{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.PlanarGraph.Core -- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals -- License : see the LICENSE file -- Maintainer : Frank Staals -- -- Data type for representing connected planar graphs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.PlanarGraph.Core where import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Lens hiding ((.=)) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Foldable as F import Data.Permutation import Data.PlanarGraph.Dart import Data.Type.Equality (gcastWith, (:~:)(..)) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $setup -- >>> :{ -- let dart i s = Dart (Arc i) (read s) -- (aA:aB:aC:aD:aE:aG:_) = take 6 [Arc 0..] -- myGraph :: PlanarGraph () Primal () String () -- myGraph = planarGraph [ [ (Dart aA Negative, "a-") -- , (Dart aC Positive, "c+") -- , (Dart aB Positive, "b+") -- , (Dart aA Positive, "a+") -- ] -- , [ (Dart aE Negative, "e-") -- , (Dart aB Negative, "b-") -- , (Dart aD Negative, "d-") -- , (Dart aG Positive, "g+") -- ] -- , [ (Dart aE Positive, "e+") -- , (Dart aD Positive, "d+") -- , (Dart aC Negative, "c-") -- ] -- , [ (Dart aG Negative, "g-") -- ] -- ] -- :} -- -- -- This represents the following graph. Note that the graph is undirected, the -- arrows are just to indicate what the Positive direction of the darts is. -- --  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Representing The World -- | The world in which the graph lives data World = Primal | Dual deriving (Show,Eq) -- | We can take the dual of a world. For the Primal this gives us the Dual, -- for the Dual this gives us the Primal. type family DualOf (sp :: World) where DualOf Primal = Dual DualOf Dual = Primal -- | The Dual of the Dual is the Primal. dualDualIdentity :: forall w. DualOf (DualOf w) :~: w dualDualIdentity = unsafeCoerce Refl -- manual proof: -- DualOf (DualOf Primal) = Primal -- DualOf (DualOf Dual) = Dual -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * VertexId's -- | A vertex in a planar graph. A vertex is tied to a particular planar graph -- by the phantom type s, and to a particular world w. newtype VertexId s (w :: World) = VertexId { _unVertexId :: Int } deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,ToJSON,FromJSON,Generic,NFData) -- VertexId's are in the range 0...|orbits|-1 -- | Shorthand for vertices in the primal. type VertexId' s = VertexId s Primal unVertexId :: Getter (VertexId s w) Int unVertexId = to _unVertexId instance Show (VertexId s w) where show (VertexId i) = "VertexId " ++ show i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * FaceId's -- | The type to reprsent FaceId's newtype FaceId s w = FaceId { _unFaceId :: VertexId s (DualOf w) } deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,ToJSON,FromJSON) -- | Shorthand for FaceId's in the primal. type FaceId' s = FaceId s Primal instance Show (FaceId s w) where show (FaceId (VertexId i)) = "FaceId " ++ show i -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * The graph type itself -- | A *connected* Planar graph with bidirected edges. I.e. the edges (darts) are -- directed, however, for every directed edge, the edge in the oposite -- direction is also in the graph. -- -- The types v, e, and f are the are the types of the data associated with the -- vertices, edges, and faces, respectively. -- -- The orbits in the embedding are assumed to be in counterclockwise -- order. Therefore, every dart directly bounds the face to its right. data PlanarGraph s (w :: World) v e f = PlanarGraph { _embedding :: Permutation (Dart s) , _vertexData :: V.Vector v , _rawDartData :: V.Vector e , _faceData :: V.Vector f , _dual :: PlanarGraph s (DualOf w) f e v } deriving (Generic) instance (Show v, Show e, Show f) => Show (PlanarGraph s w v e f) where show (PlanarGraph e v r f _) = unwords [ "PlanarGraph" , "embedding =", show e , ", vertexData =", show v , ", rawDartData =", show r , ", faceData =", show f ] instance (Eq v, Eq e, Eq f) => Eq (PlanarGraph s w v e f) where (PlanarGraph e v r f _) == (PlanarGraph e' v' r' f' _) = e == e' && v == v' && r == r' && f == f' -- ** lenses and getters -- | Get the embedding, reprsented as a permutation of the darts, of this -- graph. embedding :: Getter (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (Permutation (Dart s)) embedding = to _embedding