{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Geometry.Vector.VectorFixed where

import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Lens hiding (element)
import           Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import           Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as V
import           Data.Vector.Fixed (Arity)
import           Data.Vector.Fixed.Boxed
import           Data.Vector.Fixed.Cont (Peano, PeanoNum(..))
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           GHC.TypeLits
import           Linear.Affine (Affine(..))
import           Linear.Metric
import qualified Linear.V2 as L2
import qualified Linear.V3 as L3
import           Linear.Vector


-- | A proxy which can be used for the coordinates.
data C (n :: Nat) = C deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord)

-- * d dimensional Vectors

-- | Datatype representing d dimensional vectors. Our implementation wraps the
-- implementation provided by fixed-vector.
newtype Vector (d :: Nat)  (r :: *) = Vector { _unV :: Vec d r }
                                    deriving (Generic)

unV :: Lens' (Vector d r) (Vec d r)
unV = lens _unV (const Vector)


-- | Lens into the i th element
element   :: forall proxy i d r. (Arity d, Arity i, (i + 1) <= d)
          => proxy i -> Lens' (Vector d r) r
element _ = V.elementTy (Proxy :: Proxy i)

-- | Similar to 'element' above. Except that we don't have a static guarantee
-- that the index is in bounds. Hence, we can only return a Traversal
element'   :: forall d r. Arity d => Int -> Traversal' (Vector d r) r
element' i f v
  | 0 <= i && i < fromInteger (natVal (C :: C d)) = f (v V.! i)
                                                 <&> \a -> (v&V.element i .~ a)
       -- Implementation based on that of Ixed Vector in Control.Lens.At
  | otherwise                                     = pure v

vectorFromList :: Arity d => [a] -> Maybe (Vector d a)
vectorFromList = fmap Vector . V.fromListM

vectorFromListUnsafe :: Arity d => [a] -> Vector d a
vectorFromListUnsafe = Vector . V.fromList

instance (Show r, Arity d) => Show (Vector d r) where
  show (Vector v) = mconcat [ "Vector", show $ V.length v , " "
                            , show $ F.toList v

deriving instance (Eq r, Arity d)   => Eq (Vector d r)
deriving instance (Ord r, Arity d)  => Ord (Vector d r)
-- deriving instance Arity d  => Functor (Vector d)

-- for some weird reason, implemeting this myself yields is faster code
instance Arity d  => Functor (Vector d) where
  fmap f (Vector v) = Vector $ fmap f v

deriving instance Arity d  => Foldable (Vector d)
deriving instance Arity d  => Applicative (Vector d)

instance Arity d => Traversable (Vector d) where
  traverse f (Vector v) = Vector <$> traverse f v

deriving instance (Arity d, NFData r) => NFData (Vector d r)

instance Arity d => Additive (Vector d) where
  zero = pure 0
  (Vector u) ^+^ (Vector v) = Vector $ V.zipWith (+) u v

instance Arity d => Affine (Vector d) where
  type Diff (Vector d) = Vector d

  u .-. v = u ^-^ v
  p .+^ v = p ^+^ v

instance Arity d => Metric (Vector d)

type instance V.Dim (Vector d) = d

instance Arity d => V.Vector (Vector d) r where
  construct  = Vector <$> V.construct
  inspect    = V.inspect . _unV
  basicIndex = V.basicIndex . _unV

instance (FromJSON r, Arity d, KnownNat d)  => FromJSON (Vector d r) where
  parseJSON y = parseJSON y >>= \xs -> case vectorFromList xs of
                  Nothing -> fail . mconcat $
                    [ "FromJSON (Vector d a), wrong number of elements. Expected "
                    , show $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy d)
                    , " elements but found "
                    , show $ length xs
                    , "."
                  Just v -> pure v

instance (ToJSON r, Arity d) => ToJSON (Vector d r) where
  toJSON     = toJSON     . F.toList
  toEncoding = toEncoding . F.toList


-- | Get the head and tail of a vector
destruct            :: (Arity d, Arity (d + 1), 1 <= (d + 1))
                    => Vector (d + 1) r -> (r, Vector d r)
destruct (Vector v) = (V.head v, Vector $ V.tail v)

-- | Cross product of two three-dimensional vectors
cross       :: Num r => Vector 3 r -> Vector 3 r -> Vector 3 r
u `cross` v = fromV3 $ (toV3 u) `L3.cross` (toV3 v)


-- | Vonversion to a Linear.V2
toV2                :: Vector 2 a -> L2.V2 a
toV2 ~(Vector2 a b) = L2.V2 a b

-- | Conversion to a Linear.V3
toV3                  :: Vector 3 a -> L3.V3 a
toV3 ~(Vector3 a b c) = L3.V3 a b c

-- | Conversion from a Linear.V3
fromV3               :: L3.V3 a -> Vector 3 a
fromV3 (L3.V3 a b c) = v3 a b c


-- | Add an element at the back of the vector
snoc :: (Arity (d + 1), Arity d) => Vector d r -> r -> Vector (d + 1) r
snoc = flip V.snoc

-- | Get a vector of the first d - 1 elements.
init :: (Arity d, Arity (d + 1)) => Vector (d + 1) r -> Vector d r
init = Vector . V.reverse . V.tail . V.reverse . _unV

last :: forall d r. (Arity d, Arity (d + 1)) => Vector (d + 1) r -> r
last = view $ element (Proxy :: Proxy d)

-- | Get a prefix of i elements of a vector
prefix :: forall i d r. (Arity d, Arity i, i <= d)
       => Vector d r -> Vector i r
prefix = let i = fromInteger . natVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy i)
         in V.fromList . take i . V.toList

-- * Functions specific to two and three dimensional vectors.

-- | Construct a 2 dimensional vector
v2     :: r -> r -> Vector 2 r
v2 a b = Vector $ V.mk2 a b

-- | Construct a 3 dimensional vector
v3      :: r -> r -> r -> Vector 3 r
v3 a b c = Vector $ V.mk3 a b c

-- | Destruct a 2 dim vector into a pair
_unV2 :: Vector 2 r -> (r,r)
_unV2 v = let [x,y] = V.toList v in (x,y)

_unV3 :: Vector 3 r -> (r,r,r)
_unV3 v = let [x,y,z] = V.toList v in (x,y,z)

-- | Pattern synonym for two and three dim vectors
pattern Vector2       :: r -> r -> Vector 2 r
pattern Vector2 x y   <- (_unV2 -> (x,y))
    Vector2 x y = v2 x y
{-# COMPLETE Vector2 #-}

pattern Vector3       :: r -> r -> r -> Vector 3 r
pattern Vector3 x y z <- (_unV3 -> (x,y,z))
    Vector3 x y z = v3 x y z
{-# COMPLETE Vector3 #-}

pattern Vector4         :: r -> r -> r -> r -> Vector 4 r
pattern Vector4 x y z a <- (V.toList -> [x,y,z,a])
    Vector4 x y z a = V.mk4 x y z a
{-# COMPLETE Vector4 #-}