Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Extension
- = OverlappingInstances
- | UndecidableInstances
- | IncoherentInstances
- | DoRec
- | RecursiveDo
- | ParallelListComp
- | MultiParamTypeClasses
- | MonomorphismRestriction
- | FunctionalDependencies
- | Rank2Types
- | RankNTypes
- | PolymorphicComponents
- | ExistentialQuantification
- | ScopedTypeVariables
- | PatternSignatures
- | ImplicitParams
- | FlexibleContexts
- | FlexibleInstances
- | EmptyDataDecls
- | CPP
- | KindSignatures
- | BangPatterns
- | TypeSynonymInstances
- | TemplateHaskell
- | ForeignFunctionInterface
- | Arrows
- | Generics
- | ImplicitPrelude
- | NamedFieldPuns
- | PatternGuards
- | GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- | ExtensibleRecords
- | RestrictedTypeSynonyms
- | HereDocuments
- | MagicHash
- | TypeFamilies
- | StandaloneDeriving
- | UnicodeSyntax
- | UnliftedFFITypes
- | InterruptibleFFI
- | CApiFFI
- | LiberalTypeSynonyms
- | TypeOperators
- | RecordWildCards
- | RecordPuns
- | DisambiguateRecordFields
- | TraditionalRecordSyntax
- | OverloadedStrings
- | GADTs
- | GADTSyntax
- | MonoPatBinds
- | RelaxedPolyRec
- | ExtendedDefaultRules
- | UnboxedTuples
- | DeriveDataTypeable
- | DeriveGeneric
- | DefaultSignatures
- | InstanceSigs
- | ConstrainedClassMethods
- | PackageImports
- | ImpredicativeTypes
- | NewQualifiedOperators
- | PostfixOperators
- | QuasiQuotes
- | TransformListComp
- | MonadComprehensions
- | ViewPatterns
- | XmlSyntax
- | RegularPatterns
- | TupleSections
- | GHCForeignImportPrim
- | NPlusKPatterns
- | DoAndIfThenElse
- | MultiWayIf
- | LambdaCase
- | RebindableSyntax
- | ExplicitForAll
- | DatatypeContexts
- | MonoLocalBinds
- | DeriveFunctor
- | DeriveTraversable
- | DeriveFoldable
- | NondecreasingIndentation
- | SafeImports
- | Safe
- | Trustworthy
- | Unsafe
- | ConstraintKinds
- | PolyKinds
- | DataKinds
- | ParallelArrays
- | RoleAnnotations
- | OverloadedLists
- | EmptyCase
- | AutoDeriveTypeable
- | NegativeLiterals
- | BinaryLiterals
- | NumDecimals
- | NullaryTypeClasses
- | ExplicitNamespaces
- | AllowAmbiguousTypes
- | JavaScriptFFI
- | PatternSynonyms
- | PartialTypeSignatures
- | NamedWildCards
- | DeriveAnyClass
- | DeriveLift
- | StaticPointers
- | StrictData
- | Strict
- | ApplicativeDo
- | DuplicateRecordFields
- | TypeApplications
- | TypeInType
- | UndecidableSuperClasses
- | MonadFailDesugaring
- | TemplateHaskellQuotes
- | OverloadedLabels
- | TypeFamilyDependencies
- | NoOverlappingInstances
- | NoUndecidableInstances
- | NoIncoherentInstances
- | NoDoRec
- | NoRecursiveDo
- | NoParallelListComp
- | NoMultiParamTypeClasses
- | NoMonomorphismRestriction
- | NoFunctionalDependencies
- | NoRank2Types
- | NoRankNTypes
- | NoPolymorphicComponents
- | NoExistentialQuantification
- | NoScopedTypeVariables
- | NoPatternSignatures
- | NoImplicitParams
- | NoFlexibleContexts
- | NoFlexibleInstances
- | NoEmptyDataDecls
- | NoCPP
- | NoKindSignatures
- | NoBangPatterns
- | NoTypeSynonymInstances
- | NoTemplateHaskell
- | NoForeignFunctionInterface
- | NoArrows
- | NoGenerics
- | NoImplicitPrelude
- | NoNamedFieldPuns
- | NoPatternGuards
- | NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- | NoExtensibleRecords
- | NoRestrictedTypeSynonyms
- | NoHereDocuments
- | NoMagicHash
- | NoTypeFamilies
- | NoStandaloneDeriving
- | NoUnicodeSyntax
- | NoUnliftedFFITypes
- | NoInterruptibleFFI
- | NoCApiFFI
- | NoLiberalTypeSynonyms
- | NoTypeOperators
- | NoRecordWildCards
- | NoRecordPuns
- | NoDisambiguateRecordFields
- | NoTraditionalRecordSyntax
- | NoOverloadedStrings
- | NoGADTs
- | NoGADTSyntax
- | NoMonoPatBinds
- | NoRelaxedPolyRec
- | NoExtendedDefaultRules
- | NoUnboxedTuples
- | NoDeriveDataTypeable
- | NoDeriveGeneric
- | NoDefaultSignatures
- | NoInstanceSigs
- | NoConstrainedClassMethods
- | NoPackageImports
- | NoImpredicativeTypes
- | NoNewQualifiedOperators
- | NoPostfixOperators
- | NoQuasiQuotes
- | NoTransformListComp
- | NoMonadComprehensions
- | NoViewPatterns
- | NoXmlSyntax
- | NoRegularPatterns
- | NoTupleSections
- | NoGHCForeignImportPrim
- | NoNPlusKPatterns
- | NoDoAndIfThenElse
- | NoMultiWayIf
- | NoLambdaCase
- | NoRebindableSyntax
- | NoExplicitForAll
- | NoDatatypeContexts
- | NoMonoLocalBinds
- | NoDeriveFunctor
- | NoDeriveTraversable
- | NoDeriveFoldable
- | NoNondecreasingIndentation
- | NoSafeImports
- | NoSafe
- | NoTrustworthy
- | NoUnsafe
- | NoConstraintKinds
- | NoPolyKinds
- | NoDataKinds
- | NoParallelArrays
- | NoRoleAnnotations
- | NoOverloadedLists
- | NoEmptyCase
- | NoAutoDeriveTypeable
- | NoNegativeLiterals
- | NoBinaryLiterals
- | NoNumDecimals
- | NoNullaryTypeClasses
- | NoExplicitNamespaces
- | NoAllowAmbiguousTypes
- | NoJavaScriptFFI
- | NoPatternSynonyms
- | NoPartialTypeSignatures
- | NoNamedWildCards
- | NoDeriveAnyClass
- | NoDeriveLift
- | NoStaticPointers
- | NoStrictData
- | NoStrict
- | NoApplicativeDo
- | NoDuplicateRecordFields
- | NoTypeApplications
- | NoTypeInType
- | NoUndecidableSuperClasses
- | NoMonadFailDesugaring
- | NoTemplateHaskellQuotes
- | NoOverloadedLabels
- | NoTypeFamilyDependencies
- | UnknownExtension String
- supportedExtensions :: [String]
- availableExtensions :: [Extension]
- asExtension :: String -> Extension
This represents language extensions beyond Haskell 98
that are supported by GHC (it was taken from
Cabal's Language.Haskell.Extension
supportedExtensions :: [String] Source #
availableExtensions :: [Extension] Source #
List of the extensions known by the interpreter.
asExtension :: String -> Extension Source #