{-# Language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# Language DataKinds #-}
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module EVM.Symbolic where
import Prelude hiding (Word, LT, GT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Lens hiding (op, (:<), (|>), (.>))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust)
import EVM.Types
import qualified EVM.Concrete as Concrete
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import Data.SBV hiding (runSMT, newArray_, addAxiom, Word)
import Data.SBV.Tools.Overflow
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256)
import qualified Crypto.Hash as Crypto
litWord :: Word -> SymWord
litWord (C whiff a) = S whiff (literal $ toSizzle a)
litAddr :: Addr -> SAddr
litAddr = SAddr . literal . toSizzle
maybeLitAddr :: SAddr -> Maybe Addr
maybeLitAddr (SAddr a) = fmap fromSizzle (unliteral a)
maybeLitBytes :: [SWord 8] -> Maybe ByteString
maybeLitBytes xs = fmap (\x -> BS.pack (fmap fromSized x)) (mapM unliteral xs)
forceLit :: SymWord -> Word
forceLit (S whiff a) = case unliteral a of
Just c -> C whiff (fromSizzle c)
Nothing -> error "unexpected symbolic argument"
forceLitBytes :: [SWord 8] -> ByteString
forceLitBytes = BS.pack . fmap (fromSized . fromJust . unliteral)
forceBuffer :: Buffer -> ByteString
forceBuffer (ConcreteBuffer b) = b
forceBuffer (SymbolicBuffer b) = forceLitBytes b
sdiv :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
sdiv (S a x) (S b y) = let sx, sy :: SInt 256
sx = sFromIntegral x
sy = sFromIntegral y
in S (Div a b) (sFromIntegral (sx `sQuot` sy))
smod :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
smod (S a x) (S b y) = let sx, sy :: SInt 256
sx = sFromIntegral x
sy = sFromIntegral y
in S (Mod a b) $ ite (y .== 0) 0 (sFromIntegral (sx `sRem` sy))
addmod :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
addmod (S a x) (S b y) (S c z) = let to512 :: SWord 256 -> SWord 512
to512 = sFromIntegral
in S (Todo "addmod" [a, b, c]) $ sFromIntegral $ ((to512 x) + (to512 y)) `sMod` (to512 z)
mulmod :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
mulmod (S a x) (S b y) (S c z) = let to512 :: SWord 256 -> SWord 512
to512 = sFromIntegral
in S (Todo "mulmod" [a, b, c]) $ sFromIntegral $ ((to512 x) * (to512 y)) `sMod` (to512 z)
slt :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
slt (S xw x) (S yw y) =
iteWhiff (SLT xw yw) (sFromIntegral x .< (sFromIntegral y :: (SInt 256))) 1 0
sgt :: SymWord -> SymWord -> SymWord
sgt (S xw x) (S yw y) =
iteWhiff (SGT xw yw) (sFromIntegral x .> (sFromIntegral y :: (SInt 256))) 1 0
swordAt :: Int -> [SWord 8] -> SymWord
swordAt i bs = let bs' = truncpad 32 $ drop i bs
in S (FromBytes (SymbolicBuffer bs')) (fromBytes bs')
readByteOrZero' :: Int -> [SWord 8] -> SWord 8
readByteOrZero' i bs = fromMaybe 0 (bs ^? ix i)
sliceWithZero' :: Int -> Int -> [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8]
sliceWithZero' o s m = truncpad s $ drop o m
writeMemory' :: [SWord 8] -> Word -> Word -> Word -> [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8]
writeMemory' bs1 (C _ n) (C _ src) (C _ dst) bs0 =
(a, b) = splitAt (num dst) bs0
a' = replicate (num dst - length a) 0
c = if src > num (length bs1)
then replicate (num n) 0
else sliceWithZero' (num src) (num n) bs1
b' = drop (num (n)) b
a <> a' <> c <> b'
readMemoryWord' :: Word -> [SWord 8] -> SymWord
readMemoryWord' (C _ i) m =
let bs = truncpad 32 (drop (num i) m)
in S (FromBytes (SymbolicBuffer bs)) (fromBytes bs)
readMemoryWord32' :: Word -> [SWord 8] -> SWord 32
readMemoryWord32' (C _ i) m = fromBytes $ truncpad 4 (drop (num i) m)
setMemoryWord' :: Word -> SymWord -> [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8]
setMemoryWord' (C _ i) (S _ x) =
writeMemory' (toBytes x) 32 0 (num i)
setMemoryByte' :: Word -> SWord 8 -> [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8]
setMemoryByte' (C _ i) x =
writeMemory' [x] 1 0 (num i)
readSWord' :: Word -> [SWord 8] -> SymWord
readSWord' (C _ i) x =
if i > num (length x)
then 0
else swordAt (num i) x
select' :: (Ord b, Num b, SymVal b, Mergeable a) => [a] -> a -> SBV b -> a
select' xs err ind = walk xs ind err
where walk [] _ acc = acc
walk (e:es) i acc = walk es (i-1) (ite (i .== 0) e acc)
readSWordWithBound :: SymWord -> Buffer -> SymWord -> SymWord
readSWordWithBound sind@(S _ ind) (SymbolicBuffer xs) (S _ bound) = case (num <$> maybeLitWord sind, num <$> fromSizzle <$> unliteral bound) of
(Just i, Just b) ->
let bs = truncpad 32 $ drop i (take b xs)
in S (FromBytes (SymbolicBuffer bs)) (fromBytes bs)
_ ->
let boundedList = [ite (i .<= bound) x' 0 | (x', i) <- zip xs [1..]]