vertexData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v' e f) (V.Vector v) (V.Vector v') vertexData = lens _vertexData (\g vD -> updateData (const vD) id id g) rawDartData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e' f) (V.Vector e) (V.Vector e') rawDartData = lens _rawDartData (\g dD -> updateData id (const dD) id g) faceData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e f') (V.Vector f) (V.Vector f') faceData = lens _faceData (\g fD -> updateData id id (const fD) g) -- | Get the dual graph of this graph. dual :: Getter (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s (DualOf w) f e v) dual = to _dual -- FIXME: So I guess the two darts associated with an edge can store different -- data. This is useful. Make sure that works as expected. -- | lens to access the Dart Data -- -- dartData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e' f) (V.Vector (Dart s, e)) (V.Vector (Dart s, e')) dartData = lens darts (\g dD -> updateData id (const $ reorderEdgeData dD) id g) -- | edgeData is just an alias for 'dartData' edgeData :: Lens (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (PlanarGraph s w v e' f) (V.Vector (Dart s, e)) (V.Vector (Dart s, e')) edgeData = dartData -- | Helper function to update the data in a planar graph. Takes care to update -- both the data in the original graph as well as in the dual. updateData :: forall s w v e f v' e' f' . (V.Vector v -> V.Vector v') -> (V.Vector e -> V.Vector e') -> (V.Vector f -> V.Vector f') -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> PlanarGraph s w v' e' f' updateData = gcastWith proof updateData' where proof :: DualOf (DualOf w) :~: w proof = dualDualIdentity -- | The function that does the actual work for 'updateData' updateData' :: (DualOf (DualOf w) ~ w) => (V.Vector v -> V.Vector v') -> (V.Vector e -> V.Vector e') -> (V.Vector f -> V.Vector f') -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> PlanarGraph s w v' e' f' updateData' fv fe ff (PlanarGraph em vtxData dData fData dg) = g' where vtxData' = fv vtxData dData' = fe dData fData' = ff fData g' = PlanarGraph em vtxData' dData' fData' dg' dg' = PlanarGraph (dg^.embedding) fData' dData' vtxData' g' -- | Reorders the edge data to be in the right order to set edgeData reorderEdgeData :: Foldable f => f (Dart s, e) -> V.Vector e reorderEdgeData ds = V.create $ do v <- MV.new (F.length ds) forM_ (F.toList ds) $ \(d,x) -> MV.write v (fromEnum d) x pure v -- | Traverse the vertices -- -- (^.vertexData) <$> traverseVertices (\i x -> Just (i,x)) myGraph -- Just [(VertexId 0,()),(VertexId 1,()),(VertexId 2,()),(VertexId 3,())] -- >>> traverseVertices (\i x -> print (i,x)) myGraph >> pure () -- (VertexId 0,()) -- (VertexId 1,()) -- (VertexId 2,()) -- (VertexId 3,()) traverseVertices :: Applicative m => (VertexId s w -> v -> m v') -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> m (PlanarGraph s w v' e f) traverseVertices f = itraverseOf (vertexData.itraversed) (\i -> f (VertexId i)) -- | Traverses the darts -- -- >>> traverseDarts (\d x -> print (d,x)) myGraph >> pure () -- (Dart (Arc 0) +1,"a+") -- (Dart (Arc 0) -1,"a-") -- (Dart (Arc 1) +1,"b+") -- (Dart (Arc 1) -1,"b-") -- (Dart (Arc 2) +1,"c+") -- (Dart (Arc 2) -1,"c-") -- (Dart (Arc 3) +1,"d+") -- (Dart (Arc 3) -1,"d-") -- (Dart (Arc 4) +1,"e+") -- (Dart (Arc 4) -1,"e-") -- (Dart (Arc 5) +1,"g+") -- (Dart (Arc 5) -1,"g-") traverseDarts :: Applicative m => (Dart s -> e -> m e') -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> m (PlanarGraph s w v e' f) traverseDarts f = itraverseOf (rawDartData.itraversed) (\i -> f (toEnum i)) -- | Traverses the faces -- -- >>> traverseFaces (\i x -> print (i,x)) myGraph >> pure () -- (FaceId 0,()) -- (FaceId 1,()) -- (FaceId 2,()) -- (FaceId 3,()) traverseFaces :: Applicative m => (FaceId s w -> f -> m f') -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> m (PlanarGraph s w v e f') traverseFaces f = itraverseOf (faceData.itraversed) (\i -> f (FaceId $ VertexId i)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Constructing a Planar graph -- | Construct a planar graph -- -- running time: \(O(n)\). planarGraph' :: Permutation (Dart s) -> PlanarGraph s w () () () planarGraph' perm = pg where pg = PlanarGraph perm vData eData fData (computeDual pg) -- note the lazy calculation of computeDual that refers to pg itself d = size perm e = d `div` 2 v = V.length (perm^.orbits) f = e - v + 2 vData = V.replicate v () eData = V.replicate d () fData = V.replicate f () -- | Construct a planar graph, given the darts in cyclic order around each -- vertex. -- -- running time: \(O(n)\). planarGraph :: [[(Dart s,e)]] -> PlanarGraph s Primal () e () planarGraph ds = (planarGraph' perm)&dartData .