{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module HIE.Bios.Cradle (
, loadCradle
, loadImplicitCradle
, defaultCradle
) where
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import HIE.Bios.Types
import HIE.Bios.Config
import System.Directory hiding (findFile)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import System.Info.Extra
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import System.Environment
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import System.IO.Temp
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import System.PosixCompat.Files
import HIE.Bios.Wrappers
import System.IO
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_hie_bios
import Data.Conduit.Process
import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as C
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList
, fromMaybe
findCradle :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findCradle wfile = do
let wdir = takeDirectory wfile
runMaybeT (yamlConfig wdir)
loadCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
loadCradle = loadCradleWithOpts defaultCradleOpts
loadImplicitCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle
loadImplicitCradle wfile = do
let wdir = takeDirectory wfile
cfg <- runMaybeT (implicitConfig wdir)
return $ case cfg of
Just bc -> getCradle bc
Nothing -> defaultCradle wdir
loadCradleWithOpts :: CradleOpts -> FilePath -> IO Cradle
loadCradleWithOpts _copts wfile = do
cradleConfig <- readCradleConfig wfile
return $ getCradle (cradleConfig, takeDirectory wfile)
getCradle :: (CradleConfig, FilePath) -> Cradle
getCradle (cc, wdir) = addCradleDeps cradleDeps $ case cradleType cc of
Cabal mc -> cabalCradle wdir mc
CabalMulti ms ->
getCradle $
(CradleConfig cradleDeps
(Multi [(p, CradleConfig [] (Cabal (Just c))) | (p, c) <- ms])
, wdir)
Stack mc -> stackCradle wdir mc
StackMulti ms ->
getCradle $
(CradleConfig cradleDeps
(Multi [(p, CradleConfig [] (Stack (Just c))) | (p, c) <- ms])
, wdir)
Bios bios deps -> biosCradle wdir bios deps
Direct xs -> directCradle wdir xs
None -> noneCradle wdir
Multi ms -> multiCradle wdir ms
cradleDeps = cradleDependencies cc
addCradleDeps :: [FilePath] -> Cradle -> Cradle
addCradleDeps deps c =
c { cradleOptsProg = addActionDeps (cradleOptsProg c) }
addActionDeps :: CradleAction -> CradleAction
addActionDeps ca =
ca { runCradle = \l fp ->
(fmap (\(ComponentOptions os' ds) -> ComponentOptions os' (ds `union` deps)))
<$> runCradle ca l fp }
implicitConfig :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO (CradleConfig, FilePath)
implicitConfig fp = do
(crdType, wdir) <- implicitConfig' fp
return (CradleConfig [] crdType, wdir)
implicitConfig' :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO (CradleType, FilePath)
implicitConfig' fp = (\wdir ->
(Bios (wdir </> ".hie-bios") Nothing, wdir)) <$> biosWorkDir fp
<|> (stackExecutable >> (Stack Nothing,) <$> stackWorkDir fp)
<|> ((Cabal Nothing,) <$> cabalWorkDir fp)
yamlConfig :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
yamlConfig fp = do
configDir <- yamlConfigDirectory fp
return (configDir </> configFileName)
yamlConfigDirectory :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
yamlConfigDirectory = findFileUpwards (configFileName ==)
readCradleConfig :: FilePath -> IO CradleConfig
readCradleConfig yamlHie = do
cfg <- liftIO $ readConfig yamlHie
return (cradle cfg)
configFileName :: FilePath
configFileName = "hie.yaml"
defaultCradle :: FilePath -> Cradle
defaultCradle cur_dir =
{ cradleRootDir = cur_dir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "default"
, runCradle = \_ _ -> return (CradleSuccess (ComponentOptions [] []))
noneCradle :: FilePath -> Cradle
noneCradle cur_dir =
{ cradleRootDir = cur_dir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "none"
, runCradle = \_ _ -> return CradleNone
multiCradle :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, CradleConfig)] -> Cradle
multiCradle cur_dir cs =
{ cradleRootDir = cur_dir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "multi"
, runCradle = \l fp -> canonicalizePath fp >>= multiAction cur_dir cs l
multiAction :: FilePath
-> [(FilePath, CradleConfig)]
-> LoggingFunction
-> FilePath
-> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
