        _abiMap       = mkAbiMap abis,
        _eventMap     = mkEventMap abis,
        _storageLayout = mkStorageLayout $ x ^? key "storage-layout" . _String

readStdJSON :: Text -> Maybe (Map Text SolcContract, Map Text Value, [(Text, Maybe ByteString)])
readStdJSON json = do
  contracts <- json ^? key "contracts" ._Object
  -- TODO: support the general case of "urls" and "content" in the standard json
  sources <- json ^? key "sources" . _Object
  let asts = force "JSON lacks abstract syntax trees." . preview (key "ast") <$> sources
      contractMap = f contracts
      contents src = (src, encodeUtf8 <$> HMap.lookup src (mconcat $ Map.elems $ snd <$> contractMap))
  return (fst <$> contractMap, Map.fromList (HMap.toList asts), contents <$> (sort $ HMap.keys sources))
    f :: (AsValue s) => HMap.HashMap Text s -> (Map Text (SolcContract, (HMap.HashMap Text Text)))
    f x = Map.fromList . (concatMap g) . HMap.toList $ x
    g (s, x) = h s <$> HMap.toList (view _Object x)
    h s (c, x) =
        evmstuff = x ^?! key "evm"
        runtime = evmstuff ^?! key "deployedBytecode"
        creation =  evmstuff ^?! key "bytecode"
        theRuntimeCode = toCode $ runtime ^?! key "object" . _String
        theCreationCode = toCode $ creation ^?! key "object" . _String
        srcContents :: Maybe (HMap.HashMap Text Text)
        srcContents = do metadata <- x ^? key "metadata" . _String
                         srcs <- metadata ^? key "sources" . _Object
                         return $ (view (key "content" . _String)) <$> (HMap.filter (isJust . preview (key "content")) srcs)
        abis = force ("abi key not found in " <> show x) $
          toList <$> x ^? key "abi" . _Array
      in (s <> ":" <> c, (SolcContract {
        _runtimeCode      = theRuntimeCode,
        _creationCode     = theCreationCode,
        _runtimeCodehash  = keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theRuntimeCode),
        _creationCodehash = keccak (stripBytecodeMetadata theCreationCode),
        _runtimeSrcmap    = force "internal error: srcmap-runtime" (makeSrcMaps (runtime ^?! key "sourceMap" . _String)),
        _creationSrcmap   = force "internal error: srcmap" (makeSrcMaps (creation ^?! key "sourceMap" . _String)),
        _contractName = s <> ":" <> c,
        _constructorInputs = mkConstructor abis,
        _abiMap        = mkAbiMap abis,
        _eventMap      = mkEventMap abis,
        _storageLayout = mkStorageLayout $ x ^? key "storage-layout" . _String
      }, fromMaybe mempty srcContents))

mkAbiMap :: [Value] -> Map Word32 Method
mkAbiMap abis = Map.fromList $
    relevant = filter (\y -> "function" == y ^?! key "type" . _String) abis
    f abi =
      (abiKeccak (encodeUtf8 (signature abi)),
       Method { _methodName = abi ^?! key "name" . _String
              , _methodSignature = signature abi
              , _methodInputs = map parseMethodInput
                 (toList (abi ^?! key "inputs" . _Array))
              , _methodOutput = map parseMethodInput
                 (toList (abi ^?! key "outputs" . _Array))
  in f <$> relevant

mkEventMap :: [Value] -> Map W256 Event
mkEventMap abis = Map.fromList $
    relevant = filter (\y -> "event" == y ^?! key "type" . _String) abis
    f abi =
     ( keccak (encodeUtf8 (signature abi))
     , Event
       (abi ^?! key "name" . _String)
       (case abi ^?! key "anonymous" . _Bool of
         True -> Anonymous
         False -> NotAnonymous)
       (map (\y -> ( force "internal error: type" (parseTypeName' y)
     , if y ^?! key "indexed" . _Bool
       then Indexed
       else NotIndexed ))
       (toList $ abi ^?! key "inputs" . _Array))
  in f <$> relevant

mkConstructor :: [Value] -> [(Text, AbiType)]
mkConstructor abis =
    isConstructor y =
      "constructor" == y ^?! key "type" . _String
    case filter isConstructor abis of
      [abi] -> map parseMethodInput (toList (abi ^?! key "inputs" . _Array))
      [] -> [] -- default constructor has zero inputs
      _  -> error "strange: contract has multiple constructors"

mkStorageLayout :: Maybe Text -> Maybe (Map Text StorageItem)
mkStorageLayout Nothing = Nothing
mkStorageLayout (Just json) = do
  items <- json ^? key "storage" . _Array
  types <- json ^? key "types"
  fmap Map.fromList $ (forM (Vector.toList items) $ \item ->
    do name <- item ^? key "label" . _String
       offset <- item ^? key "offset" . _Number >>= toBoundedInteger
       slot <- item ^? key "slot" . _String
       typ <- item ^? key "type" . _String
       slotType <- types ^?! key typ ^? key "label" . _String
       return (name, StorageItem (read $ Text.unpack slotType) offset (read $ Text.unpack slot)))

signature :: AsValue s => s -> Text
signature abi =
  case abi ^?! key "type" of
    "fallback" -> "<fallback>"
    _ ->
      fold [
        fromMaybe "<constructor>" (abi ^? key "name" . _String), "(",
        intercalate ","
          (map (\x -> x ^?! key "type" . _String)
            (toList $ abi ^?! key "inputs" . _Array)),