~ (V.fromList . concat $ ds) where n = sum . map length $ ds perm = toCycleRep n $ map (map fst) ds -- | Produces the adjacencylists for all vertices in the graph. For every vertex, the -- adjacent vertices are given in counter clockwise order. -- -- Note that in case a vertex u as a self loop, we have that this vertexId occurs -- twice in the list of neighbours, i.e.: u : [...,u,..,u,...]. Similarly, if there are -- multiple darts between a pair of edges they occur multiple times. -- -- running time: \(O(n)\) toAdjacencyLists :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> [(VertexId s w, V.Vector (VertexId s w))] toAdjacencyLists pg = map (\u -> (u,neighboursOf u pg)) . V.toList . vertices' $ pg -- TODO: something weird happens when we have self-loops here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Convenience functions -- | Get the number of vertices -- -- >>> numVertices myGraph -- 4 numVertices :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int numVertices g = V.length (g^.embedding.orbits) -- | Get the number of Darts -- -- >>> numDarts myGraph -- 12 numDarts :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int numDarts g = size (g^.embedding) -- | Get the number of Edges -- -- >>> numEdges myGraph -- 6 numEdges :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int numEdges g = numDarts g `div` 2 -- | Get the number of faces -- -- >>> numFaces myGraph -- 4 numFaces :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Int numFaces g = numEdges g - numVertices g + 2 -- | Enumerate all vertices -- -- >>> vertices' myGraph -- [VertexId 0,VertexId 1,VertexId 2,VertexId 3] vertices' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w) vertices' g = VertexId <$> V.enumFromN 0 (V.length (g^.embedding.orbits)) -- | Enumerate all vertices, together with their vertex data -- >>> vertices myGraph -- [(VertexId 0,()),(VertexId 1,()),(VertexId 2,()),(VertexId 3,())] vertices :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w, v) vertices g = V.zip (vertices' g) (g^.vertexData) -- | Enumerate all darts darts' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s) darts' = elems . _embedding -- | Get all darts together with their data -- -- >>> mapM_ print $ darts myGraph -- (Dart (Arc 0) -1,"a-") -- (Dart (Arc 2) +1,"c+") -- (Dart (Arc 1) +1,"b+") -- (Dart (Arc 0) +1,"a+") -- (Dart (Arc 4) -1,"e-") -- (Dart (Arc 1) -1,"b-") -- (Dart (Arc 3) -1,"d-") -- (Dart (Arc 5) +1,"g+") -- (Dart (Arc 4) +1,"e+") -- (Dart (Arc 3) +1,"d+") -- (Dart (Arc 2) -1,"c-") -- (Dart (Arc 5) -1,"g-") darts :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s, e) darts g = (\d -> (d,g^.dataOf d)) <$> darts' g -- | Enumerate all edges. We report only the Positive darts edges' :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s) edges' = V.filter isPositive . darts' -- | Enumerate all edges with their edge data. We report only the Positive -- darts. -- -- >>> mapM_ print $ edges myGraph -- (Dart (Arc 2) +1,"c+") -- (Dart (Arc 1) +1,"b+") -- (Dart (Arc 0) +1,"a+") -- (Dart (Arc 5) +1,"g+") -- (Dart (Arc 4) +1,"e+") -- (Dart (Arc 3) +1,"d+") edges :: PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s, e) edges = V.filter (isPositive . fst) . darts -- | The tail of a dart, i.e. the vertex this dart is leaving from -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) tailOf :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> VertexId s w tailOf d g = VertexId . fst $ lookupIdx (g^.embedding) d -- | The vertex this dart is heading in to -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) headOf :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> VertexId s w headOf d = tailOf (twin d) -- | endPoints d g = (tailOf d g, headOf d g) -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) endPoints :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> (VertexId s w, VertexId s w) endPoints d g = (tailOf d g, headOf d g) -- | All edges incident to vertex v, in counterclockwise order around v. -- -- -- -- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size