module Control.Monad.Ghc (
    GhcT, runGhcT
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Prelude

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans as MTL

import Control.Monad.Catch

import Data.IORef

import qualified GHC
import qualified MonadUtils as GHC
import qualified Exception as GHC
import qualified GhcMonad as GHC

import qualified DynFlags as GHC

newtype GhcT m a = GhcT { unGhcT :: GHC.GhcT (MTLAdapter m) a }
                 deriving (Functor, Monad, GHC.HasDynFlags)

instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (GhcT m) where
  pure  = return
  (<*>) = ap

-- adapted from
-- modified to _not_ catch ^C
rawRunGhcT :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Maybe FilePath -> GHC.GhcT (MTLAdapter m) a -> MTLAdapter m a
rawRunGhcT mb_top_dir ghct = do
  ref <- liftIO $ newIORef (error "empty session")
  let session = GHC.Session ref
  flip GHC.unGhcT session $ {-GHC.withSignalHandlers $-} do -- do _not_ catch ^C
    GHC.initGhcMonad mb_top_dir
    GHC.withCleanupSession ghct

runGhcT :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Maybe FilePath -> GhcT m a -> m a
runGhcT f = unMTLA . rawRunGhcT f . unGhcT

instance MTL.MonadTrans GhcT where
    lift = GhcT . GHC.liftGhcT . MTLAdapter

instance MTL.MonadIO m => MTL.MonadIO (GhcT m) where
    liftIO = GhcT . GHC.liftIO

instance MonadCatch m => MonadThrow (GhcT m) where
    throwM = lift . throwM

instance (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadMask m) => MonadCatch (GhcT m) where
    m `catch` f = GhcT (unGhcT m `GHC.gcatch` (unGhcT . f))

instance (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => MonadMask (GhcT m) where
    mask f = wrap $ \s ->
               mask $ \io_restore ->
                 unwrap (f $ \m -> (wrap $ \s' -> io_restore (unwrap m s'))) s
        wrap g   = GhcT $ GHC.GhcT $ \s -> MTLAdapter (g s)
        unwrap m = unMTLA . GHC.unGhcT (unGhcT m)

    uninterruptibleMask f = wrap $ \s ->
                              uninterruptibleMask $ \io_restore ->
                                unwrap (f $ \m -> (wrap $ \s' -> io_restore (unwrap m s'))) s
        wrap g   = GhcT $ GHC.GhcT $ \s -> MTLAdapter (g s)
        unwrap m = unMTLA . GHC.unGhcT (unGhcT m)

    generalBracket acquire release body
      = wrap $ \s -> generalBracket (unwrap acquire s)
                                    (\a exitCase -> unwrap (release a exitCase) s)
                                    (\a -> unwrap (body a) s)
        wrap g   = GhcT $ GHC.GhcT $ \s -> MTLAdapter (g s)
        unwrap m = unMTLA . GHC.unGhcT (unGhcT m)

instance (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadMask m) => GHC.ExceptionMonad (GhcT m) where
    gcatch = catch
    gmask  = mask

instance (Functor m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadMask m) => GHC.GhcMonad (GhcT m) where
    getSession = GhcT GHC.getSession
    setSession = GhcT . GHC.setSession

-- | We use the 'MTLAdapter' to convert between similar classes
--   like 'MTL'''s 'MonadIO' and 'GHC'''s 'MonadIO'.
newtype MTLAdapter m a = MTLAdapter {unMTLA :: m a} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

instance MTL.MonadIO m => GHC.MonadIO (MTLAdapter m) where
    liftIO = MTLAdapter . MTL.liftIO

instance (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadMask m) => GHC.ExceptionMonad (MTLAdapter m) where
  m `gcatch` f = MTLAdapter $ unMTLA m `catch` (unMTLA . f)
  gmask io = MTLAdapter $ mask (\f -> unMTLA $ io (MTLAdapter . f . unMTLA))