{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module HIE.Bios.Types where

import           System.Exit
import           System.IO
import           Control.Exception              ( Exception )

data BIOSVerbosity = Silent | Verbose

data CradleOpts = CradleOpts
                { cradleOptsVerbosity :: BIOSVerbosity
                , cradleOptsHandle :: Maybe Handle
                -- ^ The handle where to send output to, if not set, stderr.

defaultCradleOpts :: CradleOpts
defaultCradleOpts = CradleOpts Silent Nothing


-- | The environment of a single 'Cradle'.
-- A 'Cradle' is a unit for the respective build-system.
-- It contains the root directory of the 'Cradle', the name of
-- the 'Cradle' (for debugging purposes), and knows how to set up
-- a GHC session that is able to compile files that are part of this 'Cradle'.
-- A 'Cradle' may be a single unit in the \"cabal-install\" context, or
-- the whole package, comparable to how \"stack\" works.
data Cradle a = Cradle {
  -- | The project root directory.
    cradleRootDir    :: FilePath
  -- | The action which needs to be executed to get the correct
  -- command line arguments.
  , cradleOptsProg   :: CradleAction a
  } deriving (Show, Functor)

type LoggingFunction = String -> IO ()

data ActionName a
  = Stack
  | Cabal
  | Bios
  | Default
  | Multi
  | Direct
  | None
  | Other a
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor)

data CradleAction a = CradleAction {
                      actionName :: ActionName a
                      -- ^ Name of the action.
                      , runCradle :: LoggingFunction -> FilePath -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions)
                      -- ^ Options to compile the given file with.
  deriving (Functor)

instance Show a => Show (CradleAction a) where
  show CradleAction { actionName = name } = "CradleAction: " ++ show name

-- | Result of an attempt to set up a GHC session for a 'Cradle'.
-- This is the go-to error handling mechanism. When possible, this
-- should be preferred over throwing exceptions.
data CradleLoadResult r
  = CradleSuccess r -- ^ The cradle succeeded and returned these options.
  | CradleFail CradleError -- ^ We tried to load the cradle and it failed.
  | CradleNone -- ^ No attempt was made to load the cradle.
  deriving (Functor, Show)

data CradleError = CradleError ExitCode [String] deriving (Show)

instance Exception CradleError where

-- | Option information for GHC
data ComponentOptions = ComponentOptions {
    componentOptions  :: [String]  -- ^ Command line options.
  , componentDependencies :: [FilePath]
  -- ^ Dependencies of a cradle that might change the cradle.
  -- Contains both files specified in hie.yaml as well as
  -- specified by the build-tool if there is any.
  -- FilePaths are expected to be relative to the `cradleRootDir`
  -- to which this CradleAction belongs to.
  -- Files returned by this action might not actually exist.
  -- This is useful, because, sometimes, adding specific files
  -- changes the options that a Cradle may return, thus, needs reload
  -- as soon as these files are created.
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)