multiAction cur_dir cs l cur_fp = selectCradle =<< canonicalizeCradles
err_msg = ["Multi Cradle: No prefixes matched"
, "pwd: " ++ cur_dir
, "filepath" ++ cur_fp
, "prefixes:"
] ++ [show (pf, cradleType cc) | (pf, cc) <- cs]
canonicalizeCradles :: IO [(FilePath, CradleConfig)]
canonicalizeCradles =
sortOn (Down . fst)
<$> mapM (\(p, c) -> (,c) <$> (canonicalizePath (cur_dir </> p))) cs
selectCradle [] =
return (CradleFail (CradleError ExitSuccess err_msg))
selectCradle ((p, c): css) =
if p `isPrefixOf` cur_fp
then runCradle (cradleOptsProg (getCradle (c, cur_dir))) l cur_fp
else selectCradle css
directCradle :: FilePath -> [String] -> Cradle
directCradle wdir args =
{ cradleRootDir = wdir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "direct"
, runCradle = \_ _ -> return (CradleSuccess (ComponentOptions args []))
biosCradle :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> Cradle
biosCradle wdir biosProg biosDepsProg =
{ cradleRootDir = wdir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "bios"
, runCradle = biosAction wdir biosProg biosDepsProg
biosWorkDir :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
biosWorkDir = findFileUpwards (".hie-bios" ==)
biosDepsAction :: LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
biosDepsAction l wdir (Just biosDepsProg) = do
biosDeps' <- canonicalizePath biosDepsProg
(ex, sout, serr, args) <- readProcessWithOutputFile l Nothing wdir biosDeps' []
case ex of
ExitFailure _ -> error $ show (ex, sout, serr)
ExitSuccess -> return args
biosDepsAction _ _ Nothing = return []
biosAction :: FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Maybe FilePath
-> LoggingFunction
-> FilePath
-> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
biosAction wdir bios bios_deps l fp = do
bios' <- canonicalizePath bios
(ex, _stdo, std, res) <- readProcessWithOutputFile l Nothing wdir bios' [fp]
deps <- biosDepsAction l wdir bios_deps
return $ makeCradleResult (ex, std, res) deps
cabalCradle :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> Cradle
cabalCradle wdir mc =
{ cradleRootDir = wdir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "cabal"
, runCradle = cabalAction wdir mc
cabalCradleDependencies :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
cabalCradleDependencies rootDir = do
cabalFiles <- findCabalFiles rootDir
return $ cabalFiles ++ ["cabal.project"]
findCabalFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findCabalFiles wdir = do
dirContent <- listDirectory wdir
return $ filter ((== ".cabal") . takeExtension) dirContent
processCabalWrapperArgs :: [String] -> Maybe [String]
processCabalWrapperArgs args =
case args of
(dir: ghc_args) ->
let final_args =
$ removeInteractive
$ map (fixImportDirs dir)
$ ghc_args
in Just final_args
_ -> Nothing
type GhcProc = (FilePath, [String])
getCabalWrapperTool :: GhcProc -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
getCabalWrapperTool (ghcPath, ghcArgs) wdir = do
wrapper_fp <-
if isWindows
then do
cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "hie-bios"
let wrapper_name = "wrapper-" ++ showVersion version
let wrapper_fp = cacheDir </> wrapper_name <.> "exe"
exists <- doesFileExist wrapper_fp
unless exists $ do
tempDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
let wrapper_hs = tempDir </> wrapper_name <.> "hs"
writeFile wrapper_hs cabalWrapperHs
createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
let ghc = (proc ghcPath $ ghcArgs ++ ["-o", wrapper_fp, wrapper_hs])
{ cwd = Just wdir }
readCreateProcess ghc "" >>= putStr
return wrapper_fp
else writeSystemTempFile "bios-wrapper" cabalWrapper
setFileMode wrapper_fp accessModes
_check <- readFile wrapper_fp
return wrapper_fp
cabalAction :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
cabalAction work_dir mc l _fp = do
wrapper_fp <- getCabalWrapperTool ("ghc", []) work_dir
let cab_args = ["v2-repl", "--with-compiler", wrapper_fp]
++ [component_name | Just component_name <- [mc]]
(ex, output, stde, args) <-
readProcessWithOutputFile l Nothing work_dir "cabal" cab_args
deps <- cabalCradleDependencies work_dir
case processCabalWrapperArgs args of
Nothing -> pure $ CradleFail (CradleError ex
["Failed to parse result of calling cabal"
, unlines output
, unlines stde
, unlines args])
Just final_args -> pure $ makeCradleResult (ex, stde, final_args) deps