res = [select' boundedList 0 (ind + j) | j <- [0..31]]
in S (FromBytes $ SymbolicBuffer res) $ fromBytes res
readSWordWithBound sind (ConcreteBuffer xs) bound =
case maybeLitWord sind of
Nothing -> readSWordWithBound sind (SymbolicBuffer (litBytes xs)) bound
Just x' ->
litWord $ Concrete.readMemoryWord x' xs
len :: Buffer -> Int
len (SymbolicBuffer bs) = length bs
len (ConcreteBuffer bs) = BS.length bs
readByteOrZero :: Int -> Buffer -> SWord 8
readByteOrZero i (SymbolicBuffer bs) = readByteOrZero' i bs
readByteOrZero i (ConcreteBuffer bs) = num $ Concrete.readByteOrZero i bs
sliceWithZero :: Int -> Int -> Buffer -> Buffer
sliceWithZero o s (SymbolicBuffer m) = SymbolicBuffer (sliceWithZero' o s m)
sliceWithZero o s (ConcreteBuffer m) = ConcreteBuffer (Concrete.byteStringSliceWithDefaultZeroes o s m)
writeMemory :: Buffer -> Word -> Word -> Word -> Buffer -> Buffer
writeMemory (ConcreteBuffer bs1) n src dst (ConcreteBuffer bs0) =
ConcreteBuffer (Concrete.writeMemory bs1 n src dst bs0)
writeMemory (ConcreteBuffer bs1) n src dst (SymbolicBuffer bs0) =
SymbolicBuffer (writeMemory' (litBytes bs1) n src dst bs0)
writeMemory (SymbolicBuffer bs1) n src dst (ConcreteBuffer bs0) =
SymbolicBuffer (writeMemory' bs1 n src dst (litBytes bs0))
writeMemory (SymbolicBuffer bs1) n src dst (SymbolicBuffer bs0) =
SymbolicBuffer (writeMemory' bs1 n src dst bs0)
readMemoryWord :: Word -> Buffer -> SymWord
readMemoryWord i (SymbolicBuffer m) = readMemoryWord' i m
readMemoryWord i (ConcreteBuffer m) = litWord $ Concrete.readMemoryWord i m
readMemoryWord32 :: Word -> Buffer -> SWord 32
readMemoryWord32 i (SymbolicBuffer m) = readMemoryWord32' i m
readMemoryWord32 i (ConcreteBuffer m) = num $ Concrete.readMemoryWord32 i m
setMemoryWord :: Word -> SymWord -> Buffer -> Buffer
setMemoryWord i x (SymbolicBuffer z) = SymbolicBuffer $ setMemoryWord' i x z
setMemoryWord i x (ConcreteBuffer z) = case maybeLitWord x of
Just x' -> ConcreteBuffer $ Concrete.setMemoryWord i x' z
Nothing -> SymbolicBuffer $ setMemoryWord' i x (litBytes z)
setMemoryByte :: Word -> SWord 8 -> Buffer -> Buffer
setMemoryByte i x (SymbolicBuffer m) = SymbolicBuffer $ setMemoryByte' i x m
setMemoryByte i x (ConcreteBuffer m) = case fromSized <$> unliteral x of
Nothing -> SymbolicBuffer $ setMemoryByte' i x (litBytes m)
Just x' -> ConcreteBuffer $ Concrete.setMemoryByte i x' m
readSWord :: Word -> Buffer -> SymWord
readSWord i (SymbolicBuffer x) = readSWord' i x
readSWord i (ConcreteBuffer x) = num $ Concrete.readMemoryWord i x
symSHA256N :: SInteger -> SInteger -> SWord 256
symSHA256N = uninterpret "sha256"
symkeccakN :: SInteger -> SInteger -> SWord 256
symkeccakN = uninterpret "keccak"
toSInt :: [SWord 8] -> SInteger
toSInt bs = sum $ zipWith (\a (i :: Integer) -> sFromIntegral a * 256 ^ i) bs [0..]
