{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.PlaneGraph.IO -- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals -- License : see the LICENSE file -- Maintainer : Frank Staals -- -- Converting from/to Adjacency Representation of the plane graph -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.PlaneGraph.IO where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.Aeson import Data.Bifunctor import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Ext import Data.Geometry.Point import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.PlanarGraph.AdjRep as PGA import qualified Data.PlanarGraph.IO as PGIO import Data.PlaneGraph.Core import Data.PlaneGraph.AdjRep (Face,Vtx(Vtx),Gr(Gr)) import Data.Proxy import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import Data.Yaml (ParseException) import Data.Yaml.Util -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $setup -- >>> import Data.PlanarGraph.Dart -- >>> import Data.PlanarGraph.AdjRep(Face(..)) -- >>> :{ -- let dart i s = Dart (Arc i) (read s) -- small :: Gr (Vtx Int String Int) (Face String) -- small = Gr [ Vtx 0 (Point2 0 0) [ (2,"0->2") -- , (1,"0->1") -- , (3,"0->3") -- ] 0 -- , Vtx 1 (Point2 2 2) [ (0,"1->0") -- , (2,"1->2") -- , (3,"1->3") -- ] 1 -- , Vtx 2 (Point2 2 0) [ (0,"2->0") -- , (1,"2->1") -- ] 2 -- , Vtx 3 (Point2 (-1) 4) [ (0,"3->0") -- , (1,"3->1") -- ] 3 -- ] -- [ Face (2,1) "OuterFace" -- , Face (0,1) "A" -- , Face (1,0) "B" -- ] -- smallG = fromAdjRep (Proxy :: Proxy ()) small -- :} -- -- -- This represents the following graph. Note that the graph is undirected, the -- arrows are just to indicate what the Positive direction of the darts is. -- --  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Reading and Writing the Plane Graph -- | Reads a plane graph from a bytestring readPlaneGraph :: (FromJSON v, FromJSON e, FromJSON f, FromJSON r) => proxy s -> B.ByteString -> Either ParseException (PlaneGraph s v e f r) readPlaneGraph _ = decodeYaml -- | Writes a plane graph to a bytestring writePlaneGraph :: (ToJSON v, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON r) => PlaneGraph s v e f r -> B.ByteString writePlaneGraph = encodeYaml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (ToJSON v, ToJSON e, ToJSON f, ToJSON r) => ToJSON (PlaneGraph s v e f r) where toEncoding = toEncoding . toAdjRep toJSON = toJSON . toAdjRep instance (FromJSON v, FromJSON e, FromJSON f, FromJSON r) => FromJSON (PlaneGraph s v e f r) where parseJSON v = fromAdjRep (Proxy :: Proxy s) <$> parseJSON v -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Transforms the plane graph into adjacency lists. For every -- vertex, the adjacent vertices are given in counter clockwise order. -- -- See 'toAdjacencyLists' for notes on how we handle self-loops. -- -- running time: \(O(n)\) toAdjRep :: PlaneGraph s v e f r -> Gr (Vtx v e r) (Face f) toAdjRep = first (\(PGA.Vtx v aj (VertexData p x)) -> Vtx v p aj x) . PGIO.toAdjRep . view graph -- | Given the AdjacencyList representation of a plane graph, -- construct the plane graph representing it. All the adjacencylists -- should be in counter clockwise order. -- -- running time: \(O(n)\) fromAdjRep :: proxy s -> Gr (Vtx v e r) (Face f) -> PlaneGraph s v e f r fromAdjRep px = PlaneGraph . PGIO.fromAdjRep px . first (\(Vtx v p aj x) -> PGA.Vtx v aj $ VertexData p x) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Orders the adjacencylists of a plane graph (with \(n\) vertices) (in Adj -- repr) so that they are all counter-clockwise around the vertices. -- -- running time: \(O(n \log n)\) makeCCW :: (Num r, Ord r) => Gr (Vtx v e r) f -> Gr (Vtx v e r) f makeCCW (Gr vs fs) = Gr (map sort' vs) fs where -- create an array that we can use to lookup the vertex locations in constant time. location' = V.create $ do a <- MV.new (length vs) forM_ vs $ \(Vtx i p _ _) -> MV.write a i $ ext p pure a -- sort the adjacencies around every vertex v sort' (Vtx v p ajs x) = Vtx v p (List.sortBy (around p) ajs) x around p (a,_) (b,_) = ccwCmpAround (ext p) (location' V.! a) (location' V.! b) -- note: since the graph is planar, there should not be -- any pairs of points for which ccwCmpAround returns EQ -- hence, no need to pick a secondary comparison --------------------------------------------------------------------------------