removeInteractive :: [String] -> [String]
removeInteractive = filter (/= "--interactive")
removeVerbosityOpts :: [String] -> [String]
removeVerbosityOpts = filter ((&&) <$> (/= "-v0") <*> (/= "-w"))
fixImportDirs :: FilePath -> String -> String
fixImportDirs base_dir arg =
if "-i" `isPrefixOf` arg
then let dir = drop 2 arg
in if not (null dir) && isRelative dir then "-i" ++ base_dir </> dir
else arg
else arg
cabalWorkDir :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
cabalWorkDir = findFileUpwards isCabal
isCabal name = name == "cabal.project"
stackCradle :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> Cradle
stackCradle wdir mc =
{ cradleRootDir = wdir
, cradleOptsProg = CradleAction
{ actionName = "stack"
, runCradle = stackAction wdir mc
stackCradleDependencies :: FilePath-> IO [FilePath]
stackCradleDependencies wdir = do
cabalFiles <- findCabalFiles wdir
return $ cabalFiles ++ ["package.yaml", "stack.yaml"]
stackAction :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
stackAction work_dir mc l _fp = do
let ghcProcArgs = ("stack", ["exec", "ghc", "--"])
wrapper_fp <- getCabalWrapperTool ghcProcArgs work_dir
(ex1, _stdo, stde, args) <-
readProcessWithOutputFile l Nothing work_dir
"stack" $ ["repl", "--no-nix-pure", "--with-ghc", wrapper_fp] ++ maybeToList mc
(ex2, pkg_args, stdr, _) <-
readProcessWithOutputFile l Nothing work_dir "stack" ["path", "--ghc-package-path"]
let split_pkgs = concatMap splitSearchPath pkg_args
pkg_ghc_args = concatMap (\p -> ["-package-db", p] ) split_pkgs
deps <- stackCradleDependencies work_dir
return $ case processCabalWrapperArgs args of
Nothing -> CradleFail (CradleError ex1 $
("Failed to parse result of calling stack":
++ args)
Just ghc_args ->
makeCradleResult (combineExitCodes [ex1, ex2], stde ++ stdr, ghc_args ++ pkg_ghc_args) deps
combineExitCodes :: [ExitCode] -> ExitCode
combineExitCodes = foldr go ExitSuccess
go ExitSuccess b = b
go a _ = a
stackExecutable :: MaybeT IO FilePath
stackExecutable = MaybeT $ findExecutable "stack"
stackWorkDir :: FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
stackWorkDir = findFileUpwards isStack
isStack name = name == "stack.yaml"
findFileUpwards :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> MaybeT IO FilePath
findFileUpwards p dir = do
cnts <- liftIO $ findFile p dir
case cnts of
[] | dir' == dir -> fail "No cabal files"
| otherwise -> findFileUpwards p dir'
_:_ -> return dir
dir' = takeDirectory dir
findFile :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
findFile p dir = do
b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
if b then getFiles >>= filterM doesPredFileExist else return []
getFiles = filter p <$> getDirectoryContents dir
doesPredFileExist file = doesFileExist $ dir </> file
:: LoggingFunction
-> Maybe GhcProc
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> IO (ExitCode, [String], [String], [String])
readProcessWithOutputFile l ghcProc work_dir fp args =
withSystemTempFile "bios-output" $ \output_file h -> do
hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
old_env <- getEnvironment
let (ghcPath, ghcArgs) = case ghcProc of
Just (p, a) -> (p, unwords a)
Nothing ->
( fromMaybe "ghc" (lookup hieBiosGhc old_env)
, fromMaybe "" (lookup hieBiosGhcArgs old_env)
let process = (readProcessInDirectory work_dir fp args)
{ env = Just
$ (hieBiosGhc, ghcPath)
: (hieBiosGhcArgs, ghcArgs)
: ("HIE_BIOS_OUTPUT", output_file)
: old_env
loggingConduit = (C.decodeUtf8 C..| C.lines C..| C.filterE (/= '\r') C..| C.map T.unpack C..| C.iterM l C..| C.sinkList)
(ex, stdo, stde) <- sourceProcessWithStreams process mempty loggingConduit loggingConduit
!res <- force <$> hGetContents h
return (ex, stdo, stde, lines (filter (/= '\r') res))
hieBiosGhc = "HIE_BIOS_GHC"
hieBiosGhcArgs = "HIE_BIOS_GHC_ARGS"
readProcessInDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> CreateProcess
readProcessInDirectory wdir p args = (proc p args) { cwd = Just wdir }
makeCradleResult :: (ExitCode, [String], [String]) -> [FilePath] -> CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions
makeCradleResult (ex, err, gopts) deps =
case ex of
ExitFailure _ -> CradleFail (CradleError ex err)
_ ->
let compOpts = ComponentOptions gopts deps
in CradleSuccess compOpts