incidentEdges :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s) incidentEdges (VertexId v) g = g^?!embedding.orbits.ix v -- TODO: The Delaunay triang. stuff seems to produce these in clockwise order instead -- | All edges incident to vertex v in incoming direction -- (i.e. pointing into v) in counterclockwise order around v. -- -- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k) is the total number of incident edges of v incomingEdges :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s) incomingEdges v g = orient <$> incidentEdges v g where orient d = if headOf d g == v then d else twin d -- | All edges incident to vertex v in outgoing direction -- (i.e. pointing away from v) in counterclockwise order around v. -- -- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k) is the total number of incident edges of v outgoingEdges :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (Dart s) outgoingEdges v g = orient <$> incidentEdges v g where orient d = if tailOf d g == v then d else twin d -- | Gets the neighbours of a particular vertex, in counterclockwise order -- around the vertex. -- -- running time: \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the output size neighboursOf :: VertexId s w -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> V.Vector (VertexId s w) neighboursOf v g = flip tailOf g <$> incomingEdges v g -- | Given a dart d that points into some vertex v, report the next dart in the -- cyclic order around v. -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) nextIncidentEdge :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Dart s nextIncidentEdge d g = let perm = g^.embedding (i,j) = lookupIdx perm d in next (perm^?!orbits.ix i) j -- | Given a dart d that points into some vertex v, report the next dart in the -- cyclic order around v. -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) prevIncidentEdge :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> Dart s prevIncidentEdge d g = let perm = g^.embedding (i,j) = lookupIdx perm d in previous (perm^?!orbits.ix i) j -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Access data class HasDataOf g i where type DataOf g i -- | get the data associated with the value i. -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) to read the data, \(O(n)\) to write it. dataOf :: i -> Lens' g (DataOf g i) instance HasDataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (VertexId s w) where type DataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (VertexId s w) = v dataOf (VertexId i) = vertexData.singular (ix i) instance HasDataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (Dart s) where type DataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (Dart s) = e dataOf d = rawDartData.singular (ix $ fromEnum d) instance HasDataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (FaceId s w) where type DataOf (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (FaceId s w) = f dataOf (FaceId (VertexId i)) = faceData.singular (ix i) -- | Data corresponding to the endpoints of the dart endPointDataOf :: Dart s -> Getter (PlanarGraph s w v e f) (v,v) endPointDataOf d = to $ endPointData d -- | Data corresponding to the endpoints of the dart -- -- running time: \(O(1)\) endPointData :: Dart s -> PlanarGraph s w v e f -> (v,v) endPointData d g = let (u,v) = endPoints d g in (g^.dataOf u, g^.dataOf v) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * The Dual graph -- | The dual of this graph -- -- >>> :{ -- let fromList = V.fromList -- answer = fromList [ fromList [dart 0 "-1"] -- , fromList [dart 2 "+1",dart 4 "+1",dart 1 "-1",dart 0 "+1"] -- , fromList [dart 1 "+1",dart 3 "-1",dart 2 "-1"] -- , fromList [dart 4 "-1",dart 3 "+1",dart 5 "+1",dart 5 "-1"] -- ] -- in (computeDual myGraph)^.embedding.orbits == answer -- :} -- True -- -- running time: \(O(n)\). computeDual :: forall s w v e f. PlanarGraph s w v e f -> PlanarGraph s (DualOf w) f e v computeDual = gcastWith proof computeDual' where proof :: DualOf (DualOf w) :~: w proof = dualDualIdentity -- | Does the actual work for dualGraph computeDual' :: (DualOf (DualOf w) ~ w) => PlanarGraph s w v e f -> PlanarGraph s (DualOf w) f e v computeDual' g = dualG where perm = g^.embedding dualG = PlanarGraph (cycleRep (elems perm) (apply perm . twin)) (g^.faceData) (g^.rawDartData) (g^.vertexData) g