symkeccak' :: [SWord 8] -> SWord 256
symkeccak' bytes = case length bytes of
0 -> literal $ toSizzle $ keccak ""
n -> symkeccakN (num n) (toSInt bytes)
symSHA256 :: [SWord 8] -> [SWord 8]
symSHA256 bytes = case length bytes of
0 -> litBytes $ BS.pack $ BA.unpack $ (Crypto.hash BS.empty :: Digest SHA256)
n -> toBytes $ symSHA256N (num n) (toSInt bytes)
rawVal :: SymWord -> SWord 256
rawVal (S _ v) = v
whiffValue :: Whiff -> SWord 256
whiffValue w = case w of
w'@(Todo _ _) -> error $ "unable to get value of " ++ show w'
And x y -> whiffValue x .&. whiffValue y
Or x y -> whiffValue x .|. whiffValue y
Eq x y -> ite (whiffValue x .== whiffValue y) 1 0
LT x y -> ite (whiffValue x .< whiffValue y) 1 0
GT x y -> ite (whiffValue x .> whiffValue y) 1 0
ITE b x y -> ite (whiffValue b .== 1) (whiffValue x) (whiffValue y)
SLT x y -> rawVal $ slt (S x (whiffValue x)) (S y (whiffValue y))
SGT x y -> rawVal $ sgt (S x (whiffValue x)) (S y (whiffValue y))
IsZero x -> ite (whiffValue x .== 0) 1 0
SHL x y -> sShiftLeft (whiffValue x) (whiffValue y)
SHR x y -> sShiftRight (whiffValue x) (whiffValue y)
SAR x y -> sSignedShiftArithRight (whiffValue x) (whiffValue y)
Add x y -> whiffValue x + whiffValue y
Sub x y -> whiffValue x - whiffValue y
Mul x y -> whiffValue x * whiffValue y
Div x y -> whiffValue x `sDiv` whiffValue y
Mod x y -> whiffValue x `sMod` whiffValue y
Exp x y -> whiffValue x .^ whiffValue y
Neg x -> negate $ whiffValue x
Var _ v -> v
FromKeccak (ConcreteBuffer bstr) -> literal $ num $ keccak bstr
FromKeccak (SymbolicBuffer buf) -> symkeccak' buf
Literal x -> literal $ num $ x
FromBytes buf -> rawVal $ readMemoryWord 0 buf
FromStorage ind arr -> readArray arr (whiffValue ind)
simplifyCondition :: SBool -> Whiff -> SBool
simplifyCondition _ (IsZero (IsZero (IsZero a))) = whiffValue a .== 0
simplifyCondition b (IsZero (IsZero (LT (Add x y) z))) =
let x' = whiffValue x
y' = whiffValue y
z' = whiffValue z
(_, overflow) = bvAddO x' y'
ite (x' .== z' .||
y' .== z')
simplifyCondition b (IsZero (Eq x (Div (Mul y z) w))) =
simplifyCondition b (IsZero (Eq (Div (Mul y z) w) x))
simplifyCondition b (IsZero (Eq (Div (Mul y z) w) x)) =
let x' = whiffValue x
y' = whiffValue y
z' = whiffValue z
w' = whiffValue w
(_, overflow) = bvMulO y' z'
((y' .== x' .&& z' .== w') .||
(z' .== x' .&& y' .== w'))
(overflow .|| (w' .== 0 .&& x' ./= 0))
simplifyCondition b _ = b