-- Helper function to convert the fields to the desired type
parseTypeName' :: AsValue s => s -> Maybe AbiType
parseTypeName' x =
    (fromMaybe mempty $ x ^? key "components" . _Array . to parseComponents)
    (x ^?! key "type" . _String)
  where parseComponents = fmap $ snd . parseMethodInput

-- This actually can also parse a method output! :O
parseMethodInput :: AsValue s => s -> (Text, AbiType)
parseMethodInput x =
  ( x ^?! key "name" . _String
  , force "internal error: method type" (parseTypeName' x)

toCode :: Text -> ByteString
toCode = fst . BS16.decode . encodeUtf8

solidity' :: Text -> IO (Text, Text)
solidity' src = withSystemTempFile "hevm.sol" $ \path handle -> do
  hClose handle
  writeFile path ("pragma solidity ^0.6.7;\n" <> src)
  x <- pack <$>
      ["--combined-json=bin-runtime,bin,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,abi,ast,storage-layout", path]
  return (x, pack path)

solc :: Language -> Text -> IO Text
solc lang src =
  withSystemTempFile "hevm.sol" $ \path handle -> do
    hClose handle
    writeFile path (stdjson lang src)
    Text.pack <$> readProcess
      ["--standard-json", path]

data Language = Solidity | Yul
  deriving (Show)

data StandardJSON = StandardJSON Language Text
-- more options later perhaps

instance ToJSON StandardJSON where
  toJSON (StandardJSON lang src) =
    object [ "language" .= show lang
           , "sources" .= object ["hevm.sol" .=
                                   object ["content" .= src]]
           , "settings" .=
             object [ "outputSelection" .=
                    object ["*" .=
                      object ["*" .= (toJSON
                              ["metadata" :: String,
                              "" .= (toJSON ["ast" :: String])

stdjson :: Language -> Text -> Text
stdjson lang src = decodeUtf8 $ toStrict $ encode $ StandardJSON lang src

-- When doing CREATE and passing constructor arguments, Solidity loads
-- the argument data via the creation bytecode, since there is no "calldata"
-- for CREATE.
-- This interferes with our ability to look up the current contract by
-- codehash, so we must somehow strip away this extra suffix. Luckily
-- we can detect the end of the actual bytecode by looking for the
-- "metadata hash". (Not 100% correct, but works in practice.)
-- Actually, we strip away the entire BZZR suffix too, because as long
-- as the codehash matches otherwise, we don't care if there is some
-- difference there.
stripBytecodeMetadata :: ByteString -> ByteString
stripBytecodeMetadata bs =
  let stripCandidates = flip BS.breakSubstring bs <$> knownBzzrPrefixes in
    case find ((/= mempty) . snd) stripCandidates of
      Nothing -> bs
      Just (b, _) -> b

knownBzzrPrefixes :: [ByteString]
knownBzzrPrefixes = [
  -- a1 65 "bzzr0" 0x58 0x20 (solc <= 0.5.8)
  BS.pack [0xa1, 0x65, 98, 122, 122, 114, 48, 0x58, 0x20],
  -- a2 65 "bzzr0" 0x58 0x20 (solc >= 0.5.9)
  BS.pack [0xa2, 0x65, 98, 122, 122, 114, 48, 0x58, 0x20],
  -- a2 65 "bzzr1" 0x58 0x20 (solc >= 0.5.11)
  BS.pack [0xa2, 0x65, 98, 122, 122, 114, 49, 0x58, 0x20],
  -- a2 64 "ipfs" 0x58 0x22 (solc >= 0.6.0)
  BS.pack [0xa2, 0x64, 0x69, 0x70, 0x66, 0x73, 0x58, 0x22]

-- | Every node in the AST has an ID, and other nodes reference those
-- IDs.  This function recurses through the tree looking for objects
-- with the "id" key and makes a big map from ID to value.
astIdMap :: Foldable f => f Value -> Map Int Value
astIdMap = foldMap f
    f :: Value -> Map Int Value
    f (Array x) = foldMap f x
    f v@(Object x) =
      let t = foldMap f (HMap.elems x)
      in case HMap.lookup "id" x of
        Nothing         -> t
        Just (Number i) -> t <> Map.singleton (round i) v
        Just _          -> t
    f _ = mempty

astSrcMap :: Map Int Value -> (SrcMap -> Maybe Value)
astSrcMap astIds =
  \(SM i n f _ _)  -> Map.lookup (i, n, f) tmp
    tmp :: Map (Int, Int, Int) Value
    tmp =
      . mapMaybe
        (\v -> do
          src <- preview (key "src" . _String) v
          [i, n, f] <- mapM (readMaybe . Text.unpack) (Text.split (== ':') src)
          return ((i, n, f), v)
      . Map.elems
      $ astIds